17 research outputs found


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    It was analyzed the industrial plum pekmez production: blanching, mashing, cooking blanched plum pulp with invert sugar solution and caramel, final heat treatment, cooling pekmez and surface treatment. The aim was to determine the critical stages in which hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) forms. HMF is synthesized by the thermal sugar decomposition or as one product of the Maillard reaction and can be an indicator of the thermal degree of food processing. Also, HMF is a quality parameter of food due to its potentially harmful effect on consumer health. The cooking blanched plum pulp was a critical stage when the HMF content was significant increased.Publishe

    Oplemenjivanje povrća na kvalitet u Odeljenju za povrtarstvo Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad

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    Proizvodnju povrća, intenzivnu, kompleksnu granu biljne proizvodnje odlikuje više načina gajenja većeg broja biološki i genetski različitih vrsta. Povrće se u Srbiji gaji na oko 130 hiljada hektara, sa godišnjim variranjem površina od nekoliko desetina hiljada hektara. Danas se proizvodnja povrća odvija u okviru tajmirane njivske proizvodnje namenjene različitim oblicima prerade, zatim njivske proizvodnje za svežu pijacu, kao i intenzivne baštenske proizvodnje u okviru profitne (robne) porodične i neprofitne (za sopstvene potrebe) porodične proizvodnje. Tradicionalno baštensko gajenje je zastupljeno sa oko 20% ukupnih površina pod povrćem

    Genetika i oplemenjivanje u Zavodu za povrtarstvo tokom 40 godina seminara agronoma

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    In all of its work on vegetables thus far, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has been keeping pace with the latest advancements in vegetable genetics and breeding using all the newest methods to make its work in this field easier, faster, safer and more successful. The Institute workers have been making sure that the vegetable cultivars they develop not only produce high yields but also that they meet the requirements of the highly discriminating vegetable market in their appearance and flavor as well as that they are adapted to our country agroecological conditions and economical in their consumption of all agricultural inputs. They have developed and released home and abroad a range of vegetable cultivars that make it possible to increase the production of high-quality vegetables and grow vegetable cultivars suitable for fresh use, processing and canning all year round outdoors as well as indoors. The range includes domestic and domesticated varietal populations as well as newly developed cultivars and hybrids. The Institute vegetable cultivars and specific recommendations for their successful production have been presented at the Seminar of Agronomists hosted by the Institute as well as at many other scientific and technical meetings.Tokom dosadašnjeg rada na genetici i oplemenjivanu povrća u Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo praćen je napredak u toj oblasti i korišćene sve savremene metode radi olakšavanja, ubrzavanja i činjenja tog rada sigurnijim i uspešnijim. Sem o stvaranju sorata visokog prinosa vodilo se računa o tome da sorte svojim izgledom i ukusom zadovoljavaju zahteve probirljivog tržišta povrća, da su prilagođene našim agroklimatskim uslovima i ekonomične u potrošnji svih inputa u proizvodnju. Stvoren je sortiment povrća priznat u zemlji i inostranstvu koji daje mogućnost povećanje proizvodnje kvalitetnog povrća i gajenje tokom cele godine na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru namenjen korišćenju u svežem, prerađenom ili konzervnom stanju. Ovaj sortiment čine domaće i odomaćene sortne populacije i novostvorene sorte i hibridi. Sorte i specifični saveti za njihovu uspešnu proizvodnju prezentovani su na Seminarima agronoma novosadskog Instituta i mnogobrojnim drugim naučnim i stručnim skupovima

    Slučaj vjerojatne neurosarkoidoze koji se manifestira kao jednostrana oftalmoplegija

