25 research outputs found

    An improved technique for isolated perfusion of rat livers and an evaluation of perfusates

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    We have modified the apparatus for isolated rat liver perfusion (IPRL) in order to be able to perform two perfusions simultaneously. In addition, we studied the quality and stability of livers by comparison of five different perfusates: Blood (Group A), Original Krebs Henseleit buffer (Group B), Krebs buffer with glucose (Group C) or bovine serum albumin (BSA) added, (Group D). In a last group (E) albumin, glucose, and taurocholic acid were added to Krebs. After 180 min of perfusion, livers perfused with solutions including 2% albumin (Group D, E) had a significantly higher release of hepatocellular and endothelial cell (purine nucleoside phosphorylase) enzymes and lower bile production as compared to Groups A, B, and C (P < 0.0001). Increasing levels of purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), a reflection of damage to the microvascular endothelium preceded the increases in hepatocellular enzymes. Histologically, damages of sinusoidal endothelial cells and hepatocytes are appreciated moderate to severe in Groups D and E, slight to mild in Groups A and B, and not significant in Group C. These results suggest that BSA may have toxic effects to the perfused rat liver. These data also confirm that the IPRL modified for simultaneous perfusion of two livers is efficient, and that with this technique the rat liver can be optimally perfused for up to 3 hr with oxygenated Krebs Henseleit buffer without additives (Group B) and without blood. These two improvements should allow those performing studies with perfused rat livers to obtain data in a more efficient, accurate, and inexpensive fashion. © 1992

    Inhibition of free radical generation and improved survival by protection of the hepatic microvascular endothelium by targeted erythrocytes in orthotopic rat liver transplantation

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    The capacity of specifically targeted erythrocytes to inhibit free radical—mediated injury to the endothelial cell after cold preservation, and improve liver function was studied in two experimental models: An isolated perfused rat liver (IPRL) system and syngeneic orthotopic rat liver transplantation. In the IPRL model, livers were preserved in University of Wisconsin solution for 24 h at 4°C. At the end of the preservation period, livers were flushed with lactated Ringer’s (control), immu- noerythrocytes (IES), or blank intact erythrocytes prior to warm reperfusion for 2 h using an assanguinous Krebs-Henseleit buffer. Production of superoxide (O2-) anion during warm reperfusion in the IES-treated liver was reduced by 65% as compared with controls (P<0.001) and by 74% (P<0.001) when compared with blank erythrocyte—treated livers. Endothelial cell preservation, as assessed by levels of purine nucleoside phos- phorylase (PNP), was much better in the IES-treated group (P<0.001) when compared with untreated livers. Hepatocellular preservation was markedly improved in the IES-treated livers. In the syngeneic liver transplantation model, livers were preserved in UW solution for 24 h at 4°C. Prior to implantation, livers were flushed with 5 ml of cold lactated Ringer’s or immunoerythrocytes. Survival after three weeks was 60% in the IES-treated group and 30% in the untreated group. Survival in the IES-treated group was not significantly different from a control (no preservation) group. IES-treated livers in both models demonstrated better endothelial cell integrity and ultimate liver function. IES treatment therefore appears to protect the hepatic microvascular endothelial cell from reperfusion injury and could prove to be an easy reproducible method of donor organ preparation after cold preservation. © 1990 by Williams & Wilkins

    Differences between rural and central surgery in medical students' surgical education

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    Four pathologies in one

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