13 research outputs found

    Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and their dietetic correction in infants

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    Background. In 60–70 % of cases of visiting a doctor, the leading complaints from parents, who have children of the first months of life, are symptoms of discomfort from the infant’s gastrointestinal tract: regurgitation, intestinal colic, diarrhea, constipation, which in most cases are not associated with organic changes and arise in apparently healthy children, without causing significant changes in their health status. The most frequent manifestations of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract include regurgitation — passive reflux of a small amount of gastric contents into the pharynx, the oral cavity and outwards. The tendency to regurgitation, accor-ding to various authors, is observed in 20–85 % of apparently healthy infants, and in 47 % of them, it has a persistent nature. The aim of the study: to evaluate the clinical efficiency of antireflux mixture, in which non-digestible polysaccharides — locust bean gum are used as a thickening agent. Materials and methods. The study group consisted of 32 children aged 1 to 12 months with regurgitation. The intensity of regurgitation was assessed in points according to a specially developed and mo-dified scale (G. Vandenplas icnibali, 1993; Shadryn O., 2010). The main group included 20 children, who received antireflux mixture, as a thickening agent, locust bean gum was used; the comparison group — 12 infants, who received antireflux mixture, as a thickening agent, starch was used. Attention was also paid to the “therapeutic position” during feeding: the child’s semi-vertical position during feeding, keeping the child in a vertical position after feeding for at least 10 minutes. Results. The control of the efficiency of the resulting mixtures was monitored by a comparative analysis of the dynamics of complaints and objective data. After 10 days of “treatment” by nutrition and position, in the main group 5 children (25 %) did not have regurgitations; in 13 children (65 %), the volume and frequency of regurgitations decreased throughout the day; in 2 patients (10 %), the volume and frequency of regurgitation remained unchanged. In the comparison group, no regurgitation was observed in 2 (16.7 %) infants, the volume and frequency of regurgitation decreased in 7 (58.2 %), the vo-lume and frequency of regurgitation remained unchanged in 3 (25.1 %) children. Conclusions. Thus, the antireflux effect of mixtures, in which locust bean gum is used as a thickening agent, starts in earlier terms and is more significant

    Situation in dominant motives of students’ training at the department of propaedeutic pediatrics

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    Currently, the problem of the formation of highly skilled professionals has become increasingly important. Modern society imposes special requirements on a graduate medical school, among which the most important are professionalism, activity and ability to compassion, communication skills through understanding and knowledge of medical ethics and deontology. This is why the training of future specialists is a complicated process determined by many factors in modern education. The problem of the motivation is one of the basic problems in education, and the most important parameter, which determines the effectiveness of the learning process of students, is their personal interest or motivation to study. The third-year students of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy took part in the research. This article reviews the current state of the problem in educational and professional motivation of local and foreign students in the process of learning activities, namely studying the subject “propedeutic pediatrics”. The results of researches on the main, dominant motives of teaching third-year students of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy were presented; the analysis of the dominant reasons for receiving higher medical education by modern students were analyzed; the degree of importance for each student had been determined. There were found differences between the educational motives of local and foreign students. The results of studying the main groups of motives for students’ vocational training and distribution of these groups of motives by the rank values could serve as a basis for further study aimed at improving the quality of education and students self-development according to their individual, personal qualities, level of educational motives

    Features of legal regulation of artificial intelligence as a guarantee of sustainable development of society

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    The authors of the article consider the features of the legal regulation of artificial intelligence that guarantee the sustainable development of society in the era of global digitalization. The artificial intelligence-induced transformation of the world-building is leading to a change in the legal landscape. In this regard, the authors investigate artificial intelligence as a subject and object of legal regulation. The article provides an overview of foreign and Russian legislation in artificial intelligence, based on which a legal model of a single codified act is proposed. The authors advert to the need for technical and public control when introducing artificial intelligence into operation, and also for a priori legal regulation of artificial intelligence. Based on theoretical research methods, such as the axiomatic method, analysis and synthesis, systematization, modeling and forecasting, the authors conclude that a comprehensive, consistent, systemic and prospective legal regulation can remove the possible risks of introducing AI technologies, the threat of human destruction and provide a guarantee for the sustainable development of society

    Dynamics of the indicators of educational motivation of medical students at different stages of learning