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    Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the presence of noncaseating epithelioid granulomas and accumulation of T lymphocytes and mononuclear phagocytes, which damages the normal structure of tissues. Isolated form of neurosarcoidosis is very rare and difficult to diagnose and requires histologic confirmation of noncaseating granulomas in the nervous tissue. We report a case of a 55-year-old female who had probable isolated neurosarcoidosis based on magnetic resonance imaging findings of relapsing pachymeningitis with an inflammatory process in the apex of the right orbit and pseudotumor inflammation of the superior and lateral recti of the right eye. Diagnosis was further verified by positive response to dual corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy. Our case demonstrates the importance of considering isolated neurosarcoidosis as a potential underlying etiology of painful ophthalmoplegia, even without systemic manifestation of the disease.Sarkoidoza je multisistemska bolest nepoznate etiologije koju karakterizira prisutnost nekazeoznih epiteloidnih granuloma s nakupljanjem T limfocita i mononuklearnih fagocita te narušavanjem normalne tkivne arhitektonike. Izolirani oblik neurosarkoidoze je vrlo rijedak i teško ga je dijagnosticirati te zahtijeva histološku potvrdu nekazeoznih granuloma u živčanom tkivu. Prikazujemo slučaj 55-godišnje žene koja je vjerojatno imala izoliranu neurosarkoidozu, što je zaključeno na temelju nalaza magnetske rezonancije koji je pokazao recidivirajući pahimeningitis s upalnim procesom u vrhu desne orbite i pseudotumorskom upalom gornjeg i vanjskog ravnog mišića desnog oka. Dijagnoza je dodatno potvrđena pozitivnim odgovorom na dvojnu kortikosteroidnu i imunosupresivnu terapiju. Slučaj naše bolesnice pokazuje važnost razmatranja izolirane neurosarkoidoze kao potencijalnog etiološkog uzroka bolne oftalmoplegije, čak i bez sistemske manifestacije bolesti

    Proizvodnja belog luka sa aspekta sadnog materijala

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    Over the last ten years in Serbia, garlic has been produced on about 9,000 ha annually. Although this makes Serbia a major European producer of the crop in terms of area planted, the total production of garlic in the country is still very low. The increase of average yield and production of garlic in Serbia requires the introduction of modern varieties and the use of certified planting material. The present paper discusses the main biological characteristics of garlic, with special emphasis on the principles of planting material production. The advancement and expansion of garlic production in Serbia could make garlic one of the country's major exports to European markets.Proizvodnja belog luka u Srbiji u poslednjih deset godina se organizuje na oko 9000 ha, tako da smo prema zasađenim površinama značajni evropski proizvođači, ali ukupna produkcija je veoma niska. Da bi se povećala proizvodnja, a samim tim i prosečan prinos neophodno je uvođenje savremenog sortimenta uz korišćenje deklarisanog sadnog materijala. U radu su prikazane osnovne biološke specifičnosti belog luka, sa posebnim osvrtom na principe proizvodnje sadnog materijala. Unapređenjem i proširenjem ove proizvodnje beli luk bi postao značajan proizvod u izvozu na evropsko tržište

