190 research outputs found

    The first record of malformed pectines in genus \u3cem\u3eEuscorpius\u3c/em\u3e (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae)

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    A teratological change in a pectinal organ of Euscorpius cf. carpathicus (C. L. Koch, 1837) from Serbia had been examined using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), and compared to specimens with normally developed pectines. Possible reasons for this anomaly are discussed

    Biopsy quantitative patohistology and seral values of prostate specific antigen-alpha (1) antichymotrypsine complex in prediction of adverse pathology findings after radical prostatectomy

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    In this prospective study we examined the utility of parameters obtained on prostate needle biopsy and prostate specific antigen-alpha(1)-antichymotripsine complex (PSA-ACT) to predict adverse pathologic findings after radical prostatectomy. 45 consecutive patients assigned for radical prostatectomy due to clinically localized prostate cancer were included in the study. Prostate biopsy parameters such as number of positive cores, the greatest percentage of tumor in the positive cores, Gleason score, perineural invasion, unilaterality or bilaterality of the tumor were recorded. PSA-ACT was determined using sandwich immunoassay chemiluminiscent method (Bayer, Tarrytown, New York). We analyzed relationship of preoperative PSA, PSA-ACT and quantitative biopsy parameters with final pathology after prostatectomy. Adverse findings were considered when extracapsular extension of cancer (pT3) was noted. Postoperatively, 29 (64.4 %) patients were diagnosed with pT2 disease and 16 (35.6 %) with pT3 disease. There was a significant difference in localized vs. locally advanced disease in number of positive biopsy cores (p<0.001), greatest percentage of tumor in the core (p=0.008), localization of the tumor (p=0.003) and perineural invasion (p=0.004). Logistic regression was used to develop a model on the multivariate level. It included number of positive cores and PSA-ACT and was significant on our cohort with the reliability of 82.22%. The combination of PSA-ACT and a large scale of biopsy parameters could be used in prediction of adverse pathologic findings after radical prostatectomy. Clinical decisions and patients counselling could be influenced by these predictors but further confirmation on a larger population is necessary

    Uticaj laktacije po redu na proizvodnju mleka i broj somatskih ćelija koza Alpina rase

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    In this paper, the annual results of the effect of lactation on milk production, the contents of some chemical parameters in the milk (milk fat, protein and dry matter without fat) and somatic cells in milk goat breeds Alpino in intensive production during one production year. Control is included a total of 82 French Alpine goats in different lactations (first-16 heads, the second-19 heads, 29 heads the third-and fourth and subsequent lactation together-18 heads).). Somatic cell count and chemical quality of milk is controlled on a daily basis in the laboratory for raw milk AD 'Dairies' - Subotica on the machine CombiFoss FC 6200. The variability of the analyzed characteristics is presented descriptive parameters and the effect of lactation is determined by a factorial analysis of variance. The average value for somewhat milk goats for the treated population was 362.83 kg, with average milk fat content of 3.31%. Analysis of variance confirmed that the differences that were established under the influence of lactation for all traits analyzed, except for percentage of milk fat, were significant at P lt 0.01.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja laktacije po redu na proizvodnju mleka, sadržaj mlečne masti, proteina i suve materije bez masti i broj somatskih ćelija u mleku koza francuske rase Alpina u intenzivnoj proizvodnji u toku jedne proizvodne godine. Kontrolom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 82 grla u različitim laktacijama (prva - 16 grla, druga - 19 grla, treća - 29 grla, a četvrta i naredne latkacije zajedno - 18 grla). Broj somatskih ćelija, kao i hemijski kvalitet mleka, kontrolisan je svakodnevno u laboratoriji za sirovo mleko AD 'Mlekare' - Subotica na aparatu CombiFoss 6200 FC. Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina je prikazana parametrima deskriptivne statistike, a uticaj laktacije po redu je utvrđen jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse. Prosečna vrednost za ukupnu količnu mleka kod ispitivane populacije koza iznosila je 362,83 kg, sa prosečnim sadržajem mlečne masti od 3,31%. Rezultati analize varijanse potvrđuju da su razlike koje su ustanovljene pod uticajem laktacije po redu za sve analizirane osobine, izuzev za procenat mlečne masti, bile značajne na nivou P lt 0.01

