50 research outputs found

    Effect of agroecological factors on variations in yield, protein and oil contents in soybean grain

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    This paper presents the grain yields and protein and oil contents of NS soybean cultivars of 0 maturity group grown for three successive years. The average yield for all cultivars was 3,335 kg ha(-1). The 2010 yields were significantly higher than the three-year average yield. The cultivar Becejka had a significantly higher grain yield per unit area (3,628 kg ha(-1)) and higher yields of proteins and oil (1,355 kg ha(-1) and 769.50 kg ha(-1), respectively) than the other cultivars. The highest protein content (40.56%) was recorded in 2008. The average protein content for all cultivars was 37.60%. The cultivar Proteinka had significantly higher three-year average protein content (38.21%) than the other cultivars, except Tara. The average oil content for all tested cultivars was 21.31%. The cultivar Afrodita had the highest average oil content 21.55%. Statistically significant differences were recorded in grain yield and protein and oil contents and yield, which were due to cultivar and test year. Soybean yield varied according to temperature and quantities and distribution of precipitation. Yield was positively highly significantly correlated with precipitation (r=0.94**), and negatively highly significantly correlated with temperature (r=-0.61**)

    Synthesis of New Heteropolycyclic Bis-Carboxamide: 3,5-Dichloro-N,Nā€™(p-Chlorophenyl)dithieno [3,2-b:2ā€™,3ā€™-d]Furan-2,6-Carboxamide

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    New heteropolycyclic bis-carboxamide 5 was synthesized in multistep synthesis starting from furylacrylic acid (1). This type of compounds are now being examined as potential anti-AIDS agent. The most important stage in the multistep synthesis is the preparation of intermediate 3,5-dichloro- dithieno[3,2-b:2ā€™,3ā€™-d]furan-2,G-dicarbonyl chloride (4)

    RclS Sensor Kinase Modulates Virulence of Pseudomonas capeferrum

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    Signal transduction systems are the key players of bacterial adaptation and survival. The orthodox two-component signal transduction systems perceive diverse environmental stimuli and their regulatory response leads to cellular changes. Although rarely described, the unorthodox three-component systems are also implemented in the regulation of major bacterial behavior such as the virulence of clinically relevant pathogen P. aeruginosa. Previously, we described a novel three-component system in P. capeferrum WCS358 (RclSAR) where the sensor kinase RclS stimulates the intI1 transcription in stationary growth phase. In this study, using rclS knock-out mutant, we identified RclSAR regulon in P. capeferrum WCS358. The RNA sequencing revealed that activity of RclSAR signal transduction system is growth phase dependent with more pronounced regulatory potential in early stages of growth. Transcriptional analysis emphasized the role of RclSAR in global regulation and indicated the involvement of this system in regulation of diverse cellular activities such as RNA binding and metabolic and biocontrol processes. Importantly, phenotypic comparison of WCS358 wild type and Delta rclS mutant showed that RclS sensor kinase contributes to modulation of antibiotic resistance, production of AHLs and siderophore as well as host cell adherence and cytotoxicity. Finally, we proposed the improved model of interplay between RclSAR, RpoS and LasIR regulatory systems in P. capeferrum WCS358

    A novel thermostable YtnP lactonase from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence in vitro and in vivo

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    Infections caused by multidrug-resistant pathogens are one of the biggest challenges facing the healthcare system today. Quorum quenching (QQ) enzymes have the potential to be used as innovative enzyme-based antivirulence therapeutics to combat infections caused by multidrug-resistant pathogens. The main objective of this research was to describe the novel YtnP lactonase derived from the clinical isolate Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and to investigate its antivirulence potential against multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa MMA83. YtnP lactonase, the QQ enzyme, belongs to the family of metallo-Ī²-lactamases. The recombinant enzyme has several advantageous biotechnological properties, such as high thermostability, activity in a wide pH range, and no cytotoxic effect. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed the activity of recombinant YtnP lactonase toward a wide range of N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs), quorum sensing signaling molecules, with a higher preference for long-chain AHLs. Recombinant YtnP lactonase was shown to inhibit P. aeruginosa MMA83 biofilm formation, induce biofilm decomposition, and reduce extracellular virulence factors production. Moreover, the lifespan of MMA83-infected Caenorhabditis elegans was prolonged with YtnP lactonase treatment. YtnP lactonase showed synergistic inhibitory activity in combination with gentamicin and acted additively with meropenem against MMA83. The described properties make YtnP lactonase a promising therapeutic candidate for the development of next-generation antivirulence agents

