257 research outputs found

    The Hamiltonian Structure of Soliton Equations and Deformed W-Algebras

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    The Poisson bracket algebra corresponding to the second Hamiltonian structure of a large class of generalized KdV and mKdV integrable hierarchies is carefully analysed. These algebras are known to have conformal properties, and their relation to W\cal W-algebras has been previously investigated in some particular cases. The class of equations that is considered includes practically all the generalizations of the Drinfel'd-Sokolov hierarchies constructed in the literature. In particular, it has been recently shown that it includes matrix generalizations of the Gelfand-Dickey and the constrained KP hierarchies. Therefore, our results provide a unified description of the relation between the Hamiltonian structure of soliton equations and W\cal W-algebras, and it comprises almost all the results formerly obtained by other authors. The main result of this paper is an explicit general equation showing that the second Poisson bracket algebra is a deformation of the Dirac bracket algebra corresponding to the W\cal W-algebras obtained through Hamiltonian reduction.Comment: 41 pages, plain TeX, no figures. New introduction and references added. Version to be published in Annals of Physics (N.Y.

    Semi-classical spectrum of the Homogeneous sine-Gordon theories

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    The semi-classical spectrum of the Homogeneous sine-Gordon theories associated with an arbitrary compact simple Lie group G is obtained and shown to be entirely given by solitons. These theories describe quantum integrable massive perturbations of Gepner's G-parafermions whose classical equations-of-motion are non-abelian affine Toda equations. One-soliton solutions are constructed by embeddings of the SU(2) complex sine-Gordon soliton in the regular SU(2) subgroups of G. The resulting spectrum exhibits both stable and unstable particles, which is a peculiar feature shared with the spectrum of monopoles and dyons in N=2 and N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories.Comment: 28 pages, plain TeX, no figure

    L\'evy-like behavior in deterministic models of intelligent agents exploring heterogeneous environments

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    Many studies on animal and human movement patterns report the existence of scaling laws and power-law distributions. Whereas a number of random walk models have been proposed to explain observations, in many situations individuals actually rely on mental maps to explore strongly heterogeneous environments. In this work we study a model of a deterministic walker, visiting sites randomly distributed on the plane and with varying weight or attractiveness. At each step, the walker minimizes a function that depends on the distance to the next unvisited target (cost) and on the weight of that target (gain). If the target weight distribution is a power-law, p(k)kβp(k)\sim k^{-\beta}, in some range of the exponent β\beta, the foraging medium induces movements that are similar to L\'evy flights and are characterized by non-trivial exponents. We explore variations of the choice rule in order to test the robustness of the model and argue that the addition of noise has a limited impact on the dynamics in strongly disordered media.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. One section adde

    A New and Elementary CP^n Dyonic Magnon

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    We show that the dressing transformation method produces a new type of dyonic CP^n magnon in terms of which all the other known solutions are either composites or arise as special limits. In particular, this includes the embedding of Dorey's dyonic magnon via an RP^3 subspace of CP^n. We also show how to generate Dorey's dyonic magnon directly in the S^n sigma model via the dressing method without resorting to the isomorphism with the SU(2) principle chiral model when n=3. The new dyon is shown to be either a charged dyon or topological kink of the related symmetric-space sine-Gordon theories associated to CP^n and in this sense is a direct generalization of the soliton of the complex sine-Gordon theory.Comment: 21 pages, JHEP3, typos correcte

    Interface Motion and Pinning in Small World Networks

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    We show that the nonequilibrium dynamics of systems with many interacting elements located on a small-world network can be much slower than on regular networks. As an example, we study the phase ordering dynamics of the Ising model on a Watts-Strogatz network, after a quench in the ferromagnetic phase at zero temperature. In one and two dimensions, small-world features produce dynamically frozen configurations, disordered at large length scales, analogous of random field models. This picture differs from the common knowledge (supported by equilibrium results) that ferromagnetic short-cuts connections favor order and uniformity. We briefly discuss some implications of these results regarding the dynamics of social changes.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures with minor corrections. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Classical and Quantum Solitons in the Symmetric Space Sine-Gordon Theories

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    We construct the soliton solutions in the symmetric space sine-Gordon theories. The latter are a series of integrable field theories in 1+1-dimensions which are associated to a symmetric space F/G, and are related via the Pohlmeyer reduction to theories of strings moving on symmetric spaces. We show that the solitons are kinks that carry an internal moduli space that can be identified with a particular co-adjoint orbit of the unbroken subgroup H of G. Classically the solitons come in a continuous spectrum which encompasses the perturbative fluctuations of the theory as the kink charge becomes small. We show that the solitons can be quantized by allowing the collective coordinates to be time-dependent to yield a form of quantum mechanics on the co-adjoint orbit. The quantum states correspond to symmetric tensor representations of the symmetry group H and have the interpretation of a fuzzy geometric version of the co-adjoint orbit. The quantized finite tower of soliton states includes the perturbative modes at the base.Comment: 53 pages, additional comments and small errors corrected, final journal versio