    Proizvodnja semena povrća

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    Because of the biological particularities of vegetables, different methods are used to produce seeds of different vegetable species. The large number of vegetable species, differences in their reproduction coefficients, and the considerable necessity for human labor all make vegetable seed production diverse and specific as well as profitable. This is what makes vegetable seed production such an important part of the Institute activities, which have a large influence on the volume, quality and development of vegetable seed production in the country. Importantly, almost 90% of our country vegetable seed production (with the exception of potato) takes place in the province of Vojvodina. The Institute organized production of vegetable seeds contributes to the overall success of this activity at the national level and provides growers with seeds of over 80 vegetable cultivars and hybrids, encompassing 28 different vegetable species in total. Vegetable seed production is diverse and species-specific. Some vegetable species reproduce vegetatively, some by generative propagation, while some do it both ways. An important issue that must not be overlooked when producing vegetable seeds is that of spatial isolation, as some species are self-pollinated, while others are open-pollinated or facultative. Based on the acreage sown in 2004, the annual demand for vegetable seeds (excluding potato) in Serbia is around 19,000 tons. The Institute produces around 30 different vegetable species, including more than 80 cultivars and hybrids. In addition to producing seeds of high seed categories (super elite and elite), the Institute also produces commercial seeds (original and certified) for the domestic and foreign markets.Biološke specifičnosti povrća uslovljavaju različite metode pri proizvodnji semena. Brojnost vrsta, razlike u koeficijentu razmnožavanja i značajno učešće ljudskog rada čine proizvodnju semena povrća raznolikom, specifičnom ali i profitabilnom. Stoga je semenarstvo povrća toliko značajna naučna i stručna oblast delovanja ali i uticaja Instituta na nivo i kvalitet proizvodnje i razvoj semenske proizvodnje povrća u zemlji. To je značajno i zbog činjenice da se skoro 90% semenske proizvodnje povrća odvija u Vojvodini (izuzev krompira). Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo organizovanom proizvodnjom doprinosi uspešnoj proizvodnji semena povrća i obezbeđuje proizvođače semenom od 28 povrtarskih vrsta, što uključuje preko 80 sorata i hibrida povrća. Proizvodnja semena povrća je specifična i raznovrsna. Neke vrste se razmnožavaju vegetativno, druge generativno, a neke na oba načina. U ovoj proizvodnji se mora voditi računa o prostornoj izolaciji, s obzirom na način oplodnje, jer su neke samooplodne, druge stranooplodne ili fakultativne vrste. Na osnovu zasejanih površina u Srbiji 2004 godine, godišnje potrebe za semenom povrća iznose oko 19000 tona (sem krompira). Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo se bavi proizvodnjom od oko 30 povrtarskih vrsta, što uključuje preko 80 sorata i hibrida. Pored proizvodnje visokih kategorija semena (superelite i elite), proizvodi se i komercijalno seme (originali i prva sortna reprodukcija) za potrebe domaćeg prometa i izvoza

    Doprinosi unapređenju povrtarske proizvodnje za 70 godina rada Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo

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    Vegetables comprise a fairly large number of crop species differing phenotypically and genotypically as well as in how they are grown and used. The main task of vegetable production is increased production of quality vegetables. In this context, breeding is of special importance as the basis for the development of new and improved cultivars and hybrids. Breeding of vegetables has always had as its goal the development of cultivars with increased genetic potentials for yield for the purpose of increasing total vegetable production and the quality of human nutrition. In the last few decades, new techniques have been added to the list of traditional methods of breeding and developing new vegetable cultivars. The new methods of vegetable selection have focused on resolving the issues of early maturity, heterosis, inheritance of certain traits, resistance to diseases and pests, and so on. The vegetable cultivars developed at the Institute have been designed not only to have a high genetic potential for yield but also to be able to satisfy the requirements of the discerning vegetable market in terms of appearance and taste as well as to be well-adapted to the domestic agroecological conditions. The Institute's vegetable program has released on the domestic and foreign markets a range of cultivars intended for fresh use, processing and canning that can be successfully grown year round both indoors and outdoors.Povrće je skup većeg broja biljnih vrsta koje se međusobno razlikuju kako po fenotipu i genotipu tako i po načinu gajenja i korišćenja. Osnovni zadatak u proizvodnji povrća jeste povećanje proizvodnje kvalitetnog povrća. Od posebnog značaja za takav vid povećanja proizvodnje jeste selekcija kao osnova stvaranja novih i boljih sorti i hibrida. Oplemenjivanje povrtarskih biljaka imalo je za cilj, u prošlosti i sadašnjosti, stvaranje soti većeg genetskog potencijala rodnosti, a za povećanje ukupne povrtarske proizvodnje, za bolju i kvalitetniju ljudsku ishranu. U poslednjih nekoliko decenija tradicionalni načini oplemenjivanja i stvaranja novih sorti prošireni su uvođenjem novih tehnika. Korišćenjem savremenih metoda oplemenjivanja kod povrtarskih biljaka rad je usmeren na rešavanja pitanja ranostasnosti, heterozisa, nasleđivanja pojedinih osobina, otpornosti prema bolestima i štetočinama, itd. Pored stvaranja sorti visokog genetičkog prinosa, vodilo se računa i o tome da sorte svojim izgledom i ukusom zado- voljavaju zahteve probirljivog tržišta povrća i da su prilagođene našim agroekološkim uslovima gajenja. Stvoren je određeni sortiment povrća priznat u zemlji i inostranstvu, a može uspešno da se gaji tokom cele godine na otvorenom polju i u zaštićenom prostoru namenjen korišćenju svežem, prerađenom i konzervisanom stanju

