1 research outputs found

    Preoperative assessment of meningioma aggressiveness by Thallium-201 brain SPECT

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    Introduction: Meningioma is usually a benign brain tumor, but sometimes with aggressive course. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of 201Tl Brain SPECT to differentiate the pathologic grade of meningioma preoperatively. Methods: Thirty lesions in 28 patients were evaluated in this study. Early (20 minutes) and late (3 hours) brain SPECT images were performed and early uptake ratio (EUR), late uptake ratio (LUR) and retention index (RI) were calculated. All patients were operated and pathologic grade of tumors were defined according to World Health Organization grading system. Results: SPECT results were compared in different pathologic groups. Data analysis clarified no significant difference of EUR in benign and aggressive meningioma (P=0.2). However LUR and RI were significantly higher in aggressive tumors (P=0.001 and P=0.02, respectively). Conclusion: According to our data Tl-201 Brain SPECT with early and late imaging has 80 sensitivity and specificity to differentiate malignant from benign meningioma