22 research outputs found

    Fishing lines and cords

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    Fishing lines and cords

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je přeměření pevnosti a průměru u pěti vybraných vzorků rybářských vlasců a porovnání těchto hodnot s hodnotami deklarovanými. Dále jsou u těchto vzorků přeměřeny i další, pro rybářské vlasce důležité, vlastnosti, jako je například odolnost v oděru a tažnost. V práci je také popsán vybraný sortiment textilního zboží, který se používá při rybolovu, jako jsou například různé druhy rybářských sítí a rybářské pletené šňůry. V práci je také shrnuta i samotná výroba rybářského vlasce. Na základě naměřených hodnot pevnosti a tažnosti, odolnosti v oděru a průměru jednotlivých vzorků je vybrán nejvhodnější materiál v porovnání s materiály konkurenčními.This bachelor's thesis is focused on a remeasurement of the strength and diameters of the five selected samples of a fishing line. It is focused also on comparison these measured values with the declared values. Then I remeasure other important values of these fishing lines such as abrasion resistance and ductility. Then I described the selected assortment of the textile goods that is used during fishing. I described kinds of a fishing net and fishing braided cords. In the thesis there is also summarized the production of a fishing line. I chose the most suitable material based on the measured values which are the strength, abrasion resistance and diameter with the comparison with competitive materials

    Evaluation of visual defect of a wrinkle on textile using principle of bending into a loop

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    ANOTACEV předložené diplomové práci je řešena problematika hodnocení vzhledového defektu, kterým je vráska vznikající na potahu automobilové sedačky. Dosud užívané metody hodnocení zlomových vrásek na textiliích se jeví jako nedostačující, a proto je cílem diplomové práce navrhnout a vyrobit funkční přístroj pro jejich hodnocení a ověřit princip fungování zařízení na textiliích dodaných firmou ŠKODA AUTO a.s. Zkonstruované měřící zařízení slouží k určení, zda je testovaná textilie vhodná pro výrobu potahu automobilové sedačky. Hodnocení vzhledového defektu je založeno na principu ohýbání testovaného materiálu do smyčky. Návrh měřicího zařízení je doplněn o výkresovou dokumentací vytvořenou v CAD programovém prostředí.The presented diploma thesis deals with the issue of evaluation of the appearance defect, which is the wrinkle created on the car seat cover. Up to now used methods to evaluate wrinkles in the textile industry seem to be inadequate and therefore the aim of the thesis is to design and produce a functional instrument for their evaluation and to verify the principle of functioning of the device in the textile industry supplied by ŠKODA AUTO a.s. company. The designed measuring device serves to determine whether the test fabric is suitable for the creation of a car seat cover. The evaluation of the appearance defect is based on the principle of bending the test material into the loop. The measuring device is complemented by drawing documentation created in the CAD program environment

    Výroba přírub z PESL injektováním

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    Nanofibrous membrane as a moisture barrier

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    The text of the paper deals with the unusual use of textile membrane, originally used in outdoor clothing, as hydrobariers in building composites. In the experiment, the resistance of the building composite exposed to the 1.5 m high water column is examined. Research is conducted on two levels. On the first level, we focus on developing a building composite that includes a smart fabric membrane and is waterproof and vapour-permeable. On the second level, we deal with the development of a measuring system which will be able to correctly evaluate the water resistance of the building composite. A moisture-proof and air-permeable membrane can protect construction against various effects of moisture (i.e. flood, rain, ground water). The resulting water permeability values are compared with the four types of construction composite. It is discussed whether it is possible to create hydrobarriers in buildings if a textile nanofibrous membrane is composed into the building composite. If the composite is able to capture 70-80% of the water then the energy savings are significant

    Development and Application of a New Apparatus for Moisture Measurement in Building Composites

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    The presented paper is divided into two levels. On the first level, the research is focused on development of a material that includes a smart fabric membrane (nanofiber) and is waterproof and vapour-permeable. On the second level, it deals with the development of an apparatus which is able to evaluate the resistance of the building composite against water. A new device is presented that can measure how waterproof the building material is, with a thickness between five to 20 centimetres. The tested samples are in the shape of a square or circle, they have a width of 20 centimetres, or a diameter of 20 centimetres. All of the building composite samples were tested using a water column that is one meter high. Experiments simulate floods on this new apparatus. It was found that materials can be evaluated not only according to the amount of water flow per unit of time, but also according to the shape of the flow curves