229 research outputs found

    Uji Potensi Anti Kanker Ekstrak Biji Pinang Merah dan Implementasinya dalam Pembelajaran Mitosis

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    This research aims to determine the anticancer potential of Areca vestiaria Giseke extract and it\u27s effective concentration as anti-cancer, as well as determine the feasibility of mitosis worksheets for third grade of senior high school based on research result. Therefore research consisted of two phases. First phase is anti-cancer potential of Areca vestiaria Giseke using the experimental method with 3 treatments, 2 replications and 1 control (0 ppm). Data were analyzed by regression test. Second phase, the feasibility of the development of research results in the form of worksheets investigated by descriptive methods. Worksheets was validated by five validators, i.e. two lecturers and three senior high school teachers who teach Biology in Pontianak City. Based on the calculation of linear regression, y = -1,005+0,026 x. The results showed that Areca vestiaria Giseke extracts have a potency for as anti-cancer with 1.972 ppm. The validity score mitosis worksheets was 3,51 which categorized as valid, the worksheet are suitable to be used in the learning process, especially for sub material mitosis

    Perbandingan Aktivitas Linimentum Ekstrak Koral Kelimutu Dan Linimentum Ekstrak Daun Lamtoro (Leucaena Leucochepala) Terhadap Penyembuhan Scabies Pada Kelinci (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan aktivitas linimentum ekstrak koral kelimutu dan ekstrak daun lamtoro (Leucaena leucochepala) sebagai terapi penyembuhan scabies pada kelinci (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Jenis penelitian ini eksperimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Sampel hewan yang digunakan adalah kelinci jantan umur 4-6 minggu sebanyak 24 ekor yang dibagi menjadi empat kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif /normal, tanpa diobati (P0), kontrol positif : diobati linimentum sulfur ppt (P1), diobati linimentum ektrak daun lamtoro (P2), diobati linimentum ekstrak coralkelimutu (P3). Semua bulu kelinci dicukur pada daerah punggung anterior sepanjang 3x3 cm dan diinfestasikan parasit Sarcoptes scabiei. Semua kelinci dibiarkan selama 7 hari agar parasit dapat tumbuh dan berkembang biak tersebar merata ke seluruh permukaan kulit. Setiap hari kulit kelinci yang terkena scabies diolesi dua kali dengan linimentum yang diuji dengan dosis 25%. Pengamatan makroskopis dilakukan pada hari ke- 3, 5, 7, dan pengamatan mikroskopis dilakukan pada hari ke- 3 setelah dilakukan masa pengobatan selama 7 hari. Semuadata kuantitatif diuji secara statistik menggunakan Analisa Sidik Ragam (ANOVA) dengan uji post hoc metode Turkey dan metode LSD dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% (α = 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kelinci yang diobati dengan linimentum ekstrak coral kelimutu (P3) memberikan hasil yang lebih baik daripada kelompok P0, P1 dan P2. Berdasarkan analisis statistik uji Post hoc metode Turkey dan metode LSD menunjukkan p = 0,000 ; R squared = 0,88 dan hitung (7,11) > F tabel (1,74), maka disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok P3 dengan P0, P1 dan P2 terhadap perlekatan penutupan luka, pengurangan keropeng dan peningkatan jumlah kematian Sarcoptes scabiei. Hal ini menunjukkan aktivitaslinimentum ekstrak koral kelimutu paling baik dan efektif digunakan untuk terapi penyembuhan scabies pada kelinci

    Integrin and Adhesion Regulation of Autophagy and Mitophagy

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    Efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia Menggunakan Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea)

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    Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) mengalami penurunan kinerja pada kuartal pertama tahun 2015. Dalam persaingan yang semakin kompetitif, industri perbankan syariah memerlukan adanya pengukuran tingkat efisiensi untuk mengetahui kemampuan bank dalam mengoptimalkan seluruh sumber daya yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) di Indonesia. Objek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 11 Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) yang dianalisis pada periode kuartal 1 tahun 2013 sampai dengan kuartal 1 tahun 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode non-parametrik yaitu Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan intermediasi dengan model CCR output oriented. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari sebelas Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) hanya lima Bank Umum Syariah yang mampu mencapai kategori efisien dalam periode penelitian Secara keseluruhan, Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia masih dikategorikan inefisien atau belum optimal dalam mengelola sumber daya yang dimiliki. Meskipun demikian, tingkat efisiensi rata-rata dalam tiga tahun terakhir mengalami kenaikan

    Modeling of Malaria Prevalence in Indonesia with Geographically Weighted Regression

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    Malaria is a public health problem that can lead to death, especially in high-risk groups i.e. infants, toddlers and pregnant women. This disease is still endemic in most parts of Indonesia. The relation of location factor between regions with the surrounding region was assumed to give the effect of spatial variability in the prevalence of malaria in the region. It would lead to the prevalence of malaria modeling using classical regression methods become less precise due to the assumption of homogeneity of variance was not met. It could be overcome by Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) modeling. In GWR analysis, the selection weighting function was one determinant of the analysis results. GWR analysis resulted on the prevalence of malaria in Indonesia, GWR model with bisquare kernel weighting function had a better value of R2 and AIC than GWR models with gaussian kernel weighting function

    Kinerja Tutor dalam Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kesetaraan Paket C di Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (Pkbm) Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru

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    This studyaims to determinethe high performance tutors learning in the implementation of the equality package C in community learning center (PKBM) Rumbai Pesisir Districts of Pekanbaru City.The research question guiding this study is: how high the level of performance in the implementation of tutors learning equality package C in community learning center (PKBM) Rumbai Pesisir District of Pekanbaru City?. This is a descriptive study, data were collected using a questionnaire shaped instrument number 43 point statement. Once tested, the questionnaire is valid as much as 36 grains, and is invalid as much as 7 grains. Overall declared valid instrument with "rhitung = 0.444 means quite high validity. The population in this study was 36 C The package tutor a sample is taken using the sampling using sampling methods saturated / census with an overall sampling, to determine the number and valid items then can be tested by using a questionnaire prior to the tutor package C at PKBM Rumbai Pesisir District of the city of Pekanbaru. Based on the research findings obtained tutor performance in the implementation of learning equality package C in community learning center (PKBM) District of Rumbai Pesisir Pekanbaru based learning respondents planning performance level high at 75.82% and the performance level of respondents was lower by 24.15% , By implementing learning activities respondents high performance levels by 78% and respondents low performance levels by 22%. Based on respondents' assessment of learning that implementing high performance level of 77% and a low performance level of respondents by 23%. By conducting a follow-up study respondents that high performance levels of 68% and a low performance level of respondents by 32%

    Gambaran Karakteristik Pasien Komplikasi Diabetes di Rumah Sakit Kristen Ngesti Waluyo Parakan

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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the degenerative diseases that occur because the amount of insulin in the body is not balanced that can cause complications and can not be cured but can be prevented by the existence of good management or self-management of patients. The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of patients with complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This research is an observational analytical study with cross sectional approach. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. The sample selection in this research use consecutive sampling technique. The results showed the characteristics of diabetes mellitus in the age group> 45 years (86.7%), female gender (81.7%), educational background in elementary school group (53.3%), work status (61.7%) , old status of diabetes mellitus type 2 <4 years and ≥ 4 (50%), lack of knowledge (58,3%), negative perception (58,3%), and self-management less (56,7%). To the Christian Hospital, Ngesti Waluyo Parakan is expected to provide information and education considering the nutritional factors, diabetes mellitus, symptoms of diabetes mellitus
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