61 research outputs found

    Antropometrijska mjerenja, prehrambene navike, serumske razine lipida i glukoze u odnosu na visok krvni tlak među adolescentnim djevojkama i mladićima u Hrvatskoj

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    The aim was to determine differences in anthropometric measurements, dietary habits, serum lipid and glucose levels in relation to high blood pressure (BP) among adolescent boys and girls in Croatia. The specific aim was to determine the effect of dietary habits and lifestyle on high BP in adolescents according to sex. The study included 260 (68.2%) adolescent girls and 121 (31.8%) boys with anthropometric data obtained (without missing values) from 246 girls and 111 boys. Participants answered questions from the questionnaire and anthropometric BP and blood test values were obtained. Non-parametric tests were used in analyses of reference intervals of systolic and diastolic BP in adolescent boys and girls according to age. High BP was defined as ā‰„90th percentile for adolescent girls and boys, with a value of ā‰„135/87.5 mm Hg. Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze differences in anthropometric and laboratory values between the groups of girls and boys with high (ā‰¤90th percentile) and normal BP. Increase in systolic and diastolic BP was noted in the adolescents. In girls, BP values showed a decreasing systolic and increasing diastolic BP trend with age. Girls with high BP had a significantly higher body mass index (BMI) (p=0.020), waist circumference (WC) (p=0.002), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) (p=0.016), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) (p=0.043), hip circumference (HC) (p=0.015), triglyceride (TG) levels (p=0.021), higher prevalence of unhealthy diet at school breakfast (p=0.008) and lower prevalence of eating fish (p=0.02). Boys with high BP had a significantly higher BMI (p=0.045), WC (p=0.004), WHtR (p=0.017), WHR (p=0.022) and higher prevalence of eating meat products (p=0.015). Effective health interventions are needed to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and preventing age-related illness.Cilj je bio utvrditi razlike u antropometrijskim mjerenjima, prehrambenim navikama, razinama serumskih lipida i glukoze u odnosu na visok krvni tlak kod adolescentnih djevojaka i mladića u Hrvatskoj. Specifični cilj bio je utvrditi utjecaj prehrambenih navika i načina života na vrijednosti visokog krvnog tlaka kod adolescenata prema spolu. Istraživanje je provedeno na 260 (68,2%) djevojaka i 121 (31,8%) mladića s antropometrijskim podacima dobivenim (bez vrijednosti koje nedostaju) za 246 djevojaka i 111 mladića. Ispitanici su odgovarali na pitanja iz anketnog upitnika. Provedena su antropometrijska mjerenja, mjerenja krvnog tlaka i laboratorijske pretrage. Neparametrijski testovi primijenjeni su u analizama za referentni interval sistoličkog i dijastoličkog krvnog tlaka kod adolescentica i adolescenata s obzirom na njihovu dob. Visok krvni tlak definiran je kao tlak ā‰„90 centile odnosno ā‰„135/87,5 mm Hg. Mann-Whitneyjev U test primijenjen je za analizu razlika u antropometrijskim i laboratorijskim vrijednostima između skupina djevojaka i mladića s visokim (ā‰„90. centile) i normalnim krvnim tlakom. Kod adolescenata je zabilježen trend porasta sistoličkog i dijastoličkog krvnog tlaka. Trend porasta dijastoličkog tlaka pojavljuje se i kod djevojaka u starijoj dobi, dok se sistolički krvni tlak smanjuje. Djevojke s visokim krvnim tlakom imale su značajno veći indeks tjelesne mase (p=0,020), opseg struka (p=0,002), omjer struka i visine (p=0,016), omjer struka i bokova (p=0,043), opseg kukova (p=0,015), poviÅ”enu razinu triglicerida (p=0,021), veću učestalost nezdrave prehrane tijekom Å”kolskog doručka (p=0,008) i nižu učestalost jedenja ribe (p=0,02). Mladići s visokim krvnim tlakom imali su značajno veći indeks tjelesne mase (p=0,045), opseg struka (p=0,004), omjer struka i bokova (p=0,022), omjer struka i visine (p=0,017) te veću učestalost konzumacije mesnih proizvoda (p=0,015). Potrebne su učinkovite zdravstvene intervencije kako bi se smanjio rizik od razvoja kardiovaskularnih bolesti i radi sprječavanja bolesti povezanih s dobi

    Development and Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration after Cataract Surgery ā€“ In the Near Future It Could Become a Forensic Medicine Problem

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    After testing all types of implanted IOLs with spectrophotometer, author estimated that filtering of sun light is not successful, leaving open the possibility of development of AMD after cataract surgery. This is especially serious problem in implantation of IOLs to children. Until recently, implantation of intraocular lenses without or with inappropriate UV protection was not considered a serious problem. Nowadays we know that, especially in children, such treatment is no longer acceptable and results in AMD. It is only a matter of time when the first lawsuit will appear on it. We suggest obligatory eye protection after cataract surgery (aphakic and pseudophakic eyes) with Medical filters (Yellow-Green: 550ā€“600 nm) and regular ophthalmic controls

    Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities in Southwestern Croatia

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    Pedestrians are often considered the most vulnerable group of road users. The aim of our study was to analyze the forensic aspects of pedestrian traffic fatalities in Rijeka region. We analyzed pedestrian fatalities in a 5-year period (2002ā€“2006), which included 44 fatally injured pedestrians examined at the Rijeka Institute of Forensic Medicine. The male:female ratio was 1:1. The median age was 57 (ranging from 2ā€“95), with 66% aging over 60 and 89% aging over 40. The least of the accidents happened in July and during weekend. Almost 65% of the fatally injured pedestrians were sober (0.00 g/kg) and 24% had blood alcohol level of more than 1.50 g/kg. Our study showed that pedestrian fatalities in Rijeka region have specific forensic characteristics. These findings suggest the necessity of the specific approach and caution in planning of prevention measures for specific traffic fatalities, in this case pedestrian ones