    Povezanost telesne razvijenosti i mlečnosti koza u različitim laktacijama

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    This paper presents the results of the variability and correlation of body measurements and milk production of domestic Balkan goat breed that is reared in the mountain range Sharplanina, depending on the lactation. Studied animals were monitored and lactation, or order of kidding (I, II, III and IV and the next lactation together). Control of milk production, included a total of 290 goats in different lactations (first-81 animals, the second-69 heads, 71 heads third-and fourth and following along latkacije-69 heads). In order to determine the measure of body development in adult goats, one takes values for height at withers, body length, chest depth, chest width, the width of the cross and body weight. The variability of the analyzed characteristics is presented descriptive parameters and the effect of lactation is determined by a factorial analysis of variance. The determined average values for milk production and measures of body development are located within those identified for this population of goats. During these tests showed statistically significant correlation dependence (P lt 0.05) between all studied variables, except when it comes to length lactation period and individual measures of body development. The correlation coefficient between length of lactation and established measures of body development. are low and reflect the existence uncorrelation dependence, and their values range from 0.08 to 0.11, while they were unjustified and statistically (P> 0.05).U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja varijabilnosti i povezanosti osobina telesne razvijenosti i mlečnosti domaće balkanske rase koza u zavisnosti od laktacije po redu (I, II, III a IV i naredne laktacije zajedno). Kontrolom proizvodnje mleka bilo je obuhvaćeno ukupno 290 koza u različitim laktacijama (prva- 81 grla, druga- 69 grla, treća- 71 grla, a četvrta i naredne latkacije zajedno- 69 grla). U cilju utvrđivanja mera telesne razvijenosti odraslih koza izmerene su vrednosti za visinu grebena, dužinu trupa, dubinu grudi, Å”irinu grudi, Å”irinu krsta i telesnu masu. Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina opisana je parametrima deskriptivne statistike, a uticaj laktacije po redu je utvrđen jednofaktorijalnom analizom varijanse. Utvrđene prosečne vrednosti za proizvodnju mleka i mere telesne razvijenosti bile se u okviru onih koje su utvrđene za ovu populaciju koza. Ispitivanjem su utvrđene statistički značajne korelacije (P lt 0,05) između svih posmatranih parametara, izuzev kada je u pitanju dužina laktacionog perioda i pojedinih mera telesne razvijenosti koje statistički nisu bile značajne

