36 research outputs found

    Oplemenjivanje pšenice i ječma i očuvanje genetičkih resursa u poljoprivredi

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    Breeding of wheat and barley has a significant contribution to the achievement of high yields, better quality and greater adaptive values of cultivars in different ecological conditions of cultivation. Increasing the capacity of the cultivars have a contribution in increasing food production and satisfying the demands for the products of different purposes for nutrition and industrial processing. Important sources of genes for a particular trait are wild relatives, autohnotne varieties, old varieties, which exist in natural conditions or as conserved seeds in the plant genetic banks. For success in breeding a significant conservation of germ-plasma in plant genetic banks or in protected areas in nature. In terms of global climate change, oplemenjivanjivači have the task to create a cultivars that adaptive to drought stress conditions and other biotic and abiotic stress factors in order to maintain and increase the productivity and quality of cultivars and increasing food production. At the same time it is necessary to develop adapted technologies in breeding new cultivars under climate change conditions.Oplemenjivanjem pšenice i ječma ima značajan doprinos u ostvarivanju visokih prinosa, boljeg kvaliteta i većoj adaptivnoj vrednosti sorti u različitim ekološkim uslovima gajenja. Povećanje kapaciteta sorti ima doprinos u povećanju proizvodnje hrane i zadovoljavanju zahteva za proizvodima različite namene u ishrani, industrijskoj preradi. Važni izvori gena za odredjeno svojstvo su divlji srodnici, autohnotne sorte, stare sorte, koje postoje u prirodnim uslovima ili se njihovo seme čuva u Bankama biljnih gena. Za uspeh u oplemenjivanju je značajno očuvanje germ plazme u Bankama biljnih gena ili u zaštićenim predelima u prirodi. U uslovima globalne promene klime, oplemenjivanjivači imaju zadatak da stvore sorte adaptivne na uslove stresa sušom, kao i druge biotičke i abiotičke faktore stresa u cilju održanja i povećanja produktivnosti i kvaliteta sorti i povećanja proizvodnje hrane. Istovremeno je neophodno razvijanje prilagodjenih tehnologija gajenja novih sorti u uslovima klimatskih promena

    Kako poplave modifikuju genotoksični odgovor slatkovodnih riba?

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    U ovom radu ispitivan je potencijal dve vrste roda Abramis (Abramis bjoerkna i Abramis sapa) kao bioindikatora genotoksičnog potencijala vode reke Save primenom komet testa. Izabrani lokalitet pripada oblasti intezivne poljoprivredne aktivnosti, izložen je otpadnim vodama grada Obrenovca i nalazi se u blizini najveće termoelektrane u Srbiji, “Nikola Tesla”. Uzorkovanje je vršeno od januara do avgusta 2014. godine, obuhvatajući mesec maj kada je došlo do intezivnih poplava u slivu reke Save. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se ispitivane vrste mogu koristiti za procenu genotoksičnog potencijala

    Uticaj veličine čestica polianilina na imobilizaciju alfa-amilaze

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    In this paper polyaniline was synthesized by interfacial polymerization of monomer aniline in a water/chloroform system. Four fractions of polyaniline microparticles (in the range of 90-800 μm) are used as a support for immobilizing the alpha-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis. The equilibrium amount of enzyme, amount of washed enzyme, adsorption yield , the activity of immobilized enzyme and activity yield were studied. It was found that the maximum amount of the adsorbed enzyme was to a particle size of 90-160 μm, but at the same time from these particles enzymes were desorbed to larger extent during washing. However, it has been shown that as the particle size increased the activity of the immobilized enzyme decreased with the exception of the particle sizes of 160-315 μm and the activity of immobilized enzyme was not dependent on adsorption yield. The highest average activity yield of adsorbed α-amylase, 4,62% was at polyanilne particle size of 160-315 μm .U ovom radu sintetisane su čestice polianilina postupkom polimerizacije anilina na granici dve faze voda/hloroform. Četiri frakcije dobijenih mikročestica polianilina u opsegu od 90-800 μm korišćene su kao nosač za imobilizaciju enzima alfa-amilaze iz Bacillus licheniformis. Određena je ravnotežna masa enzima, masa ispranog enzima, prinos mase, aktivnost dobijenog biokatalizatorskog sistema kao i prinos aktivnosti. Utvrđeno je da se najveća masa enzima veže za čestice veličine 90-160 µm, ali da se sa ovih čestica i najviše enzima desorbuje tokom ispiranja. Međutim, pokazano je da se sa povećanjem veličine čestica smanjuje aktivnost imobilisanog enzima sa izuzetkom čestica dimenzija od 160-315 μm, pri čemu aktivnost imobilizata ne zavisi od prinosa mase. Prinos aktivnosti imobilisane α-amilaze u odnosu na aktivnost slobodnog enzima koji se vezao za nosač prosečno je najveći kod čestica veličine 160-315 μm

