39 research outputs found

    Summary of connectivity between each successive life stages based on Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of otoliths for the common sole born in winter 2005–2006 and captured in four areas.

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    <p>How to read this figure: the upper part represents the potential habitats used during the larval life stage, the middle part the potential juvenile stage habitats and the lower part the adult stage habitats. Example: in the West of the Gulf of Lions, 38% of adult individuals spent their juvenile stage in lagoons with high salinity such as Thau, 25% from other lagoons with high salinity, etc. The total of each box represents 100%. BE  =  brackish environments, M  =  Marine water.</p

    The common sole has a complex life cycle, with a pelagic marine larval stage and a benthic juvenile stage in nurseries (estuaries, shallow marine waters, coastal lagoons), before settling in benthic deep marine waters as adults.

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    <p>In this study, otolith and water microchemistry and isotopic signatures allowed a first estimate of the connectivity between the different life stages of the sole in the Gulf of Lions, an essential step for understanding of population dynamics of this species.</p