42 research outputs found


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    Land consolidation is seen today as an important instrument which facilitates the improvement of the agricultural infrastructure in general and the development of agriculture by creating a structure of exploitation in accordance with the market demands. The consolidation of land ownerships may be an effective and active land management instrument which not only addresses the problems of land fragmentation, but also, if applied sensitively, may be an instrument for delivering sustainable rural development in a wider context. The aim of this research is to investigate land consolidation as an essential tool to create sustainable rural areas in Romanialand consolidation; land fragmentation; sustainable development.


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    Currently in Romania, the information sources available to farmers are limited and belong mostly to the public sector. The knowledge provided is relevant but insufficient in order to meet the needs of the Romanian farmers, especially since they are not oriented towards the market, as the main segment of interest. This paper has the intention to emphasize the need to introduce ICT as the main tool in supporting the decision making process and in resolving the specific issues faced by this sector In analyzing the current situation regarding this matter, in order to propose ways to resolve the problems encountered in achieving knowledge transfer, until now, were addressed issues such as: the evolution of the knowledge transfer concept, development milestones and actions that marked the RDI sector as the main producer of information, the main supporters of the farmers in their information actions (World Bank, IFAD), means, procedures and techniques used for transmitting knowledge (extension; consultancy). But what is most important is making all this resulted information available for the farmers, fact which can only be accomplished, in our opinion, by introducing and implementing ICT in the rural areas. The main method of research is the statistical data analysis of the data regarding the components involved in the knowledge transfer process and the current status of implementation of ICT in the rural areas. Among the expected results are included identifying the main restrictive factors in achieving knowledge transfer in rural and the main implications that implementing ICT would have on farmers\\\' market position. Introducing ICT in the rural area is, in our opinion the best way to transform information, as a research result, into knowledge, becoming this way a real input for the farmer In practice, this will lead to lower production costs, lower prices for inputs, increased revenues by increasing the productionâ€(tm)s prices and, not least, increased level of the European funding resources attracted for supporting investments.knowledge transfer, ICT, sustainable development, rural areas, knowledge society;

    Postoperative median incisional hernias occurrence and their surgical treatment with retromuscular prolene mesh and hernial sac

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures, Romania, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Median incisional hernias are the most frequent postoperative complications in the surgical practice. They can occur in different forms and at different ages. Because of its high incidence rate, many surgical techniques are being used, but neither one is superior over the others. However some creative combined techniques show promising results. Aim: Analyzing occurrence rates and types of postoperative median incisional hernias at different ages and genders. Evaluation of the efficiency of different surgery techniques. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study at the 2nd Department of Surgery, Emergency County Hospital in Tirgu Mures, during January 2010 and January 2016. Results: From 763 patients 517(67.76%) were females and 246(32.24%) were males. The highest incidence rate was noticed between the age of 60 and 70, at both genders (35.13%). We found in 18(2.36%) cases giant incisional hernias and in 98(12.84%) cases multilocular hernias. There were 48(6.29%) life threatening cases, caused by incarcerated incisional hernias. Recurrences appeared in 51(6.68%) cases. In most of the cases (485=63.57%) abdominal wall reconstructions were made with prolene mesh in retromuscular position, followed by primary suture repairs (211=27.65%) and finally (67=8.78%) prolene mesh in retromuscular position and hernial sac were used together in the surgical treatment. The two most common early complications were: rectus sheath hematomas and subcutaneous seromas. Conclusion: Postoperative median incisional hernias have a high incidence and recurrence rate, especially between the age 60 and 70. Prolene mesh in retromuscular position or primary suture repairs are not always enough. Using prolene mesh in retromuscular position together with the hernial sac is a more secure and low cost proceeding, especially in cases of giant incisional hernias

    Introducing Semi-Interpenetrating Networks of Chitosan and Ammonium-Quaternary Polymers for the Effective Removal of Waterborne Pathogens from Wastewaters

