11 research outputs found
Uticaj etarskih ulja timijana, cimeta i karanfilića na porast micelije Colletotrichum acutatum
Effects of the volatile phase of thyme, cinnamon and clove essential oils on
Colletotrichum acutatum were investigated. Mycelial disc was placed in the center of the
Petri dish (V=66 ml) containing PDA. Different volumes of either non- or ethanol-diluted
essential oils were placed on the inner side of the dish cover to obtain final concentrations
of 153, 107, 76, 46, 15, 14, 12, 11, 7.6, 3.82, 1.53, 0.153 and 0.0153 μl/L of air. The dishes were sealed with Parafilm and incubated in up-side-down position. After 7 days of incubation,
mycelial growth was recorded by measuring the colony diameter. If no mycelial growth
was recorded, the disc was transferred to a new PDA plate in order to evaluate whether
the activity was either fungistatic or fungicidal. Mean growth values were obtained and
then converted to inhibition percentage of mycelial growth compared with the control
treatment. All the tested essential oils inhibited mycelial growth of C. acutatum in the dose
dependent manner. Mycelial growth was totally inhibited by thyme oil in the concentration
of 76 μl/L of air. The same results were obtained by cinnamon and clove oil in the concentration
of 107 μl/L of air. Thyme and cinnamon oil had fungicidal effect in concentrations
of 107 and 153 μl/L respectively. The results obtained provide evidence on the antifungal
in vitro effect of the tested essential oils as potential means for the control of C. acutatum.Proučavan je efekat isparljive faze etarskih ulja timijana, cimeta i karanfilića na prouzrokovača
antraknoze jagode Colletotrichum acutatum u uslovima in vitro. Fragmenti micelije gljive,
prečnika 1 cm, zasejani su na KDA podlogu u petri-kutije (V = 66 ml). Različite koncentracije
etarskih ulja (153, 107, 76, 46, 15, 14, 12, 11, 7,6, 3,82, 1,53, 0,153 i 0,0153 μl/l vazduha) dobijene su
nanošenjem određene količine ulja, koncentrovanih ili razblaženih u etanolu, na središnji deo
unutrašnje strane poklopca. Petri-kutije su zatvorene parafilmom i postavljene u obrnuti položaj,
a porast micelije je meren posle 7 dana inkubacije. U kulturama u kojima nije došlo do porasta
micelije fungicidno ili fungitoksično dejstvo određeno je prebacivanjem fragmenata na
KDA podloge bez prisustva ulja. Efekat etarskih ulja predstavljen je procentom inhibicije porasta
micelije, poređenjem sa kontrolom. Proučavana etarska ulja timijana, cimeta i karanfilića su
svojom gasovitom fazom inhibirala porast micelije C. acutatum. Stepen inhibicije zavisio je od
primenjene koncentracije. Etarsko ulje timijana je potpuno inhibiralo porast micelije pri koncentraciji
76 μl/l vazduha, a cimeta i karanfilića pri koncentraciji 107 μl/l vazduha. Fungicidno
dejstvo ispoljilo je etarsko ulje timijana u koncentraciji 107 μl/l vazduha i cimeta u koncentraciji
153 μl/l vazduha. Rezultati istraživanja in vitro pokazali su antifungalno dejstvo testiranih etarskih
ulja, što govori o potencijalu korišćenja etarskih ulja u kontroli C. acutatum
Utvrđivanje prisustva Colletotrichum acutatum u latentno zaraženom lišću i lisnim drškama jagode
Colletotrichum acutatum is the most significant agent of anthracnose strawberry fruit
rot. Besides being a necrotrophic pest, it can spend a part of its life cycle as an epiphyte,
in a form of latent infection. The presence of the fungi on symptomless plant tissue is considered one of the main ways of distribution of this economically harmful pathogen in the
world. Investigation of latent C. acutatum infection was carried out on artificially inoculated
strawberries. The initiation of fungi sporulation on symptomless petioles and leaves was
carried out by exposing them to the herbicide paraquat (0.25%) and low temperatures,
which caused plant tissue decay in different ways. Surface sterilization with 0.5% NaOCl
precedes the exposure of plant material to paraquat. The freezing procedure was carried
out by exposure of plant material to the temperature of -20°C for 2h. After the freezing,
one group was rinsed in Tween 20 (18 μl/l), and another group underwent surface sterilization
in 0.0525% NaOCl with an addition of Tween 20 (18 μl/l). After 6 days of incubation, the
appearance of acervuli and conidia was detected in 93.33 to 100% plant parts exposed to
paraquat treatment and freezing procedure. In inoculated parts which were not exposed
to herbicides or low temperatures, the presence of acervuli was detected in 3.33% tested
petioles and 6.67% leaves.Colletotrichum acutatum je najznačajniji prouzrokovač antraknoznog propadanja plodova
jagode. Pored nekrotrofnog načina parazitiranja, deo svog životnog ciklusa može da
provede kao epifit i to u vidu latentnih zaraza. Prisustvo gljive na asimptomatičnom biljnom
tkivu smatra se jednim od glavnih načina širenja ovog ekonomski štetnog patogena u svetu.
