6 research outputs found

    Model of planning and managing a complex project

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    Integral observation and analysis of the fulfilment of a business task ensures a better planning of the whole process and it increases the efficiency of managing these processes. The model of network planning has a considerable advantage over all other methods that analyse the process of the project\u27s realisation as a whole. It ensures a sufficiently clear overview of the fulfilment of the whole task, an unambiguous review of the logic development and the interdependence of the parts of the process. It also provides a more precise and a more accurate setting of the time limits for them and for the whole proces. The concept makes it possible to compare different plan versions with relatively low effort and means, as well as reduce routine jobs by taking into consideration the possibility of using electronic computers. It is, in fact, a model that enables planning, coordination and control of complex processes which require essential time coordination among the large number of partial tasks in order to accomplish the whole business task within a particular time limit and with minimum burdening of the factors included in the realisation of the whole process


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    Marketing miks strategija suvremeno je oruđe u vođenju poslovne politike gospodarskoga društva u tržišnim uvjetima. To je posebno bitno za tvrtke iz djelatnosti tržišta pune konkurencije. Stoga je nezaobilazna u vođenju poslova životnog osiguranja. U teoriji i praksi marketing miks strategija uključuje proizvod, cijenu, promociju i kanale distribucije. Autorica tvrdi i zaključuje da je u poslu životnog osiguranja posebno toj strategiji dodati i jednako bitnu sastavnicu: ulaganje privremeno slobodnih fi nancijskih sredstava, to jest ulaganje matematičke pričuve životnog osiguranja. Svoju tvrdnju i zaključak izvodi na osnovi teorijske rasprave, a potvrđuje razmatranjem poslovanja jedne osiguravajuće tvrtke.Insurance is reciprocal settlement of many subjects endangered in the same way, whilst the endargement is random by its character and can be evaluated. The very essence of the insurance is to form money fund consisting of payments and premiums of the risk community partners and pay out the insuree the premium or the agreed sum for the damage suffered. Life insurance is a special kind of insurance with particular characteristics not shared with other insurances. Only life insurance is longterm and economical, whereas the insured sum of money gets always paid out to the insurance holder. Therefore the insurance policy is as valuable as securities, and may also have the guarantee function. Also, the life insurance is an important source for investments with signifi cant profit. The insurance company place out the financial means of the people, which represent the savings premium, and that is mathematical reserve, onto the financial market. Mathematical reserve are temporarily free means of the risk community, insurer means, managed by the insurance company. This obliges insurer to form investment portfolio which will realize added contributions. That is why the strategy for managing mathematical reserve is crucial factor in managing, creating stability and survival of the insurance company. Namely, all insurance companies have the same terms of management and parameter values for net premium calculation and insurance cost price. This means that business results of each and every one of them derive from the quality of the mathematical reserve investment portfolio. Marketing mix is a modern tool of business policy of an insurance company that functions within market conditions. This strategy is particularly important for the management of the companies that belong to the full competition market activity. All this makes the marketing mix strategy unavoidable in insurance business, especially that of life insurance. It is less essential and needed in compulsory insurance, such as, liability insurance, for instance.In theory and practice the marketing mix strategy includes a product price, promotion and distribution channels. We state and conclude: in life insurance business the added and equally important element of the marketing mix is to invest temporarily free financial means, that is, mathematical reserve of life insurance. Profit, out of these investments, increases the life insurance risk community funds. This provides for the decrease of prices, premiums, insurance, thus increasing competitiveness on the life insurance market. The investment quality, and investment model which is used to optimize the investment portfolio, significantly influence the premium competitiveness and total insurance company business, as well as its survival on the life insurance market. This conclusion is supported by the investigation results of the Croatia osiguranje d.d., Ljubuški business. The data shows a remarkable business competitiveness of this insurer on the life insurance market, secured by its qualitative management of the mathematical reserve


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    Vlasništvo je temeljno ljudsko pravo; temeljni preduvjet rađanja i opstojnosti čovjeka u vremenu i danom prostoru. Uređeno vlasništvo je bitan i temeljni čimbenik ljudske zajednice. Na njemu počivaju svi sadržaji društva. O načinu uređenja vlasništva ovisi opstojnost Hrvata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Legitimno se stječe vlasništvo: (1) stvaranjem, (2) kupnjom i (3) nasljedstvom. Isključivo ti načini stjecanja omogućuju stabilan politički sustav, ravnopravnost suverenosti naroda i napredak gospodarstva. Stoga je preduvjet stabilnosti i opstanka sadašnje države Bosne i Hercegovine povrat nelegitimno stečenog vlasništva, restitucija. Treba izvršiti povrat, nelegitimno politički s dva prsta, otetog vlasništva. Međutim, postoje političke snage koje su izvršile potvrdu ostvarenog vlasništva silom nelegitimnih zakonskih propisa. Tako je Stranka demokratske akcije 1997. godine na Domu naroda, izlikom zaštite nacionalnog interesa Muslimana, zapriječila donošenje zakona o restituciji, čime su Hrvati, vlasnici otete imovine, oštećeni za najmanje osamdeset milijardi konvertibilnih maraka. Tim su postupkom poslanici SDA prekršili Ustav Bosne i Hercegovine i ratificiranu Međunarodnu konvenciju prava vlasništva. Za takvo djelovanje narodni poslanici nisu imali mandat, dok o njihovom ljudskom i političkom moralu ne treba niti govoriti; dignuti dva prsta za otimanje tuđe imovine. O vlasništvu tri konstitutivna naroda odluku je donio samo jedan narod. Kako je temeljna i prva sastavnica suvereniteta vlasništvo, time je otet suverenitet Hrvata u zajedničkoj državi Bosni i Hercegovini. Kako zakonski propis o restituciji još nije prihvaćen, vlasničko utemeljenje društvene imovine nije u cijelosti pretočeno u zakonsku regulativu. Time je napravljena praznina za ostvarenja pravne regulative vlasništva i stvoreno neodrživo stanje za opstanak jednog od konstitutivnih naroda, Hrvata, u zajedničkoj državi. Teorijska i povijesna zakonomjernost je time ostvarena; neuređeno, a zasebice oteto, vlasništvo izriče neizbježnu političku i gospodarsku krizu i opstojnost državne zajednice.The property is a fundamental human right; a fundamental prerequisite for the birth and existence of man in time and given space. Regulated property is an essential and fundamental factor of the human community. All the facilities of the society are based on it. The existence of Croats and Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina depend on the way in which the property is regulated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The property is legitimately acquired by (1) the creation, (2) the purchase and (3) inheritance. Only these methods of the acquisition enable a stable political system, equality of sovereignty of the peoples and prosperity of the economy. Therefore a prerequisite for the stability and existence of the current state of Bosnia and Herzegovina is return of the illegitimately acquired property, restitution. The return of illegimately politically seized property with two fingers should be done. However, there are political forces who made the certification of property acquireded by force of illegitimate legislation. Thus, the Party of Democratic Action in 1997 at the House of Peoples, under the pretext of protection of national interests of Muslims, precluded the adoption of the Law on Restitution by which Croats, the owners of seized property were damaged for at least eighty billion convertible marks. By this procedure SDA MPs have committed a violation of the Constitution and the ratified International Convention of property rights. The representatives of the peole did not have did not have a mandate for such activites, whereas it should not even be talked about their human and political morality; raise two fingers to seize someone else’s property. One one people made the decision on the property of three constituent peoples. As the property is fundamental and first component of sovereignty, by this action the sovereignty of Croats has been seized in the common state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As legislation on restitution has not yet been accepted, the proprietary establishment of social property is not entirely transformed into legislation. This has created a gap for achieving legal framework of property and the untenable situation is created for the existence of a constituent people, Croats, in the common state. Theoretical and historic regularity are thus achieved; unorganized and separately seized, property expresses inevitable political and economic crisis and the survival of the state union


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    Osiguranje je dio finansijskog sistema, a životno osiguranje je štedno i dugoročno osiguranje. Osobina dugoročnosti životnog osiguranja čini ga značajnim u finansijskom sektoru, jer je izvor finansiranja dugoročnih investicija. Dakle, životno osiguranje je važan generator privrednog razvitka. Ocijenjeni ekonometrijski model govori o značajnoj međuovisnosti životnog osiguranja i rasta gospodarstva Bosne i Hercegovine; pokazatelji djelotvornosti premije životnog osiguranja na rast društvenog proizvoda su veoma pozitivni

    Importance of Herrings classification in predicting the outcome of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head

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    Aim To highlight the importance of values of the Herring’s classification in the treatment planning of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD). Method The charts of 14 patients in a period of 4 years (2004-2008) were retrospectively reviewed. Inclusion criteria was unilateral LCPD and contralateral healthy hip. The patients were divided into three Herring groups according to radiographic images (A, B and C). For all patients the acetabulum/head index (AHI) was determined. Results The youngest patient was 4.9 years and the oldest 9.11 years; male patients were dominant (male:female 11:3). The right hip side was more affected comparing to the left one (8:6). The distribution of patients in Herring groups was three in the Group A, six in the Group B and five patients in the Group C. The AHI index was lowest in the group C. Patients in the group C were treated surgically. Conclusion Herrings classification predicts patients with extensive changes and suggests what kind of treatment should be applied

    Specific detection of Waitea circinata var. zeae using conventional and real-time PCR

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    Waitea circinata var. zeae, a pathogen with a relatively narrow host range, has recently been detected in cabbage and oilseed rape in Europe and worldwide. In this study, we developed specific conventional and real-time PCR protocols for direct detection of W. circinata var. zeae from mycelium and diseased plant tissue. The newly developed primer pair zeaefor1/zeaerew1, used in PCR protocols, specifically amplified only target isolates of W. circinata var. zeae when tested against isolates of 11 different binucleate and multinucleate anastomosis groups of Rhizoctonia spp. including AG-A, AG-G, AG-F, AG-U, AG-2-1, AG-2-2, AG-3, AG-4 HGI, AG-4 HGII, AG-4 HGIII, and AG-6 and common soil-borne pathogens. Total of nine previously published primer pairs designed for the detection of various Rhizoctonia spp. were also tested and did not amplify target isolates of W. circinata var. zeae. The detection limit of conventional and real-time PCR protocols was 10–2 and 10–5 (with starting concentration 9.5 ng/µl), respectively, and both methods are the first available tools for direct detection and identification of W. circinata var. zeae from mycelium and diseased oilseed rape seedlings. Both conventional and SYBR-Green-based real-time PCR protocols are cost-effective and provide a solid basis for further investigations of W. circinata var. zeae, particularly in relation to distribution, host range, and epidemiology