15 research outputs found

    Karakterizacija različitih obalnih područja Jadrana u kasno proljeće

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of three coastal zones of the Adriatic Sea during late spring, and to identify similarities and differences among the zones. The trophic status of the Southeastern Adriatic-Sea, dominated by the discharge from the Buna/Bojana river delta watersheds, is compared with two other Adriatic regions: the Northwestern Adriatic Sea and the Southwestern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Manfredonia); the first is dominated by the Po River freshwater discharge and the second is one of the most productive areas of the Southwestern Adriatic. The areas are influenced by two main Adriatic surface currents: the Eastern Adriatic Current (EAC) that flows north-westward, and the Western Adriatic Current (WAC) that flows south-eastward. The measurements of temperature, salinity, fluorescence, oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll a in the three areas were collected and compared. The areas showed similar physical and bio-chemical characteristics, despite the Northern Adriatic is impacted by the Po River runoff and the WAC carries out along the Western Adriatic water rich of nutrients from the northern Italian rivers. The area affected by the Po River discharge showed maximum chlorophyll and nitrogen concentrations within the river plume. Moreover, the Southwestern Adriatic Sea showed a load of nutrients and organic matter connected to substances coming from the northern Italian rivers (mainly the Po River). Similarly, in the Southeastern Adriatic-Sea, the Buna/Bojana River discharge contained relatively high values in the regional chlorophyll distribution. The three areas are directly or indirectly linked to river plume dynamics and the associated inorganic and organic inputs determine the trophic state of the areas. In particular, the Southeastern Adriatic Sea was a meso-eutrophic area; despite the most eastern side of the Adriatic was an oligotrophic basin.Cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava triju obalnih područja Jadrana u kasno proljeće i ustanovljenje sličnosti i razlika među zonama. Trofički status jugoistočnog Jadran- skog mora, pod utjecajem dotoka slatke vode iz sliva rijeke Bune / Bojane, je u ovom radu uspoređen s druge dvije jadranske regije: sjeverozapadnim Jadranom i jugozapadnim Jadranom (zaljev Man -fredonia) u prvom dominiraju pražnjenja rijeke Po, dok je drugi jedno od najproduktivnijih područja jugozapadnog Jadrana. Područja su pod utjecajem dviju glavnih povrÅ”inskih struja Jadranskog mora: istočne jadranske struje (EAC) koja teče prema sjeverozapadu i zapadne jadranske struja (WAC) koja teče prema jugo-istoku. podaci o izmjerenoj temperaturu, slanosti, fluorescenciji, kisiku, hranjivim tvarima i klorofilu a su sakupljeni i uspoređeni za sva tri područja. Istraživana područja su pokazala slične fizičke i bio-kemijske karakteristike, unatoč činjenici da je sjeverni Jadran pod utjecajem dotoka rijeke Po, a zapadna jadranska struja (WAC) nosi duž zapadnog Jadrana vodu bogatu hranjivim tvarima iz talijanskih rijeka na sjeveru. Područje pogođeno dotokom rijeke Po pokazalo je maksimum koncentracije klorofila i duÅ”ika unutar rijeka. Å toviÅ”e, u jugozapadnom Jadranu količina hranjivih tvari i organske tvari je povezana s tvarima koje dolaze iz sjevernih talijanskih rijeka (uglavnom rijeke po). Slično tome, u jugoistočnom dijelu jadranskog mora, dotok rijeke Bune / Bojane sadržavao je relativno visoke vrijednosti klorofila na nivou regionalne distribucije. Tri područja su izravno ili neizravno povezana s dinamikom riječnih perjanica, te organskim i anorganskim riječnim unosom koji određuje trofičko stanje područja. Konkretno, jugoistočno Jadransko more je mezo-eutrofično područje; unatoč većoj istočnoj strani Jadrana koij je bio oligotrofan bazen