Ispitivanja latentne zaraze C. acutatum urađena su na veštački inokulisanim jagodama.
Iniciranje sporulacije gljive na asimptomatičnim lisnim drškama i lišću urađeno je izlaganjem
biljnog tkiva delovanju herbicida parakvata, kao i niskim temperaturama, koji na različite
načine izazivaju propadanje biljnog tkiva. Izlaganju asimptomatičnih biljnih delova delovanju
parakvata (0,25%), prethodila je površinska sterilizacija 0,5% NaOCl. Postupak smrzavanja
urađen je izlaganjem biljnih delova temperaturi od -20oC u trajanju od 2 h. Posle
smrzavanja jedna grupa je isprana Tween 20 (18 μl/l), a druga grupa je površinski sterilisana
0,0525% NaOCl uz dodatak Tween 20 (18 μl/l). Posle šest dana inkubacije, pojava acervula
i konidija detektovana je u 93,33% do 100% lisnih delova izloženih delovanju parakvata
ili postupcima smrzavanja. U inokulisanim biljnim delovima koji nisu izlagani delovanju
herbicida ili niskih temperatura, sporulacija je detektovana kod 3,33% testiranih lisnih drški,
odnosno 6,67% lišća
Morfološke, serološke i molekularne analize prouzrokovača antraknoze ploda banane
Two species of the genus Colletotrichum, C. musae and C. gloeosporoides, occur as infecting
species of banana. The study focused on examining the etiology of anthracnose on
banana fruits sold on the domestic market. An isolate was obtained from a deseased banana
fruit on PDA medium, forming a white colony with intensive and uniformed growth. It was
not possible to identify the isolated fungus based on its morphological characteristics.
Positive serological reaction in an ELISA test with monoclonal antibodies for C. acutatum
indicated an antigen site for the used monoclonal antibodies. Positive reaction when C.
gloeosporioides-specific primers were applied indicated a similarity in the ITS sequence of
the fungus and the examined isolate from banana fruit. Although there are no available
data in literature that C. gloeosporioides-specific CgInt primer can be used for amplification
of the phylogenetically related C. musae, our results do not exclude that the isolate could be
C. musae. The host plant, symptoms observed and colony characteristics of the fungus isolated
from the banana fruit mostly correspond to C. musae. Based on morphological, antigen
and gentic characteristics, the isolate from banana was determined as Colletotrichum
sp., while species identification of the anthracnose-causing agent on banana requires additional
analysis.Na banani se javljaju dve vrste iz roda Colletotrichum, C. musae i C. gloeosporoides. Cilj
ovog rada bio je ispitivanje etiologije antraknoznog propadanja plodova banane koje se u
našoj zemlji nalaze u prometu. Iz obolelog ploda banane dobijen je izolat koji na PDA podlozi
formira koloniju bele boje sa intenzivnim uniformnim rastom. Na osnovu dobijenih
morfoloških osobina izolovane gljive nije se mogla definitivno uraditi identifikacija. Pozitivna
serološka reakcija u ELISA testu sa monoklonalnim antitelima za C. acutatum govori o postojanju
antigenog mesta za korišćena monoklonalna antitela. Pozitivna reakcija korišćenjem
prajmera specifičnih za C. gloeosporioides ukazuje na sličnost u sekvenci ITS regiona ove
gljive i ispitivanog izolata iz banane. Mada u literaturi nije zabeleženo da se korišćenjem
CgInt prajmera specifičnog za C. gloeosporioides može amplifikovati i njemu filogenetski
bliska C. musae, ovi rezultati ne isključuju mogućnost da je izolat iz banane C. musae. Biljka
domaćin, zabeleženi simptomi i osobine kolonije izolata iz banane najviše odgovaraju C.
