310 research outputs found

    First visits of a local mountain psychiatric service.

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    INTRODUCTION We analyzed the first visits carried out by a local mountain psychiatric service in 9 months from January to September 2013. OBJECTIVES and AIMS Analyze the mode of access to the service, and the continuation of the course of treatment. METHODS Different variables were considered: sex, how to access, the level of urgency, the prescription drug, the previous psychiatric history, duration of taking charge and sending to other facilities of the Mental Health Department. RESULTS The total number of patients was 176, of which 64% were female; scheduled visits were the most (146), the remaining (30) were urgent. The majority (110) were sent from their GPs, among these, more than half (63) are still in load. Half had a positive psychiatric history, and most (92) had a positive psychiatric drug history. It was set to a drug therapy to the majority of patients visited (147), especially anxiolytics (112) and secondarily antidepressants (109). A small part was hospitalized (3) or sent to Psychogeriatrics (11) or Pathological Addictions or Clinical Psychology; about one-third (57) were discharged. CONCLUSIONS According to the literature the women access more frequently than men. From the data it can be inferred that submissions by GPs have become more appropriate in

    Performance Comparison of Technological Solutions for Spark Applications in AWS

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    Cloud computing is providing a pay-as-you-go in-frastructure for the deployment of complex applications, with auto-scaling support and the ability to manage and process huge amount of data. However, due to the underlying complexity of the cloud infrastructure, it is not trivial to evaluate the setup providing the best performance of such scenario. To this aim the present paper proposes a thorough performance evaluation of a real application in a Cloud platform, measuring the impact of several design choices and technological solution. The experimental results, based on a real application and on realistic data can provide a significant insight that can integrate the traditional approach of cloud performance evaluation based on synthetic benchmarks

    Effect of selective gastric residual monitoring on enteral intake in preterm infants

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    Objective: Prefeed gastric residuals (GRs) monitoring has been correlated with an increased time to reach full feeds and longer parenteral nutrition without beneficial effect on necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) occurrence. We aimed to assess effects of a new local protocol to provide for the selective evaluation of GRs excluding their routine monitoring. Methods: We carried out a retrospective study based on a “before and after” design in a cohort of infants born at 23+0–31+6 weeks of gestation. The primary outcome was the age at full enteral feeding (150 mL/kg/d). Secondary outcomes included age at regaining of birth weight, and evaluation of Z-scores of weight, length, and head circumference at discharge. Results: We studied 49 infants in the selective GR group and 59 in the routine GR group. Age at full (150 mL/kg) enteral feeding (17.8 ± 10.1 vs. 22.9 ± 10.5 days, P = 0.017) and regaining of birth weight (11.1 ± 3.0 vs. 12.5 ± 3.5 days, P = 0.039) were lower while the Z-scores of weight at discharge (-1.10 ± 0.83 vs. -1.60 ± 1.45, P = 0.040) were higher in infants in the selective GR group in comparison with infants in the routine GR group. Conclusions: Selective monitoring of GRs decreased age at full enteral feeding and at regaining of birth weight and induced better Z-scores of weight at discharge in comparison with routine GR monitoring in a cohort of extremely preterm infants without increasing the incidence of NEC. Omitting prefeed GRs monitoring in clinical practice seems reasonable


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    In antiquity, beach sand was one of the main raw materials for glass-making and for the production of other vitreous materials, like Egyptian blue and faience. During the 1st century AD, glass and pigments manufacturing industry was active along the Gulf of Naples, Italy, where we sampled four littoral sands. Samples were analyzed with different techniques: chemical analysis was performed by means of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and mineralogical analyses with X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) and Raman Spectroscopy. The complete sintering to melting thermal behaviour of the four sands was studied by heating microscopy or hot-stage microscope (HSM) equipped with an high resolution camera capable to collect sample profile during heating. The effect of the grain size on the sintering curves, which were automatically elaborated by specimen profile transformation, was also investigated. Finally, some deductions about the granulometry effect and the presence of alkaline and alkaline-earth oxides on sintering and melting behaviour were drawn. All the four sands were found suitable for highly sintered manufacts rather than glasses, to reach complete amorphous materials the addition of fluxes was necessary