    Polyphenols as Inhibitors of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria-Mechanisms Underlying Rutin Interference with Bacterial Virulence

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    The rising incidence of antibiotic resistant microorganisms urges novel antimicrobials development with polyphenols as appealing potential therapeutics. We aimed to reveal the most promising polyphenols among hesperetin, hesperidin, naringenin, naringin, taxifolin, rutin, isoquercitrin, morin, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, and gallic acid based on antimicrobial capacity, antibiofilm potential, and lack of cytotoxicity towards HaCaT, and to further test its antivirulence mechanisms. Although the majority of studied polyphenols were able to inhibit bacterial growth and biofilm formation, the most promising activities were observed for rutin. Further investigation proved rutin's ability to prevent/eradicate Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA urinary catheter biofilms. Besides reduction of biofilm biomass, rutin antibiofilm mechanisms included reduction of cell viability, exopolysaccharide, and extracellular DNA levels. Moderate reduction of bacterial adhesion to human keratinocytes upon treatment was observed. Rutin antivirulence mechanisms included an impact on P. aeruginosa protease, pyocyanin, rhamnolipid, and elastase production and the downregulation of the lasI, lasR, rhlI, rhlR, pqsA and mvfR genes. Rutin also interfered with membrane permeability. Polyphenols could repress antibiotic resistant bacteria. Rutin has shown wide antimicrobial and antibiofilm capacity employing a range of mechanisms that might be used for the development of novel antimicrobials

    Genotipske specifičnosti pivarskog ječma u uslovima intenzivne ishrane azotom

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    A three-year trial (2003-2005) was conducted under agro ecological conditions of Timočka Krajina (the experiment farm of Technological Research Center in Zaječar). Research object were six malting barley genotypes, which were top-dressed with the following amounts of nitrogen in the course of growing season: 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg ha-1. A non-fertilized variant served as a control. The obtained results indicated that the tested genotypes reacted to increased amounts of nitrogen by changing their morphological and biological characteristics as well as the technological values of grain. The effectiveness of the applied nitrogen depended significantly on the distribution of rainfall in periods of highest water uptake by malting barley.TrogodiÅ”nji ogledi (2003-2005) su izvedeni u Centru za poljoprivredna i tehnoloÅ”ka istraživanja u Zaječaru. Materijal istraživanja bilo je Å”est genotipova pivarskog ječma koji su tokom vegetacionog perioda prihranjivani sledećim količinama azota 40, 60, 80 i 100 kg ha-1. Kao kontrola poslužila je varijanta bez prihranjivanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da genotipovi reaguju na povećane količine azota promenom morfoloÅ”kih i bioloÅ”kih osobina, kao i promenama tehnoloÅ”ke vrednosti semena. Efekti upotrebljenog azota značajno zavise od rasporeda padavina u periodima najveće potroÅ”nje vode

