11 research outputs found

    Adverse cutaneous drug reactions reporting in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Eastern India: a retrospective study

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    Background: Any unwanted changes to mucous membrane, skin, its appendages and drug eruptions related adverse events are known as adverse cutaneous drug reaction (ACDR). It has 2-5% incidence in developing countries. The current study was undertaken to analyse adverse cutaneous drug reactions spectrum clinically, drugs responsible, assessment of causality, severity, and preventability in our setup.Methods: Current study was an observational, retrospective, non-interventional analysis of voluntarily reported ADRs forms, between April 2018 and January 2020.  All cutaneous ADRs reported within this period were identified. Data obtained were expressed in numbers, percentages.Results: 130 cutaneous ADRs was reported during the period of study. Fixed drug eruptions (30%) was the most common cutaneous reaction. The most common causal drug groups were antimicrobials (58.5%). Amongst antimicrobials, ornidazole (8.5%) was the most common drug. The most common drug in NSAID group was paracetamol (14.6%). The major drug causing ACDRs in our study was Paracetamol (14.6%). Assessment of causality revealed 37.7% were probable and 62.3% were possible reactions. Assessment of severity showed 78.5% as mild and 21.5% as moderate. Assessment of preventability showed that 6.1% probably preventable and 93.9% not preventable.Conclusions: Knowledge of the pattern of cutaneous reactions and the causative drugs guides us in early diagnosis of the condition, better management and associated decrease in morbidity, mortality. In the current study, the most common causal drug group were antimicrobials. The most common morphological pattern and drug causing ACDRs were fixed drug eruptions and paracetamol, respectively

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    Not AvailableA hydrophila is a potential bacterial pathogen for humans and aquatic animals and is of zoonotic importance. A. hydrophila was isolated from fish, meat and water samples and screened using PCR. A 209 bp DNA product could be amplified in positive cases. RAPD analysis indicated a high degree of genomic variability among A. hydrophila isolates. All A. hydrophila. isolates from meat samples were grouped in one group with similarity index varying between 0 and 85%, while A. hydrophila from fish and water samples were mixed with similarity index between 0 and 78%.Not Availabl

    Resolution of the LHCb η c anomaly

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    Abstract Due to the heavy-quark symmetry of Non-Relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics (NRQCD), the cross-section for the production of η c can be predicted. This NRQCD prediction when confronted with data from the LHCb is seen to fail miserably. We address this LHCb η c anomaly in this paper using a new approach called modified NRQCD, an approach that has been shown to work extremely well for studying J/ψ, ψ′ and χ c production at the LHC. We show, in the present paper, that the predictions for η c production agrees very well with LHCb measurements at the three different values of energy that the experiment has presented data for. Modified NRQCD also explains the intriguing agreement of the LHCb η c data with the colour-singlet prediction. The remarkable agreement of the theoretical predictions with the LHCb data suggests that modified NRQCD is closer to apprehending the true dynamics of quarkonium production

    Understanding J/ψJ/\psi and ψ′\psi ' production using a modified version of Non-Relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics

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    There is serious disagreement between the predictions of Non-Relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics (NRQCD) and the data on J/ψJ/\psi polarisation which has persisted for almost a quarter of a century. We find that if we account for the effect of perturbative soft gluons on the intermediate charm-anticharm octet states in NRQCD then the polarisation problem can be resolved. In addition, this model, when used to fit the Run 1 data on J/ψJ/\psi and ψ′\psi ' production from the CDF experiment at Tevatron, gives good fits and yields values of (energy-independent) non-perturbative parameters. These, in turn, can be used to make parameter-free predictions for J/ψJ/\psi and ψ′\psi ' data from the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider and the predictions are in excellent agreement with the CMS data.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Combined heat loss analysis of trapezoidal shaped solar cooker cavity using computational approach

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    The present paper focuses on computational approach to analyze the heat loss due to natural convection and radiation in a trapezoidal shaped solar cooker. Heat losses due to forced convection and radiation are considered from the top glass cover. The results are verified with standard procedure. Radiative heat loss from the cavity is found to be dominant mode which contributes around 70–80% of the total heat loss. Parametric studies regarding heat loss from the cavity are studied by varying cavity depths, heat transfer coefficients based on the wind speed above the glass surface, emissivity of the plate. Based on different parameters, flow pattern and isotherms inside the cavity have been analyzed. Results are obtained in non-dimensional forms for more generic use and correlation between the total average Nusselt number and its influencing parameters has been formulated for the considered solar cooker cavity. Keywords: Solar cooker, Trapezoidal cavity, Combined heat loss, Computational approach, Flow pattern, Nusselt number, Correlatio

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    Not AvailableCommensalisms or symbiosis or the concept of probiosis is a prospective outcome of the dynamic co evolution of host-bacterial relationships. The use of antibiotics is discouraged in aquaculture as it has led to the appearance of drug-resistant bacteria, immunosuppression in animals besides harmful effects on the environment and concerns on food safety. Strain specific immunomodulation by probiotic bacteria was determined experimentally. The feeding of different strains of probionts Lactbacillus rhamnosus, Bacillus subtilis, Eterococcous faecium was found to influence immune response both at local and systemic level. The non-specific cellular immune response increased with probiotic feeding as reflected in the increase of phagocytosis and super oxide anion of head kidney leucocytes in rainbow trout and humoral response as lysozyme activity. The upregulation of cytokines like, Interleukin (IL1), Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), Transforming growth factor (TGF) isolated from head kidney leucocytes and other tissues of the probiotic fed groups were observed compared to that of the control fish. Cytokines induced by these probionts may thus be important regulators of gut-associated immune system. Probiotic as a factor for immunomodulation including the immune gene modulation which in turn is correlated to the health status of this lower vertebrates, could probably be explored for developing alternate health management strategy in aquaculture.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe present study was conducted to assess the effect of oxytetracycline hydrochlo-ride (OTC) in rohu, Labeorohita, with graded doses viz., 80 (1×), 240 (3×), 400 (5×) and 800 (10×) mg kg−1 fish biomass day−1 respectively through feed. Four hundred and fifty healthy rohu juveniles (20 ± 0.12 g) were fed for 30 days followed by 10 days of withdrawal period. Each 10 days intervals, five fish were randomly sampled for blood, serum and tissue for estimation of growth, non-specific immune parameters, enzy-matic activities and retention of OTC in muscle tissue. The results showed that there was no significant difference (p > .05) on growth in the treated fish compared with the control. Respiratory burst activity, myeloperoxidase activity, bacterial haemag-glutination and haemolysis activities were enhanced significantly (p < .05) on 10th and 20th day in the fish fed with 80 and 240 mg kg−1 biomass day−1 respectively during the feeding trial compared with the control. Lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phos-phatase activity increased significantly (p < .05) in the fish fed with 400 and 800 mg kg−1 biomass day−1 respectively compared with the control. Liquid chromatography– mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry study of muscle tissue reveals that OTC was retained in muscle tissue in a dose dependent manner and significantly (p < .05) low-est level (0.44 ± 0.03 ppb) was observed on 40th day in the treated fish fed with 80 mg kg−1 biomass day−1. Hence, 80 mg kg−1 fish biomass day−1 of OTC may be adhered in L. rohita for treating the fish through feed with 10 days of withdrawal period.Not Availabl