52 research outputs found

    Planteamiento de un ciclo de mejora en Dirección Financiera

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    La presente comunicación se basa en la experiencia de un ciclo de mejora encadenado realizado en una asignatura troncal del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Sevilla. Debido a los problemas señalados por los alumnos de cursos anteriores, se plantea un cambio en el planteamiento de las clases que además ha venido acompañado de unos nuevos materiales diseñados por el coordinador que tratan de facilitar el seguimiento por parte de los alumnos de la asignatura. Tras la realización del ciclo se concluye que hay un mayor aprovechamiento de las clases y un mayor seguimiento del temario en general, si bien siguen existiendo problemas externos al aprendizaje que tienen un impacto negativo en esta asignatura

    Effect of environmental variables on financial performance: the case of electrical industry

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    Nowadays, companies at the electrical industry have to meet numerous environmental requirements which involve a large increment in their costs. However, it is considered that these investments made by organizations may affect positively to their reputation and therefore to their profits. So the aim of this paper is to analyze the influence that some Environmental variables related to the emission and resource reductions have on the Financial Performance of the electrical firms through a data panel methodology. The sample was composed by 72 electrical companies over the world, during the period 2008-2010

    Sustainability drivers, barriers and outcomes: Evidence from European High Performance Manufacturing Industries

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    Implementing sustainability practices has become a requirement to be able to operate in several markets since the legal requirements are increasing and society (as well as customers) values sustainability behaviors more. The aims of this paper are (1) to analyze the impact that drivers and barriers have on Environmental practices implemented in the high performance manufacturing industries, (2) to identify the relevant drivers and barriers for these environmental practices, and finally, (3) to study the influence that Environmental practices have on companies´ Financial Performance. To carry out our research, we shall consider a European database of companies involved in the High Performance Manufacturing project. Partial Least Squares (PLS) will be used to test our hypotheses

    Are Socially Responsible Behaviors Paid Off Equally? A Cross‐cultural Analysis

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    Based on the strong influence that national culture has on corporate social and responsibility (CSR) actions (institutional theory), it is necessary to study how the financial outcomes of CSR actions could be affected by these cultural characteristics. This fact is particularly interesting for managers whose companies operate in different cultures given that they have to deal with this aspect. The aim of this paper is to analyze the moderator role that national culture could have on the CSR and firm performance (CSR‐FP) relationship through a meta‐analysis, hence helping to clarify the debate existing about this relationship in the literature. The results show that this relationship is greatly affected by national culture. In this sense, countries with a high assertiveness and gender egalitarianism show a very negative relationship. Nevertheless, those with a higher future orientation, institutional collectivism, and a humane orientation reveal a positive correlation which reaches its maximum value in those countries with a high uncertainty avoidance

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: A Cross-Cultural Analysis

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    Based on the geographic limitations of previous meta-analysis made about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Financial Performance (FP) and on the evidence found in previous work on the country's influence in this relationship, the aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between these two variables studying the possible moderating effect that the country variable may have on it. By the use of the cultural dimensions of GLOBE (2004), we classify the countries, and test the hypothesis through the statistical technique of meta-analysis. The results show that the country where the companies are home-based moderates the relationship between CSR and FP. In particular from the results, we can conclude that while in Australia, Canada, USA and the United Kingdom the relationship is stronger and larger, in some countries, such as Japan, there is no relationship

    The impact of the economic crisis on the environmental responsibility of the companies

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    The severe economic crisis is affecting significantly to the environment in which companies have to continue with their business. Consequently, academicians and managers are worried about what is going to happen with the Social Responsibility and particularly with the Environmental Responsibility, due to the decrease in the financial performance of the companies. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of the crisis on the environmental behavior of the Spanish companies through an explicative study, deepening in the comparison between the years 2006 and 2010. As a result, Spanish companies continue carrying out behaving in an environmentally friendly way because their Environmental Scores are growing, despite the decline of the Financial Performance. Moreover, it is identified a change in the factors that affect to the environmental behavior due to the identification of less dependence on corporate financial performance

    ¿El entorno institucional influye en las prácticas de revelación de información de la RSC? El papel del Gobierno Corporativo