    Klanični rezultati jaradi domaće balkanske koze

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    The paper presents the investigation of slaugher results, i.e. meat production results, in 96 kids of the domestic Balkan goat (4 herds, 24 animals per herd, 50:50 sex ratio), slaughtered at 90 days of age to determine the differences between the herds investigated and sexes (male kids vs. female ones), pertaining to the quantitative characteristics of meat. The average warm carcass dressing percentage including the head and offal for kids from all the herds investigated was 58.19%. The differences established for dressing percentage, warm, cold, and cold with and without head and offal, between the herds investigated and sexes were not statistically significant (P>0,05). Established differences between linear measurements for kid carcass halves, were statistically significant (P (lt) 0,01) between herds, whereas pertaining to the sex of kids, they were significant on both levels((P (lt) 0,01and P (lt) 0,05).Proizvodnja kozjeg mesa u svetu, iako je četiri puta manja od proizvodnje mesa ovaca, ima veliki značaj za mnoge zemlje, a naročito za zemlje Azije, Afrike i Južne Amerike. U zemljama Evropske zajednice je proizvodnja kozjeg mesa od znatno manjeg značaja i obima, a naročito u zemljama gde se gaje mlečne rase koza i u kojima je meso prateći proizvod. Mada će i u naÅ”im uslovima osnovni proizvod koza biti, uglavnom, mleko, proizvodnja mesa se ne sme zanemariti . Treba pravilno iskoristiti visoku potencijalnu mogućnost koza za dobru plodnost. Ova sposobnost koza može jako dobro da se iskoristi pri dvokratnom jarenju, i to tamo gde je proizvodnja jarećeg mesa rentabilnija od proizvodnje mleka i gde je iz bilo kojih razloga smanjen interes za proizvodnju mleka, ili pak nema uslova za organizovano unovčavanje većih količina mleka, niti za njegovu preradu. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja ishrane na klanične rezultate tj. proizvodnju mesa kod 96 jaradi domaće balkanske koze (4 stada, po 24 jaradi u svakom stadu i odnosom polova 50:50), koja su zaklana u uzrastu od 90 dana u cilju utvrdjivanja razlika između ispitivanih stada koza i polne pripadnosti jaradi (muÅ”ka i ženska grla). Prosečan randman toplog trupa sa glavom i iznutricama kod jaradi svih ispitivanih stada iznosi 58,19%. Razlike koje su utvrdjene u masi toplog i hladnog trupa sa i bez glave i iznutrica, bile su statistički značajne (P (lt) 0,01) između ispitivanih stada, dok su te razlike u odnosu na polnu pripadnost (muÅ”ka i ženska grla) bile izražene na nivou P (lt) 0,05. Rezultati analize varijante pokazuju da su evidentirane razlike između utvrdjenih linearnih mera na polutkama jaradi, bile statistički signifikantne (P (lt) 0,01) među stadima, dok su u odnosu na polnu pripadnost jaradi one bile značajne na oba nivoa (P (lt) 0,01 i P (lt) 0,05)

    Uticaj laktacije po redu i telesne mase na prinos mleka i osobine plodnosti domaće balkanske koze

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    The goal of investigation in the domestic Balkan goat was to establish the effect of body weight and lactation number on milk yield and fertility. Research was done in herds belonging to private farmers, during a one-year period, on a total of 578 goats. Investigated herds were monitored also by lactation number, i.e. kidding number (lactations 1,2 and 3 individually, lactation 4 and following lactations investigated together). Body weight and milk yield were measured, while fertility was determined as the number of live born kids per 100 goats. Goats were also sorted into groups by age and body weight, while the interval within groups and between groups was 5 kg. Average total milk yield in the investigated population of the domestic Balkan goat was 177.5 kg. A statististically significant difference (P (lt) 0,01) was established for milk yield depending on body weight and age, except for goats in lactation 1 (P (lt) 0,05). In lactation 3 and 4, goats with body weights over 45 kg, comprising 30.23% of the total number in these groups, had the highest milk yields (over 200 kg). Pertaining to lactation number, i.e. kidding number, as well as body weight in both years of investigation, lowest fertility was found in lactations 1 and 2 (112%), and in goats with lowest body weight (25-30 kg), while this considerably increased lactation 4 and later lactations (136%), and body weights of over 40 kg (140%).Cilj ovih ispitivanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj telesne mase, kao i uzrasta tj. laktacije po redu u domaće balkanske koze na njenu proizvodnju mleka i plodnost. Istraživanja su izvedena u stadima balkanskih koza privatnih odgajivača, u toku jednogodiÅ”njeg perioda kod ukupno 578 grla koza. Kontrola mlečnosti je izvođena dvokratno u jednakim vremenskim intervalima pri čemu su sva grla bila u A kontroli. Plodnost je determinisana kao broj živorođene jaradi na 100 koza. Koze su, takođe, podeljene u grupe prema uzrastu i telesnoj masi, pri čemu je interval unutar i između grupa bio 5 kg. Prosečna vrednost za ukupnu količinu mleka kod ispitivane populacije koza iznosi 177,56 kg,. Statistički značajna razlika (P (lt) 0,01) je utvrđena za prinos mleka u zavisnosti od telesne mase i uzrasta kod svih ispitivanih grupa, izuzev za koze u prvoj laktaciji (P (lt) 0,05). U 3 i 4 laktaciji po redu, koze sa telesnom masom preko 45 kg, koje učestvuju sa 30.23% od ukupnog broja grla u ovoj grupi, imale su najveći prinos mleka (preko 200 kg). U zavisnosti od laktacije po redu tj., jarenja po redu, kao i telesne mase u obe godine istraživanja, najniža plodnost je ustanovljena u 1 i 2 laktaciji po redu (112%) i to kod koza sa najnižom telesnom masom (od 25-30 kg), dok se ona idući ka četvrtoj i kasnijim laktacijama po redu (136%) i telesnoj masi preko 40 kg (140%) znatno povećava. Statistički značajna razlika na nivou P (lt) 0,01, kada je u pitanju plodnost koza u zavisnosti od uzrasta tj. laktacije po redu i telesne mase utvrđena je kod svih ispitivanih grupa, izuzev kod koza u drugoj laktaciji (P (lt) 0,05)