    Karakteristike priznatih sorti povrća Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u našoj zemlji i u inostranstvu

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    The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has 51 newly developed, high-yielding vegetable cultivars, which can be grown in any of our country's vegetable-growing regions throughout the year and both indoors and outdoors. In addition to the newly developed cultivars and hybrids, the Institute produces the basic and commercial seeds and processes, tests for quality, packages and distributes domestic and domesticated cultivars alike. The Institute's offer of vegetables totals more than 90 cultivars of various vegetable species.Povrće ima veliki značaj u ishrani ljudi bilo da se koristi u svežem, prerađenom ili konzervisanom stanju, a pored toga ostvaruje visok dohodak po jedinici površine što obezbeđuje i visoku akumulaciju. Sortiment povrća Instituta možemo svrstati u dve grupe i to: odomaćene i domaće sorte i sortne populacije i novostvorene sorte i hibridi. Do sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka selekcija povrća, u Institutu, bazirala se na iskorišćavanju lokalnih populacija i stvaranju sorti individualnom selekcijom iz istih. Na taj način stvorene su sorte povrća, koje su dugi niz godina predstavljale osnovu povrtarske proizvodnje. Od sedamdesetih godina u stvaranju sorti povrća, primenjen je metod hibridizacije, odnosno metod kombinacijskog ukrštanja, što je dalo veću mogućnost u stvaranju sorti otpornijih na patogene, ranostasnijih, bolje aklimatizovane našim agroekološkim uslovima gajenja i boljeg iskorišćavanja genetskog potencijala rodnosti. U Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo stvoreno je 51 sorta i hibrid od 14 različitih vrsta povrća, koje je Komisija za priznavanje sorti registrovala zaključno sa 2008. godinom. U Odeljenju za povrtarstvo se proizvodi seme 25 različitih povrtarskih vrsta, a u okviru njih se nalazi oko 90 novostvorenih ili odomaćenih sorti i hibrida

    Utjecaj komorbiditeta na ishod rehabilitacije nakon ishemijskog moždanog udara

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    Comorbidity decreases survival but it still remains unknown to what extent functional recovery after ischemic stroke is affected. The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence of the most common comorbidities in patients with ischemic stroke and to examine their predictive value on the functional status and recovery. In order to obtain relevant information for this research, we conducted a prospective study over a two-year period. It included patients with acute/subacute ischemic stroke who had inhospital rehabilitation treatment in our institution. Functional status of the patients was evaluated by the following three aspects at the beginning and at the end of rehabilitation treatment: Rivermead Mobility Index was used for mobility, Barthel Index for independence in activities of daily living, and modified Rankin Scale for total disability. Modified Charlston Comorbidity Index was used to assess comorbidity. Multivariate analysis was applied to evaluate the impact of recorded comorbidities on the patient functional outcome. Independent predictors of rehabilitation success in our study were the value of modified Charlston Comorbidity Index, atrial fibrillation and myocardial infarction. Our study demonstrated that patients with more comorbidities had worse functional outcome after stroke, so it is important to consider the comorbidity status when planning the rehabilitation treatment.Komorbiditeti smanjuju preživljavanje nakon ishemijskog moždanog udara, ali još uvijek ostaje nepoznato koliki je njihov utjecaj na funkcijski oporavak. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost najčešćih komorbiditeta u bolesnika s ishemijskim moždanim udarom i ispitati njihovu prediktivnu vrijednost na funkcijski status i oporavak. U cilju dobivanja relevantnih podataka za ovu studiju proveli smo prospektivno istraživanje u razdoblju od dvije godine. Studija je uključila bolesnike s akutnim/subakutnim ishemijskim moždanim udarom koji su imali bolnički rehabilitacijski tretman u našoj ustanovi. Funkcijsko stanje bolesnika je ocijenjeno s tri aspekta na početku i na kraju rehabilitacijskog tretmana: Indeks mobilnosti Rivermead je primijenjen za mobilnost, Barthelov indeks za neovisnost u aktivnostima svakodnevnog života, a modificirana Rankinova ljestvica za ukupnu onesposobljenost. Charlstonov indeks komorbiditeta modificiran za moždani udar je primijenjen za procjenu komorbiditeta u bolesnika. Multivarijatna analiza primijenjena je za procjenu utjecaja ispitivanih komorbiditeta na funkcionalni ishod bolesnika. Nezavisni prediktori uspjeha rehabilitacije u našem istraživanju bili su vrijednost Charlstonova indeksa komorbiditeta modificiranog za moždani udar, atrijska fibrilacija i infarkt miokarda. S obzirom na to da je naše istraživanje pokazalo kako bolesnici s većim brojem komorbiditeta postižu lošiji funkcijski ishod nakon ishemijskog moždanog udara, bitno je razmotriti komorbiditetni status pri planiranju rehabilitacijskog tretmana

