28 research outputs found

    Carbohydrates in human nutrition

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    Primena nove kulture - kvinoje u ishrani riba

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    Kvinoja (Chenopodium quinoa, Willd.) je pseudocerealija koja se tradicionalno gaji na malim plantažama u ruralnim oblastima Južne Amerike u regionu Anda. Kvinoja je ratarska kultura, gajena za domaću upotrebu siromašnog stanovništva. Zbog sposobnosti prilagođavanja različitim agro-ekološkim uslovima, kvinoja može da se gaji u različitim regionima. Agrotehnika zasnovana na principima organske poljoprivrede i primenjena je u Danskoj, Italiji i Makedoniji. Zahvaljujući visokoj nutritivnoj vrednosti seme se koristi u ljudskoj ishrani, usled čega je poslednjih godina porastao interes za gajenje i preradu kvinoje, kao funkcionalne hrane. Poznato je da i lišće biljke poseduje značajne nutritivne vrednosti, pa se koristi kao zamena za spanać. Biljka može da poraste 1-3m visine, a plodovi su u obliku okruglog, malog semena, koje je obavijeno perigoniumom različite boje (bledo žute, do svetlo crvene). Perigonium se mehanički lako odvaja, kada je seme suvo. U perikarpu semena nalaze se saponini, nosioci karakterističnog gorkog ukusa semena kvinoje, zbog čega je potrebno iste odstraniti, pre upotrebe u ljudskoj ishrani. U ovom radu predmet istraživanja je bila danska sorta KVL 37, gajena u okolini Beograda. Ispitivan je nutritivi sastav sirovog i oljušćenog semena kvinoje, kao novog useva i mogućnost njegove primene u ishrani riba. Poznato je da viskoka nutritivna vrednost semena kvinoje potiče od sadržaja proteina, različitih minerala i vitamina, i to E vitamin i vitamini B grupe. Prosečan sadržaj proteina varira od 8%-22%, a glavne proteinske frakcije čine albumini i globulini (44-47% ukupnih proteina). U ovom radu sadržaj proteina je varirao od 15,5% do 16,8%, u zavisnosti stepena čistoće semena. Seme poseduje odličano izbalansiran sastav amino kiselina, a izdvajaju se lizin, treonin i metionin, amino kiseline koje su uglavnom deficitarne u biljnim sirovinama. Glavnu komponentu semena kvinoje čine ugljeni hidrati, čiji sadržaj varira od 67% do 74%. Skrob čini oko 52-63%, dok su ostali ugljeni hidrati, kao i sirova vlakna malo zastupljeni. Kvinoja sadrži 2% do 10% lipida, a dokazano je i prisustvo esencijalnih masnih kiselina, kao sto su linolenska, oleinska i palmitinska. Značajan je sadržaj minerala tj. kalcijuma, gvožđa i cinka, ali se njihov sadržaj kvantitativno smanjuje u daljim postupcima ljuštenja, pranja i poliranja semena. U humanoj ishrani saponini i fitinska kiselina predstavljaju glavne nedostatke kvinoje. Ljuštenjem i daljim prečišćavanjem seme kvinoje je našlo primenu u ishrani ljudi kao varivo, hrana za doručak, za kolače za proizvodnju brašna, kao i za ishranu životinja u formi mekinja ili pogača. U našem radu, kod oljuštenog zrna, dokazano je značajno povećanje sadržaja ulja, dok je sadržaj sirovih vlakana i ukupnog pepela smanjen za oko tri-puta. Sadržaj skroba je u očekivanim graničnim vrednostima. U pogledu sadržaja minerala nije bilo većih promena. Imajući u vidu veličinu zrna, laku pripremu, nutrtitivni potencijal, kao i novu kulturu u našoj regiji, pokazano je da seme kvinoje može da nađe primenu i kao hrana za ribe