musae. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata morfoloških, antigenih i genetskih osobina izolat iz
banane označen je kao Colletotrichum sp., a za tačnu identifikaciju prouzrokovača antraknoze
ploda banane do nivoa vrste neophodno je sprovesti dalje analize
61 Analiza masnih kiselina sojeva Erwinia amylovora iz Srbije i Crne Gore
Automated method of fatty acid analysis was used to identify and study heterogeneity of
41 Erwinia amylovora strains, originating from 8 plant species grown in 13 locations in Serbia and
one in Montenegro. All strains contained 14:0 3OH fatty acid, characteristic for the “amylovora”
group. According to fatty acid composition 39 strains were identified as E. amylovora as the first
choice from the database. Due to their specific fatty acid composition, two strains were identified
as E. amylovora, but as a second choice. Fatty acid analysis also showed that E. amylovora
population from Serbia could be differentiated in three groups, designated in this study as
α, β and γ. All strains originating from central or south Serbia, as well as four strains from north
Serbia clustered into group α. Group β and γ contained only strains isolated in northern Serbia
(Vojvodina). The results show that E. amylovora population in this area is heterogeneous and
indicate pathogen introduction from different directions. Fatty acid analysis enabled identification
at species level, as well as new insights of heterogeneity of E. amylovora population.Automatizovana metoda analize masnih kiselina primenjena je za identifikaciju i proučavanje
heterogenosti Erwinia amylovora. Kao materijal za analizu prikupljen je 41 soj E.
amylovora izolovan iz 8 različitih vrsta domaćina gajenih u 13 lokaliteta u Srbiji i jednom lokalitetu
u Crnoj Gori. Rezultati ukazuju da svi proučavani sojevi poseduju 14:0 3OH masnu
kiselinu, koja je karakteristična za „amylovora“ grupu. Na osnovu sastava masnih kiselina 39
sojeva je identifikovano kao E. amylovora, kao prvi izbor iz baze podataka. Dva soja su identifikovana
kao E. amylovora, ali tek kao drugi izbor iz baze podataka, što je najverovatnije
posledica specifičnosti u sastavu njihovih masnih kiselina. Rezultati analize masnih kiselina
takođe pokazuju da populacija E. amylovora poreklom iz Srbije nije homogena i da među
sojevima postoje tri grupe ili profila, koji su u ovom radu obeleženi sa α, β i γ. Svi sojevi koji
su izolovani na prostoru centralne ili južne Srbije pripadaju grupi α, kao i četiri soja izolovana
na području Vojvodine. Grupama β i γ pripadaju samo sojevi izolovani na području Vojvodine.
Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju dokaz heterogenosti populacije E. amylovora na ovim
prostorima i ukazuju na mogućnost prodora patogena u naše područje iz različitih pravaca.
Analiza masnih kiselina omogućila je ne samo identifikaciju do nivoa vrste, već i nova saznanja
o heterogenosti populacije E. amylovora na ovim prostorima
Karakteristike sojeva bakterija roda Pseudomonas izolovanih iz obolelih grana šljive
Characteristics of Pseudomonas syringae strains isolated from diseased plum trees are
presented is this paper. Based on pathogenic, biochemical and physiological characteristics,
isolated starins were divided into two groups: First group of strains, isolated from diseased
plum branches with symptoms of suden decay, was simillar to Pseudomonas syringae
pv. syringae; second group of strains, isolated from necrotic flower buds on plum trees,
exhibited characteristics simillar to Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum. In addition,
phytopathogenic fungi belonging to genera Phomopsis, Botryosphaeria and Leucostoma,
were also isolated from diseased plum trees. Further study of these pathogens and their
role in the epidemiology of suden plum trees decay is in progress.U radu su prikazane karakteristike sojeva bakterije Pseudomonas syringae izolovanih iz
nekrozom zahvaćenih tkiva šljive. Na osnovu patogenih i biohemijsko-fizioloških odlika proučavane
izolate smo svrstali u dve grupe: I grupa sojeva izolovana je iz obolelih grana šljive
sa simptomima sušenja i oni su prema svojim odlikama slični Pseudomonas syringae pv.
syringae; II grupa sojeva izolovana je iz nekrotičnih cvetnih pupoljaka šljive i oni ispoljavaju
karakteristike tipične za Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum. Iz obolelih grana šljive,
pored ovih bakterija, izolovane su i gljive rodova Phomopsis, Botryosphaeria i Leucostoma.
