76 research outputs found

    Endometrioma of the Abdominal Wall after Caesarean Section

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    Background:Endometrial cell implantation after abdominal surgery, mainly after caesarean section, may result in formation of endometrioma, which is usually described to be of various sizes, and adjacent to the surgical scar. Case:A 36-year old woman complaining of a mass of the abdominal wall with pain during the menstrual period, with a caesarean section 5 years earlier, presented a rounded tumour not contiguous to the Pfannenstiel’s laparotomy scar, of hard consistence, fixed and adherent to the deep abdominal wall structures, located on the left paramedian epigastric region. Magnetic Resonance imaging showed the nodule, involving the deep layers of the abdominal wall and the distance from the laparotomic scar. Surgical removal was performed with wide excision of the lesion, causing a large wall defect. After histological con-firmation (endometriosis) by frozen section, reconstruction of the abdominal wall required prolene mesh grafting. After twelve months the patient is healthy. Conclusion: When abdominal wall endometrioma is located distant from the scar, perhaps more frequently after Pfannenstiel’s laparotomic inci-sion, the differential diagnosis may be more difficult and MRI can help diffe-rentiating many of these lesions, and histological confirmation should be ob-tained intraoperatively, by frozen section, to allow an oncological resection if required

    Primary Vaginal Carcinoma Arising on Cystocele Mimicking Vulvar Cancer.

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    Abstract Background Primary vaginal carcinoma is a rare gynaecological tumour representing 1%–3% of all gynaecologic cancers. Several studies report increased vaginal cancer risk associated with genital prolapse following the occurrence of inflammatory lesions or decubitus ulcers. Case We report the rare case of an 82-year-old woman with primary squamous cell carcinoma arising from vaginal wall prolapse. Vaginal carcinoma was suspected during gynaecological examination for vulvar bleeding. A wide local excision was performed and pathologic examination revealed a primary squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina. Conclusion Persistent genital prolapse may be at risk for vaginal carcinoma, and cytological and a colposcopic assessments are essential to identify patients who require diagnostic biopsy

    Uterine and ovarian changes during testosterone administration in young female-to-male transsexuals

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    Abstract Objective Female-to-male transition remains a specific clinical indication for long-term testosterone administration. There is a limited number of studies dealing with the effect of androgen treatment on their female receptive targets (mainly breast and uterus) and the knowledge in this field is scarce and, sometimes, contradictory. Materials and Methods We performed a prospective study including 12 patients aged between 20 years and 32 years, with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, treated with parenteral testosterone administration before sexual reassignment surgery. Results Endometrial histology revealed the presence of active endometrium in 10 cases and secretive endometrium in two cases. Multifollicular ovaries were observed in all cases of active endometrium, while corpus luteum was present in the two cases of secretory endometrium. Fibroids or hypertrophic myometrium were observed in 58% of the patients. Estrogen receptor was very high (59%) in the endometrial epithelial cells and low (17%) in the myometrium. Androgen receptor expression was modest in endometrial epithelial cells (24%) and sustained in myometrium (69%). Ki67 expression is steadily present in all uterine compartments, varying from 8% in epithelial endometrium to 2% in the myometrium. Conclusion Our data suggest that long-term testosterone administration to female-to-male patients during reproductive age induces a low proliferative active endometrium, associated with some hypertrophic myometrial changes

    Clinical outcomes after the use of anti-adhesive agents in laparoscopic reproductive surgery

