9 research outputs found

    Review of Medieval Stove Tiles from the Benedictine Abbey of St. Michael on Rudina Site

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    Samostanski kompleks na Rudini jedan je od najvažnijih srednjovjekovnih lokaliteta na području PožeÅ”ke kotline. Tijekom viÅ”egodiÅ”njih arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja prikupljen je vrijedan materijal među kojim brojnu i važnu grupu čine pećnjaci. Zastupljeni su razni tipovi ā€“ glineni pećnjaci u obliku čaÅ”e i lukovice, tip poluvaljkastog pećnjaka te pločasti pećnjaci s prednjom dekorativnom pločom ukraÅ”enom različitim reljefnim motivima (grb Gorjanskih, prikaz orla raÅ”irenih krila, motiv rozete). Svakako je najzanimljiviji prikaz grba Gorjanskih, jedne od najmoćnijih plemićkih obitelji tog razdoblja. Nalazi pećnjaka s grbom Gorjanskih upućuju na zaključak da su Gorjanski u drugoj polovici 15. st. pokuÅ”ali ostvariti patronsko pravo nad samostanom. Većina pronađenih pećnjaka može se usporediti s nalazima s Ružica grada koji datiraju u drugu polovicu 15. i početak 16. st., pa prema tome nalazi s Rudine mogli bi se smjestiti u isto razdoblje.Benedictine abbey in Rudina is one of the most significant medieval sites in Požega ravine. During the perenial archaeological excavations a valuable material was gathered in which numerous and significant amount are stove tiles. Various types were founded ā€“ unglazed pottery tile in the glass-form type and onion shaped tiles, glazed stove tiles that have a decorated facial panel whit diffrent motifs (a coat of arms of Gorjanski, an eagle whit outspread wings, a rose). The most interesting are stove tiles with display of coat of arms of Gorjasnki, one of the most powerful families of that time. This findings bring us to conclusion that in the second half of the 15th century Gorjanski tried to take the patron right over the abbey in Rudina. The most of material can be compared to findings in Ružica town which are dated in second half of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century. The findings from Rudina are dated to the same time

    Review of Medieval Stove Tiles from the Benedictine Abbey of St. Michael on Rudina Site

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    Samostanski kompleks na Rudini jedan je od najvažnijih srednjovjekovnih lokaliteta na području PožeÅ”ke kotline. Tijekom viÅ”egodiÅ”njih arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja prikupljen je vrijedan materijal među kojim brojnu i važnu grupu čine pećnjaci. Zastupljeni su razni tipovi ā€“ glineni pećnjaci u obliku čaÅ”e i lukovice, tip poluvaljkastog pećnjaka te pločasti pećnjaci s prednjom dekorativnom pločom ukraÅ”enom različitim reljefnim motivima (grb Gorjanskih, prikaz orla raÅ”irenih krila, motiv rozete). Svakako je najzanimljiviji prikaz grba Gorjanskih, jedne od najmoćnijih plemićkih obitelji tog razdoblja. Nalazi pećnjaka s grbom Gorjanskih upućuju na zaključak da su Gorjanski u drugoj polovici 15. st. pokuÅ”ali ostvariti patronsko pravo nad samostanom. Većina pronađenih pećnjaka može se usporediti s nalazima s Ružica grada koji datiraju u drugu polovicu 15. i početak 16. st., pa prema tome nalazi s Rudine mogli bi se smjestiti u isto razdoblje.Benedictine abbey in Rudina is one of the most significant medieval sites in Požega ravine. During the perenial archaeological excavations a valuable material was gathered in which numerous and significant amount are stove tiles. Various types were founded ā€“ unglazed pottery tile in the glass-form type and onion shaped tiles, glazed stove tiles that have a decorated facial panel whit diffrent motifs (a coat of arms of Gorjanski, an eagle whit outspread wings, a rose). The most interesting are stove tiles with display of coat of arms of Gorjasnki, one of the most powerful families of that time. This findings bring us to conclusion that in the second half of the 15th century Gorjanski tried to take the patron right over the abbey in Rudina. The most of material can be compared to findings in Ružica town which are dated in second half of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century. The findings from Rudina are dated to the same time

    The Clay Pipes of Austrianhungarian Production From the Fundus of the Town Museum of Požega

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    This paper presents 14 clay pipes of the ā€žEasternā€œ type which are of austrian-hungarian production. They have stamps of workshops PARTSCH, RESS, AMSTƄTTER, ANHALZER and one pipe has stamp JUGNAÅ ICE. This pipe was made in Prva jugoslavenska tvornica lula i glinenih proizvoda u NaÅ”icama (First Yugoslavian Factory of Pipesand Clay Products in NaÅ”ice) between 1919. and 1921. The stamp of Anton Partsch is present on the 10 pipes. The workshop of Anton Partsch was active in Pernitz and Theresienfeld at Wiener Neustadt. Addition the stamp and the name Anton Partsch clay pipes have inscription ZU THERESIENFELD. Anton Partsch made pipes from the 1812 till 1850s. The stamps of ANHALZER, AMSTƄTTER and A. RESSA workkshops are found on the each pipe. The ANHALZER workshop was active in Theresienfeld, but was not so well-known. The MATHIASA AMSTƄTTERA workshop from Wiener Neustadt was active around 1830s. The signature A. RESSA presents the worhshop of Anton Ressa from Wiener Neustadt. Anton Ress taked over the workshop of Mathias AmstƤtera in 1830. The Anton Ress workshop in 1837 employed 60 workers and made more then 6 000 pipes per day