    Proteini glutena – determinanta kvaliteta pšenice

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    Gluten is complex of gliadina and glutenins which play main role in determining of technological quality properties of wheat seeds and wheat products, but may be cause of allergy and celiac diseases in imune sensitive people. In this analysis of 10 wheat genotypes were established differences for gluten content, protein content loaf volume in two year of studies under different conditions. The highest gluten content in first year had Aurora (32.40%) and the lowest had G-3089 (21.40%), while in second year the highest gluten content had Beogradjanka (33.18%) and the lowest (22.33%) was in G-3089. In both year of experiment, the genotype G-3617 had the highest protein content (14.210%; 14.80%), loaf volume (560ml; 560ml) while genotypes G-3089 the lowest value of protein content (10.80%; 11.10%) and loaf volume (360ml; 380ml). In analysed wheat genotypes were identified 3 alleles (a, b, f) at Gli-A1 locus and 5 alleles (b, g, e, l, k) at Gli-A2 locus. Also, identified 3 alleles (a, b, c) at Glu-A1, 3 (a, c, d) at Glu-D1 and 5 alleles (a, b, c, d, h) at Glu-B1. The genotypes which possessed the alleles Glu-A1b, Glu-D1d, in combination Gli-A1b, had higher levels of gluten content, protein and bread volume.Gluten je kompleks glijadina i glutenina, koji ima značajnu ulogu u determinaciji osobina tehnološkog kvaliteta semena pšenice i gotovih proizvoda, a, može biti uzročnik alergijskih reakcija i nekih oboljenja probavnog trakta kod imunoosetljivih individua. U ovom radu je izučavano variranje sadržaja suvog glutena kod 10 genotipova pšenice, volumen hleba, sadržaj proteina, aleli glijadinskih alela sa 1A i 6A hromozoma i aleli sa visoko-molekularih glutenina na sva tri Glu-1 lokusa. Ustanovljeno je variranje: sadržaja suvog glutena u rasponu od 22,33% (G-3089) do 33,18% (Beogradjanka), sadržaja proteina od 10,80% (G-3089) do 14,80% (G-3617) i volumen hleba od 360ml (G-3089) do 560ml (G-3617). Na lokusu Gli-A1 identifikovano je 3 alela (a, b, f), na Gli-A2 je 5 alela (b, g, e, l, k). Determinisane su različite komponente visokomolekularnih glutenina i identifikovani aleli za te komponente. Ustanovljeno je prisistvo heterogenosti sorti na Glu-A1 kod dve sorte (Aurora i Kavkaz) i na Glu-D1 kod sorte Banaćanka 2. Identifikovano je po tri različita lalela na Glu-A1 (a, b, c) i Glu-D1 (a, c, d) i 5 alela na Glu-B1 (a, b ,c, d, h), a ustanovljeno je 9 tipova kompozicije gluteninskih alela

    Analiza proteina u semenu pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    The protein in seed of wheat play a major role in determining the quality of wheat. The aim is to study the variability of the composition of the gene alleles of gliadins, and the glutenin content, total protein content and dry gluten in bread wheat genotypes. For this study were used seed of bread wheat genotypes grown in two years with different weather conditions. The results showed differences between varieties according to the composition of gliadin and glutenin, and according to the obtained values for the content of protein and gluten content. At the three Glu-1 loci were identified nine alleles, while at the three Gli-1 loci 13 alleles and at the three Gli-2 loci were identified 16 alleles. Composition of identified alleles was different in the wheat genotypes, and composition of glutenin alleles was specific for seven genotypes while three genotypes (G-3539/03, Poljana and G-3602/03) possessed the same allele (b, c, d). The protein and gluten content is varied depending on the genotype and environmental factors, The genotypes G-3602/03 had the lowest contents of protein 11,6% and gluten 10.018, while G-3539/03 had the highest content of protein 15.00% and dry gluten 14.086% in both years of experiment. Varying the content and composition of proteins is correlated with the properties of wheat quality.Proteini u semenu pšenice imaju glavnu ulogu u formiranju kvaliteta pšenice. Cilj rada je izučavanje varijabilnosti kompozicije genskih alela za glijadine i glutenine, sadržaja ukupnih proteina i sadržaja suvog glutena kod genotipova hlebne pšenice. Za ovo izučavanje je korišćeno seme 10 genotipova hlebne pšenice gajene u dve godine sa različitim vremenskim uslovima. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali razlike izmedju sorti prema kompoziciji glijadina i glutenina, kao i prema dobijenim vrednostima za sadržaj proteina i sadržaj glutena. Na tri lokusa za visokomolekularne glutenine (Glu-1) je identifikovano devet alela, a na šest lokusa za glijadine je identifikovano ukupno 29 alela i to 13 alela na tri lokusa Gli-1 i 16 alela na tri lokusa Gli-2. Sastav glijadinskih alela je bio različit kod izučavanih genotipova pšenice, dok je sastav gluteninskih alela bio isti (b, c, d) kod tri genotipa (G-3539/03, Poljana i G-3602/03) a kod ostalih sedam sorti je bio različit. Sadržaj proteina je varirao zavisno od genotipa i od godine eksperimenta i to od 11,60% (G-3602/03 u prvoj godini) do 15,00% (G-3539/03 u drugoj godini). Sadržaj suvog glutena je varirao od 10,018% (G-3602/03 u prvoj godini) do 14,0860% (G-3539/03 u drugoj godini istraživanja). Kod izučavanih genotipova pšenice je ustanovljena heterogenost Glu-A1 lokusa (kod G-3908/03) i Glu-B1 lokusa (G-3602/03), kao i heterogenost Gli-A1 lokusa (G-3504/03 i G-3532/03), Gli-D1 lokusa (G-3908/03) i Gli-A2 lokusa (G-3908/03 i Žitnica). Kompozicija alela je bila ista u obe godine kod svih 10 genotipova, a sadržaj proteina i glutena je varirao, čije vrednosti su bile veće u drugoj godini eksperimenta

    Peri-operative red blood cell transfusion in neonates and infants: NEonate and Children audiT of Anaesthesia pRactice IN Europe: A prospective European multicentre observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about current clinical practice concerning peri-operative red blood cell transfusion in neonates and small infants. Guidelines suggest transfusions based on haemoglobin thresholds ranging from 8.5 to 12 g dl-1, distinguishing between children from birth to day 7 (week 1), from day 8 to day 14 (week 2) or from day 15 (≥week 3) onwards. OBJECTIVE: To observe peri-operative red blood cell transfusion practice according to guidelines in relation to patient outcome. DESIGN: A multicentre observational study. SETTING: The NEonate-Children sTudy of Anaesthesia pRactice IN Europe (NECTARINE) trial recruited patients up to 60 weeks' postmenstrual age undergoing anaesthesia for surgical or diagnostic procedures from 165 centres in 31 European countries between March 2016 and January 2017. PATIENTS: The data included 5609 patients undergoing 6542 procedures. Inclusion criteria was a peri-operative red blood cell transfusion. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary endpoint was the haemoglobin level triggering a transfusion for neonates in week 1, week 2 and week 3. Secondary endpoints were transfusion volumes, 'delta haemoglobin' (preprocedure - transfusion-triggering) and 30-day and 90-day morbidity and mortality. RESULTS: Peri-operative red blood cell transfusions were recorded during 447 procedures (6.9%). The median haemoglobin levels triggering a transfusion were 9.6 [IQR 8.7 to 10.9] g dl-1 for neonates in week 1, 9.6 [7.7 to 10.4] g dl-1 in week 2 and 8.0 [7.3 to 9.0] g dl-1 in week 3. The median transfusion volume was 17.1 [11.1 to 26.4] ml kg-1 with a median delta haemoglobin of 1.8 [0.0 to 3.6] g dl-1. Thirty-day morbidity was 47.8% with an overall mortality of 11.3%. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate lower transfusion-triggering haemoglobin thresholds in clinical practice than suggested by current guidelines. The high morbidity and mortality of this NECTARINE sub-cohort calls for investigative action and evidence-based guidelines addressing peri-operative red blood cell transfusions strategies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier: NCT02350348

    Privatization as the Basis of Reform Process in Serbia

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    The basic goal of every legal entity in market oriented economy is creation and increase of the profit, while for the non privatized companies are characterized by bureaucratic management that encompasses great irrationality. Market economy, focused on entrepreneurial initiative presumes private property, and the role of the owner over the company is multi task oriented. Above all, the owner decides on the engagement of his own resources, directly manages the company or selects managerial or surveillance bodies, divides profit and covers losses, employs employees, and is responsible for company’s operations. In market economies state intervention into economic life is minimal, unlike the countries where the market was almost suspended from economy, which resulted in enormous waste of social resources. The practice has shown that in economies with dominant private ownership, the rule of law is also dominant, while the countries with preferences over collective ownership where the source of legal instability and totalitarian regimes. Countries in transition, among them is Serbia, have confronted with necessity of establishing market economy that demanded change of the ownership, that is transfer of social and community ownership into private. Bringing in adequate laws and creation of the necessary institutions are one of the key elements for successful privatization process. In front of our country there is established goal – involvement into international economic flows and cooperation with the market economy countries. The prerequisite of such goal is that the privatization process must come to an end in the nearest future, as well as the growth of private ownership and denationalization should be conducted. This means to take over the private ownership through nationalization and returning it to its former owners. After several years of reforms, Serbia is even now almost at the beginning of the transition process into democratic society and market economy. With the bringing privatization legislative and creation of institutional framework for conducting this process the conditions for fulfilling the basic goals of our country – creation of democratic society, based on the market economy principals and joining European Union. With the adoption of new Constitution of the Republic of Serbia in November 2006, private, public and cooperative ownership are proclaimed as constitutionally guaranteed forms of ownership. The law on denationalization is not yet adopted, and the effects of privatization are diminished due to the lack of consistent reforms. Although privatization process lasts for over decade, it is still acute economic problem and lacmus that clearly shows the strength of government in changing the social status and cultural template and way of thinking. The experience shows that the privatization is prerequisite of faster economic development. Highly developed world countries, besides, have provided for the reached level of development through timely privatization. Privatization is not the act that occurs only once, but extremely complex social process, it is essential to achieve consensus on this question from all the important social strengths

