27 research outputs found


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    The paper describes how the supervisorā€™s awareness of their covert processes, thoughts, and feelings increased as a direct result of the work in the median group and in the supervision of supervision. When the supervisor misses the parallel process in the supervision group, it can be discovered in the supervision of supervision and during self-analysis. Some aspects of the parallel processes are discussed and presented through vignettes from supervision and median group sessions. The paper also presents the results of different studies about supervision and supervision of supervision observed from the perspective of supervisees and supervisors. Theoretical explanations of parallel process are presented as well


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    The paper describes how the supervisorā€™s awareness of their covert processes, thoughts, and feelings increased as a direct result of the work in the median group and in the supervision of supervision. When the supervisor misses the parallel process in the supervision group, it can be discovered in the supervision of supervision and during self-analysis. Some aspects of the parallel processes are discussed and presented through vignettes from supervision and median group sessions. The paper also presents the results of different studies about supervision and supervision of supervision observed from the perspective of supervisees and supervisors. Theoretical explanations of parallel process are presented as well

    Psychological determinace of marriage

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    Brak je osobno i pravno obvezivanje dvoje ljudi. Ceremonija vjenčanja ima puno simboličkih detalja koji su tradicionalno preuzeti iz prijaÅ”njih generacija. Ti simbolički detalji su bijela haljina, veo, ceremonija, otac koji daje kćer... Obiteljski životni ciklusi pomažu nam u predočavanju bračnog i obiteljskog života tijekom vremena. Bračni odnos ima četiri faze: novopečeni brak, roditeljski brak, brak srednje dobi i brak starije dobi. U ranim fazama braka, svaki partner aktivno kreira bračnu ulogu koja se bazira na individualnim vrijednostima svakog od njih. Bračno se zadovoljstvo smanjuje nakon rođenja prvog djeteta, ali postoji velika Å”ansa da se ono povisi nakon Å”to djeca napuste roditeljski dom. Parovi koji su u braku srednje generacije nazivaju se generacija u sendviču. U kasnijem životu, muÅ”karci postaju manje kompetitivni i viÅ”e orijentirani na interpersonalne relacije, dok žene postaju viÅ”e neovisne i asertivne. Umirovljenje najčeŔće znači manju ili veću promjenu u rutini i odgovornostima u domaćinstvu. Problem koji se u kasnijoj dobi pojavljuje vezan je uz stereotip, raÅ”iren kako među mladim tako i starijim ljudima, prema kojem su stariji ljudi smanjenih seksualnih interesa. Često se podrazumijeva da stariji ljudi nisu sposobni za seksualne odnose. Nije dokazano da se neki tip braka može opisati kao stabilniji od nekog drugog.Marriage is both personal and legal commitment between partners. The wedding ceremony has many symbolic details which are based on traditions from past generations. Those symbolic details are white dress, a veil, the processional and the father who is giving the bride away. Family life cycle is a good representation of marriage and family life across time. Marital relationship has four stages: newlywed marriage, parental marriage, mid-life marriage and later-life marriage. In the early stages of marriage, each couple actively creates marital roles based on their own individual values. Marital satisfaction diminishes when the first baby is born and there is a great chance that it raises again after children leave the parental home. Couples in the mid-life marriage are usually called the sandwich generation. In later life, man become less competitive and more relationship oriented while women become more independent and assertive. Retirements mostly mean a more or less dramatic change of household routines and responsibilities. Problems of retirement years may occur due to a stereotypes about what it means to become old and the most serious misconceptions about old age, a stereotype that share both young and old people, is that sexual interests are diminished as the years go by. It is often assumed that older man can no longer performed sexually. Although marital satisfaction refers to how a person describes and evaluates the quality of his or her marriage, there is no one type of marriage that can be describing more stable than others


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    Članak opisuje kako se tijekom rada u medijan-grupi i na superviziji supervizije povećavala svjesnost supervizora o skrivenim procesima, mislima i osjećajima. Kad supervizoru promakne prepoznavanje paralelnih procesa supervizijske grupe koju prati, oni se mogu prepoznati u superviziji supervizije i tijekom supervizorove samoanalize. Prikazuju se vinjete sa supervizijskih seansi i seansi medijan-grupe putem kojih se raspravlja o nekim elementima paralelnih procesa. Rad donosi i rezultate različitih istraživanja o supervizijama i supervizijama supervizije sa stajaliÅ”ta supervizanata i supervizora i teorijska objaÅ”njenja paralelnih procesa


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    Članak opisuje kako se tijekom rada u medijan-grupi i na superviziji supervizije povećavala svjesnost supervizora o skrivenim procesima, mislima i osjećajima. Kad supervizoru promakne prepoznavanje paralelnih procesa supervizijske grupe koju prati, oni se mogu prepoznati u superviziji supervizije i tijekom supervizorove samoanalize. Prikazuju se vinjete sa supervizijskih seansi i seansi medijan-grupe putem kojih se raspravlja o nekim elementima paralelnih procesa. Rad donosi i rezultate različitih istraživanja o supervizijama i supervizijama supervizije sa stajaliÅ”ta supervizanata i supervizora i teorijska objaÅ”njenja paralelnih procesa


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