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    The present work aims to study the influence of ammonium-quaternary monomers and chitosan, obtained from different sources, upon the effect of semi-interpenetrating polymer network (semi-IPN) hydrogels upon the removal of waterborne pathogens and bacteria from wastewater. To this end, the study was focused on using vinyl benzyl trimethylammonium chloride (VBTAC), a water-soluble monomer with known antibacterial properties, and mineral-enriched chitosan extracted from shrimp shells, to prepare the semi-IPNs. By using chitosan, which still contains the native minerals (mainly calcium carbonate), the study intends to justify that the stability and efficiency of the semi-IPN bactericidal devices can be modified and better improved. The new semi-IPNs were characterized for composition, thermal stability and morphology using well-known methods. Swelling degree (SD%) and the bactericidal effect assessed using molecular methods revealed that hydrogels made of chitosan derived from shrimp shell demonstrated the most competitive and promising potential for wastewater (WW) treatment.Introducing Semi-Interpenetrating Networks of Chitosan and Ammonium-Quaternary Polymers for the Effective Removal of Waterborne Pathogens from WastewaterspublishedVersio

    Spontaneous pneumothorax after a respiratory distress syndrome – a case report

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu MuresBackground. Respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) of the newborn is caused by pulmonary surfactant deficiency in the lungs of neonates which leads to alveolar collapse and noncompliant lungs. It can be primary or secondary, due to meconium aspiration or Group B Streptocoocus (GBS) infection. RDS is usually diagnosed with a combination of clinical signs and/or symptoms (apnea, cyanosis, grunting, inspiratory stridor, nasal flaring, poor feeding, and tachypnea), chest radiographic findings, and arterial blood gas Results. In near term or term infants with great respiratory effort, RDS can be complicated with spontaneous pnumothorax

    Is the gender an important variable in evaluating the psoriatic arthritis activity when using stockerau activity score?

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures, Romania, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Background: In last decade, several disease activity scores for the inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis were validated. Still, the auto - evaluation in real life is less utilised in clinical practice. A new score – the Stockerau Activity Score for Psoriatic Arthritis (SASPA), aimed to be used by the patients is to be validated. Aim: to evaluate the gender as an independent variable for the SASPA score. Material and method: A prospective, cross-sectional study was started on February 2016 in the rheumatology ambulatory settings. SAPSA activity score consisting of five questions aiming the tender joints, the degree of arthritis, the stiffness, the general health and the skin disease was completed by thirty - six (17 women, 19 men) patients diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Mann Whitney test was applied. Results: All the patients completed the SAPSA in less than 2 minutes. No differences were observed concerning the tender joints (p: 0.6067), the arthritis overall evaluation (p: 0.6863), the general health (p: 0.5074) and the stiffness (p: 0.8951) comparing the results of women versus men. On the p scale we observed a tendency to achieve a differentiation when asked by the skin involvement (p: 0.0789), being with a delta of 0.4 more affected the women. Conclusions: The skin involvement in association with the gender is to be carefully considered when applying activity scores in PsA

    Hydroxycloroquine is a foe friend in a drug induced systemic lupus erythematosus?

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu Mures, Romania, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: The golden standard in the management of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the hydroxycloroquine. The main listed side effects of hydroxycloroquine are the ocular toxicity and in lupus with myositis overlaps the desquamation. Clinical case: A female patient known with a history of sterility and upper respiratory tract infection (started on June 2015 and resolved in December 2015) on treatment with Amoxicillin and symptomatics presents in January 2016 with parotid swelling and sicca symptoms. Corroborating the history (photosensibility, amoxicillin intake, parotid swelling, sicca symptoms, mother diagnosed with psoriasis) with the immunology panel (positive antibodies for SSA, SSB, RO-52, dsDNA and histone) the patient was diagnosed with secondary Sjogren Syndrome Associated with drug induced SLE. Hydroxicloroquine Associated with low doses of Prednisone was started. After the first dose, the patient complained about pruritus and extended erythematosus plaque. She was admitted in the ER. She was put on high doses of corticosteroids and the hydroxycloroquine was stopped. A skin biopsy was performed showing a pattern characteristic for toxic dermatitis. Results from a prior parotid biopsy are expected. The patient was admitted in the Department of Rheumatology to start a new drug treatment. Conclusion: Four major questions arised from the history of our patient. Did we missed something prior the onset of the treatment with hydroxycloroquine? Was the Amoxicillin to be blamed for the drug induced lupus? Are we dealing with a secondary Sjogren syndrome with complications – eg. lymphoma? What is the best treatment to be started

