41 research outputs found

    Simulation of three mutually coupled oscillators

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    In a practical multipurpose high frequency circuit, different oscillators are not completely isolated from each other. Instead, they interact with the environment, or with other oscillator. The interference between different oscillators may lead to generation of undesired signals. Therefore, the effect of oscillators on each other must be considered in the circuit design. As oscillators have nonlinear behavior, simulation of some of them which are coupled to each other needs more attention. In this report we present a mathematical model for three mutually coupled voltage controlled oscillators and solve it by a numerical method. The approach is illustrated by numerical experiments on realistic designs


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    The principles of fast parallel iterative algorithms based on the use of graphics accelerators and OpenGL library are considered in the paper. The proposed approach provides simultaneous minimization of the residuals of the desired solution and total variation of the reconstructed three- dimensional image. The number of necessary input data, i. e. conical X-ray projections, can be reduced several times. It means in a corresponding number of times the possibility to reduce radiation exposure to the patient. At the same time maintain the necessary contrast and spatial resolution of threedimensional image of the patient. Heuristic iterative algorithm can be used as an alternative to the well-known three-dimensional Feldkamp algorithm.Рассматриваются принципы создания быстрых параллельных итерационных алгоритмов, основанных на использовании графических ускорителей и библиотеки OpenGL. Предложенные подходы обеспечивают одновременную минимизацию невязки искомого решения и тотальной вариации реконструируемого трехмерного изображения. При этом число необходимых исходных данных (конических рентгеновских проекций), а значит, и лучевая нагрузка на пациента при сохранении необходимого контраста и пространственного разрешения трехмерного изображения могут быть уменьшены в несколько раз. Предложенный эвристический итерационный алгоритм может быть использован как альтернатива известному трехмерному алгоритму Фельдкампа


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    Creating a fast parallel iterative tomographic algorithms based on the use of graphics accelerators, which simultaneously provide the minimization of residual and total variation of the reconstructed image is an important and urgent task, which is of great scientific and practical importance. Such algorithms can be used, for example, in the implementation of radiation therapy patients, because it is always done pre-computed tomography of patients in order to better identify areas which can then be subjected to radiation exposure. Создание быстрых параллельных итерационных томографических алгоритмов, основанных на использовании графических ускорителей, которые одновременно обеспечивают минимизацию невязки и тотальной вариации реконструированного изображения является важной и актуальной задачей, имеющей большое научное и прикладное значение. Такие алгоритмы могут использоваться, например, при осуществлении радиационной терапии пациентов, потому что предварительно всегда производится компьютерная томография пациентов с целью более точного определения областей, которые потом будут подвергнуты лучевому воздействию


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    Computed tomography is still being intensively studied and widely used to solve a number of industrial and medical applications. The algebraic reconstruction method with simultaneous iterations SART considered in this work as one of the most promising of iterative methods, suitable for the tomographic problems. Graphics processor is used to accelerate the speed of the reconstruction. The method of minimizing the total variation (TV) is used as a priori support for the regularization of the iterative process and to overcome the incompleteness of the information.Компьютерная томография продолжает интенсивно исследоваться и широко используется для решения ряда промышленных и медицинских задач. Алгебраический метод реконструкции с одновременными итерациями SART рассматривается в данной работе как один из перспективных итерационных методов, пригодных для решения томографических задач. Для ускорения быстродействия используется графический процессор. Метод минимизации тотальной вариации (TV) используется как априорная поддержка для регуляризации итерационного процесса и преодоления неполноты информации

    Beam-forming module for backhaul link in a Relay-aided 4G network

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    YesA novel beam-forming module based on Wilkinson power divider technology, including attenuators and phase shifter chips is designed, fabricated and evaluated to be incorporated in a Relay Station connecting it with the Base Station under a 4G network. The proposed module is a 1:8 port circuit, utilizing two substrates, providing approximately 700 MHz bandwidth over 3.5 GHz frequency band and less than −20 dB transmission line coupling. Moreover an external control unit that feeds the beam-forming module with code-words that define the proper amplitude/phase of the excitation currents is established and described. The presented module is connected to a planar array and tested for two beam-forming scenarios, providing satisfactory radiation patterns


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    Creation of a parametric geometrical model of the frame construction of offshore oil platform using special built-in languages of finite-element modeling systems and finite-element model of the construction subject to operational loads is considered. Preparation of an optimization construction model is described, optimization calculations are carried out and recommendations on choosing ra-tional construction parameters are given.Рассматривается создание параметрической геометрической модели конструкции каркаса морской нефтедобывающей платформы с использованием специальных встроенных языков систем конечно-элементного моделирования, а также конечно-элементной модели этой конструкции с уче-том эксплуатационных нагрузок. Описывается подготовка оптимизационной модели конструкции, выполняются оптимизационные расчеты и даются рекомендации по выбору рациональных парамет-ров конструкции


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    This research is devoted to the creation of a finite element model of a dry welding box for repairing core oil platform taking into account operational loads.Рассматривается создание параметрической геометрической модели конструкции бокса сухой сварки для ремонта остова нефтедобывающей платформы с использованием специальных встроенных языков систем конечно-элементного моделирования, а также конечно-элементной модели этой конструкции с учетом эксплуатационных нагрузок. Описывается подготовка оптимизационной модели конструкции, выполняются оптимизационные расчеты и даются рекомендации по выбору рациональных параметров конструкции


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    The principles of fast parallel iterative algorithms based on the use of graphics accelerators and OpenGL library are considered in the paper. The proposed approach provides simultaneous minimization of the residuals of the desired solution and total variation of the reconstructed three- dimensional image. The number of necessary input data, i. e. conical X-ray projections, can be reduced several times. It means in a corresponding number of times the possibility to reduce radiation exposure to the patient. At the same time maintain the necessary contrast and spatial resolution of threedimensional image of the patient. Heuristic iterative algorithm can be used as an alternative to the well-known three-dimensional Feldkamp algorithm


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    Computed tomography is still being intensively studied and widely used to solve a number of industrial and medical applications. The algebraic reconstruction method with simultaneous iterations SART considered in this work as one of the most promising of iterative methods, suitable for the tomographic problems. Graphics processor is used to accelerate the speed of the reconstruction. The method of minimizing the total variation (TV) is used as a priori support for the regularization of the iterative process and to overcome the incompleteness of the information


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    Computed tomography is still being intensively studied and widely used to solve a number of industrial and medical applications. The simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) and Bayesian inference reconstruction (BIR) are considered as advantageous iteration methods that are most suitable for improving the quality of the reconstructed 3D-images. The paper deals with the parallel iterative algorithms to ensure the reconstruction of threedimensional images of the breast, recovered from a limited set of noisy X-ray projections. Algebraic method of reconstruction with simultaneous iterations – SART and iterative method for statistical reconstruction of BIR are deemed to be the most preferred iterative methods. We believe that these methods are particularly useful for improving the quality of breast reconstructed image. We use the graphics processor (GPU) to accelerate the process of reconstruction. Preliminary results show that all investigated methods are useful in breast reconstruction layered images. However, it was found that the method of classical tomosynthesis SAA is less efficient than iterative methods SART and BIR as the worst suppress the anatomical noise. Despite the fact that the estimated ratio of the contrast / noise ratio in the presence of internal structures with low contrast is higher for classical tomosynthesis method the SAA, its effectiveness in the presence of highly structured background is low. In our opinion the best results can be achieved using statistical iterative reconstruction BIR