29 research outputs found

    Uterus dysplasia associated with cervico-vaginal agenesis

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    Müllerian ducts can form upper parts of normal female reproductive system and any failure in ductal fusion may result in to müllerian duct anomalies (MDA). We present a case of MDA and a uterus dysplasia with no evidence of cervical or upper vaginal tissue. This case showes the role of magnetic resonace imaging (MRI) on MDA diagnosis and urges the need for a unified reliable and practical classification more compatible with clinical practice. © 2017, Royan Institute (ACECR). All rights reserved

    Uterus dysplasia associated with cervico-vaginal agenesis

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    Müllerian ducts can form upper parts of normal female reproductive system and any failure in ductal fusion may result in to müllerian duct anomalies (MDA). We present a case of MDA and a uterus dysplasia with no evidence of cervical or upper vaginal tissue. This case showes the role of magnetic resonace imaging (MRI) on MDA diagnosis and urges the need for a unified reliable and practical classification more compatible with clinical practice. © 2017, Royan Institute (ACECR). All rights reserved

    A simple pharmacokinetics subroutine for modeling double peak phenomenon

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    Double peak absorption has been described with several orally administered drugs. Numerous reasons have been implicated in causing the double peak. DRUG-KNT - a pharmacokinetic software developed previously for fitting one and two compartment kinetics using the iterative curve stripping method - was modified and a revised subroutine was incorporated to solve double-peak models. This subroutine considers the double peak as two hypothetical doses administered with a time gap. The fitting capability of the presented model was verified using four sets of data showing double peak profiles extracted from the literature (piroxicam, ranitidine, phenazopyridine and talinolol). Visual inspection and statistical diagnostics showed that the present algorithm provided adequate curve fit disregarding the mechanism involved in the emergence of the secondary peaks. Statistical diagnostic parameters (RSS, AIC and R2) generally showed good fitness in the plasma profile prediction by this model. It was concluded that the algorithm presented herein provides adequate predicted curves in cases of the double peak phenomenon. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Black bone marrow aspirate

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    A Simple Method for Making Diagnostic Casts for Dental Implants Using Acrylic Abutments

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    The use of multiple implants in the same jaw requires a detailed knowledge of abutment angulation. The position and angulation of the abutments play an important role in treatment planning and fabrication of the custom tray. Therefore diagnostic casts thatcontain cover screws may cause problems during implant therapy.The current article describes a technique for making a preliminary cast with acrylic custom abutments in order to help the clinician select an appropriate impression technique and evaluate the location and angulations of the implant bodies. This method can also aid the technician to provide adequate and proper space for the fabrication of an open custom tray

    Discrepancy measurements of copings prepared by three casting methods and two different alloys, on ITI implants

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    Background and Aim: An important criterion for success assessment of implant-supported prostheses is marginal fit. Vertical and horizontal discrepancy can result in loosening of the prosthetic screw, crestal bone resorption, peri-implantitis and loss of osseointegration. Despite careful attention to waxing, investing, and casting, marginal discrepancies are inevitable. The aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal gap and overhang in three casting methods with two different alloys in ITI implants.Materials and Methods: In this experimental in vitro study 48 analog abutments were randomly divided into six groups as follows: 1) burn out cap + BegoStar, 2) impression cap + BegoStar, 3) conventional wax up + BegoStar, 4) burn out cap + Verabond2, 5) impression cap + Verabond2, 6) conventional wax up + Verabond2. Waxing was done in 0.7 mm thickness verified by a digital gauge and a putty index was made for all groups. Reamer was used for correction of the finish line after casting in all groups. Castings were seated on analog abutments and embedded in acrylic resin. Specimens were sectioned by isomet instrument and polished and cleaned by ultrasonic cleaner for 10 min. The marginal gap and overextended margins of castings were examined under a  Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (X200). The mean gap and margin overextension were calculated for each group. Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis and Bonferroni post-hoc test with p<0.05 as the level of significance.Results: No significant difference in gap size was observed among the three casting methods with two alloys (P=0.056). The marginal gap was not different in the studied casting methods (P=0.092). Gold alloy crowns showed lower marginal gaps compared to base metal alloy crowns (P<0.001). No significant difference in overhang size was observed among casting methods with two alloys (P=0.093). Base metal alloy crowns showed less overhang compared to gold alloy crowns (P<0.001). There was a significant correlation between overhang and use of impression cap in base metal alloys (P<0.001).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, vertical discrepancy of frameworks made with gold alloy were less than those made with base metal alloy. Base metal alloy demonstrated less overhang. Conventional wax up or using burn out caps produced less horizontal discrepancy

    Photography in dentistry: Part I (Basics)

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    Dentistry has always benefited from photography as an adjunct tool in diagnosis treatment planning and presentations. The main reason for taking dental photographs is to provide documents and supplements for treatment. A photograph facilitates communication between dentists and laboratories. Quality control will become more important to dental practice in near future and photographs can be used by dentists as self-checking tools. Nowadays performing lectures or publications without presenting pictures is inconceivable. The camera system must be easy to use and accessories should be always available. Although a good variety of equipments are now available and can be used for close-up photography, the special requirements of dental clinical photography are not always provided by the manufacturers and dealers' recommendations are not always correct. This article tries to help the readers to find and use the most suitable equipments for their routine dental practice

    Fabrication of a radiographic and surgical stent for maxillofacial implants: a case report

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    "nA procedure was explained to fabricate a surgical stent to aid the placement of maxillofacial implants for prosthetic auricular rehabilitation. An impression of the defect was made, and a wax pattern of the missing ear completed and evaluated on the patient. The definitive wax prosthesis was processed in clear acrylic resin. Also an occlusal maxillary splint was fabricated and joined to the acrylic resin ear by using an extraoral acrylic resin bar. Surgical stent provides proper orientation of the acrylic resin ear while remaining attached to the maxillary arch. This surgical stent can also be used for radiographic examination

    Black bone marrow aspirate

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    A radiographic evaluation of progressive loading on crestal and bone density changes around single osseointegrated implants in the posterior maxilla

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    "nBackground and Aim: The aim of this clinical study was to determine the effectiveness of progressive loading procedures on preserving crestal bone height and improving peri-implant bone density around maxillary implants restored with single crowns by an accurate longitudinal radiographic assessment technique. "n "n "nMaterials and Methods: Eleven Micro-Thread Osseo Speed dental implants were placed in 11 subjects and permitted to heal for 6 weeks before surgical uncovering. Following an 8-week healing period, implants underwent a progressive loading protocol by increasing the height of the occlusal table in increments from adding acrylic resin to an acrylic crown. The progressively loaded crowns were placed in 2 mm infraocclusion for the first 2 months, light occlusion for the second 2 months, and full occlusion for the third 2 months. At forth 2 months, a metal ceramic crown replaced the acrylic crown. Digital radiographs of each implant were made at the time of restoration, then after 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 months of function. Digital image analysis was done to measure changes in crestal bone height and peri-implant bone density. "n "n "nResults: The mean values of crestal bone loss at 12 months were 0.11 ± 0.19 mm, and when tested with Friedman across the time periods, the differences were not statistically significant (p> 0.05). The mean values of bone density in the crestal, middle, and apical area were tested with Repeated Measure ANOVA across the time periods, the differences were statistically significant (p<0.05). "n "n "nConclusion: Progressive loading doesn’t cause crestal bone loss. The peri-implant density measurements of the progressively loaded implants show continuous increase in crestal, middle and apical peri-implant bone density by time. "n&nbsp