Dalja proučavanja ovih patogena i njihova uloga u pojavi iznenadnog sušenja mladih stabala
šljive su u toku
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability of Biofibres-Based Thermal Insulation
Energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings is acutely important as this sector is responsible for approximately 40% of overall energy consumption and around 35% of CO2 emissions (in the European Union). The construction sector has intense environmental footprint due to exploitation of non-renewable material and energy resources, land use and generation of waste materials during construction and demolition. It is therefore important to develop sustainable building structures, practices and materials with minimal resources and energy use. Utilization of energy efficient, sustainable and resource-saving building materials is of particular importance. The study is carried out to investigate possibilities and evaluate effects of application of biofibres-based structures as non-constructive and/or insulating materials in current building practice. Focus is on natural, dominantly cellulose, fibres, traditionally used in the past (hemp, reed, straw, flax, rice hulls, cotton stalks, sunflower, cattail, bagasse, etc) as well as on some promising grass/reed cultures, such as Miscanthus x Giganteus. The experimental examinations of thermal and mechanical properties decisive for the performance of thermal insulation have been undertaken. Expectedly, the thermal conductivity, as the material characteristic primarily responsible for Operational Energy Consumption, has been found mostly worse than in commonly used, mass produced, thermal insulation materials such as expanded or extruded polystyrene, glass or mineral wool, etc. On the other hand, conclusions of Life Cycle Analysis and examination of Embodied Energy advocates the utilization of designated natural biofibres-based thermal insulation as more sustainable and in the long run (Cradle to Grave) energy efficient alternative to the conventional insulation materials
Morphological, serological and molecular analyses of anthracnose-causing agent on banana fruit
Two species of the genus Colletotrichum, C. musae and C. gloeosporoides, occur as infecting species of banana. The study focused on examining the etiology of anthracnose on banana fruits sold on the domestic market. An isolate was obtained from a deseased banana fruit on PDA medium, forming a white colony with intensive and uniformed growth. It was not possible to identify the isolated fungus based on its morphological characteristics. Positive serological reaction in an ELISA test with monoclonal antibodies for C. acutatum indicated an antigen site for the used monoclonal antibodies. Positive reaction when C. gloeosporioides-specific primers were applied indicated a similarity in the ITS sequence ofthe fungus and the examined isolate from banana fruit. Although there are no available data in literature that C. gloeosporioides-specific CgInt primer can be used for amplification of the phylogenetically related C. musae, our results do not exclude that the isolate could be C. musae. The host plant, symptoms observed and colony characteristics of the fungus isolated from the banana fruit mostly correspond to C. musae. Based on morphological, antigenand gentic characteristics, the isolate from banana was determined as Colletotrichum sp., while species identification of the anthracnose-causing agent on banana requires additional analysis
Fuzariotoksini u zrnu pšenice u Srbiji
Samples of wheat grain (41), collected during the 2010 harvest from seven localities in
Serbia, were analysed for the presence of zearalenone (ZEA), T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol (DON)
and fumonisine B1 (FB1). Results of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) showed
that all analysed samples were positive for the presence of at least one of four observed
fusariotoxins. The most distributed mycotoxins were ZEA (90.2%, with the average concentration
of 442.6μg kg–1) and T-2 (90.2%, with the average concentration of 24.2 μg kg–1).
