29 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional stratigraphy reconstruction and GIS - postprocessing issues in archaeological field 3D documentation

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    This paper aims to present the results of experiments which allowed us to propose up-to-date method of 3D visual representation of explored archaeological layers. Considering the destructive nature of excavations, the correct documentation of an exploration, which offers an insight both into the decision-making process taking place on site, and into the most faithful representation of the examined material, presents a fundamental challenge for a field archaeologist. The aim of the experiments presented here was to test three methods of creating 3D models of successive archaeological layers (contexts) recorded during an exploration. The presented findings show that the method of editing point clouds using open-source software prior to importing the model of the reconstruction of the explored layer into GIS software, is the best solution from the point of view of both the effort and time required, and it can definitely be suggested as the standard procedure of creating the graphical bases for an archaeological database

    Zagrożenia dziedzictwa kulturowego i jego ochrona w Jordanii - analiza trzech przypadków

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    Artykuł podejmuje temat ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego na terenie Jordanii. Porównano w nim zagrożenia i sposób ochrony trzech dobrze zachowanych stanowisk archeologicznych, których rozkwit przypadał na czasy rzymskie i bizanty ńskie: Umm er-Rasas, Dajaniya i Tuwaneh. Różna charakterystyka omówionych stanowisk oraz ich położenie względem współczesnego osadnictwa sprawia, że borykają się one ze zróżnicowanymi zagrożeniami, co pozwala wyciągać bardziej ogólne wnioski dotyczące ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego w dzisiejszej Jordanii.The paper focuses on cultural heritage protection in Jordan. It analyses and compares dangers and ways of protection of three different archaeological sites dated mainly to the Roman and Byzantine periods: Umm er-Rasas, Dajaniya and Tuwaneh. Different characteristics of these sites and their location relative to modern settlements means that they are struggling with various threats. This in turn allows to draw more general conclusions regarding cultural heritage protection in modern Jordan

    Temporal Analysis of Looting Activity in Tūwāneh (Southern Jordan)

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    Looting is a worldwide issue that occurs not only in conflict zones or areas with weak governmental control. Although national and international agencies are addressing the problem, we are far from solving it, due to its complexity and the insufficient allocation of resources. In this article, we examine the temporal and spatial patterns of looting at the single site level (Tūwāneh, southern Jordan) over the past decade. Our analysis utilized orthomosaics created in 2018 and 2019, a systematic surface survey conducted in November 2022, and publicly available satellite imagery (via Google Earth Pro) dating back to August 2013. We identified a total of 723 looting pits, of which 259 were excavated before August 2013 and 140 between August 2013 and November 2022; 324 were inconclusive due to methodological limitations. The findings suggest that looting is a persistent issue in the area, highlighting the importance of implementing effective measures to prevent the loss of archaeological heritage

    Preliminary report on the research of the JU Institute of Archeology and the AGH UST Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering at the Dajaniya and Tuwaneh sites in Jordan – seasons 2018-2019

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    W artykule publikowane są wyniki badań ekspedycji Instytutu Archeologii UJ i Wydziału Geodezji Górniczej i Inżynierii Środowiska AGH w południowo-zachodniej Jordanii na stanowiskach Dajaniya (Ma’an Husseiniyeh) i Tuwaneh (Tafila Hessa) z lat 2018-2019.. Badania miały na celu wykonanie szczegółowych planów stanowisk oraz zadokumentowanie stanu zachowania pozostałości architektonicznych z użyciem fotogrametrii (z wysięgnika oraz latawca) oraz skaningu laserowego. Ponadto zarejestrowano również wkopy rabunkowe na obu stanowiskach. Przeprowadzono również prospekcję powierzchniową zbierając materiał ceramiczny oraz pojedyncze zabytki metalowe, która w przypadku Tuwaneh objęła centralną część stanowiska (w okolicach tzw. karawanseraju) oraz część wkopów rabunkowych i ich hałd. W 2019 roku wykonano również badania wykopaliskowe w obrębie trzech wykopów sondażowych w Tuwaneh na terenie starożytnych termhe article presents the preliminary results of research conducted by the expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Jagiellonian University and the Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering of the AGH University of Science and Technology in the south-western Jordan at Dajaniya (Ma’an Husseiniyeh) and Tuwaneh (Tafila Hessa) sites in 2018-2019. The main aim of the research was to create plans for both sites and document the state of preservation of architectural remains using photogrammetry (both pole- and kite-based) as well as terrestrial laser scanning. Additionally, robber pits were recorded at both sites. A surface prospection was also conducted, collecting ceramic and metal artifacts, which, in the case of Tuwaneh, covered the central part of the site (the area around the so-called caravanserai) and part of the robber trenches and their waste piles. In 2019, three trial trenches were also excavated in the vicinity of the ancient baths at Tuwane

    The Agora of Nea Paphos in Cyprus

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    The Agora of Nea Paphos : overview of research

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    A few comments on lommweight decoration

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    This short paper aims to provide an overview of the two main types of ornamentation applied to loomweights. This type of artifact, though usually classified in the so-called ‘small finds’ category, often contains very interesting objects on which we can observe various kinds of ornamentation. The author will firstly identify two main types of decoration. The first of them relates to the application of signs, symbols or letters, while the second is more spectacular as it involves the application of engraved, impressed or painted iconographic representations. The author will then attempt to outline the hypotheses which have been put forward concerning the reasons behind the decoration of loomweights. The author will focus on three main possible causes. The first is the marking of the manufacturer of the weight, the second is the personal desire of the owner (e.g. decorative purposes) and the third relates to the votive and funerary nature of this type of artifact

    Stratigraphy and Architecture of the Agora

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