9 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak and the emergency public health measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina: January – july 2020

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    Between March 5th and July 25th, 2020, the total number of SARS-CoV-2 confirmed cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) was 10,090, corresponding to a cumulative incidence rate of 285.7/100,000 population. Demographic and clinical information on all the cases along with exposure and contact information were collected using a standardized case report form. In suspected SARS-CoV-2 cases, respiratory specimens were collected and tested by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay. The dynamic of the outbreak was summarized using epidemiolog

    Epidemic Location Intelligence System as Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 is a public health emergency that caused disastrous results in many countries. The global aim is to stop transmission and prevent the spread of the disease. To achieve it, every country needs to scale up emergency response mechanisms, educate and actively communicate with the public, intensify infected case finding, contact tracing, monitoring, quarantine of contacts, and isolation of cases. Responding to an emergency requires efficient collaboration and a multi-skilled approach (medical, information, statistical, political, social, and other expertise), which makes it hard to define one interface for all. As actors from different perspectives and domain backgrounds need to address diverse functions, the possibility to exchange available information quickly would be desirable. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a joint state-level public health institution has not been established, but is covered by entity competencies. In this sense, a geoportal has been developed as an epidemiological location-intelligence system (ELIS) that supports the exchange of such information between the entities and the cantons. For its development, open source software components in the cloud were used as a working platform with all the necessary functionalities. The geoportal provides an entry point for access to geospatial, epidemiological, environmental and statistical data used for analysis, geocoding of confirmed COVID-19 cases, identification of disease dynamics, identification of vulnerable groups, mapping of health capacities, and general modeling of infection spread with application support for communication and collaboration between all institutions and the public. The paper describes the challenges and ways to overcome them in the development and use of ELIS

    Epidemic Location Intelligence System as Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 is a public health emergency that caused disastrous results in many countries. The global aim is to stop transmission and prevent the spread of the disease. To achieve it, every country needs to scale up emergency response mechanisms, educate and actively communicate with the public, intensify infected case finding, contact tracing, monitoring, quarantine of contacts, and isolation of cases. Responding to an emergency requires efficient collaboration and a multi-skilled approach (medical, information, statistical, political, social, and other expertise), which makes it hard to define one interface for all. As actors from different perspectives and domain backgrounds need to address diverse functions, the possibility to exchange available information quickly would be desirable. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a joint state-level public health institution has not been established, but is covered by entity competencies. In this sense, a geoportal has been developed as an epidemiological location-intelligence system (ELIS) that supports the exchange of such information between the entities and the cantons. For its development, open source software components in the cloud were used as a working platform with all the necessary functionalities. The geoportal provides an entry point for access to geospatial, epidemiological, environmental and statistical data used for analysis, geocoding of confirmed COVID-19 cases, identification of disease dynamics, identification of vulnerable groups, mapping of health capacities, and general modeling of infection spread with application support for communication and collaboration between all institutions and the public. The paper describes the challenges and ways to overcome them in the development and use of ELIS

    Valorization in Spatial Planning

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    This paper is focused on the development of methodology for multicriterial land valorization in land use planning by application of genetic algorithm. One of the key tools for design of the decision support system based on this methodology is geographic information system which serve to quantify multicriterial data and represent resulting spatial data. The methodology and the algorithm are applied to a specific problem of spatial planning in Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The crucial points of the research are the following: possibility of multicriterial valorization of the land from the GA use perspective, how to utilize the capacity of the GA optimization techniques in the frame of decision support system and with usage of the GIS tools and how to apply the GA in the field of genotype presentation in spatial modeling.