    Karakterizacija različitih obalnih područja Jadrana u kasno proljeće

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of three coastal zones of the Adriatic Sea during late spring, and to identify similarities and differences among the zones. The trophic status of the Southeastern Adriatic-Sea, dominated by the discharge from the Buna/Bojana river delta watersheds, is compared with two other Adriatic regions: the Northwestern Adriatic Sea and the Southwestern Adriatic Sea (Gulf of Manfredonia); the first is dominated by the Po River freshwater discharge and the second is one of the most productive areas of the Southwestern Adriatic. The areas are influenced by two main Adriatic surface currents: the Eastern Adriatic Current (EAC) that flows north-westward, and the Western Adriatic Current (WAC) that flows south-eastward. The measurements of temperature, salinity, fluorescence, oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll a in the three areas were collected and compared. The areas showed similar physical and bio-chemical characteristics, despite the Northern Adriatic is impacted by the Po River runoff and the WAC carries out along the Western Adriatic water rich of nutrients from the northern Italian rivers. The area affected by the Po River discharge showed maximum chlorophyll and nitrogen concentrations within the river plume. Moreover, the Southwestern Adriatic Sea showed a load of nutrients and organic matter connected to substances coming from the northern Italian rivers (mainly the Po River). Similarly, in the Southeastern Adriatic-Sea, the Buna/Bojana River discharge contained relatively high values in the regional chlorophyll distribution. The three areas are directly or indirectly linked to river plume dynamics and the associated inorganic and organic inputs determine the trophic state of the areas. In particular, the Southeastern Adriatic Sea was a meso-eutrophic area; despite the most eastern side of the Adriatic was an oligotrophic basin.Cilj ovog istraživanja je analiza fizikalnih i kemijskih svojstava triju obalnih područja Jadrana u kasno proljeće i ustanovljenje sličnosti i razlika među zonama. Trofički status jugoistočnog Jadran- skog mora, pod utjecajem dotoka slatke vode iz sliva rijeke Bune / Bojane, je u ovom radu uspoređen s druge dvije jadranske regije: sjeverozapadnim Jadranom i jugozapadnim Jadranom (zaljev Man -fredonia) u prvom dominiraju pražnjenja rijeke Po, dok je drugi jedno od najproduktivnijih područja jugozapadnog Jadrana. Područja su pod utjecajem dviju glavnih povrÅ”inskih struja Jadranskog mora: istočne jadranske struje (EAC) koja teče prema sjeverozapadu i zapadne jadranske struja (WAC) koja teče prema jugo-istoku. podaci o izmjerenoj temperaturu, slanosti, fluorescenciji, kisiku, hranjivim tvarima i klorofilu a su sakupljeni i uspoređeni za sva tri područja. Istraživana područja su pokazala slične fizičke i bio-kemijske karakteristike, unatoč činjenici da je sjeverni Jadran pod utjecajem dotoka rijeke Po, a zapadna jadranska struja (WAC) nosi duž zapadnog Jadrana vodu bogatu hranjivim tvarima iz talijanskih rijeka na sjeveru. Područje pogođeno dotokom rijeke Po pokazalo je maksimum koncentracije klorofila i duÅ”ika unutar rijeka. Å toviÅ”e, u jugozapadnom Jadranu količina hranjivih tvari i organske tvari je povezana s tvarima koje dolaze iz sjevernih talijanskih rijeka (uglavnom rijeke po). Slično tome, u jugoistočnom dijelu jadranskog mora, dotok rijeke Bune / Bojane sadržavao je relativno visoke vrijednosti klorofila na nivou regionalne distribucije. Tri područja su izravno ili neizravno povezana s dinamikom riječnih perjanica, te organskim i anorganskim riječnim unosom koji određuje trofičko stanje područja. Konkretno, jugoistočno Jadransko more je mezo-eutrofično područje; unatoč većoj istočnoj strani Jadrana koij je bio oligotrofan bazen

    Investigations on sediment profiles from Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania)

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    Lake Ohrid, at the Macedonian/Albanian border, was likely tectonically formed during the Tertiary and therefore is one of the oldest lakes in Europe. However, only a few studies exist concerning the potential of Lake Ohrid sediments for long-term palaeoenvironmental reconstructions within the scope of future potential deep-drilling campaigns. Therefore, as a first step, a transect of short surface sediment cores was investigated for chronology, physical properties, grain size, and biogeochemistry. The results were compared with information derived from a shallow hydro-acoustic seismic survey. The investigations indicate a rather uniform and bioturbated sedimentation in the central part of the lake basin with mean sedimentation rates of ca. 0.5-1 mm/year. The sediment composition is dominated by authigenetic carbonates. Diatom frustules or fragments form the major part of biogenic matter deposits, as indicated by the relatively high contents of biogenic opal and low contents of total organic carbon and total nitrogen. The shallow hydro-acoustic seismic survey indicates that horizons of sediment redeposition occur sporadically. Towards the shore of the lake, the sedimentation rate increases and sedimentation is increasingly influenced by local inflows or massmovement processes triggered by tectonic activities. Thus Lake Ohrid has a high potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions on a multi-decadal scale and provides additional information concerning tectonic activity in the region