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    Introduction: Intra-abdominal adhesions are abnormal fibrous attachments between tissues and organs that can be congenital or acquired. Adhesion formation is a critical postoperative complication that may lead to bowel obstruction, chronic abdominal pain and infertility. Physical barrier agents separate opposing peritoneal surfaces in the critical 5-day period of remesotheliazation. These agents are subdivided into solid or liquid/gel. Liquid agents seem easier to use in laparoscopic procedures than solid agents. Methods: The search for suitable articles published in English was carried out using the following databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Global Health, The Cochrane Library (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Methodology Register), Health Technology Assessment Database, Web of Science and search register (ClinicalTrial.gov). Only studies reporting data about the impact of the use of an antiadhesive agent on adhesion formation after a primary gynecologic laparoscopic surgery were considered eligible. Results: Twenty-two papers that met the inclusion criteria were included in this systematic review. Discussion/conclusions: Surgeons should consider applying antiadhesive agents after gynecologic surgery to help reduce adhesion formation and their adverse effects. However, further studies are still needed to confirm their impact on reproductive outcome and to implement clear guidelines on their per-operative application

    The challenge of FIGO type 3 leiomyomas and infertility: Exploring therapeutic alternatives amidst limited scientific certainties

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    Uterine leiomyomas (ULs) are non-cancerous tumors composed of smooth muscle cells that develop within the myometrium and represent the most prevalent pathological condition affecting the female genital tract. Despite the volume of available research, many aspects of ULs remain unresolved, making it a "paradoxical disease" where the increase in available scientific literature has not been matched by an increase in solid evidence for clinical management. Fertility stands at the top of the list of clinical issues where the role of ULs is still unclear. The leiomyoma subclassification system, released by the International Federaion of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) in 2008, introduced a new and more effective way of categorizing uterine fibroids. The aim was to go beyond the traditional classification "subserosal, intramural and submucosal", facilitating a detailed examination of individual ULs impact on the female reproductive system. The "type 3 UL" is a special type of myoma, characterized by its complete myometrial development while encroaching the endometrium. It is a unique "hybrid" between a submucous and an intramural UL, that may exert a detrimental "double hit" mechanism, which is of particular interest in patients wishing pregnancy. To date, no robust evidence is available regarding the management of type 3 ULs. The aim of this narrative review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the physiopathological mechanisms that type 3 UL may exert on fertility, and to present new perspectives that may help us to better understand both the need for and the methods of treating this unique type of fibroid

    PReferentially Expressed Antigen in MElanoma (PRAME):preliminary communication on a translational tool able to early detect Oral Malignant Melanoma (OMM)

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    : Oral malignant melanoma (OMM) has a prevalence less than 1% of all melanomas and it commonly develops on the oral mucosa following a slow and unspecific transformation of unstable melanocytic lesions, often resulting in a diagnostic delay. The marker PReferentially Expressed Antigen in MElanoma (PRAME) seems to be a valid tool to investigate the biological and histological nature of cutaneous melanocytic lesions, but to date its use to characterize pigmented lesions in the oral cavity is largely unexplored. The aim of this study was to create preliminary knowledge on the PRAME expression in OMM, and to compare its expression respect to other dysplastic pigmented lesions of the oral cavity. Interestingly, PRAME has been demonstrated to be reliable in the clinical conditions investigated in our pilot study; in fact, it has clearly differentiated the cases of Melanoma, which showed diffuse and intense positivity (score 6+/7+) to PRAME, from the other melanocytic nevi, which resulted to be mainly negative to PRAME. This means a better differential diagnosis, a reliable early diagnosis and a proper clinical/surgical management of the oncological lesions. In conclusion, PRAME can be a valid qualitative marker for differential diagnosis, not only in cutaneous melanomas, but also in malignant melanoma of the entire head and neck area

    Upgrading Treatment and Molecular Diagnosis in Endometrial Cancer-Driving New Tools for Endometrial Preservation?