    Značaj vremena zalučivanja na telesnu masu i prirast jaradi

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    A group control system experiment was carried out to investigate the effect weaning time of kids on their health status and growth rate achieved up to 6 months of age. The experiment was done on kids obtained from crossbred domestic white x domestic Balkan goats and Alpino bucks. Investigations were done on a total of 120 kids, divided into 4 groups. Kids were weaned at 2 (Group 1), 20 (Group 2), 35 (Group 3), and 60 (Group 4), days. After weaning, kids in Group 1 and Group 2 were fed milk replacer containing 22% protein up to 35 days of age, while Group 3 and Group 4 were fed concentrates and hay. The lowest body weight, both by individual control periods, and at the end of the experiment, was established for kids in Group 2, weaned at 20 days of age. The also had the highest mortality. Highest body weight at this age (180 days) was found in kids in Group 4, weaned at 60 days. Established results permit the conclusion that kids can successfully be weaned as early as 35 days of age, and that weaning at an earlier age should not be done under our conditions, since it is not economically justified.Izveden je ogled po grupno-kontrolnom sistemu u cilju ispitivanja uticaja vremena odlučivanja jaradi na njihovo zdravstveno stanje kao i ostvarene priraste do uzrasta od 6 meseci. Za ogled su koriŔćena jarad dobijena ukrÅ”tanjem koza meleza domaće bele x domaća balkanska sa jarčevima alpino rase. Ispitivanja su izvedena na ukupno 120 jaradi, podeljenih u 4 grupe. Jarad su odlučivana u uzrastu od 2 (I grupa), 20 (II grupa), 35 (III grupa) i 60 (IV grupa) dana života. Posle odlučenja jarad I, i II grupe su napajana zamenama za mleko sa 22% proteina do uzrasta od 35 dana, dok su 3 i 4 grupa jaradi posle odlučenja hranjena koncentratom i senom. Najnižu telesnu masu, kako po pojedinim kontrolnim periodima tako i na kraju ogleda, imala su jarad II grupe koja su odlučena sa 20 dana starosti. Kod njih je istovremeno zabeležen i najveći mortalitet. Telesna masa u ovoj starosti (sa 180 dana) najveća je u jaradi IV grupe koja su odlučena u uzrastu od 60 dana. Rezultati ovih istraživanja pokazuju da je rano odlučivanje jaradi izazvalo stres praćen nižim prirastom koji je evidentiran kod prve dve grupe jaradi (a delimično i treće grupe) u prvih nekoliko dana posle odlučivanja. Kod jaradi četvrte grupe nije bilo nekih posebnih problema u periodu posle odlučenja, Å”to je potvrđeno i rezultatima samih prirasta koji su u ovoj grupi bili najviÅ”i sve do uzrasta jaradi od 6 meseci. Mortalitet je bio izraženiji kod jaradi I i II grupe, u odnosu na druge dve, i to najčeŔće u periodima kada je kod oglednih grupa dolazilo do odvajanja od majki i početka napajanja zamenama za mleko