    Role of Chemerin in Cardiovascular Diseases

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    (1) Background: Obesity is closely connected to the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Excess fat accumulation is associated with metabolic malfunctions that disrupt cardiovascular homeostasis by activating inflammatory processes that recruit immune cells to the site of injury and reduce nitric oxide levels, resulting in increased blood pressure, endothelial cell migration, proliferation, and apoptosis. Adipose tissue produces adipokines, such as chemerin, that may alter immune responses, lipid metabolism, vascular homeostasis, and angiogenesis. (2) Methods: We performed PubMed and MEDLINE searches for articles with English abstracts published between 1997 (when the first report on chemerin identification was published) and 2022. The search retrieved original peer-reviewed articles analyzed in the context of the role of chemerin in CVDs, explicitly focusing on the most recent findings published in the past five years. (3) Results: This review summarizes up-to-date findings related to mechanisms of chemerin action, its role in the development and progression of CVDs, and novel strategies for developing chemerin-targeting therapeutic agents for treating CVDs. (4) Conclusions: Extensive evidence points to chemerin's role in vascular inflammation, angiogenesis, and blood pressure modulation, which opens up exciting perspectives for developing chemerin-targeting therapeutic agents for the treatment of CVDs


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    The changes in the spectrum, peroxide numbers and specific absorbances (at 232 nm and 270 nm) of fresh and storaged oils (4 months at 4 °C) obtained by different hazelnuts pressing were monitored. The results showed reduced viability of the oil obtained from the hazelnut exposed to elevated temperature during conditioning and pressing: changes in the spectrum about 290 nm, a peroxide number close to the legally allowed maximum (7.5 mmolkg-1) and possible presence of secondary oxidation products. Sensory evaluation of biscuits with hazelnut oil showed that the samples belonged to the categories of quality: very good and good. The overall sensory score was highest for biscuits with hazelnut oil pressed in an electric press.Publishe

    Biljna ulja u ishrani riba

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    There has been a trend towards constant growth in fish farming. It is well known that fish meal (as a basic source of protein) and fish oil (as a source of fatty acids) provide feedstuffs for farmed fish. Increasing aquaculture requirements and limited natural resources call the attention of both practice and scientific research to alternative sources of these feed components. Certain vegetable oils have been increasingly used as a source of fatty acids. This study provides an outline of the potential use of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) and rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) oils as complete or partial substitutes for fish oil in the diet of cyprinids and trouts predominating in European aquaculture.Gajenje riba u akvakulturi ispoljava tendenciju stalnog porasta. Poznato je da se u kompletnim smešama za ishranu riba koriste riblje brašno (osnovni izvor proteina) i riblje ulje (izvor masnih kiselina). Rastuće potrebe akvakulture i ograničeni prirodni resursi uslovljavaju da se u praksi i naučnim istraživanjima velika pažnja posvećuje alternativnim izvorima ovih hranidbenih komponenti. Kao izvor masnih kiselina sve više se koriste pojedina biljna ulja. U radu je dat kratak osvrt na mogućnost korišćenja biljnih ulja iz semena lana (Linum usitatissimum L.) i uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) kao potpunih ili delimičnih supstituenata ribljeg ulja u smešama za ishranu šaranskih i pastrmskih riba koje su dominantne u evropskoj akvakulturi

    Generalized Poincare Plots-A New Method for Evaluation of Regimes in Cardiac Neural Control in Atrial Fibrillation and Healthy Subjects

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    Classical Poincare plot is a standard way to measure nonlinear regulation of cardiovascular control. In our work we propose a generalized form of Poincare plot where we track correlation between the duration of j preceding and k next RR intervals. The investigation was done in healthy subjects and patients with atrial fibrillation, by varying j,k LT = 100. In cases where j = k, in healthy subjects the typical pattern was observed by paths that were substituting scatterplots and that were initiated and ended by loops of Poincare plot points. This was not the case for atrial fibrillation patients where Poincare plot had a simple scattered form. More, a typical matrix of Pearsons correlation coefficients, r(j,k), showed different positions of local maxima, depending on the subjects health condition. In both groups, local maxima were grouped into four clusters which probably determined specific regulatory mechanisms according to correlations between the duration of symmetric and asymmetric observed RR intervals. We quantified matrices degrees of asymmetry and found that they were significantly different: distributed around zero in healthy, while being negative in atrial fibrillation. Also, Pearsons coefficients were higher in healthy than in atrial fibrillation or in signals with reshuffled intervals. Our hypothesis is that by this novel method we can observe heart rate regimes typical for baseline conditions and defense reaction in healthy subjects. These data indicate that neural control mechanisms of heart rate are operating in healthy subjects in contrast with atrial fibrillation, identifying it as the state of risk for stress-dependent pathologies. Regulatory regimes of heart rate can be further quantified and explored by the proposed novel method

