38 research outputs found

    Using the community informant based (Made-In and Made-For) methodology for estimating MMR in Punjab

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    Pakistan is one of the six countries that account for more than 50 percent of the world’s maternal deaths. Each year, there are nearly 14,000 pregnancy-related deaths. Although maternal mortality has fallen from 533 per 100,000 live births in 1990–91 to 276 in 2006–07, Pakistan has not been able to achieve its Millennium Development Goal target of reducing maternal mortality to 140 per 100,000 live births by 2015. Planners require a method that can provide reliable subnational estimates easily, cost effectively. and with greater regularity. The Research and Advocacy Fund offered support to the Government of Pakistan to assess the feasibility of testing a new community informant-based approach, “Made-In Made-For,” for estimating the maternal mortality rate at the community level. A pilot study was conducted by the Population Council to test the approach in Chakwal, a district of Punjab, with promising results. Subsequently, government officials indicated their interest in seeing the approach scaled up in at least one province, Punjab, to provide reliable provincial-level estimates. This study has identified specific areas that need strong policy and programmatic interventions to improve maternal health outcomes

    Istodobna pojava visceralne lingvatuloze i paratuberkuloze u križane alpske koze (Capra hircus).

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    Concurrent visceral linguatulosis and paratuberculosis was diagnosed in five Alpine Cross goats (Capra hircus). Severe, gross and histopathological changes wereobserved, with the occurrence of multibacillary paratuberculosis and parasite-induced damage. The PCR-based technique was employed, using IS 900, to confirm paratuberculosis, and light, stereo- and scanning electron-microscopy were carried out to study the third-instar larvae of Linguatula serrata, Frohlich, 1789. The morphological changes were mainly in the intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes and paratuberculosis-associated lesions were principally of a diffuse multibacillary type, with a severe granulomatous reaction, consisting of macrophages laden with large numbers of acid-fast bacilli and variously sized cyst-like spaces in the lymph nodes, histologically associated with the moth-eaten appearance of the parenchyma. Severely oedematous and haemorrhagic lymph nodes, having areas of calcification with profuse numbers of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), seemed to be characteristic of the concurrent occurrences of the diseases. The present investigation suggests that the parasite, being lymphovorous, might predispose to the multibacillary form of paratuberculosis.Istovremena pojava visceralne lingvatuloze i paratuberkuloze dijagnosticirana je u pet križanih alpskih koza (Capra hircus). Patomorfološki i patohistološki ustanovljena je multibacilarna paratuberkuloza i promjene uzrokovane parazitima. Paratuberkuloza je dokazana lančanom reakcijom polimerazom upotrebom IS 900. Metode svjetlosne mikroskopije, stereoelektronske mikroskopije i skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije rabljene su pri determinaciji ličinki trećeg stupnja petoustaša Linguatula serrata, Frohlich, 1789. Morfološke promjene pretežito su bile dokazane u crijevima i mezenterijskim limfnim čvorovima. Oštećenja uzrokovana paratuberkulozom bila su uglavnom difuznog multibacilarnoga tipa s jakom granulomatoznom reakcijom koja se očitovala pojavom mnoštva makrofaga, velikim brojem acidorezistentnih štapića, promjenama različite veličine sličnima cistama u limfnim čvorovima te nekrotičnim praznim područjima u parenhimu. Izrazito edematozni i hemoragični limfni čvorovi s kalcificiranim područjima i velikim brojem mikroba Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) osnovna su značajka istodobne pojave ovih dviju bolesti. Istraživanje upućuje na zaključak da je limfovorni parazit Linguatula serrata predisponirajući čimbenik za pojavu multibacilarne paratubekuloze

    Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Organic Acids on Performance, Intestinal Histomorphology, and Serum Biochemistry of Broiler Chicken

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of dietary supplementation of organic acids on the performance, intestinal histomorphology, and blood biochemistry of broiler chicken. The birds in the control (T1) group were fed the basal diet whereas in other treatment groups basal diet was supplemented with 2% butyric acid (T2), 3% butyric acid (T4), 2% fumaric acid (T4), 3% fumaric acid (T5), 2% lactic acid (T6), and 3% lactic acid (T7). Broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with organic acids had significantly (P < .05) improved body weight gains and feed conversion ratio. No effect (P < .05) on cumulative feed consumption was observed. The addition of organic increased villus height in the small intestines but the differences were not significant (P < .05) in case of the ileum. Serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations were increased (P < .05) but no effect (P < .05) on the concentration of serum glucose and cholesterol, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), and serum glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) was observed. The results indicated that the organic acid supplementation, irrespective of type and level of acid used, had a beneficial effect on the performance of broiler chicken

    Comparative Biochemical Evaluation of Schizothorax niger and Cyprinus carpio from River Jhelum of Kashmir Valley

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    ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to evaluate the comparative biochemical profile of Schizothorax niger (endemic fish) and Cyprinus carpio (exotic fish) from the River Jhelum seasonally for a period of two years. .98 mg/dl). In both the fish hosts the higher biochemical values were recorded in the summer season and the lower values in the winter season during the study period. The seasonal differences in the biochemical parameters of the fish can be attributed to the water pollution of River Jhelum by various contaminants including metals and the comparative higher values in Schizothorax niger can be speculated to be due to the higher sensitivity of the host. From the present study it may be inferred that the change in biochemical parameters of the native fish would be one of the reasons for its decline from fresh water resources of the Kashmir Valley

    Landscape analysis report on pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in Pakistan

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    This report presents the findings of a landscape analysis of the policy, programming, and service environment around prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia (PE/E) in Pakistan. The primary aim of the landscape analysis was to identify the policy and program level of activities, as well as gaps and challenges around prevention and treatment of PE/E and the use of magnesium sulphate at the provincial and district levels in Pakistan. The study was carried out by the Population Council in 2016, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as part of the Project entitled “Ending Eclampsia,” a five-year cooperative agreement between USAID and the Population Council aimed at increasing access to, and use of, effective, underutilized interventions and commodities for preventing and treating PE/E in USAID priority countries. The report concludes with a recommendation for the establishment of a task force comprising members of professional bodies, health providers, civil society, and researchers who can periodically engage with policymakers to advocate for policy and programmatic changes

    Kliničko-patološka, histokemijska i terapijska istraživanja šuge kunića (Oryctolagus cuniculus) uzrokovane šugarcima roda Sarcoptes i Notoedres.

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    Concurrent acariosis due to Sarcoptes scabiei var cuniculi (Sarcoptes scabiei) and Notoedres cati var cuniculi (Notoedres cuniculi) was observed in Angora and New Zealand white rabbits belonging to the University rabbitry at Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir (India). Clinically, the affected rabbits revealed scales, lichenification, scab formation, alopecia and pruritis initially on the face near the upper lip which later extended to the full face, ear pinnae, eyelids and lower jaw, developing into hemorrhagic crusts. Skin scrapings from the affected rabbits revealed both types of mites. Additionally, in one scraping mites of Cheyletiella sp. were recognized. Seven of the 35 affected rabbits died of severe mange, histologically showing lesions characterized by hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and subepidermal dermatitis. Staining with toluidine blue showed negative metachomasia, while alcian blue-PAS staining revealed increased acid mucopolysaccharides in epidermis and hair follicles. A single intramuscular dose of doramectin 400 μg decreased the number of mites and their developmental stages with nil concentration in skin scrapings by day 10 post-treatment. Supplemental disinfection of the rabbit cages and house with a blowlamp helped control the acariosis within 3 to 4 weeks.Šuga uzrokovana šugarcima Sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi (Sarcoptes scabiei) i Notoedres cati var. cuniculi (Notoedres cuniculi) bila je otkrivena u angora i novozelandskih bijelih kunića iz sveučilišne kunićarnice u Srinagaru, Jammu i Kashmir (Indija). Klinički znakovi u invadiranih kunića bili su u početku ljuštenje kože, stvaranje krasta, alopecija i svrbež na licu kod gornje usne što se kasnije proširilo na cijelo lice, vrhove uški, vjeđe i donju čeljust pa su se razvile hemoragične kraste. U strugotinama kože invadiranih kunića nađene su obje vrste šugaraca. Također, u jednoj strugotini nađene su i grinje roda Cheyletiella. Sedam od 35 invadiranih kunića uginulo je od jake šuge, a histološki nalaz je pokazao hiperkeratozu, akantozu i subepidermalni dermatitis. Bojenje toluidinskim modrilom dalo je negativan nalaz na metakromaziju, dok je bojenje alcijanskim modrilom-PAS pokazalo povišene kisele mukopolisaharide u epidermisu i dlačnim folikulima. Jednokratna intramuskularna doza doramektina od 400 μg smanjila je broj i dovela do nestajanja grinja i njihovih razvojnih oblika u strugotinama kože 10 dana poslije primjene. Dodatna dezinfekcija kunićjih kaveza i opaljivanje nastambe pomoglo je u suzbijanju šuge u tijeku tri do četiri tjedna

    Pathological Studies on Lung Abscesses in Sheep Slaughtered in Kashmir Valley, India

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    The present study was conducted in Kashmir valley of India to investigate the prevalence and pathology of lung abscesses in sheep, slaughtered in different organized abattoirs. These abattoirs were visited between January 2010 to February 2011 and a total of 1455 lungs were examined. Out of these 18.9% lungs had abscesses, with higher incidence in young sheep (60%) than in adult ones (40%). Grossly, abscesses were observed in one or more lung lobes and were either single or multiple. In majority of lungs, abscess sizes varied from pea to walnut size, but in some cases large abscesses were also observed. Histopathologically, abscesses were characterized by a central caseo-necrotic core surrounded by pyogenic membrane with infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells and few mononuclear cells and macrophages. Most of the abscesses revealed presence of Gram positive bacterial infection where as chronic abscesses indicated both Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial infection. Fibrous tissue proliferation around the pyogenic membrane of the chronic abscesses was noticed. Disruption and disorientation of elastin fibres was also a prominent feature. Increased concentration of both acid and neutral mucopolysaccharides was observed in and around the lesion. Purulent material of abscesses revealed marked metachromasia. The study revealed that lung abscesses in domestic sheep are highly prevalent in Kashmir valley. Thus, there is a need to introduce appropriate control measures of diseases affecting the lungs to minimize the incidence of lung affections and hence reduce the ensuing economic losses

    Pathomorphological effects of Alloxan induced acute hypoglycaemia in rabbits

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    AbstractAlloxan is one of the frequently used beta-cytotoxic agents for the induction of Type-1 diabetes mellitus in animal models and is the drug of choice in rabbits. Its beta-cytotoxic action results in a sudden release of insulin leading to severe hypoglycaemia and even mortality if glucose therapy is not given. In the present investigation the pathological effects of alloxan induced acute hypoglycaemia were studied in rabbits. New Zealand White rabbits, 1–1.5 kg body weight, were administered alloxan @100 mg/kg b.w., as a single intravenous dose. Blood glucose levels were monitored (0 h, 20 min, 1 h, and then hourly up to 5 h) and clinical signs noted. Rabbits dead due to hypoglycaemia were necropsied and histopathology performed. Severe histopathological changes were observed especially in the brain (neuronal degeneration and necrosis), kidneys (nephrosis, nephritis) and liver (hepatosis, hepatitis) and also, other organs. Histopathological observation of beta-cytolysis was suggestive that the drug induced hypoglycaemia is insulin mediated. It was concluded that acute hypoglycaemia causes severe pathological changes and the alloxan induced immediate hypoglycaemia if not managed in time, might exacerbate the pathological effects of hyperglycaemia in the induced diabetic models

    Using Community Informants to Estimate Maternal Mortality in a Rural District in Pakistan: A Feasibility Study

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    Background. We aimed to assess the feasibility of using community-based informants’ networks to identify maternal deaths that were followed up through verbal autopsies (MADE-IN MADE-FOR technique) to estimate maternal mortality in a rural district in Pakistan. Methods. We used 4 community networks to identify deaths in women of reproductive age in the past 2 years in Chakwal district, Pakistan. The deaths recorded by the informants were followed up through verbal autopsies. Results. In total 1,143 Lady Health Workers (government employees who provide primary health care), 1577 religious leaders, 20 female lady councilors (elected representatives), and 130 nikah registrars (persons who register marriages) identified 2001 deaths in women of reproductive age. 1424 deaths were followed up with verbal autopsies conducted with the relatives of the deceased. 169 pregnancy-related deaths were identified from all reported deaths. Through the capture-recapture technique probability of capturing pregnancy-related deaths by LHWs was 0.73 and for religious leaders 0.49. Maternal mortality in Chakwal district was estimated at 309 per 100,000 live births. Conclusion. It is feasible and economical to use community informants to identify recent deaths in women of reproductive age and, if followed up through verbal autopsies, obviate the need for conducting large scale surveys