5 research outputs found

    La maschera e il volto nelle opere di Proust e Pirandello

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    L’idea stessa di un confronto tra due personalità letterarie così diverse come quelle di Proust e Pirandello può destare stupore. Tuttavia un osservatore attento allo studio dei motivi e dei processi stilistici non può non essere colpito dalle profonde similitudini che esistono tra le due opere. Abbiamo così deciso di avviarci in una direzione di ricerca che ci è parsa legittima e si è rivelata particolarmente feconda: il rapporto dei rapporti tra la maschera e il volto, così come si esprime ..

    Shakespeare et les origines du drame romantique français

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    «Aucun trait du romantisme littéraire n’est plus universel que le culte de Shakespeare: c’est le Shiboleth, la pierre de touche la plus sûre pour distinguer les romantiques de leurs adversaires». Cette formule de Paul Van Tieghem indique bien les dimensions européennes d’un phénomène dont nous nous proposons d’étudier les étapes principales. Pour ce faire, nous limiterons notre enquête à la France, non seulement parce que le système classique moderne a trouvé dans ce pays sa perfection la plu..

    La poésie italienne à la fin du 18e siècle et au début du 19e dans les revues françaises de la Restauration

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    Jacques Mlsan-Montefiore : late 18Th and early 19th-century Italian poetry in the periodicals of the Restoration. The literary press of the Restoration, which was a vast intellectual laboratory, was particularly interested in Italian poetry of the end of the Settecento and the early 19th Century. But an analysis of the hundreds of volumes concerned reveals that in this period of transition only two great names are evoked, those of Monti and Foscolo. In a context of political unrest, the press praised the diversity of genres that they attemped and often excelled in : eloquence, lyricism, theatre, philology, translation, fiction, criticism. The journal's criticism concerns three main centres of interest : politics (constance and liberalism are the rule for Foscolo, while for Monti it is recantation), its links with artistic creation (arousing admiration in the case of Foscolo and a certain reticence in the case of Monti) and the relationship between creation and biography (amorous inconstancy for one and faithfulness for the other).Misan-Montefiore Jacques. La poésie italienne à la fin du 18e siècle et au début du 19e dans les revues françaises de la Restauration. In: Dix-huitième Siècle, n°28, 1996. L'Orient. pp. 471-482

    Varia – fasc. I – gennaio-aprile 2005

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