    Klinička praksa hrvatskih urologa i usklađenost sa smjernicama u liječenju simptoma donjeg mokraćnog trakta u muÅ”karaca

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    The aim of this study was to assess the Croatian urologistsā€™ management of non-neurogenic male lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and their compliance with the European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines. A cross-sectional survey included 51/179 Croatian urologists. We developed a questionnaire with questions addressing compliance with EAU guidelines. The rate of performing recommended evaluations on the initial assessment of patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)/LUTS varied from 8.0% (serum creatinine and voiding diary) to 100.0% (physical examination, prostate specific antigen and ultrasound). The international prostate symptom score was performed by 31%, analysis of urine sediment by 83%, urine culture by 53%, and serum creatinine by 8% of surveyed urologists. Only 8% of urologists regularly used bladder diary in patients with symptoms of nocturia. Our results indicated that 97% of urologists preferred alpha blockers as the first choice of treatment; 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (5ARI) were mostly prescribed (84%) in combination with an alpha-blocker, preferably as a continuous treatment, whilst 29% of urologists used to discontinue 5ARI after 1-2 years. Half of the Croatian urologists used antimuscarinics in the treatment of BPH/LUTS and recommended phytotherapeutic drugs in their practice. In conclusion, Croatian urologists do not completely comply with the guidelines available.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je uvrditi kliničku praksu hrvatskih urologa u pristupu bolesnicima sa simptomima donjeg mokraćnog trakta (LUTS) i njihovo pridržavanje Smjernica Europskoga uroloÅ”kog druÅ”tva (EAU). Provedeno je presječno istraživanje među 51/179 (28%) hrvatskih urologa. Izradili smo upitnik koji sadrži pitanja glede poÅ”tivanja smjernica EAU. Primjena preporučenih pretraga u početnoj procjeni bolesnika s benignom hiperplazijom prostate (BPH)/LUTS varirala je od 8,0% (kreatinin i dnevnik mokrenja) do 100,0% (fizikalni pregled, antigen specifičan za prostatu (PSA) i ultrazvuk). U početnoj procjeni bolesnika s BPH/LUTS uz anamnezu i digitorektalni pregled hrvatski urolozi primjenjuju joÅ” PSA i ultrazvuk (100%). Međunarodni zbroj prostatičnih simptoma (IPSS) primjenjuje 31%, analizu sedimenta mokraće 83%, kulturu mokraće 53%, a serumski kreatinin 8% ispitanih urologa. Samo 8% urologa redovito koristi dnevnik mokrenja kod bolesnika sa simptomima nokturije. Rezultati su pokazali kako 62% hrvatskih urologa smatra da provodi dijagnostičku obradu koja je u skladu sa smjernicama EAU. U terapijskom pogledu rezultati pokazuju da 97% urologa smatra alfa blokatore lijekom prvog izbora. Inhibitori 5-alfa reduktaze (5ARI) uglavnom (84%) su propisani u kombinaciji s alfa-blokatorima, ponajprije kao kontinuirano liječenje, dok 29% prekida 5ARI nakon 1-2 godine. Polovica hrvatskih urologa rabi antimuskarinike u liječenju BPH/LUTS i preporučuje fitoterapiju u svojoj praksi. Praksa hrvatskih urologa nije u potpunosti usklađena sa smjernicama

