4 research outputs found

    Responding to physical and psychological health impacts of disasters: Case study of the Iranian disaster rehabilitation plan Agir en réponse aux conséquences physiques et psychologiques des catastrophes naturelles: �tude de cas du plan de relèvement post-catastrophe en Iran

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    This paper describes the process of developing a national pre-disaster plan for physical health and psychological rehabilitation of disaster-stricken communities. Data gathered from a literature review and expert panel discussions informed the process of drawing up unified definitions of physical and psychological health rehabilitation, carrying out stakeholder and STEEP-V analyses, and assigning the responsible organization and the collaborative organizations for each task. The Ministry of Health and the Welfare Organization were selected as the two responsible organizations. Integrated management at all levels, and sharing information, education and funding, were identified as ways to improve stakeholders� participation and collaboration. A system is needed for evaluating the implementation of the disaster rehabilitation plan, using valid and reliable indicators. © 2016, World Health Organization. All rights reserved

    Comparative Evaluation of the Prevalence of Maxillary Sinus Mucosal Thickening in the Patients with Periodontal Bone Loss: A Digital Panoramic Study

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    Introduction: Dental abscesses and periodontal disease can be regarded as the common causes of odontogenic sinusitis. Apical periodontitis, periodontal disease, implant treatment and teeth extraction lead to the increase risk of maxillary sinus mucositis. The maxillary sinuses are usually well visualized on panoramic images. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the association between mucosal thickening of the sinuses and periodontal bone loss(PBL) on the digital panoramic images. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, a total of 200 digital panoramic images related to patients at least suffering from mild periodontal bone loss were reviewed. Type and severity of PBL of posterior teeth were assessed, and the presence of mucosal thickening was recorded. The study data were analyzed via SPSS software ( version17) applying Chi-square test. Moreover, significant level of P –value of less than. 005 was determined . Results: Mucosal thickening was significantly correlated with the bone loss and pattern type of the bone loss. Moreover, the prevalence of sinus mucosal thickening was 12.10% in patients with mild bone loss, 27.45% in patients with moderate bone loss, 63.15% in patients with severe bone loss. No statistically significant relationship was detected between Maxillary sinus mucositis with patients’ age and sex (p =0.05). Conclusion: In patients suffering from the bone loss, increased severity of the bone loss can lead to an increase in the prevalence of sinus mucosal thickening. The maxillary sinus mucositis was reported to be more prevalent in the bone loss with a vertical pattern rather than the bone loss with a horizontal pattern. Moreover, based on the results of the present study, the periodontal disease may increase the risk of sinus mucosal thickening

    Comparing Eruption Space of the Lower Third Molar in Unerupted and Erupted Teeth via Digital Anoramic Radiography in Patients Referring to Yazd Dental College during 2011-13

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    Introduction: The aim of this study is to determine and compare the eruption space of unerupted and erupted third molars by the means of digital panoramic radiography in patients referring to Yazd dental college during 2011-2013. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 150 archived digital panoramic radiographies in radiology department were evaluated with Romexis software under the standard circumstances. The radiographic pictures belonged to 73 men and 77 women with the average age of 21.18±1.67 years. In patients with erupted third molars as well as unerupted third molars (mesio-angular and vertical), several parameters were examined including: angle of the tooth axis of second and third molar, Gonial angle, the width of third molar, retro-molar space and its ratio to the width of third molar, the development stage of third molar root as well as the distance between the center of ramus and the most distal point of second molar. The data related to age, sex and the eruption situation of lower third molar- unerupted or erupted- were extracted from the patient’s log. The data were analyzed by SPSS (ver.17) via applying descriptive tests and T-test. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups in regard with the average angle between second and third molar, the mean space of retro-molar and its ratio to the width of third molar as well as the mean distance between centers of ramus and second molar (P=0.0001). Moreover, no significant difference was observed in Gonial angle mean (P=0.213) and the width of third molar (P.value=0.348). Conclusion: Increasing the angle between second and third molar as well as inadequate space of retro-molar can lead to impaction of lower third molar, but the width of third molar and the Gonial angle size did not reveal any significant role in determination of impaction or eruption of third molar