    Atlas - nova sorta stočnog ječma palidum tipa klasa

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    This paper presents features of a new variety of winter six-rowed barley Atlas created at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, which was released in Serbia in 2005 and in Bosnia and Hercegovina in 2009. It belongs to a group of early varieties. In Serbian Varietal Release Committee trials the yield of variety Atlas was 347 kg/ha higher than the standard, while heading was three days earlier. This variety has moderately large grains and 1000-kernel weight of 35-37 grams, test weight of 72-75 kg/hl and a high protein content of over 14% cm. Variety Atlas would be sown at the beginning of October with a planting rate of approximately 350 viable seeds per square meter. It is recommended to be grown on moderately fertile soil, since its performance is weaker on soils of lower quality. .U radu su prikazane osobine nove sorte ozimog Å”estoredog ječma Atlas, koja je stvorena u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad, registrovana u Srbiji 2005, a u Bosni i Hercegovini 2009. godine. Spada u grupu ranih sorti. U ogledima komisije za priznavanje sorti Republike Srbije prinos sorte Atlas bio je veći 347 kg/ha u odnosu na standard a klasanje tri dana ranije. Sorta ima zrno umerene krupnoće, sa masom hiljadu zrna od 35-37 grama, hektolitarsku masu 72-75 kg/hl i visok sadržaj proteina, preko 14% cm. Setvu sorte Atlas treba obaviti početkom oktobra, sa setvenom normom oko 350 klijavih zrna/m2. Na loÅ”ijim zemljiÅ”tima daje slabe rezultate i preporučuje se za gajenje na zemljiÅ”tima umerene plodnosti.

    Produktivne osobine različitih genotipova pivarskog ječma u uslovima pojačane ishrane azotom

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    Two-year trials have been conducted in Technological Research Center in Zajecar. Research objects were six malting barley genotypes. The experimental crop was top dressed with the following amounts of nitrogen: 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg ha-1. The control variant was not top dressed. The obtained results showed that the genotypes reacted significantly to the increased amounts of nitrogen by changing their production characteristics and seed quality. In addition, the genotypes demonstrated certain varietal differences. A new genotype, Premijum, was highest yielding and it had the lowest total proteins in the grain. The genotype NS-525 had the highest 1000-grain weight (46.8 g). The effect of nitrogen on the studied characteristics depended on N quantity applied. Increasing amounts of nitrogen decrease positive effects on spike length, number of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight and yield. However, the protein content in grain kept increasing to the highest nitrogen dose, which lowered the quality of malting barley. The highest yield was obtained by applying 80 and 100 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, depending on the year of study.DvogodiÅ”nja istraživanja izvedena su na poljima Centar za poljoprivredna i tehnoloÅ”ka istraživanja u Zaječaru. Predmet istraživanja bila su Å”est genotipova pivarskog ječma. Za prihranjivanje useva koriŔćene su sledeće količine azota 40, 60, 80 i 100 kg ha-1. Kontrola je bila varijanta bez prihranjivanja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da genotipovi značajno reaguju na povećane količine azota promenom proizvodnih osobina i kvaliteta semena. Pri tome su ispoljene određene sortne razlike. Novi genotip Premijum bio je najrodniji i sa najmanje ukupnih proteina u zrnu. Najveću masu 1000 zrna (46,8 g) imao je genotip NS-525. Efekti azota na ispitivane osobine zavise od upotrebljene količine. Sa rastućim količinama opada pozitivan efekat na dužinu klasa, broj zrna u klasu, masu 1000 zrna i prinos. Međutim sadržaj proteina u zrnu je rastao do najveće doze azota, čime se pogorÅ”ava kvalitet pivarskog ječma. U zavisnosti od godine ispitivanja, najveći prinos zrna dobijen je ishranom biljaka sa 80 odnosno 100 kg ha-1 azota

    Uticaj viŔegodiŔnje primene različitih doza i odnosa N, P i K na hemijski sastav tvrde pŔenice

