145 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Penggunaan Jumlah Bibit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi Sawah

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    The number of seedlings per hill of rice plants affects the level of productivity , the use of seeds per hill with the right amount of rice production. This research aims to determine the effect of the number of seeds/clump on the growth and production of rice. Research using randomized block design (RBD) consists of five treatments with four replications. The treatments tested were: A (1 seedling/hill), B (3 seedling/hill), C (5 seedling/hill), D (7 seedling/hill), and E (9 seedling/hill). The seeds used are Batang Piaman variety, 25x25 cm spacing. The experiment sites in lowland farmers Lubuk Minturun Sungai Lareh village, Koto Tangah district, Padang city, West Sumatra province on wed season 2009/2010. Fertilizer is given as 150 kg Urea, 100 kg SP36 and 75 kg KCl per hectare. Urea and KCl are given three times, with brocasting system at 7, 28, and 45 Days After Planting (DAP), while the SP36 is given at 7 DAP combined with Urea and KCl. The results showed the treatment number of seedlings provide significant effect (P<0.05) on the number of grains per panicle and grain yield. However, no significantly effect (P<0.05) on plant height, maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, panicle length, percentage of empty grains, and weight of 1000 grains. The use number of seedlings less than five seedling per hill produces the high number of seeds per panicle and grain yield per hectare. Based on these results it can be concluded that the number of seed on the rice crops are not more than five seedling per hill

    Penampilan Bawang Merah Pada Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) Di Pulau Punjung Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    To support the growth of onion plants are optimal, the price factor is one of the easiest growth factors and factors of the environment that can be modified through fertilization.The used of fertilizers with the right amount could be increased plant growth. This research aims to get the best fertilizers on the growth and yield of onion. The experiment was conducted at farmers yard members of KRPL Ranah Lintas, Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency, from June to October 2012. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design (RBD), with involving five farmers as replication, where the sub-sample of each farmer 2 times so that the experimental units totaling 50 units. Seeds of onion used are varieties of Bima (derived from Balitsa Lembang), planted in polybags size 30 x 35 cm, before cutting the seedlings planted in the upper third. The treatments tasted were; (A) 0.0 g / pot equivalent to 0 kg/ha, (B) 0.375 g/pot equivalent to 125 kg/ha, (C) 0.75 g / pot equivalent to 250 kg/ha, (D) 1,125 g/pot equivalent to 375 kg/ha, and (E) of 500 kg / ha or 1.5 g/pot equivalent to 500 kg/ha. As a basic fertilizer used cow manure 20 t, Urea 150 kg, and SP36 200 kg / ha. The results showed that no significant effect on plant height and weight of a small bulb. The highest weight bulb/pot obtained of KCl giving 0.375 g/pot with the average weight of bulb/pot 50.65 g. The results suggested that to obtain optimal growth and yield of onion in this location (KRPL) of KCl should be given at a dose of 0.375 g/pot equivalent to 125 kg / ha

    Studi Penggunaan Pupuk Hayati Pada Tanaman Kedelai

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    Study of the use of biological fertilizers on soybean. One of the efforts to improve the growth and yield of soybean is to utilize biological fertilizer in the form of inoculants, both root nodule bacteria and endophytic bacteria. Assessment carried out on land formerly used for rice cultivation in Palangki, District Ampek Nagari, Sijunjung regency, West Sumatra, in the dry season (June to September 2010). The design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications, plot size of 5 x 4 m, using Anjasmoro soybean varieties, spacing of 40 x 10 cm, each planted 2 seeds / hole. Treatment in this study, namely: Land given lime without bacterial inoculation (A1); Land without lime, and soy beans inoculated bacteria (A2); Land given lime and soy beans inoculated bacteria (A3); and Land sown with soybean planting land former, given lime and seeds not inoculated bacteria (A4). Data were collected for plant height, number of primary branches, total number of pods, number of pods, amount number of seeds, seed fresh weight and dry weight of seeds. The study showed that treatment of ex-land sprinkled with soybean planting, and seeds were not inoculated lime and (A4) gives the highest response for each parameter of observation compared with other treatments

    Studi Sistem Tanam Jajar Legowo Terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Sawah

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    The studies of row planting system “legowo” to the increased productivity of lowland rice. This research aims to determine the best planting system in order to obtain optimum growth and yield. The experiment site in lowland farmers Piruko Sitiung, Dharmasraya district, West Sumatra, from May to September 2009. The research using a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 replications and 5 treatments planting systems, namely: (A) the Row “Legowo” 2:1, (B) the Row “Legowo” 4:1, (C) the Row “Legowo” 6:1, (D) the Row “Legowo” 8:1, and (e) Without the Row “Legowo” Control. Fertilizers are used ; 200 kg Urea, 100 kg SP36, and 50 kg KCl/ha. Urea and KCl are given three times with brocasting system at 1, 4 , and 7 weeks after planting (wap), while the SP36 is given at 1 wap combined with Urea and KCl. The seeds used Batang Piaman variety planted three seedling per hill, spacing of 25x25 cm . Data were collected on; plant height , maximum number of tillers/hill, number of productive tiller/hill, yield components, and yield. The results showed that “legowo” row planting system significantly affect the agronomic component plants, except at plant height. Against the yield components and the results also showed a marked influence on the percentage of empty grains unless and 1000 grain weight. “Legowo” row planting system can increase the yield of dry grain harvest around 19.90 to 22%. This experiment suggests that in order to obtain optimum productivity of lawland rice is recommended to use of “Legowo” row planting system