    Multiple organ dysfunction induced by alprostadilum in a patient diagnosed with scleroderma (systemic sclerosis)

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures, Romania, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Painful, slow-healing ulcers of the fingers are most common in patients with progressive systemic sclerosis. Prostaglandine E1(PGE1) is a vasodilatator that has been found to reduce the pain of the severe periphereal arterisclerotic vascular disease and to promote healing of the accompanying ulcers. Clinical case: We present the case of a 46-years old, female, allergic to Hymenoptera venom, and witch in 2010 received swine flu vaccine. In october 2010, she reach on the departament of Rheumatology, Targu Mures accusing pain and swelling in the extremities, skin changes at the same level accompanied by vasomotor disturbances at cold. Having in mind this clinical appearance of skin, typical for scleroderma, Associated with the mesenchymal nonspecific inflammatory syndrome proven by laboratory test, with increased antibody titer (antinuclear antibodies-ANA: 45.2 UI/ml and topoisomerase-I antibodies-anti Scl 70: 39.5 UI/ml) and after radiographic appearance of early resorption of the distal phalanx, IV finger, right hand is given a diagnosis of progressive systemic scleroderma and we have initiated a background treatment with methotrexate. But after two months the disease progresses rapidly with necrotizing vasculitis and pulmonary injury. So we initiated a treatment with cyclophosphamide 600 mg intravenously with favorable evolution until October 2011 when it stopped due to a suspected hemorrhagic cystitis, and when peripheral ischemia occur we decide to introduce back azathioprine in the treatment plan but with modest results resuming the treatment with Cyclophosphamide in May 2012, which was Associated with Alprostadilum and in February 2013reenter Methotrexate. In january 2014,after the treatment with Alprostadilum, the patient suddenly accuse chills, low grade fever, muscular pain, without auscultatory lung changes, arrhythmic heart sounds, with ischemic changes on electrocardiogram, rising the suspicion of an acute coronary syndrome, but which was rejected after cardiological examination. Subsequently, after two days, the patient presents coffee grounds vomiting for which was made an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in emergency, which shows no active bleeding source. Concidering progressive hemodynamic alterations, the patient is transferred in Gastroenterology Clinic where is established the diagnosis of acute gastric ulcer with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. After 2 weeks, the patient presents in the emergency room in bad general condition with necrotic changes in the fingers and she was hospitalized to the intensive care unit with inflammatory syndrome, marked anemia, hepatic and renal failure, pleural effusion fluid with cytopathology diagnosis of atypical cells and suspected neoplastic process having a rapidly evolution to death.In conclusion even if we considered all aspects and risk factors related to the patient’s disease, when we prescribe Alprostadilum we should expect to face a tragic outcome

    Is psoriatic arthritis a risk factor for diabetes mellitus?

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu Mures, Romania, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Three meta-analyses evaluated the role of psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The difference of the three studies consisted in evaluating different parameters involved alongside psoriasis (Ps) and/or psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in the onset of diabetes. The aim of our study is to find if psoriatic arthritis is an independent risk factor. Material and Method: We enrolled 330 patients diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis according with CASPAR criteria in our observational study. The following variables were monitored: the presence of diabetes pre or post onset of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, the onset of the disease, the gender, the treatment – classical or biological disease disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), corticotherapy, body mass index, alcohol intake, smoking habits, dyslipidaemia, active or inactive status in society. Graph Pad Prism 6.0 software was used to assess the statistically the data. Results: Two-hundred and eighty-seven patients (pts.) with psoriatic arthritis and lack of diabetes were enrolled to the control group. Forty-three patients were associating type 2 diabetes mellitus. In the control group, we found a positive association between overweight (p: 0.008, r: 0.159), obesity (p:0.020, r: 0.138) and glucose intolerance and a protective role of methotrexate (p: 0.023, r: - 0.134). In the study group, according with the statistics, all the patients that developed diabetes were obese and the onset was correlated with the skin lesions (p: 0.038, r: 0.317). Conclusions: Obesity and skin disease seemed to play an important role in the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus. A nutritionist should be involved in the management of the disease