9 research outputs found
Antifosfolipidna antitela u zdravih srpskih osoba srednjih godina - preliminarni podaci
Background: The investigation of the prevalence of the IgG and the IgM isotypes of anticardiolipin (aCL) and antib2glycoprotein I (ab2gpI) Abs in healthy Serbian middle-aged subjects was the main goal of our study. In addition, we analyzed the potential associations of above-mentioned Abs with serum proteins and lipids/lipoproteins. Methods: Forty healthy subjects were included in our study. Obesity (BMI 30 kg/m2) was present in 8/40 (20%) subjects. Titers of analyzed Abs were measured by ELISA. Results: The prevalence of IgG and IgM ab2gpI Abs was 5% and 12.5%, respectively, while the prevalence of IgM aCL was 10%. The IgG ab2gpI Abs were significantly different between subjects with normal triglycerides levels and those with hypertriglyceridemia (Mann-Whitney, P = 0.014). The significant difference in hsCRP concentrations was observed between subjects with the increased levels of the IgM isotype of aCL Abs and those with normal IgM aCL values (Mann-Whitney, P = 0.028). Conclusions: Dyslipidemia and BMI ā„30 were associated with aPL Abs and therefore, the correction of BMI and lipid status might be beneficial in reduction or elimination of predisposing factors that might trigger thrombotic events in otherwise healthy middle-aged subjects. Larger national study is necessary to confirm our findings.Uvod: Analiza prevalentnosti IgG i IgM izotipa antikardiolip- inskih (aCL) i anti- b2glikoprotein I (ab2gpI) At kod zdravih sredove~nih stanovnika Srbije je bila glavni cilj na{e studije. Dodatno, analizirali smo potencijalnu povezanost gore- navedenih At sa serumskim proteinima i lipidima/lipopro- teinima. Metode: 40 zdravih ispitanika je bilo uklju~eno u na{u studiju. Gojaznost (BMI ā„ 30 kg/m2) je uo~ena kod 8/40 (20%) osoba. Titri analiziranih antitela su utvr|ivani ELISA testom. Rezultati: Prevalentnost IgG i IgM ab2gpIAt je bila 5% i 12.5%, redom, dok je prevalentnost IgM aCL bila 10%. Nivoi IgG ab2gpI At su se zna~ajno razlikovali izme|u ispi- tanika sa i bez hipertrigliceridemije (Mann-Whitney, P = 0.014). Zna~ajne razlike u hsCRP koncentracijama uo~ene su izme|u osoba sa povi{enim nivoima IgM aCL At i onih sa referentim vrednostima (Mann-Whitney, P = 0,028). Zaklju~ak: Dislipidemija i BMI ā„30 su bili povezani sa aPL At uprkos njihovoj niskoj prevalentnosti, i zato korekcija BMI i lipidnog statusa bi bila korisna u redukciji ili elimi- naciji predispoziraju}ih faktora koji mogu da izazovu trom- boti~ki doga|aj kod ina~e zdravih sredove~nih ispitanika. Obimnije nacionalne studije su neophodne da bi potvrdile na{e nalaze
Exposure to potential drug-antimicrobial agent interactions in primary health care
Background/Aim. Drug-drug interactions involving antimicrobials present important and often unrecognized complications of pharmacotherapy which can be prevented. The aim of the present study was to identify the frequency and type of potential drug-antimicrobial agent interactions among outpatients and to define recommendations for their management. Methods. Crosssectional prescription database study was conducted. The analysis randomly included 823 patients who visited Health Center Novi Sad over 1-month period (November 1ā30, 2011) and had prescribed ā„ 2 drugs where at least one drug was antimicrobial agent for systemic use. All interacting drug combinations involving antimicrobials were identified according to Drug Interaction Facts. Additionally, based on the compendium, potential interactions were classified into categories: pharmacological mechanisms, potential clinical outcomes and management advice. Results. Overall, 88 potential clinically significant drug-antimicrobial agent interactions were identified among 69 (8.4%) exposed outpatients [the mean age 61.7 years (SD Ā± 15.4); the mean number of prescribed drugs 7.5 (SD Ā± 2.9); 56.5% females]. The most common identified potential interacting pairs were benzodiazepines undergoing oxidative metabolism and clarithromycin or erythromycin, and aminophylline and ciprofloxacin. In 83.0% of all cases underlying mechanism was pharmacokinetic involving primary inhibition of metabolic pathways mediated by CYP3A4 and CYP1A2 isoenzymes. Excessive sedation (22.7%), cardiotoxicity (20.5%), miscellaneous aminophylline adverse effects (13.6%), and bleeding (10.2%) were the most frequently implicated potential clinical outcomes. Risk for adverse interactions could be managed by close monitoring of simultaneous administration of drugs (37.5%), different risk-modifyng strategies (31.8%), and avoiding combinations (30.7%). Conclusion. Among outpatients, there was common potential for clinically significant interactions involving antimicrobials. Information based on the results of the present study could be integrated in existing computerized physician order entry system in the Health Center as a form of clinical support
Antiphospholipid antibodies in patients with Gravesāorbitopathy:preliminary data
Purpose: Gravesā orbitopathy (GO) is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder of the orbit and while the antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) Abs were associated with the markers of inflammation in the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), there is no literature that investigate the presence of aPL Abs in GO. We analyzed the prevalence of aPL Abs and the differences between aPL (+) and aPL (ā) subgroups of GO patients. Methods: Study included consecutive patients with GO (66 with Gravesā (GD), 10 with Hashimoto (HD), and 8 were euthyroid). Anticardiolipin (aCL) and anti-beta 2glycoprotein I (aĪ²2gpI) Abs were measured by ELISA. Results: aPL Abs were present in 9/84 (10.71%) patients. The IgM aĪ²2gpI Abs were present in 8/66 and in 1/10 patients with GD and HD. The IgG aCL Abs were present in one GD patient, and IgM aCL were present in 3/66 GD and in 1/10 patients with HD. In GD group, anti-Tg Abs were in positive correlation with aĪ²2gpI IgG (p = 0.000) and with anti-TPO Abs (p = 0.016). In HD group, anti-Tg Abs were in positive correlation with IgM aCL (p = 0.042), while anti-TPO Abs were in positive correlation with aĪ²2gpI IgM (p = 0.014). Conclusion: This study is the first report of the aPL Abs presence in GO patients. The anti-thyroid Abs were linked to aPL suggesting that their presence is not the sole consequence of hyperstimulation of autoreactive B-lymphocytes. Larger studies are necessary to confirm potential cause-effect relations. Ā© 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature