15 research outputs found


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    Critical thinking on circular economy in this paper stresses the need for new approach to industrial production, which takes into account consumption avoidance and restrictions of resource usage. Circular economy replaces dig – use - dispose concept still so common in our linear economy. To fully implement circular economy, we need paradigm shift of how we create the process of product design, materials, production, consumption, business models and systems in place and to rethink the saving that implementation of this concept will bring to the producers. Paper analyses public policies that arrange circular economy. It is aiming to point out that we are talking about the concept far more complex than the separate waste collection systems and recycling which are the methods that are most commonly used to describe circular economy. Paper discusses current quality of public policies, weather it is sufficient for circular economy and shortcomings of the current systems

    Ökoinnovationen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung

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    Nakon usvajanja 17 Globalnih ciljeva održivog razvoja u sklopu UN-ovog razvojnog Programa 2030., održivi razvoj kao temelj gospodarskog razvoja još jednom dobiva zamašnjak. Prepoznavši važnost uloge gospodarstva u postizanju održivog razvoja, UN poziva poslovni sektor da dâ svoj doprinos. Upravo inovacije u gospodarstvu predstavljaju najizgledniji put ka održivoj proizvodnji i potrošnji, kružnom gospodarstvu ili pak nisko-ugljičnom razvoju. Bez rješenja na operativnoj i praktičnoj razini, sve vizije, strategije i strateški dokumenti ostaju samo slovo na papiru. Ovaj rad preglednog je tipa te postavlja terminološki i teorijski okvir za pojam eko-inovacija te daje prikaz njihova razvoja i prednosti koje donosi implementacija kroz pregled znanstvenih, regulatornih i izvora iz prakse. Pregledom stručne literature ukazuje se na važnost i prednosti eko-inovacija kao osnove za održivi razvoj, snažne prisutnosti teme u europskim i međunarodnim strateškim dokumentima te s druge strane nedostatnog strateškog usmjerenja javne politike u Hrvatskoj. Nedostatak strateške usmjerenosti na eko-inovacije kao poluge za održivi razvoj rezultira nezainteresiranošću poslovnog sektora u Hrvatskoj za prelazak na održive prakse, što osim negativnih ekoloških, ima i negativne ekonomske utjecaje na hrvatsko gospodarstvo, posebno na konkurentnost i dugoročnu opstojnost. Analizom prepreka i prikazom dobre prakse, pokušat će se potaknuti kreativno razmišljanje za održivi razvoj, bolje razumijevanje utjecaja i rizika, kao i želju da se promijeni status quo te shvaćanje da razvoj ovih rješenja potencijalno otvara nova i vrlo unosna tržišta.The adoption of 17 Sustainable Development Goals, as part of the UNDP\u27s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, has once again recognized sustainability as one of the foundations of economic development. As it recognized the importance of the private sector in the implementation of sustainable development, the UN has invited the business sector to get more involved. Innovations in economy have a strong potential to lead us toward sustainable production and consumption, circular economy and low-carbon development. Solutions are needed at both operative and practical levels because, otherwise, all visions, strategies and strategic documents remain nothing but words on paper. In this review article, our goal is to outline the terminological and theoretical framework for the analysis of eco-innovations as a concept and review its development and advantages by relying on scientific, regulatory and practical sources. Scientific and professional literature argues for the importance and advantages of eco-innovations as the basis for sustainable development. However, while this concept is very much present in European and international strategic documents, there is a noticeable lack of eco-innovation strategies in Croatian public policies. This lack of strategic orientation toward eco-innovations, which act as a kind of a lever for sustainable development, results in the lack of interest of the Croatian business sector in the implementation of sustainable practices. This has significant environmental as well as negative economic consequences for the Croatian business sector, particularly for its competitiveness and long-term viability. We also analyze the existing obstacles to eco-innovations and give examples of good practices, in order to encourage creative thinking for sustainable development, increase the understanding of its impacts and risks, instigate the desire to change the status quo, and raise an awareness that the development of eco-innovative solutions potentially opens up entire new and profitable markets.Nach der Annahme der Agenda 2030 -17 globale Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung im Rahmen des UN-Entwicklungsprogramms 2030 hat die nachhaltige Entwicklung als ein grundlegender Stein der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung frischen Wind in die Segel bekommen. Die UN hat die Wichtigkeit der Wirtschaft beim Erreichen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung erkannt und den geschäftlichen Sektor aufgerufen, seinen Beitrag zu leisten. Gerade Innovationen in der Wirtschaft sind der meist versprechende Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Produktion und zum nachhaltigen Verbrauch, zur Kreiswirtschaft und zum niedrigen CO2 – Ausstoss. Ohne entsprechende Lösungen auf der operativen und praktischen Ebene bleiben alle Visionen, Strategien und strategische Dokumente nur ein Stück Papier. Dies ist eine Übersichtsarbeit und sie stellt einen terminologischen und theoretischen Rahmen für den Begriff der Ökoinnovationen dar, außerdem bringt sie eine Übersicht deren Entwicklung und der Vorteile deren Implementierung an Hand von wissenschaftlichen, regulatorischen und praktischen Quellen. In der Übersicht über die Fachliteratur wird auf die Wichtigkeit der Ökoinnovationen als Grundlage für nachhaltige Entwicklung hingewiesen. Dieses Thema hat eine starke Präsenz in europäischen und internationalen Strategiedokumenten, in Kroatien jedoch ist eine strategische Ausrichtung der öffentlichen Politik darauf ausgeblieben. Dieses Ausbleiben der strategischen Ausrichtung auf Ökoinnovationen, mit Hebelwirkung für nachhaltige Entwicklung resultiert mit einem Desinteresse des kroatischen Geschäftssektors auf nachhaltige Praxen zu wechseln, was neben negativen ökologischen auch einen negativen ökonomischen Einfluß auf die kroatische Wirtschaft hat, bsonders auf die Konkurrenzfähigkeit und Langfristigkeit. Mit einer Analyse der Hindernisse und Darstellung von guter Praxis wollen wir kreatives Denken zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ein besseres Verständnis der Einflüße und Risiken anregen, sowie den Wunsch, den Status quo zu ändern. Es muss begriffen werden, dass die Entwicklung von diesen Lösungen möglicherweise auch neue sehr einträgliche Märkte eröffnet