DON (73.2%) and FB1 (84.4%) were detected in a somewhat smaller number of samples, but
their average concentrations were higher (1988.1 μg DON kg–1 and 882.7 μg FB1 kg–1). The
established correlations between concentrations of DON and FB1 (r = 0.32) or DON and ZEA
(r = 0.22) were not statistically significant. A negative correlation was established between
concentrations of T-2 and FB1 (r= -0.24), as well as, between T-2 and DON (r = -0.36). Detected
concentrations of ZEA and T-2 were bellow the level prescribed by the World Health Organisation
(WHO), while concentrations of FB1 and DON detected in five that is, 17 samples,
respectively, were above the permissible limit for human consumption.Uzorci zrna pšenice (41), sakupljeni tokom žetve 2010. godine iz 7 različitih lokaliteta na
teritoriji Srbije, analizirani su na prisustvo ZEA, T-2 toksina, deoksinivalenola (DON) i FB1. Primenom
ELISA metode utvrđeno je da su svi analizirani uzorci bili pozitivni na prisustvo bar
jednog od četiri ispitivana fuzariotoksina. Najzastupljeniji mikotoksini su bili ZEA (90,2%,
prosečne koncentracije 442,6 μg kg–1) i T-2 (90,2%, prosečna koncentracija 24,2 kg–1). U nešto
manjem broju uzoraka utvrđeni su DON (73,2%) i FB1 (84,4%), ali u većoj prosečnoj koncentraciji
(1988,1 μg DON kg–1 i 882,7 μg FB1 kg–1). Nije utvrđena statistički značajna korelacija
između koncentracije DON i FB1 (r = 0,32) ili DON i ZEA (r = 0,22). Negativna korelacija je
utvrđena između koncentracije T-2 i FB1 (r = -0,24), kao i između T-2 i DON (r = -0,36). Detektovane
koncentracije ZEA i T-2 bile su niže od nivoa koji propisuje Svetska zdravstvena organizacija,
dok su FB1 i DON detektovani kod 5, odnosno 17 uzoraka u koncentraciji većoj od
dozvoljenih u ljudskoj hrani
Molekularna detekcija Monilinia fructigena prouzrokovača truleži ploda dunje
Species of the genus Monilinia are important causal agents of fruit rot on pome and
stone fruits in Serbia. The pathogen is very harmful, especially on small properties and
cottage plantations where intensive control measures are not applied. Quince is important
host for the pathogens of this genus. During spring 2010, intensive occurrence of
mummified fruits overwintering on branches of the quince was observed. The pathogen
was isolated using standard phytopathological methods. Pathogenicity of eight obtained
isolates was tested by artificial inoculation of injured apple fruits. Identification was performed
according to pathogenic, morphological and ecological properties, and was confirmed
by Multiplex polimeraze chain reaction, PCR. All the isolates studied caused brown
rot on inoculated apple fruits. The isolates form light yellow colonies with lobate margins,
with single-celled, transparent, elliptical or oval conidia in chains, regardless temperature
or light presence. Sclerotia are observed in 14 days old cultures. The highest growth rate
of most of the isolates is at 27°C and in dark. Based on studied pathogenic, morphological
and ecological characteristics, it was found that the Monilinia fructigena is causal agent
of brown rot of quince. Using specific primers (MO368-5, MO368-8R, MO368-10R, Laxa-R2)
for detection of Monilinia species in Multiplex PCR reaction, the expected fragment 402
bp in size was amplified, which confirmed that the studied isolates belonged to the species
M. fructigena.Vrste roda Monilinia su značajni prouzrokovači truleži ploda jabučastog i koštičavog voća
u našoj zemlji. Parazit nanosi velike štete, posebno na malim posedima i u vikend zasadima
u kojima se ne primenjuje redovna zaštita. Dunja je značajan domaćin patogena ovog
roda. Tokom proleća 2010. godine ustanovljena je intenzivnija pojava mumificiranih plodova
prezimelih na granama. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se identifikuje prouzrokovač mumifikacije
plodova dunje, prikupljenih sa različitih lokaliteta. Patogen je izolovan primenom standardnih
fitopatoloških metoda. Patogenost osam dobijenih izolata proverena je veštačkom
inokulacijom povređenih plodova jabuke. Identifikacija je obavljena na osnovu patogenih,
morfoloških i ekoloških osobina, a potvrđena je primenom Multiplex PCR. Svi proučavani
izolati su na inokulisanim plodovima jabuke prouzrokovali trulež smeđe boje. Proučavani
izolati na KDA podlozi formiraju svetlo-žute kolonije režnjevitog oboda. U kulturi gljiva, nezavisno
od uticaja temperature i prisustva ili odsustva svetlosti, formira jednoćelijske, providne,
eliptične ili ovalne konidije u nizovima. Sklerocije se uočavaju u kulturama starosti 14
dana. Većina izolata ostvaruje najbolji porast na temperaturi od 27°C i u odsustvu svetlosti.
Na osnovu proučenih patogenih, morfoloških i odgajivačkih odlika, utvrđeno je da izolati
pripadaju vrsti Monilinia fructigena. Korišćenjem specifičnih prajmera (MO368-5, MO368-8R,
MO368-10R, Laxa-R2) za detekciju vrsta roda Monilinia u Multiplex PCR reakciji, amplifikovan
je očekivani fragment veličine oko 402 bp čime je potvrđeno da proučavani izolati pripadaju
vrsti M. fructigena