    Mediterranean Diet in Developmental Age: A Narrative Review of Current Evidences and Research Gaps

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    Numerous studies in recent decades have shown that Mediterranean diet (MD) can reduce the risk of developing obesity in pediatric patients. The current narrative review summarizes recent evidence regarding the impact of MD across the different stages of child development, starting from fetal development, analyzing breastfeeding and weaning, through childhood up to adolescence, highlighting the gaps in knowledge for each age group. A literature search covering evidence published between 1 January 2000 and 1 March 2022 and concerning children only was conducted using multiple keywords and standardized terminology in PubMed database. A lack of scientific evidence about MD adherence concerns the age group undergoing weaning, thus between 6 months and one year of life. In the other age groups, adherence to MD and its beneficial effects in terms of obesity prevention has been extensively investigated, however, there are still few studies that correlate this dietary style with the incidence of non-communicable diseases. Furthermore, research on multi-intervention strategy should be implemented, especially regarding the role of education of children and families in taking up this healthy dietary style

    Dose-Dependent Prevention of Fibrosis in Aorta of Salt-Loaded Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats by Combined Delapril and Indapamide treatment.

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    Combined treatment with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor delapril and the diuretic indapamide prevented vascular damage in vital organs of salt-loaded stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRsp). Whether the changes occurring after long-term hypertension could also be modulated in large arteries was investigated. Two-month-old SHRsp were salt loaded and treated with the drug regimen until they reached 50 +/- 10 mortality or around midlife. In a first experiment, delapril (12 mg/kg) and indapamide (1 mg/kg) were administered daily separately or in combination. In the second dose-finding experiment, delapril (6, 3, 1.5 mg/kg) and indapamide (0.5, 0.25, 0.125 mg/kg) in decreasing dose combinations were analyzed. Ultrastructural, histomorphometric, and biochemical studies were performed on the thoracic aorta. When compared with delapril (12 mg/kg) or indapamide (1 mg/kg) administered individually for 5 months, the combination 12 + 1 mg/kg was able to prevent the increase in extracellular matrix deposition observed in other treatment groups, as assessed by histomorphometry or 4-OH-proline biochemical determination. In the second experiment, a half-dose (delapril 6 mg/kg + indapamide 0.5 mg/kg) combination was similarly effective in counteracting fibrosis, but the other doses progressively failed. In the first experiment, the combination had a stabilizing effect on hypertension and stimulated diuresis. In the second experiment, arterial blood pressure values and sodium balance were not consistently affected by the treatments that antagonized fibrosis (i.e., delapril 6 mg/kg + indapamide 0.5 mg/kg and, less efficiently, delapril 3 mg/kg + indapamide 0.25 mg/kg). These results suggest that indapamide interacts with ACE inhibitors to limit aortic fibrosis independent of any well-established mechanism

    Characterization of natural clays from italian deposits with focus on elemental composition and exchange estimated by edx analysis: potential pharmaceutical and cosmetic uses