    Pengembangan Prospek Geowisata dan Agrowisata dari Potensi Sumber Daya Alam di Kabupaten Konawe Selatan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan prospek geowisata dan agrowisata dari potensi sumber daya alam dan lingkungan secara lebih terperinci, baik yang sudah digali tapi belum optimal maupun yang belum digali dan diusahakan akan ditemukan potensi baru untuk produk wisata. Penelitian ini berlokasi di kabupaten Konawe Selatan dengan pengembangan objek dan daya tarik wisata alam. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain dengan metode survei. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Jenis data ini diambil dari sumber data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini, melalui tiga teknik. yakni wawancara, pengamatan dan dokumen. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kelompok geowisata yang merupakan bagian dari objek kepariwisataan yang memanfaatkan alam atau kebumian sebagai objek utama yang ditemukan adalah geowisata pantai Pulau Hari dan Keindahan Alam Bawah Air, Pantai Polewali, Torobulu, Lapuko dan Trobulu, pemandian boro-boro, bendungan Aopu, Laeya dan Pudohoa, air terjun Moramo, Lasidala, dan Sandei, gua Anggase dan Kumapo dan air panas Kaendi dan Amohoa. Kelompok Agrowisata yang memanfaatkan USAha pertanian (agro) sebagai objek utama. ditemukan adalah agrowisata kebun tebu dan Rawa Aopa. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah obyek wisata yang tersedia di Kabupaten Konawe Selatan sangatlah bervariasi, meliputi obyek wisata alam yang dikelompokkan menjadi geowisata dan agrowisata dan juga obyek wisata budaya. Obyek wisata yang berpotensi tinggi untuk pengembangan antara lain keindahan dan keunikan bawah laut Pulau Hari, air terjun Moramo dan Rawa Aopa, bahkan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata utama di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

    Analisis Independensi Oditur Militer dalam Melaksanakan Fungsinya di Oditurat Militer Iii-14 Denpasar dengan Berlakunya Kebijakan Rencana Tuntutan

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    Military Prosecuting Attorney is one of the main components in enforcing the criminallaw in the military judicature system. Moreover, the Military Prosecuting Attorneys is asa prosecutor in the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). Confidently, it has majorfunction in demanding based on legitimating evidences in military court. Military ProsecutingAttorney can work its duty well, if it has independently in the function as general presector ofIndonesian military court system. Afterwards, the first problem is wheter Military ProsecutingAttorney independently achieve its function in Oditurat Militer III-14 Denpasar by conductedthe plan demans policy as of Military Prosecuting Attorney General Indonesian NationalArmed Forces? Whereas, the second problem is whether the efforts shoud be accomplishedin establishing independent Military Prosecuting Attorney? This research was conducted byempirical legal research methods, and the study was a descriptive analytic research by usingprimary data and secondary data. Based on this research, it can be concluded that; first,Military Prosecuting Attorneys in Oditurat Militer III-14 Denpasar became less independent,it was occured because the implementation of the plan demand policy by Military ProsecutingGeneral Attorney. It can be stated that the demand was only established by upper position andfinally, the judgments are not merely according conscience. Secondly, Military ProsecutingAttorney attempt to independently in military justce system in three aspects such as technicalfield of prosecution, field supervision and control, as well as education and training

    Pendidikan Keluarga Berbasis Gender

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    Among the three types of education, family education is the first education for children. In this first child family education doing physical activities, talk, get to know something, imitate, as well as other activities, which are learned through family education. Furthermore, in the family, parents are the first educators conduct educational foundation once the primary educator in the family. Through family education children begin to recognize a variety of symptoms, they are heard, seen, and felt. Similarly character in family education, morals, manners, cognitive abilities, attitudes, and various other aspects began to form. Therefore, family education is the foundation for further children's education, both formal and non-formal education. Besides, family education have contributed to the formation of character and characteristics of children. Family is the smallest unit in society in dealing with various issues including gender issues in the family. While a gap between men and women in terms of participation and control access opportunities and utilization of development in various aspects of life. In general, appear to have the level of backwardness of women in various fields such as: education, economic, social, political, and cultural. This is due to the ability of women have not been recognized by the community. Women are more often categorized as the weak, who are often protected or should be protected. Besides, most women prefer to be used as commodities also labeled as the weak, even missed the idol and the praise of men. Therefore, position of women in the lower even demeaned by men. With the existence of the phenomenon it is necessary to provide a clear understanding to the public about gender-based family education. This was deemed necessary to provide the public awareness of how important knowledge of gender-based family education. Through this program, families and communities, especially women will be completed with productive skills in an effort to enhancing the understanding and implementation of gender insights into family environment

    Optimum transmitter receiver ratio for maximum wireless energy transfer

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    Due to high demand of using cordless mobile device, the interest in wireless energy transfer (WET) has been growth intensively. This paper presented a method to obtained optimum transmitter receiver ratio for maximum performance of WET system using different initial antenna size at various distance. An optimized algorithm has been developed to determine the optimum ratios that yield the highest wireless transfer efficiency (WTE) at near field communication (NFC) frequency, 13.56MHz. 30mm Ă— 30mm single square loop antenna is used as initial size of both transmitter and receiver using FR4 with operating distance = 50mm. Operating distance and initial size of the antenna will be varied and the effect to the WTE will be studied using Matlab, verified using Microsoft Studio CST. At distance = 50mm and initial size of the antenna = 30mm Ă— 30mm, optimum transmitter to receiver ratio equal to 1:3 is obtained. The pattern of optimum transmitter receiver ratio between Matlab and CST has met an agreement. This research limited to integer transmitter receiver ratio used only and no decimal number being involved in magnify the transmitter size
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