28 research outputs found

    Silent spontaneous uterine rupture after previous cesarean section and myomectomy with delivery of a healthy newborn

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    Introduction. Silent spontaneous rupture of the uterus before labor with delivery of a healthy newborn and with no maternal or neonatal morbidity or mortality is very rare. Very few cases have been reported in literature. Case report. We report a case of silent spontaneous uterine rupture. Rupture was found during an elective repeat cesarean section. Patient had history of one prior cesarean myomectomy. At 38 weeks of gestation, before labour has started and before any symptoms, the patient underwent elective caesarean section with delivery of a healthy and eutrophic female infant. Uterine rupture in previous myomectomy scar and intact amniotic sac with fetus inside was found as soon as peritoneum was opened. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 5 with healthy newborn. Conclusion. Though silent spontaneous rupture of the uterus before term is very rare condition, all pregnant women with previous hysterotomy should be warned about possibility of spontaneous uterine rupture even before labour has started

    A retrospective investigation of preterm birt h in breech presentation during the period of 26 years

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    Breech presentation is childbirth, during which may be expected higher perinatal mortality and morbidity when compared to cephalic presentation. The breech presentation complicates 20–35 % of preterm delivery. This group of neonates is exposed to hypoxic damages, as well as birth injuries with consequent intracranial hemorrhages. The mortality rate of preterm infants is much higher than the mortality of full-term infants. A higher risk of perinatal asphyxia and birth trauma makes obstetricians decide for operative completion by Cesarean section. Research methods. We conducted a retrospective study and analyzed and compared perinatal categories: perinatal mortality and morbidity, the mode of pregnancy completion, and the incidence of Cesarean section and vaginal delivery in six periods. Patients and research methods. The studied material was collected for the period of the past 26 years from the archives in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. All singleton pregnancies with the breech presentation were analyzed, delivered either vaginally or by Cesarean section. Results. The incidence of Cesarean sections in preterm births with breech presentation gradually grows through the studied period. Obstetricians were increasingly opting for a Cesarean section in the situation of preterm birth and breech presentation, to eliminate traumatic and hypoxic damage, and thus tried to reduce perinatal mortality. The perinatal mortality rate of premature fetuses in a breech presentation who were delivered vaginally, according to numerous authors was statistically significantly higher compared to the perinatal mortality of premature neonates who were delivered by Cesarean section. Conclusion. The research emphasizes the importance of the completion of the premature birth of a child in the breech presentation by Cesarean section if the child is alive and there are no identifiable development defects

    Procjena posmortalnog intervala u jelena običnog (Cervus elaphus) na temelju biokemijskih vrijednosti staklovine korištenjem linearne regresijske analize

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    Vitreous fluid is a stable biological fluid, which is well-protected from contamination and post mortem degradation, which makes it suitable in forensic pathology for determination of the post mortem interval (PMI). The present study was conducted to discover the correlation between increasing PMI and levels of various vitreous biochemical parameters (sodium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, potassium, phosphor, AST, urea, creatinine, total protein, glucose, total cholesterol). The estimation of PMI in red deer is of great interest in cases of illegal hunting. The vitreous humour samples were collected from six red deer carcasses. The eyes were enucleated, covered by parafilm and aluminium foil, packed in a small container and maintained at +4 ºC. Sampling of vitreous fluid was done again at 8, 10 and then regularly each 10 hours until finally 90 hours after death. A significant linear correlation was found for potassium, sodium and chloride (P<0.0001). The present study revealed that biochemical analysis of vitreous fluid could be used to determine post mortem interval in red deer.Staklovina je stabilna biološka tekućina koja je dobro zaštićena od kontaminacije i postmortalne degradacije što je čini pogodnom u forenzičkoj patologiji za određivanje postmortalnog intervala (PMI). Ovo je istraživanje provedeno kako bi se utvrdila korelacija između povećanja (PMI) i razina različitih biokemijskih parametara staklovine (natrij, kalcij, magnezij, klorid, kalij, fosfor, AST, urea, kreatinin, ukupni protein, glukoza, ukupni kolesterol). Procjena PMI-ja u jelena običnog od velikog je interesa za slučajeve protuzakonitog lova. Za potrebe istraživanja staklovina je prikupljena od šest odstrijeljenih jelena. Nakon što su oči izvađene, obložene su parafilmom i aluminijskom folijom te smještene u posudice pohranjene na stalnu temperaturu od +4 ºC. Staklovina je prikupljena 8., 10., a zatim redovito svakih 10 sati do, konačno, 90. sata nakon smrti. Linearnom regresijskom analizom utvrđena je povezanost PMI-ja s kalijem, natrijem i kloridima (P<0,0001). Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da bi se biokemijska analiza staklaste tekućine mogla koristiti za određivanje PMI-ja kod jelena običnog

    Vrijednosti za acidobazni status te hematološke i biokemijske pokazatelje za populaciju Grantove zebre (Equus quagga boehmi) u zoološkim vrtovima

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    The study was carried out on 14 female and 12 male Grant’s zebras to investigate the acid-base status, hematological and serum biochemistry values of a captive population. Sampling was performed during the years 2010 and 2011. The examined parameters included: acid-base parameters, hematology, serum biochemistry, enzyme activity and serum minerals. The most noticeable differences from zebras in other studies were higher MCHC and MCH values and lower MCV values. In comparison to domestic and wild horses, the zebras had very similar values for hematological parameters. Hematological values did not differ between males and females. Determination of acid-base status revealed similar values to domestic and wild horses, with high variations only in chloride values. Zebras had similar values to healthy horses for total protein, triglycerides, total cholesterol, ALP, ALT, AST and albumin/globulin ratio, while their GGT was higher We found significant differences between male and female zebras for five biochemical parameters. Female zebras had higher values for ALT, albumin, albumin/globulin ratio and triglycerides than males, while males had significantly higher values for GGT and AST. The findings of this study may be useful to veterinary clinicians or biologists working with captive or free-ranging zebras. Future studies should focus on the link between diet and blood metabolites, and stress hormones in Grant’s zebra and similar animals.Istraživanje je provedeno na 14 ženskih i 12 muških Grantovih zebri kako bi se utvrdile vrijednosti za acidobazni status te hematološke i biokemijske vrijednosti kod populacije u zoološkim vrtovima. Uzorci seruma uzeti su tijekom 2011. i 2012. te su pretraženi na: 14 pokazatelja acidobaznog statusa, 13 hematoloških, 10 metabolita te 4 enzima i 3 minerala. Najveća odstupanja u odnosu na druge studije bile su veće MCHC i MCH vrijednosti i niže vrijednosti MCV. U usporedbi s domaćim i divljim konjima, zebre su imale vrlo slične vrijednosti hematoloških pokazatelja. Hematološke vrijednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale ovisno o spolu. Određivanje acidobaznog statusa pokazalo je slične vrijednosti prema domaćim i divljim konjima s izuzetkom vrijednosti klora. Zebre su imale slične vrijednosti za ukupne proteine, trigliceride, ukupni kolesterol, ALP, ALT, AST i omjer albumin/globulin kao zdravi konji, dok je GGT vrijednost bila veća. Ustanovljene su značajne razlike između mužjaka i ženki za pet biokemijskih parametara. Ženke su imale više vrijednosti za trigliceride, omjer albumina i globulina, albumine i ALT u odnosu na mužjake, dok su mužjaci imali značajno više vrijednosti za GGT i AST. Nalazi ovog istraživanja mogu biti korisni za veterinare i biologe koji rade sa zebrama u divljini ili u zoološkim vrtovima. Buduća istraživanja treba usmjeriti na vezu između prehrane i krvnih metabolita te hormona stresa od Grantovih zebri i ostalih divljih ekvida

    Otvorenost gospodarske jedinice Belevine, NPŠO Zalesina, i prijedlog daljnjega otvaranja

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    Jedan od preduvjetâ potrebnih za racionalno gospodarenje šumskim ekosustavom svakako je kvalitetna šumska prometna infrastruktura. Nedovoljna otvorenost i nepovoljan razmještaj u prostoru primarne i sekundarne prometne infrastrukture stvara probleme u gospodarenju šumama te poskupljuje pridobivanje drva. U ovom je radu prikazano sadašnje stanje primarne i sekundarne otvorenosti gospodarske jedinice Belevine te srednje stvarne udaljenosti privlačenja drva na razini odjela/odsjeka. Iznesen je i prijedlog daljnjega otvaranja prostorno izdvojenoga odjela 18. Odjel 18 najmanje je otvorena površina te gospodarske jedinice (GJ) i u potpunosti je okružen privatnim površinama. U raščlambi parametara otvorenosti istraživanoga područja primijenjeni su programi ArcGIS 10.1 i QGIS 2.14.3. U istraživanoj GJ srednja stvarna udaljenost privlačenja drva iznosi 156,7 ± 127,3 m, s najvećom udaljenosti od 762 m i ukupnim faktorom privlačenja drva od 2,02. Analiza faktora privlačenja drva na razini odjela/odsjeka GJ Belevine dala je širok raspon podataka, od najmanjih 0,32 do najvećih 3,25, što postavlja upitnim primjenu pretvorbenih faktora na najnižoj operativnoj razini. Nakon predložene rekonstrucije poljskoga puta u šumsku cestu smanjena je srednja geometrijska udaljenost privlačenja drva odjela 18 (478 m ® 253 m), odnosno njegovih pojedinih odsjeka: 18a (373 m ® 254 m), 18b (509 m ® 214 m) te 18c (677 m ® 344 m)

    Pravastatin u terapiji trudnice s teškom preeklampsijom

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    Hipertenzivni poremećaji su među najčešćim komplikacijama trudnoće, a pojavnost im iznosi oko 6%. Znatno povećavaju maternalni, fetalni i neonatalni morbiitet i mortalitet. Preeklampsija je definirana pojavom hipertenzije i proteinurije nakon 20 tjedana trudnoće. Iako se ova dva kriterija smatraju klasičnom definicijom preeklampsije, neke trudnice s hipertenzijom ukazuju na ozbiljnost bolesti i u odsutnosti proteinurije. Liječenje hipertenzivnih poremećaja u trudnoći je simptomatsko. Pravastatin je jedan od vodećih i najučinkovitijih statina dobivenih iz prirodnog produkta kompaktina. Statini su široko korišteni lijekovi koji smanjuju rizik od koronarnih bolesti srca i moždanog udara snižavanjem razine kolesterola. Oni selektivno inhibiraju ključni regulatorni enzim sinteze kolesterola, smanjujući tako razinu LDL-a u plazmi. To je najhidrofilniji spoj među statinima, pa se smatra da u maloj količini prelazi posteljicu. Smatra se da pravastatin nije teratogen i da je nepravedno stavljen u kategoriju X za trudnoću prema FDA-u. Dokazano je, pravastatin snižava topljivi receptor Flt-1, a povećava razinu PlGF-a, odnosno pokazao se efikasnim u prevenciji i liječenju preeklampsije. Uz prikaz trudnice s teškom kroničnom hipertenzijom i nakalemljenom preeklamsijom koja je liječena pravastatinom dajemo i literaturni prikaz o utjecaju pravastatina u prevenciji i liječenju preeklampsije

    Mitochondrial unfolded protein response, mitophagy and other mitochondrial quality control mechanisms in heart disease and aged heart

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    Mitochondria are involved in crucial homeostatic processes in the cell: the production of adenosine triphosphate and reactive oxygen species, and the release of pro-apoptotic molecules. Thus, cell survival depends on the maintenance of proper mitochondrial function by mitochondrial quality control. The most important mitochondrial quality control mechanisms are mitochondrial unfolded protein response, mitophagy, biogenesis, and fusion-fission dynamics. This review deals with mitochondrial quality control in heart diseases, especially myocardial infarction and heart failure. Some previous studies have demonstrated that the activation of mitochondrial quality control mechanisms may be beneficial for the heart, while others have shown that it may lead to heart damage. Our aim was to describe the mechanisms by which mitochondrial quality control contributes to heart protection or damage and to provide evidence that may resolve the seemingly contradictory results from the previous studies