    Razvoj povrtarske proizvodnje tokom 40 godina

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    As a result of the great biological diversity of the cultivated vegetable crop species, there are many different methods of vegetable production, each with its own accompanying growing technology. The intensive development of vegetable growing that began in 1975 triggered a parallel development of research closely tied with the needs of vegetable production. Today vegetable production takes the forms of year-round field production intended for various types of processing, field production intended for the fresh market, intensive garden production, and indoor vegetable production. Research conducted as part of developing environmentally-friendly ways of field vegetable production has resulted in the development of methods for the mechanized covering of soil with black biodegradable foil, while early vegetable production is carried out by covering the plants with materials known as agrotextiles, in which case the best results are achieved by combining mulching and direct covering of plants. Indoor vegetable production has gone through the largest amount of technical and technological change and is a form of industrial vegetable production on different substrates using controlled and programmed mineral nutrition as well as microclimate regulation using different materials for light and temperature regulation. The importance of vegetables comes not only from their role as food and medicine (as a medicinal supplement and part of folk medicine) but also from their aesthetic value, as today they are part of horticultural management of gardens and green spaces. For each of the above methods of growing, an adequate cultivar range was tested and the quality of the end product and its nutritive value were monitored. Growing of a larger number of vegetable crop species and the use of secondary products of crop growing has led to the development of environmentally-friendly growing methods, which are part of sustainable development. The transition from conventional to sustainable production leads through production based on principles of good agricultural practice (GAP). All research results are important for the development of different production technologies. Today, they are the most important segments of modern technologies, including the GIS system of precision satellite-guided production, which, along with the use of the latest technical solutions, must guarantee economic gain and environmental safety.Proizvodnju povrća, intenzivnu, kompleksnu granu biljne proizvodnje odlikuje više načina gajenja većeg broja biološki i genetski različitih vrsta. Od tradicionalnog baštenskog gajenja danas se povrtarstvo razvilo u tržišni oblik proizvodnje, u koji je uključen odgovarajući sortiment uz primenu naučnoistra- živačkih rezultata koji su tesno vezani za različite oblike proizvodnje povrća. Danas se proizvodnja povrća odvija u okviru njivske proizvodnje namenjene različitim oblicima prerade, za svežu pijacu, baštenske proizvodnje i proizvodnje u zaštićenom prostoru. U okviru ekoloških načina proizvodnje kako na otvorenom tako i u zaštićenom prostoru, primenjuju se najsavremenjia tehničko tehnološka rešenja, kojima se osigurava ekonomska dobit i ekološka sigurnost