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    Background. The emergence of new communication and information networks make people to adapt to the new realities of life. The requirements for higher education are changing. The transition to the credit transfer system of education, which provides the formation of students’ self-organization skills, focuses on increasing the level of their responsibility, motivates them to develop self-study skills. Objective: the definition and comparison of the orientation of motivation, as well as the determination of the dominant motives for choosing the profession in third- and sixth-year students and interns of the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy. Materials and methods. The study involved 168 third-year students, 28 sixth-year students, as well as 15 interns of the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy. We have used the test questionnaire of A.O. Rean “Motivation to achieve and avoid failure”, as well as A.O. Rean and V.O. Yakunin test for determining the motives of students’ learning. The Microsoft Excel 2010 program was used to process the findings. Results. It was revealed that a greater number of students is characterized by the presence of positive motivation in the learning process. At the same time, the number of sixth-year students and interns with a high level of positive motivation is much higher than that of third-year students. It was also found that for a larger number of students, the presence of internal, cognitive motives is characteristic. It should be noted that, depending on the year of study, the prevailing motives for teaching students vary, which may be related to the formation of interest in studies, an understanding of the meaning of learning activities and the importance of this process for the future life of a particular student. Conclusions. Since the successful formation of the professional readiness of young specialists consists not only in identifying the real level of existing motivation, but also in adjusting and controlling the dynamics of changes of the motivational component in the process of their practical training, the results of this study can serve as a basis for further improvement of the educative process and self-development of students, taking into account their individual and personal qualities

    Modern features of complementary feeding and their efficiency in baby-led feeding

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    Background. Baby-led feeding exists in the practice of pediatrics since 2002. But there are still no clear results on the effectiveness of its implementation and the impact on the health of young children. Particular attention is required to study the effectiveness of introducing complementary feeding. Materials and methods. We analyzed 245 questionnaires of infants with baby-led-feeding. In the questionnaires for mothers, questions were raised about the initiation of the introduction of complementary feeding, its types, the child’s reaction, with the assessment of physical development and the previous diseases. Results. Children with baby-led-feeding have a tendency to late introduction of complementary feeding (from 6 months). It turned out that until this age, the child receives only breast milk, which can’t satisfy the need for important constituent ingredients. They are necessary for the child at this age, and it leads to various metabolic disorders in the form of allergic di­seases, metabolic syndrome, anemia, osteoporosis and others. Particular concern was caused by the fact that children start receiving meat products too late, which naturally leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia. In addition, contrary to the current norms and regulations, we noticed frequent facts of self-consumption of the whole milk itself and fermented milk products made from it (kephir, yoghurt). Conclusions. Based on the study of this question, it was proved that the existing provisions on the introduction of complementary foods with baby-led-feeding require supervision and correction in accordance with the state of children’s health and the existing provisions of the World Health Organization

    Features of the microbial landscape of the upper respiratory tract in children with microaspiration syndrome with damage to the central nervous system

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    Background. Pathology of the respiratory system ranks first in the structure of the morbidity in children of all age groups. One of the factors leading to the protracted course of bronchitis or recurrent broncho-obstructive syndrome is microaspiration. Children with neurological disorders have a high risk of both acute and chronic microaspiration. The purpose is to study the characteristics of respiratory pathology and the microbial landscape of the upper respiratory tract in children with microaspiration syndrome on the background of damage to the central nervous system (CNS). Materials and methods. A comprehensive survey was conducted in 30 children aged 1 month to 12 years (the average age of patients was 4.60 ± 0.03 years) with CNS pathology. The main group consisted of 18 children with perinatal CNS damage who had prolonged and recurrent bronchitis in the past medical history, the comparison group — 12 respiratory asymptomatic children with perinatal CNS da­mage. The study included a detailed medical history, an objective examination of children and laboratory and instrumental me­thods. The microbial spectrum of the upper respiratory tract was investigated in all patients by deep smear from the oropharynx. For statistical processing of the results obtained, the program Statistica 13.0 was used. Results. It was found that microaspiration syndrome occurs mainly in children with severe combined pathology of CNS. Respiratory pathology in these patients is characterized by recurrent bronchitis (the average frequency per year is 5.9 ± 0.4), its early manifestation (the average age of bronchitis onset is 4.4 ± 0.5 months) and a protracted course (average duration of bronchitis is 1.5 ± 0.1 months). The peculiarity of the microbial landscape of the upper respiratory tract in children with microaspiration syndrome against the background of central nervous system damage is the dominance of intestinal opportunistic microflora (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis) and also Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida. Conclusions. The obtained results are of practical importance for the selection of the starting antibacterial drug for the treatment of prolonged bacterial bronchitis in children with microaspiration syndrome on the background of CNS damage