    Upgrading the capability of an online biomass atlas by developing a functional extension based on spatial interaction model

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    The Online Biomass Potential Atlas is a tool primarily intended for geo-visualisation of biomass data from the Biomass Potential Monitoring System in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, its role does not have to end here. By developing a functional extension, it can offer an environment for the location analysis of potential biomass users and sources of unused biomass potential. This paper describes an approach for developing tool with such functionality, based on spatial interaction modelling. Determining the optimal location for biogas plants in the region covered by the administrative units of two cantons in Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered as a case study. Based on the analysis conducted in the case study, the feasibility of applying this tool has been demonstrated


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    In order to ensure a high level of public health and animal health protection inBosnia and Herzegovina, it is necessary to improve the existing and/or providequality management of animal by-products, i.e. to establish an infrastructure forquality and efficient treatment/disposal of animal by-products and waste of animalorigin. This implies a wide range of activities in this field, such as measures toimprove the legal and institutional framework, better data system management,establishment of by-product management model including transport solutions andtechnologies and provision of an adequate financial framework and sources offunding. At this point, the issue of management of animal by-products and animalwaste in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has not been adequately addressed andposes a threat to both human and animal health. In this regard, establishment of asustainable management system for animal by-products and animal waste is ofutmost importance for further development of BiH agriculture. Inadequatemanagement of animal by-products and animal waste poses a huge threat to theenvironment, endangering natural resources, watercourses, sources of drinkingwater, soil and atmosphere. This paper presents some of the activities related toestablishment of this infrastructure, relating to the methodology of selection oflocations for central plant and intermediate establishments for treatment andcollection of animal waste and the definition of optimal transport routes andtransport capacities

    Inteligentne systemy informacji geograficznej wykorzystywane w infrastrukturze przesyłowej gazu

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    Due to the need for further expansion of a gas pipeline network and more efficient maintenance of available spatial data on the gas pipeline infrastructure, the management of gas transportation system operator has decided to extend the existing information system for the management of gas infrastructure by introducing location intelligence, i.e. its upgrading with the functional WebGIS solution. This paper describes the approach for developing the solution by using open source software components. The implemented WebGIS solution enables environmental monitoring in relation to safe natural gas transport, helps in planning and maintaining the gas pipeline network, and provides location-conscious decisionmaking on various aspects of the gas infrastructure management. JEL: C8, D8, L8, L9Wzrastające zapotrzebowanie na kompleksowe i rozbudowane sieci przesyłowe gazu ziemnego oraz konieczność wprowadzenia bardziej wydajnego utrzymania danych przestrzennych dotyczących owej infrastruktury przesyłowej wpłynęły na podjęcie przez zarządcę infrastruktury decyzji o rozbudowie dotychczasowej infrastruktury o dodatkowe elementy związane z możliwością wykorzystania inteligentnych systemów lokalizacyjnych bądź odpowiednio rozbudowę istniejących elementów o rozwiązania funkcjonalne oparte na WebGIS. W niniejszym artykule opisano podejście koncepcyjne omawianego rozwiązania z wykorzystaniem komponentów programistycznych typu open source. Wdrożone rozwiązanie WebGIS umożliwia monitorowanie bezpieczeństwa przesyłu gazu ziemnego oraz związanego z nim wpływu na środowisko naturalne, pomaga w planowaniu i utrzymaniu sieci przesyłowej oraz podnosi skuteczność podejmowania świadomych decyzji dotyczących różnych aspektów zarządzania infrastrukturą gazową w odniesieniu do aspektów lokalizacyjnych. JEL: C8, D8, L8, L

    Ranking Road Sections Based on MCDM Model: New Improved Fuzzy SWARA (IMF SWARA)

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    Traffic management is a significantly difficult and demanding task. It is necessary to know the main parameters of road networks in order to adequately meet traffic management requirements. Through this paper, an integrated fuzzy model for ranking road sections based on four inputs and four outputs was developed. The goal was to determine the safety degree of the observed road sections by the methodology developed. The greatest contribution of the paper is reflected in the development of the improved fuzzy step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis (IMF SWARA) method and integration with the fuzzy measurement alternatives and ranking according to the compromise solution (fuzzy MARCOS) method. First, the data envelopment analysis (DEA) model was applied, showing that three road sections have a high traffic risk. After that, IMF SWARA was applied to determine the values of the weight coefficients of the criteria, and the fuzzy MARCOS method was used for the final ranking of the sections. The obtained results were verified through a three-phase sensitivity analysis with an emphasis on forming 40 new scenarios in which input values were simulated. The stability of the model was proven in all phases of sensitivity analysis