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    The aim of this article is to analyze whether the institutional environment has a direct effect on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting practices or if this effect is explained by the influence of the institutional environment on Corporate Governance (CG) mechanisms. To conduct our study, we focused on two countries that reflect different types of institutional environment: relation-based (Brazil) and rule-based (Spain). Based on our results, we can affirm that the institutional environment influences CG mechanisms (Board Size and Reference Shareholder) as well as companies’ CSR disclosure. Additionally, the CG mechanisms affected by the institutional environment also help to explain differences in CSR reporting practices. As relation-based societies evolve into rules-based environments, the information disclosed about CSR becomes more complex due to a strengthening of CG mechanisms.O objetivo desta investigação é examinar se o efeito do ambiente institucional sobre as práticas de divulgação de informações de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) é direto ou se é devido à influência desse ambiente sobre as características de Governança Corporativa (GC). Neste sentido, são comparados dois ambientes institucionais: o Brasil, porque é centrado nas relações, e a Espanha, porque é centrada em normas. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se deduzir que o ambiente institucional influencia características da GC (Tamanho do Conselho de Administração e Acionista de Referência), bem como a divulgação sobre a RSC. Além disso, essas características da GC são influenciadas pelo ambiente institucional e, por sua vez, explicam as diferenças encontradas nas práticas de divulgação de informações de RSC. Assim, à medida que as sociedades centradas nas relações evoluem para outras centradas em normas, as informações divulgadas sobre RSC tornam-se mais complexas, devido ao fortalecimento das características da GC.El objetivo es examinar si el efecto que el entorno institucional ejerce sobre la información divulgada sobre la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) es directo o si se explica por la influencia que este entorno tiene sobre las características del Gobierno Corporativo. Para ello, se comparan dos entornos institucionales distintos: Brasil (Centrado en las Relaciones) y España (Centrado en las Normas). Considerando los resultados concluimos que el entorno ejerce una influencia sobre los mecanismos del Gobierno Corporativo (Tamaño del Consejo y Accionista de Referencia), y la divulgación de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Además, estas características del Gobierno Corporativo, afectadas por el entorno, son las que a su vez explican estas diferencias encontradas en las prácticas de divulgación de información sobre la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. En la medida en la que las sociedades Centradas en las Relaciones evolucionen hacia otras Centradas en las Normas, la información divulgada sobre la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa será más compleja debido al fortalecimiento de los mecanismos del Gobierno Corporativo

    ¿Cómo está afectando la crisis a la responsabilidad social de las empresas?

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    En el entorno de crisis actual es lógico interrogarse sobre qué está ocurriendo con la responsabilidad social empresarial, ya que sus resultados se están viendo reducidos. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el efecto de la crisis sobre la responsabilidad social de las empresas españolas del IBEX-35, mediante un estudio que comprende el período 2006-2010. Entre los resultados podemos destacar que a pesar de la crisis, las compañías siguen comprometidas con la RS

    Una revisión de los meta-análisis sobre responsabilidad social corporativa y rendimiento financiero

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    A pesar de que la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) ha traspasado el ámbito académico y se ha afianzado con fuerza en las empresas, siguen existiendo múltiples controversias acerca de su concepto, voluntariedad, conveniencia y relación con el rendimiento financiero (RF). En este trabajo vamos a centrarnos en el último de estos debates, tratando de encontrar una respuesta a través de una revisión de los meta-análisis publicados que estudian la relación entre RSC y RF. Como conclusión principal podemos decir que en los trabajos analizados se constata que existe una relación positiva entre la RSC y el RF, aunque su correlación es significativa o no significativa, dependiendo del estudio concreto analizado. Por último, es necesario poner de manifiesto que las limitaciones de carácter temporal y espacial de los estudios pueden haber influido sobre los resultados.While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has passed the academic world and has established itself firmly in the companies, there are still many controversies about its concept, voluntary, convenience, and their relationship with Financial Performance (FP).In this paper we focus on the last of these debates, trying to find an answer through a review of published meta-analysis to study the relationship between CSR and RF.As main conclusion we can say that in the studies analyzed found that there is positive relationship between CSR and FP, although it correlation is significant or insignificant depending on the particular study examined. Finally, it is necessary to point out the limitations of temporal and spatial character of the studies might have influenced the results

    ¿Son las empresas menos respetuosas con el medioambiente durante la crisis? Evidencia europea

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    Academicians and managers are worried about what is going to happen with the Environmental Responsibilities of companies due to the worsening of their financial situation caused by the severe economic crisis that is significantly affecting them. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of the crisis on the environmental behavior of companies from the European countries that are suffering the financial crisis most (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain) through a data panel study between 2005 and 2012. The results show surprisingly that proactive, environmentallyfriendly actions have not decreased during the crisis but rather that the crisis has meant an increase in environmental commitment. This is strongly motivated by the Product Innovation actions which attain the highest increase.Las consecuencias que la crisis económica pueda tener sobre la responsabilidad medioambiental de las empresas preocupan tanto a directivos como a académicos. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el efecto que la crisis está teniendo sobre los comportamientos medioambientales de las empresas, en particular, de los países europeos que más están sufriendo la crisis (España, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia y Portugal) a través de un estudio de datos de panel (2005-2012). Los resultados muestran que las acciones medioambientalmente proactivas no han disminuido durante la crisis, sino que por el contrario, la crisis ha supuesto un incremento en el compromiso ambiental de las empresas. Ahora bien, es necesario señalar que estos resultados están fuertemente determinados por las acciones relativas a la Innovación en los Productos, ya que son éstas las que han experimentado el mayor incremento