16 research outputs found

    The vacuum backreaction on a pair creating source

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    Solution is presented to the simplest problem about the vacuum backreaction on a pair creating source. The backreaction effect is nonanalytic in the coupling constant and restores completely the energy conservation law. The vacuum changes the kinematics of motion like relativity theory does and imposes a new upper bound on the velocity of the source.Comment: 9 pages including 2 figures. Latex 2.09. Figures by Metafont, 300 dpi. Keep all files in a separate director

    Vacuum amplification of the high-frequency electromagnetic radiation

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    When an electrically charged source is capable of both emitting the electromagnetic waves and creating charged particles from the vacuum, its radiation gets so much amplified that only the backreaction of the vacuum makes it finite. The released energy and charge are calculated in the high-frequency approximation. The technique of expectation values is advanced and employed.Comment: 64 pages including 2 figures. Latex 2.09. Figures by METAFONT, 300 DPI. Execute the file "arttotal.tex

    One-Loop Effective Action on the Four-Ball

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    This paper applies ζ\zeta-function regularization to evaluate the 1-loop effective action for scalar field theories and Euclidean Maxwell theory in the presence of boundaries. After a comparison of two techniques developed in the recent literature, vacuum Maxwell theory is studied and the contribution of all perturbative modes to ζ′(0)\zeta'(0) is derived: transverse, longitudinal and normal modes of the electromagnetic potential, jointly with ghost modes. The analysis is performed on imposing magnetic boundary conditions, when the Faddeev-Popov Euclidean action contains the particular gauge-averaging term which leads to a complete decoupling of all perturbative modes. It is shown that there is no cancellation of the contributions to ζ′(0)\zeta'(0) resulting from longitudinal, normal and ghost modes.Comment: 25 pages, plain Te

    Finite temperature nonlocal effective action for quantum fields in curved space

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    Massless and massive scalar fields and massless spinor fields are considered at arbitrary temperatures in four dimensional ultrastatic curved spacetime. Scalar models under consideration can be either conformal or nonconformal and include selfinteraction. The one-loop nonlocal effective action at finite temperature and free energy for these quantum fields are found up to the second order in background field strengths using the covariant perturbation theory. The resulting expressions are free of infrared divergences. Spectral representations for nonlocal terms of high temperature expansions are obtained.Comment: 32 pages, LaTe

    Cosmological Landscape From Nothing: Some Like It Hot

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    We suggest a novel picture of the quantum Universe -- its creation is described by the {\em density matrix} defined by the Euclidean path integral. This yields an ensemble of universes -- a cosmological landscape -- in a mixed state which is shown to be dynamically more preferable than the pure quantum state of the Hartle-Hawking type. The latter is dynamically suppressed by the infinitely large positive action of its instanton, generated by the conformal anomaly of quantum fields within the cosmological bootstrap (the self-consistent back reaction of hot matter). This bootstrap suggests a solution to the problem of boundedness of the on-shell cosmological action and eliminates the infrared catastrophe of small cosmological constant in Euclidean quantum gravity. The cosmological landscape turns out to be limited to a bounded range of the cosmological constant Λmin≤Λ≤Λmax\Lambda_{\rm min}\leq \Lambda \leq \Lambda_{\rm max}. The domain Λ<Λmin\Lambda<\Lambda_{\rm min} is ruled out by the back reaction effect which we analyze by solving effective Euclidean equations of motion. The upper cutoff is enforced by the quantum effects of vacuum energy and the conformal anomaly mediated by a special ghost-avoidance renormalization of the effective action. They establish a new quantum scale Λmax\Lambda_{\rm max} which is determined by the coefficient of the topological Gauss-Bonnet term in the conformal anomaly. This scale is realized as the upper bound -- the limiting point of an infinite sequence of garland-type instantons which constitute the full cosmological landscape. The dependence of the cosmological constant range on particle phenomenology suggests a possible dynamical selection mechanism for the landscape of string vacua.Comment: Final version, to appear in JCA

    Particle production from nonlocal gravitational effective action

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    In this paper we show how the nonlocal effective action for gravity, obtained after integrating out the matter fields, can be used to compute particle production and spectra for different space-time metrics. Applying this technique to several examples, we find that the perturbative calculation of the effective action up to second order in curvatures yields exactly the same results for the total number of particles as the Bogolyubov transformations method, in the case of masless scalar fields propagating in a Robertson-Walker space-time. Using an adiabatic approximation we also obtain the corresponding spectra and compare the results with the traditional WKB approximation.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Corrected version with new comments and results. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Two-dimensional effective action for matter fields coupled to the dilaton

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    We revise the calculation of the one-loop effective action for scalar and spinor fields coupled to the dilaton in two dimensions. Applying the method of covariant perturbation theory for the heat kernel we derive the effective action in an explicitly covariant form that produces both the conformally invariant and the conformally anomalous terms.For scalar fields the conformally invariant part of the action is nonlocal. The obtained effective action is proved to be infrared finite. We also compute the one-loop effective action for scalar fields at finite temperature.Comment: LaTeX, 25 page

    Weyl Cohomology and the Effective Action for Conformal Anomalies

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    We present a general method of deriving the effective action for conformal anomalies in any even dimension, which satisfies the Wess-Zumino consistency condition by construction. The method relies on defining the coboundary operator of the local Weyl group, and giving a cohomological interpretation to counterterms in the effective action in dimensional regularization with respect to this group. Non-trivial cocycles of the Weyl group arise from local functionals that are Weyl invariant in and only in the physical even integer dimension. In the physical dimension the non-trivial cocycles generate covariant non-local action functionals characterized by sensitivity to global Weyl rescalings. The non-local action so obtained is unique up to the addition of trivial cocycles and Weyl invariant terms, both of which are insensitive to global Weyl rescalings. These distinct behaviors under rigid dilations can be used to distinguish between infrared relevant and irrelevant operators in a generally covariant manner. Variation of the d=4d=4 non-local effective action yields two new conserved geometric stress tensors with local traces. The method may be extended to any even dimension by making use of the general construction of conformal invariants given by Fefferman and Graham. As a corollary, conformal field theory behavior of correlators at the asymptotic infinity of either anti-de Sitter or de Sitter spacetimes follows, i.e. AdSd+1_{d+1} or deSd+1_{d+1}/CFTd_d correspondence. The same construction naturally selects all infrared relevant terms (and only those terms) in the low energy effective action of gravity in any even integer dimension. The infrared relevant terms arising from the known anomalies in d=4 imply that the classical Einstein theory is modified at large distances.Comment: 32 pages. LateX file. LateX twic