    Priviatization Models in Serbia

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    Privatization models in Serbia defined by the Law on privatization are selling the capital through the method of public tendering and public auction method, as well as the transfer of the capital without reimbursement: to the employees and other citizens. the basic privatization techniques are tendering and auction, while the privatization of non solvent companies in crisis is conducted after the previous procedure of restructuring that means previous organizational, financial and statutory restructuring. Tendering and auction selling of the capital are based on the principles of publicity, competition, equality and eligibility. Bidding of the participants is meaningful and the capital can be sold under the most favorable conditions only if these principles are fulfilled. On the contrary, with their breaking and limitations, bidding looses its meaning. The principle of publicity is satisfied if the ad is published in the proper manner, where the public is informed on the subject and conditions of selling and if the interested parties are enabled to be present at selling timely and on the spot defined by the ad. Unlike the principle of publicity that impacts the inducement of the demand, the principle of competition enables for the demand is expressed on the most favorable manner for the organizer of the selling. For such thing, it is necessary that several persons participate in the procedure, where the competition should be conducted according to the good business customs. If these conditions were not satisfied, the principle of competition is not fulfilled, so we can not talk about competition. The principle of eligibility contributes that it is provided seriousness and regularity of the competition, contracting with the person that has necessary capacity to be present as the buyer in this case, which is provided through the obligation that interested buyers pay the deposit and buy out the documentation, and the regularity with that that legislative lists who does not have so called capacity of the honor, that is who can not be the buyer

    Level of Responsibility of the Transporter for Death and Body Injuries

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    The question of adequacy in compensation of the passenger and his/her family that is the questions of more sever or more delicate responsibility of the transporter is one of the important questions in the area of transportation law. When we talk about the responsibility of the transporter for death and body injury of the passenger, we talk about the rights of the passengers or his/her relatives on the compensation of the tangible and non tangible damage. The lost life and damaged health are financially irrecoverable, but yet the responsibility of the transporter for death and body injuries of the passengers offers legal protection to the passengers and therefore shows its real meaning. The tendency in transportation law is strengthening the legal position of the passenger, as economically inferior side in transportation contract. The legislative and jurisprudence conduct this process in more directions: with the increase of the lower level of responsibility of the transporter for reimbursement due to the injury, or the death of the passenger, increase the number of legal frameworks according to those the injured passenger or the heirs of the perished passengers can claim the reimbursement, with the limitation of the cases of liberation or derogation of the transporter responsibility, where the burden of justification of those circumstances lies always on them, prescribing the obligation of the transporter to be insured for the cases of incidents on minimal defined amounts, standardization of the transporter’s obligation to insure on the minimal proscribed amounts for the case of harmful event, standardization of the obligatory advance fee for the damage caused by the transporter to the injured passenger, or to the heirs that benefit after death passenger unless the request overpasses proscribed amount. Nevertheless, this process should not go towards threatening economic strength and the existence of the transporter himself. We should bare in mind that transportation organizations and transporters themselves are different in size, economical strength, so for one transporter reimbursement of the damage would be very heavy burden, while for the other this amount would be meaningless cost. That is why the need exists to find realistic proportion that could satisfy both signatories. We consider that the jurisprudence of USA, that does not proscribe the upper limit of the responsibility for the damages caused to the passenger in air transportation, where the courts adjudge indemnity claims in millions in national currency, should not be template and example for uniform regulation of this matter in comparative law. European Union transportation law correlates with European transportation and develops as its superstructure. Transportation law of European Union consists of legislative and institutes that impact more and more on the function and development of the European transportation, preparation of the legislative in order to increase the safety of the transportation, better protection of the passengers and their rights, strengthening of free market, standardization of the regulation considering the responsibility of the transporter in all kinds of transportation and legal superstructure of the combined transportation that is more and more present in the integrated Europe. European transportation law will be developed together with the harmonization process, so it is realistic to expect asking questions on the adequacy of numerous international conventions that are now standing as well as the questions of their revision. Countries that are not the members of European Union, if they want to perform transportation on European market would be obliged to obey European communitarian transportation law due to the practical reasons or under the pressing of economical necessity that impose European Union as economically stronger party. Therefore, legislative on the responsibility of the transporter for the damage due to the death or body injuries of the passengers must be adapted to the needs of European cooperation and harmonization process with European transportation law. This process of coherence with must be developed fast and especially due to the attractiveness and advantages of the membership status in European Union. Having in mind the harmonization process of our legislative with EU legislative, we could expect this as well in the area of transportation law, especially in the area of the responsibility of the transporter for death and body injuries of the passengers and “aggravation” of the domestic legislative