    Prinos mesa jaradi srpske bele koze u zavisnosti od telesne mase pre klanja

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    Investigations were carried out on three groups of kids of Serbian White breed as follows: group of lighter kids, average body mass at slaughtering 12,65 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) and average age of 70 days; group of medium heavy kids, body mass of 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) and average age of 97 days, and group of heavy kids, body mass prior to slaughtering of 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) and average age of 129 days. Objective of this research was to determine the meat yield (dressing percentage) and share of some slaughtering products in the mass prior to slaughtering and share of giblets in the mass of chilled carcass. It was established that heavier kids have lower dressing percentage (55,01%) compared to lighter (57,21%) and medium heavy kids (58, 21%), more favorable conformation evaluation (4,22 points in heavier, 3,77 points in medium heavy and 3,52 points in lighter kids), better covering of carcass with fat tissue (3,71 points in heavier, 3,66 points in medium heavy and 3,32 points in lighter kids) and better evaluation of the meat color (4,78 points in heavier, 4,66 points in medium heavy and 3,79 points in lighter kids). Share of edible giblets/offal (pre-stomach, small intestines, mesentherium) in the mass of carcass prior to slaughtering was higher in lighter kids (6,45%) compared to medium heavy (5,83%) and heavy kids (6,15%). Share of giblets/offal in chilled carcass was the lowest (15,91%) in heavy kids, slightly higher (17,16%) in medium heavy and the highest in lighter kids (18,86%).Ispitivanja su obavljena na tri grupe jaradi srpske bele koze i to: lakÅ”ih, prosečne telesne mase pri klanju 12,654 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta od 70 dana; srednje teÅ”kih telesne mase 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 97 dana i teÅ”kih telesne mase pred klanje 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 129 dana. Cilj ovih ispitivanja bio je da se utvrdi prinos mesa (randman) i udeo nekih pratećih proizvoda klanja u masi pred klanje i udeo iznutrica u masi ohlađenog trupa. Utvrđeno je da teža jarad imaju manji randman (55,01%) u odnosu na lakÅ”e (57,21%) i srednje teÅ”ke (58, 21%), povoljniju ocenu konformacije (4,22 poena u težih, 3,77 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,52 poena u lakÅ”ih), bolju prekrivenost trupa masnim tkivom (3,71 poena u težih, 3,66 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,32 poena u lakih) i bolju ocenu boje mesa (4,78 poena u teÅ”kih, 4,66 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,79 poena u lakÅ”ih). Udeo jestivih iznutrica (predželudac, tanka creva, opornjak) u masi trupa pred klanje je veći u lakih jaradi (4,45%) u poređenju sa srednje teÅ”kim (5,83%) i teÅ”kim jaradima (6,15%). Udeo iznutrica u ohlađenom trupu je najmanji (15,91%) u teÅ”kih, neÅ”to veći (17,16%) u srednje teÅ”kih i najveći (18,86%) u lakih jaradi

    Impact of positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy on disease progression and adjuvant treatment in pathologically localized prostate cancer

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of margin positivity in clinically and pathologically localized prostate cancer (pT2) after radical prostatectomy on biochemical recurrence and time to adjuvant treatment. We analyzed data from 371 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy. At the mean follow up of 36 (25-54) months, impact of margin positivity in pT2 patients on prostate specific antigen (PSA) recurrence and time to introduction of adjuvant treatment was noted. Out of 371 radical prostatectomies there were 277 (74.6%) pT2 and 94 (25.4%) pT3 (locally advanced) prostate cancers. Mean age was 67.6 years, mean Gleason score 6.78, mean preoperative PSA 11.45 ng/mL. Out of 277 pT2 pts., 233 (84%) had negative (SM-) and 44 (16%) positive surgical margins (SM+). Only 3% of SM- pts. had biochemical relapse (BCR). Among pT2 patients with SM+, 18 (41%) had BCR while 26 were free of recurrence at 3 years follow up. Positive surgical margins had an adverse impact on biochemical progression free survival (3% SM- vs. 41% SM+; p<0,001). No difference was found in age, preoperative PSA, Gleason score or follow up between BCR-SM+ and BCR+SM+ patients. Mean time to PSA recurrence in surgical margin positive pT2 patients was 15.7 months. Surgical margin status pT2 disease has an impact on biochemical progression but only 41% of margine positive patients show biochemical recurrence at 3 yr follow up. Not all SM+ patients need to receive treatment after radical prostatectomy. Longer follow up should be awaited to see the impact on overall survival in this group of patients
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