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    After 40 years of using different rates and ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a long-term stationary trial, we studied the effects of these treatments on the levels of biogenic macro- and micro-elements in the flag leaf and grain of hard wheat. Our study showed that the treatments had more effect on the levels of said elements in the flag leaf than the grain. Of the three nutrients, nitrogen had the largest influence. The levels of the elements studied were the lowest in the control treatment and the one where only potassium fertilizer had been used. Increasing fertilizer rates of all three nutrients increased to varying degrees the levels of all macro- and micro-elements under study. Nitrogen affected grain yield the most. With the exception of nitrogen, the use of different rates and ratios of N, P and K did not have any major effect on the levels of the elements studied in the grain. The nitrogen content was the smallest in the control treatment nitrogen-free treatments and treatments with the smallest nitrogen rate. In spite of the long-term incorporation of N, P and K, which exceeded the amounts of these elements removed by yield, there was no interaction between the three nutrients and the elements studied. According to the results of our study, even after long-term fertilization with increased N, P and K rates when chernozem has a good supply of phosphorus and potassium and a medium supply of nitrogen, nitrogen will be the element with the largest influence on the grain yield of hard wheat as well as on its chemical composition, as N levels increase in both the flag leaf and grains of this crop.U stacionarnom, dugotrajnom poljskom ogledu posle četiri decenije primene različitih doza i odnosa azota, fosfora i kalijuma, ispitan je njihov uticaj na sadržaj biogenih makro i mikroelemenata, u listu zastavičaru i zrnu. Primena različitih doza i odnosa azota, fosfora i kalijuma u većoj meri je uticala na sadržaj ispitivanih elemenata u listu zastavičaru nego u zrnu. Od ispitivana tri hraniva azot je ispoljio najveći uticaj. Najmanji je bio sadržaj ispitivanih elemenata kod kontrole i varijante kod koje je primenjivano samo kalijumovo đubrivo. Sa povećanjem doza primenjenih hraniva povećao se sadržaj u manjoj ili većoj meri svih ispitivanih elemenata. Azot je u najvećoj meri uticao i na prinos zrna. Primena različitih doza i odnosa azota, fosfora i kalijuma nije ispoljila veći uticaj na sadržaj ispitivanih elemenata u zrnu, osim u slučaju azota. Sadržaj azota bio je najmanji kod kontrole, varijanata kod kojih nisu primenjivana azotna đubriva i pri upotrebi najmanje doze azota. I pored viÅ”egodiÅ”nje primene doza azota fosfora i kalijuma koje premaÅ”uju njihovo iznoÅ”enje prinosima nije doÅ”lo do interakcije između primenjenih i ispitivanih elemenata. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da na černozemu dobro obezbeđenog u fosforu i kalijumu i osrednje u azotu, i posle viÅ”egodiÅ”nje primene povećanih doza azota, fosfora i kalijuma najveći uticaj ne samo na prinos zrna već i na hemijski sastav ima azot, povećavajući pre svega njegov sadržaj kako u listu zastavičaru tako i u zrnu

    Preliminarno istraživanje produktivnosti novostvorenih NS sorti i linija soje (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the most-yielding NS soybean varieties for the agro-ecological conditions of Pancevo area in Serbia. This paper presents the analysis results of yield and plant height of eight NS soybean varieties of I maturity group. Average yield for these soybean varieties was 3,701 kg / ha. NS Maximus recorded significantly higher yield than other tested varieties, except the line NS-L-210391. Line NS-L-414260 achieved significantly higher plant height compared to the other tested varieties, p lt 0.05 and line NS-L-210391 achieved significantly higher first pod height than variety NS Maximus and line NS-L-510001. Statistically significant differences in yield are evident, depending on the cultivated genotypes. All analyzed NS varieties achieved high yields and suitable for growing on the site of Pancevo.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odrede najprinosnije NS sorte soje za agroekoloŔke uslove Pančeva. U radu su prikazani rezultati prinosa i visine biljaka, osam NS sorti soje, I grupe zrenja (GZ). Prosečni prinosi za ispitivane sorte soje iznosili su 3.701 kg/ha i beleže stabilnost (CV=12,84 %). Sorta NS Maximus imala je signifikantno viŔi prinos u odnosu na testirane sorte (p lt 0.05), izuzev linije NS-L-210391. Linija NS-L-414260 imala je signifikantno viŔu visinu biljke u odnosu na ostale testirane sorte, p lt 0.05 dok je linija NS-L-210391 imala signifikantno viŔu visinu prve mahune u odnosu na sortu NS Maximus i liniju NS-L-510001. Evidentne su statistički značajne razlike u prinosima u zavisnosti od gajenog genotipa (p lt 0.05). Sve testirane NS sorte soje ostvarile su visoke prinose i pogodne su za gajenje na lokalitetu Pančevo