24 research outputs found

    Psychoeducational intervention for people at high risk of developing another melanoma: a pilot randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Information and psychological needs have been reported as one of the greatest areas of unmet needs for patients with melanoma. To respond to these needs, we developed the Melanoma Care Intervention, a developed psychoeducational intervention for people at high risk of developing another melanoma comprising of a newly developed melanoma educational booklet and individually tailored telephone support sessions provided by trained psychologists. The purpose of this study was to investigate the acceptability and feasibility of the Melanoma Care Intervention. Methods Twenty-four adults (14 men, 10 women, mean age: 58 years, SD: 12.2) at high risk of developing a subsequent primary melanoma were recruited and randomly assigned 1:1 to the intervention (a psychoeducational booklet, a Cancer Council booklet on melanoma and up to five telephone-based sessions with a psychologist) or usual care (Cancer Council booklet only). Acceptability, feasibility, fear of cancer recurrence and secondary psychosocial outcomes were assessed at baseline, 1 and 6 months. Results Satisfaction and perceived benefits were rated highly for all intervention components, particularly the telephone-based psychology sessions (mean satisfaction and benefits: both 9.27 out of 10, SD=2.41). The quality of information and support provided throughout the trial was rated as ‘high’ by the intervention group, with a mean score of 4.6 out of a possible 5 (SD=0.9) and 4.2 (SD=1.2) for the control group. Conclusions The intervention was feasible and acceptable for improving psychological adjustment. Timely access to effective, evidence-based, psychological care is a recognised need for people with melanoma. The intervention is designed to directly address this need in a way that is feasible in a clinical setting, acceptable to patients and health professionals

    Identifying the 'Active Ingredients' of an Effective Psychological Intervention to Reduce Fear of Cancer Recurrence: A Process Evaluation

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    Purpose: Psychological interventions targeting fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) are effective in reducing fear and distress. Process evaluations are an important, yet scarce adjunct to published intervention trials, despite their utility in guiding the interpretation of study outcomes and optimizing intervention design for broader implementation. Accordingly, this paper reports the findings of a process evaluation conducted alongside a randomized controlled trial of a psychological intervention for melanoma patients. Methods: Men and women with a history of Stage 0–II melanoma at high-risk of developing new primary disease were recruited via High Risk Melanoma Clinics across Sydney, Australia and randomly allocated to receive the psychological intervention (n = 80) or usual care (n = 84). Intervention participants received a tailored psycho-educational resource and three individual psychotherapeutic sessions delivered via telehealth. Qualitative and quantitative data on intervention context, processes, and delivery (reach, dose, and fidelity), and mechanisms of impact (participant responses, moderators of outcome) were collected from a range of sources, including participant surveys, psychotherapeutic session audio-recordings, and clinical records. Results: Almost all participants reported using the psycho-educational resource (97%), received all intended psychotherapy sessions (96%), and reported high satisfaction with both intervention components. Over 80% of participants would recommend the intervention to others, and a small proportion (4%) found discussion of melanoma-related experiences confronting. Perceived benefits included enhanced doctor-patient communication, talking more openly with family members about melanoma, and improved coping. Of potential moderators, only higher FCR severity at baseline (pre-intervention) was associated with greater reductions in FCR severity (primary outcome) at 6-month follow-up (primary endpoint). Conclusions: Findings support the acceptability and feasibility of a psychological intervention to reduce FCR amongst individuals at high risk of developing another melanoma. Implementation into routine melanoma care is an imperative next step, with FCR screening recommended to identify those most likely to derive the greatest psychological benefit.This work was supported by a Cancer Institute NSW Translational Program Grant (GM, SWM, 05/TPG/1-01 and 10/TPG/1-02) and a Beyond Blue Project Grant (NK, 630575). NK was the recipient of a National Heart Foundation of Australia Future Leader Fellowship (101229). MD received a PhD scholarship through a Cancer Institute NSW Fellowship to AC and a Sydney Catalyst Top-Up Research Scholar Award. PB was supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia Senior Principal Research Fellowship (1022582). ST received an NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship. RM was supported by an NHMRC Investigator Grant (1194703) and University of Sydney Robinson Fellowship. AC was supported by an NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (1147843). The study protocol was reviewed and endorsed by two National Clinical Trials Groups; the Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group (PoCoG), and the Australian and New Zealand Melanoma Trials Group (ANZMTG/MASC)