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    Purification processes performed on natural clays to select specific clay minerals are complex and expensive and can lead to over-exploitation of some deposits. The present study aimed to examine physicochemical (mineralogy, morphology, size, surface charge, chemical composition, cation exchange capacity [CEC], and pH) and hydration (swelling, wettability, water sorption, and rheological behavior) properties of three native clays from Italian deposits for potential pharmaceutical and cosmetic uses due to the presence of phyllosilicate minerals. Particular emphasis was placed on energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis coupled with the ‘cesium method’ to assay clay elemental composition and CEC. One bentonite of volcanic origin (BNT) and two kaolins, one of hydrothermal origin (K-H) and another of lacustrine-fluvial origin (K-L), were evaluated in comparison with a commercial, purified bentonite. The CEC assay revealed the complete substitution of exchangeable cations (Na+ and Ca2+) by Cs+ in BNT samples and CEC values consistent with those of typical smectites (100.64 7.33 meq/100 g). For kaolins, partial substitution of Na+ cations occurred only in the K-L samples because of the interstratified mineral component which has small CEC values (11.13 5.46 meq/100 g for the K-H sample and 14.75 6.58 meq/100 g for the K-L sample). The degree of isomorphous substitution of Al3+ by Mg2+ affected the hydration properties of BNT in terms of swelling, water sorption, and rheology, whereas both of the poorly expandable kaolins exhibited significant water-adsorption properties. The EDX microanalysis has proved to be of considerable interest in terms of providing more information about clay properties in comparison with other commonly used methods and to identify the role played by both chemical and mineralogical composition of natural clays for their appropriate use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields

    125. Engineered Nucleases-Mediated In Situ Correction of a Genetic Defect By Homologous Recombination Into the Native Locus

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    Engineered nucleases specific for genomic targets are extensively used to generate DSBs that increase the rate and efficiency of homologous recombination (HR). We seek to determine the efficacy of nucleases in a clinical relevant genetic defect.The genetic defect we are addressing as model to test the nucleases-mediated genome editing technology is the junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB), a family of severe skin adhesion disorders due to autosomal recessive mutations in the LAMB3 gene coding for the laminin-332 heterotrimer, a key component of the dermal-epidermaljunction. Recently, we provided proof of principle that ZFN-mediated, AAVS1-targeted GFP addition can be achieved in human keratinocytes and in long-term repopulating epithelial stem cells in a validated preclinical model of xenotransplantation of human skin equivalents on immunodeficient mice.This project aims at the demonstration of a successful in situ correction of the LAMB3 gene in primary keratinocytes from Herlitz JEB patients. Recently TALEN-based gene correction for dystrophic EB has been reported. Similarly, we have developed a genome editing approach for JEB. In particular we have designed TALENs specific for the second intron of LAMB3 gene and a HR cassette including a splicible LAMB3 cDNA (from exon 3 to the end of the gene). In particular immortalized JEB keratinocytes were transfected with TALEN mRNAs and infected with an IDLV vector carrying the HR cassette. The in situ gene correction has been evaluated by site-specific PCR and knock-in expression of the corrected LAMB3 gene on bulk population. We then assessed targeting efficiency and specificity by extensive molecular analyses of single-cell clones isolated by limiting dilution from the TALENs/IDLV-treated immortalized JEB population. We isolated 256 clones and expanded 69 of them. Sixteen out of 69 clones showed an in vitro adhesion advantage, hosted the HR cassette correctly integrated into the predetermined locus, expressed the corrected LAMB3 gene and produced the laminin-332 protein. In parallel, CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease has been designed on the same locus to compare the transduction efficiency and cleavage activity and to translate the knock-in targeting platform to primary JEB keratinocytes

    DXP: Billing Data Preparation for Big Data Analytics

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    In this paper, we present the data preparation activities that we performed for the Digital Experience Platform (DXP) project, commissioned and supervised by Doxee S.p.A.. DXP manages the billing data of the users of different companies operating in various sectors (electricity and gas, telephony, pay TV, etc.). This data has to be processed to provide services to the users (e.g., interactive billing), but mainly to provide analytics to the companies (e.g., churn prediction or user segmentation). We focus on the design of the data preparation pipeline, describing the challenges that we had to overcome in order to get the billing data ready to perform analysis on it. We illustrate the lessons learned by highlighting the key points that could be transferred to similar projects. Moreover, we report some interesting results and considerations derived from the preliminary analysis of the prepared data, also pointing out some possible future directions for the ongoing project, spacing from big data integration to privacy-preserving temporal record linkage