    Traffic Accidents with Fatally Injured Drivers in Southwestern Croatia

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    Traffic accidents represent a significant cause of death in Croatia, therefore being an important social and public- health problem. The aim of our study was to analyze the forensic characteristics of traffic accidents with fatally injured drivers in Southwestern Croatia. Study population included 277 fatally injured drivers, in a 10 year period (between 1994 and 2004). As for the gender, 92% were male and only 8% were female. The median age was 35 (13ā€“86), with 53% of them aging 20ā€“39, therefore being a part of the working population. Most of the accidents happened during the summertime (44%) and weekend (57%). Half of the fatally injured drivers (139) were sober (0.00 g/kg) and only 10 % (28) had blood alcohol level of 0.00ā€“0.5 g/kg. Our results suggest that, as opposed to the current public opinion in Croatia, alcohol might not be the only crucial factor contributing to the driversā€™ mortality in Croatia. As for the prevention measures, other factors (drug intoxication, fatigueā€¦) should also be taken into consideration and further studied

    Long Term Results of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Therapy with Prednisolone Acetate ā€“ Special Refer to Peripheral Visual Field Changes

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    In the north Croatian Adriatic area in the period of seven years (from January 2001 to September 2007) 475 patients (39 to 80 years of age) with dry form of age related macular degeneration (AMD) were diagnosed. Complete ophthalmologic examination with special reference to visual field testing (Perimetric analysis) was performed. Peripheral visual field defects were found in 85% of patients. Elderly patients with more advanced forms of macular degeneration had more peripheral visual field defects. In 400 patients corticosteroid therapy (5 mg Prednisolonacetate, anterior H-inject, Winthorp) was administered via parabulbar injections every day/five days. Control group consisted of 75 patients treated with regular polyvitamine therapy (Lutein, Beta Karoten, Vitamin E). Patients treated with corticosteroids had peripheral visual field improvements from 10 to 25 degrees and central field improvements from 5 to 20 %. In the control group treated with vitamins, central visual field showed improvements from 0.5 to 1% in 43 patients but without peripheral visual field improvements after 6 months

    Sun Exposure and Visual Field Damage among Children on the Adriatic Island Rab ā€“ Possible Initial Risk Factor in Development of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

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    The Adriatic Island Rab, situated in the northern part of the Croatian sea, is more strongly exposed to sunlight (especially from May to October) than the other parts of Croatia and most of the European countries. As consequences of higher solar radiation, significant percentage of Pseudoexfoliation of lens capsula occurs in 15% and fundus picture of AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) in 18% of agriculturalists and fishermen (45ā€“70 years old). We previously presented the first clinical study showing that in AMD the peripheral visual field is also damaged. In this clinical study we examined 68 children (8ā€“15 years old), including following procedures: vision correction, slit lamp examination, visual field in technic of isopters and profile quantitative perimetry (meridian retinal thresholds examination) using Kowa automated perimeter. In 15% of examinees we found strictly foveal Ā»degenerationĀ«, and changes of visual fields: higher meridian thresholds and typical changes with invagination of isopters. It is very interesting that these children with damaged visual field and fundus picture do not protect their eyes from the sunlight during summertime. We suggest the possibility of the influence of higher sun radiation as one of the risk factors in the earlier development of future AMD

    Sunlight and Incidence of Pterygium on Croatian Island Rab ā€“ Epidemiological Study

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    The aim of this epidemiologic study, on small island Rab, in North Adriatic Sea, is to estimate correlation between climatic factors, specially chronic exposure to strong visible and UV light, and appearance of pterygium and exfoliation syndrome. In the first group of population which live in a village and who are agriculturists and fishermen (480 persons) appearance of pterygium is in 23% (16% in males and 7% in females), but 0.0% in urban people (61 people). The appearance of exfoliation syndrome was in the first group of agriculturists and fishermen population in 21%, of which 19% of males and 2% of females, and in urban people 0.0%. The higher intraocular pressure in exfoliation syndrome was 92%. All population in this examination were in the highest age (mean age is 65ā€“80 years). Chronic exposure to sunlight caused the high percentage appearance of pterygium and exfoliation syndrome

    The Methods of Committing and Alcohol Intoxication of Suicides in Southwestern Croatia from 1996 to 2005

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    Alcohol is the psychoactive substance most frequently associated with suicidal behavior.We hypothesized that the level of alcohol intoxication and the choice of specific methods of committing suicide are related. Suicides in the Southwestern Croatia in a 10-year period, especially regarding the method of committing and alcohol intoxication, were analyzed. Ten various methods of committing suicide were recorded. The average blood alcohol concentration at the moment of suicide was 0.68 g/kg with male, and 0.29 g/kg with female victims. The highest blood alcohol levels at the moment of suicide were recorded with suicides by explosive device (with the average blood alcohol concentration of 1.71 g/kg). This especially drastic method of suicide was rare in Croatia in a period prior to the Croatian Independence War (1991ā€“1995), but its incidence significantly increased during the war and in a post-war period. These victims were not chronic alcoholics, but the excessive alcohol consumption occurred as a result of psychiatric disorders as a consequence of war stress they suffered
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