    Prevalence of adolescent problem gambling, related harms and help-seeking behaviours among an Australian population

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    Epidemiological studies have consistently reported prevalence rates ranging between 0.9 and 23.5% for problem gambling among young people. With such a large range reported in the literature, it is clear that more research in this area would be of value. The current study investigated the prevalence rate of adolescent gambling and problem gambling and explored types of harm-related and help-seeking behaviours associated with gambling specific to this population in an Australian setting. A self-administered battery of questionnaires was distributed to 252 students aged 12–18 years, attending four private schools in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia. The battery included a self-administered socio-gambling demographic questionnaire, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fourth Edition Multiple Response Juvenile (DSM-IV-MR-J) diagnostic instrument to assess problem gambling status, the Gambling Attitudes Scale, and questionnaires using a Likert scale to measure gambling-related harms and help-seeking behaviours. The prevalence rate among this group was found to be 6.7%. The study found further support for previous findings suggesting that a significant proportion of young people meet criteria for problem gambling, that males are at-risk and that few adolescents are able to recognise when gambling is problematic or access mental health professionals for assistance.16 page(s

    Predictors of relationship adjustment among couples coping with a high risk of developing breast/ovarian cancer

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    This study investigated the association between supportive and collaborative processes and dyadic adjustment in 94 women at increased risk of breast/ovarian cancer and their partners. Participants were recruited through two familial cancer clinics. They completed mailed, self-report questionnaires that included measures of psychological distress, dyadic adjustment (consensus, cohesion and satisfaction) and couple predictor variables (perceived support and team approach). Most couples reported average-to-high levels of consensus, cohesion and satisfaction, with a small proportion of couples (6.4%) reporting scores that reached clinically significant levels of dyadic distress. Greater perceived support was associated with better dyadic consensus and satisfaction, and dyadic cohesion and satisfaction were higher among couples who reported greater use of a team approach. General distress did not moderate the association between dyadic coping and relationship quality. There were no significant relationships between intra-couple congruence on support or team approach, and dyadic adjustment. Most couples had a functional relationship in the face of the current health stressor, although a subgroup may be at elevated risk of negative psychological consequences, including further relationship strain. The results highlight that dyadic coping strategies are important factors involved in the quality of couples’ relationship following genetic counselling for breast/ovarian cancer risk.19 page(s

    Fear of cancer recurrence in adult cancer survivors : a systematic review of quantitative studies

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    PURPOSE: Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) is among the most commonly reported problems and one of the most prevalent areas of unmet needs for cancer survivors and their carers. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of current scientific knowledge on FCR and to formulate recommendations for future research. METHODS: A systematic review was undertaken to identify quantitative studies associated with FCR. Relevant studies were identified via Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO and AMED databases from 1996 through December 2011. Data from 130 eligible papers were extracted and summarized following a systematic scheme. RESULTS: Multiple FCR assessment methods were identified. Survivors reported low to moderate level of FCR but considered it as one of the top greatest concerns and the most frequently endorsed unmet need. FCR remains stable over the survivorship trajectory. Younger age, presence and severity of physical symptoms, psychological distress and lower quality of life were associated with higher FCR. Health behaviours, psychological reactions and functional impairments were identified as FCR consequences. Carers reported higher FCR than the patients. Limited data on interventions were available. CONCLUSIONS: FCR research has expanded somewhat haphazardly over the last 20 years. Adopted consensual definition and used well-validated measures will be necessary. Longitudinal research examining the longer-term development and impact of FCR is clearly needed. The proposal and evaluation of theoretical models of FCR is a priority. IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS: Identifying the key features of FCR will stimulate the research and the development of targeted interventions for cancer survivors and their carers

    Evaluation of a support workshop for partners of breast cancer patients: a pilot study

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    In a pilot study, we undertook to assess the efficacy of a support workshop for partners of women with early stage breast cancer. Thirteen male participants attended a two hour discussion group facilitated by a male facilitator. Open-ended and close-ended items specifically designed for this study were utilised to investigate the effects of attending the support workshop. The mean satisfaction scores indicate that partners found attending the workshop very useful. It was found to reduce their sense of isolation and improved perceived support, future outlook, ability to support their partners and families and their understanding of the emotional impact of breast cancer on partners. While a relatively large number of partners indicated a preference for an ongoing group, fewer men indicated planning to keep in contact with others in the group. Despite having several limitations including small sample size, lack of a control group and preworkshop assessment, the results indicate that partners believe it is important to have support groups available for them. This pilot trial has provided preliminary evidence that support groups for partners of women with early stage breast cancer are feasible and effective in meeting partners' self- reported support needs in the Australian setting. (author abstract

    Evaluation of the needs and concerns of partners of women at high risk of developing breast/ovarian cancer

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    This exploratory study investigates the experience of partners of women at high risk of developing breast/ovarian cancer and reports on the partners' views concerning their relationship, communication, future planning, children and childbearing, involvement in decision-making regarding screening and prophylactic measures, and information and support needs. In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 partners. Of these, seven were partners of women who were BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, five were partners of women with unknown mutation status, and three were partners of women who were non-carriers. None of the women had a previous diagnosis of breast or ovarian cancer. Partners of carriers and women with unknown mutation status were found to be more distressed than partners of non-carriers, with partners of mutation carriers reporting the most difficulties. Factors associated with better adjustment and coping for partners included dealing with this situation as a team with their wife, greater involvement in decision-making, satisfaction with their supportive roles and being optimistic. Decision-making difficulties in relation to prophylactic measures, concerns about their children possibly being at increased cancer risk, as well as the need to receive information directly from health professionals and the wish to meet other partners were also discussed.13 page(s

    Fear of cancer recurrence in adult cancer survivors:A systematic review of quantitative studies

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    Purpose Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) is among the most commonly reported problems and one of the most prevalent areas of unmet needs for cancer survivors and their carers. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of current scientific knowledge on FCR and to formulate recommendations for future research. Methods A systematic review was undertaken to identify quantitative studies associated with FCR. Relevant studies were identified via Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO and AMED databases from 1996 through December 2011. Data from 130 eligible papers were extracted and summarized following a systematic scheme. Results Multiple FCR assessment methods were identified. Survivors reported low to moderate level of FCR but considered it as one of the top greatest concerns and the most frequently endorsed unmet need. FCR remains stable over the survivorship trajectory. Younger age, presence and severity of physical symptoms, psychological distress and lower quality of life were associated with higher FCR. Health behaviours, psychological reactions and functional impairments were identified as FCR consequences. Carers reported higher FCR than the patients. Limited data on interventions were available. Conclusions FCR research has expanded somewhat haphazardly over the last 20 years. Adopted consensual definition and used well-validated measures will be necessary. Longitudinal research examining the longer-term development and impact of FCR is clearly needed. The proposal and evaluation of theoretical models of FCR is a priority. Implications for Cancer Survivors Identifying the key features of FCR will stimulate the research and the development of targeted interventions for cancer survivors and their carers.</p

    Evaluation of the needs and concerns of partners of women at high risk of developing breast/ovarian cancer

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    This exploratory study investigates the experience of partners of women at high risk of developing breast/ovarian cancer and reports on the partners' views concerning their relationship, communication, future planning, children and childbearing, involvement in decision-making regarding screening and prophylactic measures, and information and support needs. In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 partners. Of these, seven were partners of women who were BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, five were partners of women with unknown mutation status, and three were partners of women who were non-carriers. None of the women had a previous diagnosis of breast or ovarian cancer. Partners of carriers and women with unknown mutation status were found to be more distressed than partners of non-carriers, with partners of mutation carriers reporting the most difficulties. Factors associated with better adjustment and coping for partners included dealing with this situation as a team with their wife, greater involvement in decision-making, satisfaction with their supportive roles and being optimistic. Decision-making difficulties in relation to prophylactic measures, concerns about their children possibly being at increased cancer risk, as well as the need to receive information directly from health professionals and the wish to meet other partners were also discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd