23 research outputs found

    Mineral Level Status of Copper, Magnesium, and Iron in Local Goat Serum Related to Keeping Pattern System

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    This research was conducted to find out the mineral level status of Cu, Mg, and Fe in blood serum of local goats which are reared with different methods. Blood serum was taken from 15 male and 15 female goats, 15-18 month old. The goats were divided into three groups which consist of 5 males and 5 females. Three methods of caging in which most commonly conducted by local people were selected as treatments, i.e. 1) Goats are caged only at night, while in daytime (around 10.00-12.00 WIB) they are discharged freely therefore they could foraging; 2) Goat are caged at night, while in daytime (around 10.00-18.00 WIB) they are bound with rope at which they could foraging around and, the rope would be removed several times in that particular daytime; 3) Goats are released freely all day long, but they are provided with kind of place as a cage, under the house or under the tree. Blood serum was taken from every unit sample. This research revealed that there was no significant different among methods of caging on the level rates of Cu, Mg, and Fe in local goat serum. The level rates of Cu, Mg, and Fe in goats serum that was found from the research were in normal range

    Pengaruh Pemberian Urea Molease Mineral Blok terhadap Kadar Mineral Serum Sapi yang Memperlihatkan Gejala Defisiensi Mineral

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    The effect of urea molasses mineral block administration on mineral deficiency content of cattle’s serum mineral ABSTRACT. A study has been done to find the influence of urea molasses mineral block (UMB) on cattle. The cattle those used in the research were public cattle. The cattle applied were 12 females at the age of 12-18 months which showed mineral deficiency symptoms, and the laboratory analysis result showed that they were lack to one or more mineral element of Ca, Cu, Mg, or P in their serum. UMB was provided to the cattle in the cage all day long (ad libitum) during 3 months. Keeping of the cattle was done in the following pattern: in the evening (18.00p.m - 11.00a.m) cattle were penned, and between 11.00a.m - 18.00p.m were discharged freely in rice field, grassland, or garden, therefore they could foraging around. Blood sample was taken immediately before research was started, which was counted as day 0. It followed with day 42nd, and day 84th. The result study indicates that giving of UMB have no effect on mineral level of Ca, Cu, and Mg in the serum. However, it causes increasing the P level

    Pengaruh Pemberian Urea Molease Mineral Blok terhadap Kadar Mineral Serum Sapi yang Memperlihatkan Gejala Defisiensi Mineral

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    The effect of urea molasses mineral block administration on mineral deficiency content of cattle’s serum mineralABSTRACT. A study has been done to find the influence of urea molasses mineral block (UMB) on cattle. The cattle those used in the research were public cattle. The cattle applied were 12 females at the age of 12-18 months which showed mineral deficiency symptoms, and the laboratory analysis result showed that they were lack to one or more mineral element of Ca, Cu, Mg, or P in their serum. UMB was provided to the cattle in the cage all day long (ad libitum) during 3 months. Keeping of the cattle was done in the following pattern: in the evening (18.00p.m - 11.00a.m) cattle were penned, and between 11.00a.m - 18.00p.m were discharged freely in rice field, grassland, or garden, therefore they could foraging around. Blood sample was taken immediately before research was started, which was counted as day 0. It followed with day 42nd, and day 84th. The result study indicates that giving of UMB have no effect on mineral level of Ca, Cu, and Mg in the serum. However, it causes increasing the P level


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesadaran hukum pengguna jasa layanan parkir terhadap penyelenggaraan parkir tepi jalan umum zona di Kawasan Pasar Blauran Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teori kesadaran hukum Soerjono Soekanto digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 95 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik persentase. Hasil yang diperoleh menyatakan tentang tingkat kesadaran hukum pengguna jasa layanan parkir terhadap penyelenggaraan parkir tepi jalan umum zona di Kawasan Pasar Blauran dalam kategori cukup baik dengan persentase sebesar 53,47%. Berdasarkan hasil angket keempat indikator kesadaran hukum menunjukkan hasil dengan rincian sebagai berikut: (1) Pengetahuan hukum sebesar 54,13% dalam kategori cukup baik; (2) Pemahaman hukum sebesar 53,80% dalam kategori cukup baik; (3) Sikap hukum sebesar 56,84% dalam kategori cukup baik; (4) Perilaku hukum sebesar 49,12% dalam kategori kurang baik. Artinya adanya ketidakkonsistenan indikator kesadaran hukum. Faktor kebudayaan berupa nilai-nilai yang hidup di masyarakat sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesadaran hukum yang dimiliki. Ketika suatu peraturan tidak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai sosial masyarakat maka semakin sukar masyarakat untuk berperilaku tertib terhadap aturan hukum. Kata Kunci: Kesadaran Hukum, Pengguna Jasa Layanan Parkir, Zona. Abstract This study aims to describe the legal awareness of parking service users towards the implementation of zone public roadside parking in the Blauran Market Area in Surabaya. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. Soerjono Soekantos legal awareness theory was used in this study. The sample in this study amounted to 95 respondents. Data collection techniques are done using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques in this study used percentage techniques. The results obtained stated about the level of legal awareness of parking service users towards the implementation of zone public roadside parking in the Blauran Market Area in the quite good category with a percentage of 53.47%. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the four indicators of legal awareness show the results with the following details: (1) Legal knowledge of 54.13% in the category is quite good; (2) Legal understanding of 53.80% in the good enough category; (3) Legal attitude of 56.84% in the good enough category; (4) Legal behavior of 49.12% in the unfavorable category. This means that there are inconsistent indicators of legal awareness. Cultural factors in the form of values ​​that live in society greatly affect the legal awareness they have. When a regulation is not in accordance with the social values ​​of the community, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to behave in an orderly manner towards the rule of law. Keywords: Legal Awareness, Parking Service Users, Zona

    Effect of Heat Stress on Body Weight Gain, Heterophile-Lymphocite Ratio and Body Temperature in Broiler

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    Increasing in ambient temperature inside the cage could lead to heat stress in broilers. This research was conducted to find out effects of heat stress on body weight gain, heterophile-lymphocite ratio and body temperature in chicken broiler. Twenty broilers aged 20 days (strain Cobb) were randomly divided into 2 groups. The first group was treated with no heat stress, the second one was caged in 33±1 0C temperature for 4 hours per day for 14 days. The results indicated that heat stress reduced body weight gain, increased body temperature, and changed behavior, but no effect on feed conversion ratio (FCR) and heterophile-lymphocyte ratio. It suggested that the heat stress caused detrimental effects on broiler chicken

    Kajian Potensi Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Pakan Ternak Ruminansia di Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Evaluation of the potency of agricultural by product as ruminant animal feed in aceh besar regency ABSTRACT. A research to evaluate the potency of agricultural by product as animal feed was conducted in Aceh Besar Regency from June to December 2009. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the availability of local feed from agricultural by product including its production and quality, to calculate animal capacity of ruminant animals by using animal unit (AU) based the production and quality of agricultural by product. This research was carried out by survey method. Data consist of primary and secondary data to calculate the production and quality of agricultural by products in Aceh Besar Regency. The production of agricultural by products was calculated based on dry matter, crude protein and total digestible nutrient. Animal capacity which is calculated based on agricultural by products with the following measurement ; 1 animal unit consumes dry matter with the average of 6,25 kg/day (2.282,25 kg/year), crude protein with average of 0,06 kg/day (240,9 kg/year) and total digestible nutrient with the average of 4,3 kg/day (1.569,5 kg/year). Based on the calculation was found that total of dray matter, crude protein and total digestible nutrient from agricultural by product in Aceh Besar regency was 197.510 ton, 9443,8 ton and 89.167,7 ton respectively. The capacity of ruminant animals fed from agricultural by product in Aceh Besar regency was 87.061 AU, 39.202 AU, and 57.125 AU for dry matter, crude protein and total digestible nutrient respectively. It can be concluded that Aceh Besar regency has a big potency to develop animal production by using agricultural by products. Therefore, agricultural by products in Aceh Besar regency should be used optimally

    Kajian Potensi Produksi Hijauan Pakan pada Lahan Eksisting dan Potensial untuk Meningkatkan Populasi Ternak Ruminansia di Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    (The study of prospective forage production on existing and potential land use to support increasing livestock population in Aceh Besar) ABSTRACT. The purpose of this research was to find out the width and scattered location of existing land use which its land capability class suitable for pastures; forage production prospective, and land carrying capacity. The combination of survey and evaluation method was used in this study. The primary data were obtained by field observation and compiling documents, while the secondary data were obtained from various sources, including Bappeda Aceh, and Dinas Peternakan Aceh Besar. Land capability classification was defined based on a modified USDA method and land capability class mapping was prepared based on overlay method by geoprocessing of Geographic Information Systems. The attributes delineating land capability classification included slope, erosion potential and soil depth. Spatial and attributes data were processed using ArcGIS 9.3. Interpretation of land use map derived from satellite imagery analysis results. Brachiaria humidicola green production (tons/year) was determined by assumption-based on obtaining data from various sources. Present livestock population and increasing of population target up to 2017 were obtained from Dinas Peternakan Aceh Besar. The results showed that the existing land use area was 28,632.23 ha (59.03 %), whereas the potential land use area was 19,875.73 ha (40.97%). Land use area for pastures in the district of Aceh Besar, both existing and potential, were sufficient to support the achievement of livestock population increasing program

    Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Limbah Nanas dan Air Cucian Beras Fermentasi terhadap Kandungan Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar Rumput Lampung (Setaria sphacelata)

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    ABSTRAK  Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk organik cair (POC) campuran limbah kulit nanas dan air cucian beras fermentasi terhadap kadar protein kasar dan serat kasar rumput lampung (Setaria sphacelata). Materi penelitian berupa pols (sobekan tanaman) yang digunakan sebagai bahan tanam. Limbah nanas, air cucian beras, gula merah dan EM4 merupakan bahan-bahan yang digunakan pada proses fermentasi pembuatan pupuk organik cair (POC). Penelitian merupakan penelitian eksperimen menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan yaitu P0 = 0 ml POC (kontrol), P1 = 150 ml POC, P2 = 200 ml POC, P3 = 250 ml POC, dan dengan lima ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar protein kasar dan serat kasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian POC limbah nanas dan air cucian beras fermentasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein kasar dan serat kasar rumput lampung.  Kata kunci : rumput lampung (Setaria sphacelata), pupuk organik cair (POC), limbah nanas, protein kasar, serat kasa

    Kajian Potensi Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Pakan Ternak Ruminansia di Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    Evaluation of the potency of agricultural by product as ruminant animal feed in aceh besar regencyABSTRACT. A research to evaluate the potency of agricultural by product as animal feed was conducted in Aceh Besar Regency from June to December 2009. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the availability of local feed from agricultural by product including its production and quality, to calculate animal capacity of ruminant animals by using animal unit (AU) based the production and quality of agricultural by product.This research was carried out by survey method. Data consist of primary and secondary data to calculate the production and quality of agricultural by products in Aceh Besar Regency. The production of agricultural by products was calculated based on dry matter, crude protein and total digestible nutrient. Animal capacity which is calculated based on agricultural by products with the following measurement ; 1 animal unit consumes dry matter with the average of 6,25 kg/day (2.282,25 kg/year), crude protein with average of 0,06 kg/day (240,9 kg/year) and total digestible nutrient with the average of 4,3 kg/day (1.569,5 kg/year).Based on the calculation was found that total of dray matter, crude protein and total digestible nutrient from agricultural by product in Aceh Besar regency was 197.510 ton, 9443,8 ton and 89.167,7 ton respectively. The capacity of ruminant animals fed from agricultural by product in Aceh Besar regency was 87.061 AU, 39.202 AU, and 57.125 AU for dry matter, crude protein and total digestible nutrient respectively. It can be concluded that Aceh Besar regency has a big potency to develop animal production by using agricultural by products. Therefore, agricultural by products in Aceh Besar regency should be used optimally

    Keamanan Susu Fermentasi Yang Beredar Di Banda Aceh Berdasarkan Nilai Gizi dan Jumlah Bakteri Pathogen

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    Safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in banda aceh based on nutritive value and pathogenic bacteriaABSTRACT. Fermented milk has much value primarily for the health of digestive system. However without hygienically and sterilized treatment it can become toxic to consumers. This research was conducted to observe nutritive value, the present of pathogenic bacteria, and the safety condition of commercial fermented milk that put on the market in Banda Aceh. Samples of commercial fermented milk tested were obtained from recognized retailers in Banda Aceh. Factorial completely randomized design with six replications was applied in this research. Variety of fermented milk products (yoghurt and drink yoghurt) was the first factor to be analyzed, and the second one was expired date of the products (the date of production and the date of by expired). The amount of crude protein and lipid, pH level, and the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus were the parameter determined. The variety and the expired date of the products influenced the amount of crude protein and lipid, the pH level, the amount of lactic acid bacteria, Coliform and Staphilococcus aureus in the level of highly significant different (P0,01). There was also found in highly significant interaction (P0,01) between factors that influenced the amount of lactic acid bacteria and Staphilococcus aureus. On the other hand, the amount of Coliform was not influenced by those factors. The study also results in decreasing of the amount of crude protein and lipid as well as lactic acid bacteria caused by the ongoing time of storing. The longer fermented milk was stored, the lower the level of crude protein, lipid and lactic acid bacteria presented. The lipid level of fermented milk products those put on the market in Banda Aceh have been complied with the requirement standard of SNI 01-2981-1992. However, crude protein level has not achieved the requirement standard yet. Due to the amount of Staphylococcus aureus present, the fermented milk products tested, in fact, were not saved to be consumed. On the contrary, although Coliform was also present, the products were in the category of saved to be consumed