    Cross-national differences in clinically significant cannabis problems: epidemiologic evidence from 'cannabis-only' smokers in the United States, Mexico, and Colombia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epidemiological studies show wide variability in the occurrence of cannabis smoking and related disorders across countries. This study aims to estimate cross-national variation in cannabis users' experience of clinically significant cannabis-related problems in three countries of the Americas, with a focus on cannabis users who may have tried alcohol or tobacco, but who have not used cocaine, heroin, LSD, or other internationally regulated drugs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data are from the World Mental Health Surveys Initiative and the National Latino and Asian American Study, with probability samples in Mexico (n = 4426), Colombia (n = 5,782) and the United States (USA; n = 8,228). The samples included 212 'cannabis only' users in Mexico, 260 in Colombia and 1,724 in the USA. Conditional GLM with GEE and 'exact' methods were used to estimate variation in the occurrence of clinically significant problems in cannabis only (CO) users across these surveyed populations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The experience of cannabis-related problems was quite infrequent among CO users in these countries, with weighted frequencies ranging from 1% to 5% across survey populations, and with no appreciable cross-national variation in general. CO users in Colombia proved to be an exception. As compared to CO users in the USA, the Colombia smokers were more likely to have experienced cannabis-associated 'social problems' (odds ratio, OR = 3.0; 95% CI = 1.4, 6.3; p = 0.004) and 'legal problems' (OR = 9.7; 95% CI = 2.7, 35.2; p = 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study's most remarkable finding may be the similarity in occurrence of cannabis-related problems in this cross-national comparison within the Americas. Wide cross-national variations in estimated population-level cumulative incidence of cannabis use disorders may be traced to large differences in cannabis smoking prevalence, rather than qualitative differences in cannabis experiences. More research is needed to identify conditions that might make cannabis-related social and legal problems more frequent in Colombia than in the USA.</p

    The Influence of Global Constraints on DTW and LCS Similarity Measures for Time-Series Databases

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    Analysis of time series represents an important tool in many application areas. A vital component in many types of time-series analysis is the choice of an appropriate distance/similarity measure. Numerous measures have been proposed to date, with the most successful ones based on dynamic programming. Being of quadratic time complexity, however, global constraints are often employed to limit the search space in the matrix during the dynamic programming procedure, in order to speed up computation. In this paper, we investigate two representative time-series distance/similarity measures based on dynamic programming, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Longest Common Subsequence (LCS), and the effects of global constraints on them. Through extensive experiments on a large number of time-series data sets, we demonstrate how global constrains can significantly reduce the computation time of DTW and LCS. We also show that, if the constraint parameter is tight enough (less than 10–15% of time-series length), the constrained measure becomes significantly different from its unconstrained counterpart, in the sense of producing qualitatively different 1-nearest neighbour graphs. This observation highlights the need for careful tuning of constraint parameters in order to achieve a good trade-off between speed and accuracy

    Energy strategy implementation – eco management approach

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    The series ISO 14001 of international voluntary standards is an effective tool for improving organizational environmental performance and implementation of sustainable approach to energy management. These standards established and implemented a systematic management plan. Plan is made to continually identify and reduce environmental impacts. Eco-management approach may be suitable because its implementation is a possible way to replace the widely used environmental control system based on legislation and controlling of the application of environmental and energy regulations. Ecomanagement systems can help companies to integrate environmental efforts into decision making. Application of eco-management system improves compliance with environmental regulations. Today, the number of companies in the world which tend to integrate the system of eco-management in their business strategies is rapidly increasing. They accept advanced technologies. Systems of eco-management encourage companies to consider environmental consequences of their operations. To reduce waste, risks and costs the companies then define strategies which would help them