    Prinzipien der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in strategischen Dokumenten der Republik Kroatien

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    Članak donosi pregled strateških razvojnih dokumenata Republike Hrvatske s aspekta preuzimanja principa održivog razvoja. Republika Hrvatska se Rezolucijom o zaštiti čovjekove sredine i Strategijom održivog razvitka opredijelila za održivi razvoj. Pregledom Strategije održivog razvitka Republike Hrvatske i sektorskih strategija koje bi trebale preuzeti i provesti pojedine odredbe za postizanje održivog razvoja utvrđeno je da se uglavnom održivi razvoj preuzima na deklarativnoj razini dok kroz programe i planirane aktivnosti u najvećem broju slučajeva nije vidljiva namjera zakonodavca za održivim razvojem Hrvatske.Th e paper is a review of strategic development documents of the Republic of Croatia from the aspect of sustainable development. The Republic of Croatia has declared its dedication to sustainable development with Resolution on protection of the human environment and Strategy on sustainable development. The review of the Sustainable development strategy and sectoral strategies, which should be transposing and implementing specific aspects of sustainable development, has determined that sustainable development is mostly transposed on the declarative level while the intention of the regulator for sustainable development of Croatia was not visible in most programs and planned activities.Der Artikel bietet einen Überblick über strategische Entwicklungsdokumente der Republik Kroatien aus dem Aspekt der Übernahme von Prinzipien der nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Republik Kroatien hat sich mit der Unterstützung der Erklärung von Stockholm über die Umwelt des Menschen und mit der Strategie für nachhaltige Entwicklung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung entschieden. Mit Durchsicht der Strategie für nachhaltige Entwicklung sowie der Bereichsstrategien, die einzelne Richtlinien zum Erreichen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung übernehmen und durchführen sollten, kann man feststellen, dass die nachhaltige Entwicklung hauptsächlich auf der deklarativen Ebene übernommen wird, während in den Programmen und geplanten Tätigkeiten die Absicht des Gesetzgebers im Sinne der nachhaltigen Entwicklung Kroatiens nicht sichtbar ist

    Guest Editor’s Foreword

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    Članak komentira prijedlog Strategije održivog razvoja Republike Hrvatske uspoređujući ga sa Strategijom održivog razvoja EU kao i nacionalnim strategijama Velike Britanije i Austrije. Uočava značajan napredak koji ova Strategija predstavlja za razvoj Hrvatske no i prostor za poboljšanja koja se mogu naći prije svega: u nedostatku jasnog preuzimanja odgovornost Vlade RH za provedbu ovog dokumenta, nejasnom naputku kako će se smjernice iz ovog dokumenta integrirati u postojeće zakonodavstvo RH, nedovoljnu uključenost dionika u izradu, ali i provedbu dokumenta, nedovoljno jasno definiranu provedbu, institucionalne odgovornosti, način financiranja provedbi ciljeva, vremenski tijek provedbe te proces implementacije kao i mjerenje i evaluaciju postignutog.The article comments on the draft of the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) of the Republic of Croatia and compares it with EU SDS and SD Strategies of Great Britain and Austria. There is significant potential for development in Croatian Strategy but there is also significant potential for improvement of the document. This is noted specifically in the absence of clear engagement of the central government for the implementation of the document, unclear guidance of the integration of the provisions of the document into Croatian legislation, insufficient engagement of the stakeholders in the development and implementation of the document, and unclear institutional responsibilities for implementation, financing options as well as measurement and evaluation of achievements.Im vorliegenden Artikel wird der Vorschlag der Entwicklungsstrategie der Republik Kroatien kommentiert und mit der Strategie der nachhaltigen Entwicklung der EU sowie mit den nationalen Strategien Großbritanniens und Österreichs verglichen. Es wird ein signifikanter Fortschritt wahrgenommen, den diese Strategie für die Entwicklung Kroatiens darstellt, es wird aber auch darauf hingewiesen, dass es noch Raum für Verbesserungen gibt, und zwar: Es fehlt eine klare Übernahme der Verantwortung seitens Regierung der Republik Kroatien bei der Durchführung dieses Dokuments, es ist unklar, wie die Richtlinien aus diesem Dokument in die bereits bestehende Gesetzgebung integriert werden sollen, die Teilnehmer sind unzureichend sowohl an der Ausarbeitung als auch an der Durchführung dieses Dokuments beteiligt, die Durchführung ist nicht klar genug definiert, auch die institutionelle Verantwortung, die Art und Weise der Finanzierung der Durchführung und des Erreichens der Ziele, die Zeit der Durchführung, der Implementierungsprozess, sowie das Messen und die Evaluation des Erreichten

    Guest Editor’s Foreword

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    Critical thinking on circular economy in this paper stresses the need for new approach to industrial production, which takes into account consumption avoidance and restrictions of resource usage. Circular economy replaces dig – use - dispose concept still so common in our linear economy. To fully implement circular economy, we need paradigm shift of how we create the process of product design, materials, production, consumption, business models and systems in place and to rethink the saving that implementation of this concept will bring to the producers. Paper analyses public policies that arrange circular economy. It is aiming to point out that we are talking about the concept far more complex than the separate waste collection systems and recycling which are the methods that are most commonly used to describe circular economy. Paper discusses current quality of public policies, weather it is sufficient for circular economy and shortcomings of the current systems