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    One emerging problem for onco-gynecologists is the incidence of premenopausal patients under 40 years of age diagnosed with stage I Endometrial Cancer (EC) who want to preserve their fertility. Our review aims to define a primary risk assessment that can help fertility experts and onco-gynecologists tailor personalized treatment and fertility-preserving strategies for fertile patients wishing to have children. We confirm that risk factors such as myometrial invasion and The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging should be integrated into the novel molecular classification provided by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We also corroborate the influence of classical risk factors such as obesity, Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and diabetes mellitus to assess fertility outcomes. The fertility preservation options are inadequately discussed with women with a diagnosis of gynecological cancer. A multidisciplinary team of gynecologists, oncologists, and fertility specialists could increase patient satisfaction and improve fertility outcomes. The incidence and death rates of endometrial cancer are rising globally. International guidelines recommend radical hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy as the standard of care for this cancer; however, fertility-sparing alternatives should be tailored to motivated women of reproductive age, establishing an appropriate cost-benefit balance between childbearing desire and cancer risk. New molecular classifications such as that of TCGA provide a robust supplementary risk assessment tool that can tailor the treatment options to the patient's needs, curtail over- and under-treatment, and contribute to the spread of fertility-preserving strategies

    Turner Syndrome Mosaicism 45,X/46,XY with Genital Ambiguity and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy:Translational Approach of a Rare Italian Case

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    Turner syndrome (gonadal dysgenesis with short stature and sterility) is characterized by chromosomal karyotype 45,X in 50% of cases or by mosaicism (45,X/46,XX and 45,X/46,XY) in 30–40% or X structural defects (deletions, long arm isochromosome, ring chromosome). When mosaic Turner syndrome (TS) occurs with a Y chromosome, there may be ambiguous genitalia. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited neuromuscular disease with an X-Linked recessive pattern of inheritance that predominantly affects males, while females are usually asymptomatic. DMD has also been observed in groups of females affected by TS, not homozygous for the mutation. Here, we report a case of an Indian neonate born with ambiguous genitalia diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound who had a karyotype of 45,X/46,XY and who also had Duchenne muscular dystrophy caused by a de novo mutation in the DMD gene. Physical examination was normal without the typical dysmorphic features of TS with the exception of the genitourinary system showing ambiguous genitalia. Gender was assigned as female. At the age of three years, she had increasing difficulty walking, running, jumping and climbing stairs, proximal upper and lower extremity muscle weakness and a positive Gowers’ sign. In addition, the serum creatine kinase (CK) value was over 30X the upper limit of normal. This study shows that DMD can occur in females with TS having 45,X/46,XY mosaicism and that this coexistence should be considered in women affected by TS who start to develop potential typical symptoms such as motor or developmental delay

    Histological Hallmarks of Malignant Melanoma

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    The histopathological diagnosis of malignant melanoma remains the gold standard to allow the patient to access the entire process of the diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance path. Despite the continuous search for markers that can assist in the diagnostic process, there are cases that remain complex to diagnose, and the presence of different criteria among dermatopathologists further complicates the issue. This section will focus on the state of the art of dermatopathological diagnostics of melanoma, starting from the morphological bases up to the latest acquisitions of immunohistochemistry for diagnostic purposes, and molecular biology for therapeutic purposes. Furthermore, we will focus on particularly “challenging” MM histotypes and on what are the current guidelines for a correct diagnosis

    “GONE WITH THE WIND”: The Transitory Effects of COVID-19 on the Gynecological System

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    The coronavirus disease no longer seems to represent an insurmountable global problem. This is thanks to the advent of coronavirus vaccines, which have alleviated the most serious symptoms associated with this disease. On the other hand, there are still many extrapulmonary symptoms of COVID-19, and among these also those of a gynecological nature. At the moment, there are several questions in this field, one above all concerns the causal link between COVID-19, vaccines and gynecological alterations. Furthermore, another important aspect is represented by the clinical impact of post-COVID-19 gynecological alterations on the female population which, to date, would seem to be mainly due to their duration, even if the extent of these symptoms is still poorly understood. Furthermore, it is not possible to foresee eventual long-term aggravations, or more serious symptoms caused by other viral variants that may arrive in the future. In this review, we focus on this theme and attempt to reorganize the different pieces of a puzzle which, to date, does not seem to have shown us its complete picture
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