    The Clay Pipes of Austrianhungarian Production From the Fundus of the Town Museum of Požega

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    This paper presents 14 clay pipes of the ā€žEasternā€œ type which are of austrian-hungarian production. They have stamps of workshops PARTSCH, RESS, AMSTƄTTER, ANHALZER and one pipe has stamp JUGNAÅ ICE. This pipe was made in Prva jugoslavenska tvornica lula i glinenih proizvoda u NaÅ”icama (First Yugoslavian Factory of Pipesand Clay Products in NaÅ”ice) between 1919. and 1921. The stamp of Anton Partsch is present on the 10 pipes. The workshop of Anton Partsch was active in Pernitz and Theresienfeld at Wiener Neustadt. Addition the stamp and the name Anton Partsch clay pipes have inscription ZU THERESIENFELD. Anton Partsch made pipes from the 1812 till 1850s. The stamps of ANHALZER, AMSTƄTTER and A. RESSA workkshops are found on the each pipe. The ANHALZER workshop was active in Theresienfeld, but was not so well-known. The MATHIASA AMSTƄTTERA workshop from Wiener Neustadt was active around 1830s. The signature A. RESSA presents the worhshop of Anton Ressa from Wiener Neustadt. Anton Ress taked over the workshop of Mathias AmstƤtera in 1830. The Anton Ress workshop in 1837 employed 60 workers and made more then 6 000 pipes per day

    Voćin - Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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    U okviru programa projekta ā€˜ā€™Voćin, ArheoloÅ”ki lokalitet franjevački samostanā€™ā€™ kojega podupire Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske u suradnji s PožeÅ”kom biskupijom, Institutom za arheologiju i Upravom za zaÅ”titu kulturne baÅ”tine ā€“ Konzervatorskim odjelom u Požegi, Institut za arheologiju proveo je arheoloÅ”ko istraživanje na lokalitetu Voćin - crkva Pohođenja Blažene Djevice Marije. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 18. do 28. studenoga 2008. na povrÅ”ini od 60 mĀ², u prostoriji sjeverno od zvonika crkve, u istočnom dijelu samostanskog kompleksa.Archaeological excavations of the site in Voćin ā€“ Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ā€“ were conducted as part of the project ā€œVoćin, Franciscan Monastery Archaeological Siteā€, supported by the Croatian Ministry of Culture in co-operation with the Požega Diocese, the Institute of Archaeolog y and the Cultural Heritage Protection Administration ā€“ Conservation Department, Požega. The excavations were conducted in the second half of November 2008 in the eastern part of the monastic complex, in a room that is physically connected to the bell-tower. The most significant find was the roomā€™s medieval floor, decorated with rhombic motifs. Although the objects found in the layers above the Gothic floor give no indication of the roomā€™s function, the existence of only one entrance ā€“ the one leading to the bell-tower, and that of an apse at the eastern side, suggests that it was the monasteryā€™s chapel

    Suhopolje ā€“ KliÅ”kovac. Results of excavations in 2007

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    U razdoblju između 16. i 31. kolovoza 2007. obavljeno je arheoloÅ”ko istraživanje na lokalitetu Suhopolje ā€“ KliÅ”kovac, općina Suhopolje, Virovitičko- podravska županija. Nastavilo se s istraživanjem proÅ”logodiÅ”nje sonde u kojoj su otkriveni srednjovjekovni grobovi i arhitektura te se ta sonda proÅ”irila prema istoku, gdje se očekivao nastavak srednjovjekovne građevine. Sukladno očekivanjima, pronađen je joÅ” jedan zid i definirani su novi grobovi. Istraženo je 15 novih grobnih cjelina, pa ih je time ukupno od početka istraživanja 2005. godine definirano 60.From 16 to 31 August 2007, systematic archaeological excavations were conducted at the Suhopolje-KliÅ”kovac site, which was the third year of excavation of this site, part of a research project of the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports entitled ā€œMedieval Archaeological Heritage of Croatia (15th-16th Centuries)ā€, headed by Professor Željko Tomičić, Ph.D. Financing of this yearā€™s excavation was provided by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, the Ministry of Culture, the Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Suhopolje Municipality. Excavation continued in the trial trench opened in 2006, in which researchers found a medieval cemetery from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and architecture which is currently presumed to be a church. East of this trial trench, a new one was opened at a location where the architecture and cemetery are expected to continue. Excavations confirmed this hypothesis, and another wall was found, thus forming a small rectangular room. Another room was observed to the east of this room, which, however, was destroyed during construction of railway tracks in the nineteenth century. Inside and outside the building, 15 graves were explored, some of which are older than the building. New backfills of the graves were defined and they will be explored next year. Several fragments of medieval pottery from the end of the thirteenth and first half of the fourteenth century, forged iron nails, a bronze Gothic buckle, a medieval iron arrowhead with a tang for fastening, medieval silver coins and an iron key were found in the layers above the graves and in the negative of the newly discovered wall. An unusually large quantity of pottery from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in the cemetery itself indicates that the settlement which formed a whole with the cemetery was in its immediate vicinity. This is confirmed by the results of field survey, wherein a large quantity of pottery, and house daub on the ground signifying the remains of dwellings were found in the plough-fields east of the cemetery. Precisely when this site began to be used as a cemetery is still not known, because under the oldest graves new backfills were defined which remain to be explored. Likewise, the settlement is only discussed on the basis of surface finds. Research into this site will continue so as to clarify the picture of the early history of Suhopolje, the settlement and the cemetery


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