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    Članak komentira prijedlog Strategije održivog razvoja Republike Hrvatske uspoređujući ga sa Strategijom održivog razvoja EU kao i nacionalnim strategijama Velike Britanije i Austrije. Uočava značajan napredak koji ova Strategija predstavlja za razvoj Hrvatske no i prostor za poboljšanja koja se mogu naći prije svega: u nedostatku jasnog preuzimanja odgovornost Vlade RH za provedbu ovog dokumenta, nejasnom naputku kako će se smjernice iz ovog dokumenta integrirati u postojeće zakonodavstvo RH, nedovoljnu uključenost dionika u izradu, ali i provedbu dokumenta, nedovoljno jasno definiranu provedbu, institucionalne odgovornosti, način financiranja provedbi ciljeva, vremenski tijek provedbe te proces implementacije kao i mjerenje i evaluaciju postignutog.The article comments on the draft of the Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) of the Republic of Croatia and compares it with EU SDS and SD Strategies of Great Britain and Austria. There is significant potential for development in Croatian Strategy but there is also significant potential for improvement of the document. This is noted specifically in the absence of clear engagement of the central government for the implementation of the document, unclear guidance of the integration of the provisions of the document into Croatian legislation, insufficient engagement of the stakeholders in the development and implementation of the document, and unclear institutional responsibilities for implementation, financing options as well as measurement and evaluation of achievements.Im vorliegenden Artikel wird der Vorschlag der Entwicklungsstrategie der Republik Kroatien kommentiert und mit der Strategie der nachhaltigen Entwicklung der EU sowie mit den nationalen Strategien Großbritanniens und Österreichs verglichen. Es wird ein signifikanter Fortschritt wahrgenommen, den diese Strategie für die Entwicklung Kroatiens darstellt, es wird aber auch darauf hingewiesen, dass es noch Raum für Verbesserungen gibt, und zwar: Es fehlt eine klare Übernahme der Verantwortung seitens Regierung der Republik Kroatien bei der Durchführung dieses Dokuments, es ist unklar, wie die Richtlinien aus diesem Dokument in die bereits bestehende Gesetzgebung integriert werden sollen, die Teilnehmer sind unzureichend sowohl an der Ausarbeitung als auch an der Durchführung dieses Dokuments beteiligt, die Durchführung ist nicht klar genug definiert, auch die institutionelle Verantwortung, die Art und Weise der Finanzierung der Durchführung und des Erreichens der Ziele, die Zeit der Durchführung, der Implementierungsprozess, sowie das Messen und die Evaluation des Erreichten

    Development of the Competitive Business in the Context of Environmental Legislation in Croatia

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    Environmental protection has a key role in the context of crisis management. It is not just about development of the industry of environmental protection and implementation of new ways of management in innovative solutions in solving problems. Important area of improvement is also revision of environmental legislation aiming at simplification and reduction of costs of procedures for the business. This paper discusses problems of business sector in Croatia related to transposition of demanding environmental EU regulation, it suggests improvements such as simplification of special waste management systems, of environmental impact assessments processes, environmental permitting etc. The paper considers revision of environmental protection not by lowering environmental standards, but by introducing transparent and compromising models between business and environmental protection, based on sustainable development, with control mechanisms which don’t impact functioning of business sector (and its competitiveness), therefore allowing successful protection of environment and its renewable and non-renewable resources

    Fonološka svjesnost i poznavanje slova: pokazatelji rane pismenosti u hrvatskome jeziku

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    In this paper, the relationship between phonological awareness and letter knowledge and their inherent structures in the period of early literacy are examined. In this crosssectional study involving 746 children, factor analysis was performed one year before children began formal education, in order to define the latent variables that underlie manifest variables of phonological awareness and letter knowledge in Croatian, a language with transparent orthography. The results suggest that rhyme is equally distributed across both syllabic and phonemic awareness. The results also confirm a correlation between letter knowledge and phonological awareness, and phonemic awareness in particular. The analysis identified two factors related to letter knowledge, in which upper- and lowercase letters demonstrated partially different distributions between the two factors. These findings have implications for educational policy in the area of early literacy, especially in the development of preschool curricula and language intervention programsU radu se ispituje povezanost fonološke svjesnosti i poznavanja slova kao i njihova faktorska struktura u razdoblju rane pismenosti. Istraživanje se temelji na metodi presjeka i uključuje 746 djece koja su ispitana godinu dana pred polazak u školu. Provedena je faktorska analiza kako bi se odredile latentne varijable koje leže u pozadini manifestnih varijabli fonološke svjesnosti i poznavanja slova u hrvatskome jeziku kao jeziku transparentne ortografije. Podatci upućuju da je rima podjednako raspodijeljena na slogovnu i fonemsku svjesnost. Potvrđuje se i korelacija između poznavanja slova i svih razina fonološke svjesnosti, posebice fonemske svjesnosti. Analiza otkriva i dva faktora na varijabli poznavanja slova, pri čemu mala i velika i mala formalna slova pokazuju djelomično drugačiju raspodjelu između ta dva faktora. Dobiveni nalazi trebaju biti ugrađeni u obrazovnu politiku, i to u području predškolskoga obrazovanja, pri oblikovanju predškolskoga kurikula i planiranje intervencijskih jezičnih program