569 research outputs found

    Shadow Detection using DWT with Multi-Wavelet Selection & user Configurable Variance Parameters

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    Moving cast shadows are a noteworthy worry in today's execution from expansive scope of numerous vision-based observation applications in light of the fact that they exceedingly troublesome the item characterization assignment. A few shadow identification strategies have been accounted for in the writing amid the most recent years. They are for the most part partitioned into two spaces. One more often than not works with static pictures, though the second one uses picture arrangements, to be specific video content. Regardless of the way that both cases can be similarly dissected, there is a distinction in the application field. The main case, shadow identification strategies can be misused to get extra geometric and semantic signs about shape and position of its throwing article ('shape from shadows') and the restriction of the light source. While in the second one, the primary reason for existing is normally change discovery, scene coordinating or reconnaissance (for the most part in a foundation subtraction connection). In our examination we have fundamentally focusssed on the identification of shadow from the facilitating so as to move article through a video observation test multi-wavelet choice and client configurable difference parameters. In our test client can pick the diverse wavelets and change parameters. Edge model based super determination technique is utilized to improve results. Additionally the impact of advanced watermarking is concentrated on for the super-determined VOP(Video articles planes). Various experiments have been proposed and figured out a best system for video reconnaissance application. Our proposed super determination (SR) system gives preferred results over bilinear and bi-cubic routines

    Yoga is an effective technique of stress reduction within the medical population: a biochemical study in MBBS students of BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background: Medicine is a profession with high-stress prevalence. There are many stress markers but cortisol is one of the commonly used stress marker. Stress begins in the first year of medical carrier and increases with subsequent years of medical education. There is a decrease in overall academic performance and many health-related adverse effects due to stress. In this study, yoga was performed in the first year MBBS students of BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur and the impact of yoga in stress reduction was studied using serum cortisol as stress a marker.Methods: Study groups, yoga and control contained 26 and 27 subjects including male and female MBBS students. Yoga group practiced selected yogic asana, pranayama, and yoga nidra for 3 months. The control group as a stress marker had been kept in touch and allowed to go on their usual activity as before. Morning (8.00 AM to 9.00 AM) serum cortisol level was used as a stress marker in both group, pre and post-study.Results: There was a significant reduction in morning serum cortisol level (stress level) in yoga group (p-value = 0.0271) but there was no significant change in morning serum cortisol level of the control group (p-value = 0.8573).Conclusions: Yoga is an effective stress reduction technique for medical students. Yoga classes should be introduced in the first year of the medical carrier under the supervision of expert physiologists. This may lead to the implantation of a healthy lifestyle in our future healthcare providers. Yogic practice by health care providers may have long term positive impacts on our healthcare system

    Study of difference in cognitive functions after a single manic episode versus recurrent episodes in euthymic bipolar 1 patients

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    Background: Neurocognitive deficits have been substantially documented in patients with bipolar disorder in the euthymic state. The assessment of cognitive change from first episode mania is crucial in understanding whether cognitive deficits are progressive or already present from the first diagnostic episode of bipolar I disorder. The objective of the study is to assess and compare the cognitive function in bipolar I patients with one manic episode and recurrent episodes currently in remission.Methods: A cross sectional observational study consisting of 3 groups was carried on eighty cases each of bipolar 1 disorder patients in euthymic phase with one manic, more than 3 manic episodes and controls. These were subjected to the neuropsychological assessment and then compared.Results: The patients with recurrent episodes group shows poor performance upon digit span test, visuospatial memory test, verbal learning and memory test, color stroop test and trail making test than patients with single manic episode and healthy controls upon these cognitive tests.Conclusions: The present finding suggest that there is impairment in various cognitive domains like executive function, attention, memory even in bipolar patients after single manic episode

    Study of Wavefront Tilt Variance with Various Telescope Apertures in Indoor Convective Turbulence

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    Turbulent atmosphere produces random wavefront tilt in the propagating laser beam and the dynamics of turbulence is largely depend on the receiving optics aperture size. In this paper, wavefront tilt variance is studied with various telescope aperture sizes in indoor convective turbulence. A simple experimental setup is described for simulating the near ground atmospheric turbulence by generating different strengths of convective turbulence in the laboratory. A laser beam is made to propagate through the turbulence subsequently induced wavefront tilt variances are experimentally measured and analyzed statistically. The wavefront tilt variance is used to estimate the temporal characteristics using Fourier transform by varying aperture sizes and turbulence strengths (i.e. ambient, weak and moderate). The Hurst exponent, the Fried parameter and the wavefront tilt frequencies for the different turbulence strengths are calculated. The power dependence of the wavefront tilt variance on the telescope aperture size is studied and a deviation from the classical D-1/3 dependence is reported

    A Comparative Performance Evaluation of a Set of Swarm Intelligence based Optimization Algorithms for Economic Operation with FACTS Devices in Power Systems

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    499-507In this article an effective Reactive Power Management (RPM) method using a Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) has been proposed, which minimizes the loss of energy, improves the power transfer capacity and reduces the overall cost of transmission network lines. The position of FACTS was optimized by two recently proposed heuristic optimization techniques, i.e., Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) and Teaching Learning Based Optimization (TLBO). It is observed that installing the FACTS in this optimal position improves the voltage profile at minimum installation cost. The overall effectiveness of the proposed approaches were examined by implementing it on a IEEE 30-bus network