135 research outputs found

    The use of standard electrode potentials to predict the taste of solid metals

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    Not all metals taste equally metallic when placed in the mouth. While much work has been done to examine the metallic taste sensations arising from metal ions in solutions, there is comparatively less known about the taste of solid metals. In this study seven metals in the form of spoons were used to compare the perception of taste arising from solid utensils placed inside the mouth. 32 participants tasted seven spoons of identical dimensions plated with each of the following metals: gold, silver, zinc, copper, tin, chrome and stainless steel. More negative standard electrode potentials were found to be good predictors of solid metals that had tastes scoring highest for the taste descriptors strong, bitter, and metallic. Thus, it was found that both gold and chrome (having the most positive standard electrode potentials) were considered the least metallic, least bitter and least strong tasting of the spoons. Zinc and copper (having the most negative standard electrode potentials) were the strongest, most metallic, most bitter, and least sweet tasting of the spoons. We conclude that gold and chrome have tastes that are less strong than metals with lower standard electrode potential

    A Review of Sorting and Separating Technologies Suitable for Compostable and Biodegradable Plastic Packaging

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    As a result of public pressure and government legislation to reduce plastic waste there has been a sharp rise in the manufacture and use of alternatives to conventional plastics including compostable and biodegradable plastics. If these plastics are not collected separately, they can contaminate plastic recycling, organic waste streams, and the environment. To deal with this contamination requires effective identification and sorting of these different polymer types to ensure they are separated and composted at end of life. This review provides the comprehensive overview of the identification and sorting technologies that can be applied to sort compostable and biodegradable plastics including gravity-based sorting, flotation sorting, triboelectrostatic sorting, image-based sorting, spectral based sorting, hyperspectral imaging and tracer-based sorting. The advantages and limitations of each sorting approach are discussed within a circular economy framework

    The perception of materials through oral sensation

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    This paper presents the results of a multimodal study of oral perception conducted with a set of material samples made from metals, polymers and woods, in which both the somatosensory and taste factors were examined. A multidimensional scaling analysis coupled with subjective attribute ratings was performed to assess these factors both qualitatively and quantitatively. The perceptual somatosensory factors of warmth, hardness and roughness dominated over the basic taste factors, and roughness was observed to be a less significant sensation compared to touch-only experiments. The perceptual somatosensory ratings were compared directly with physical property data in order to assess the correlation between the perceived properties and measured physical properties. In each case, a strong correlation was observed, suggesting that physical properties may be useful in industrial design for predicting oral perception

    The performance and environmental impact of pro-oxidant additive containing plastics in the open unmanaged environment—a review of the evidence

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    Pro-oxidant additive containing (PAC) plastics is a term that describes a growing number of plastics which are designed to degrade in the unmanaged natural environment (open-air, soil, aquatic) through oxidation and other processes. It is a category that includes ‘oxo-degradable’ plastics, ‘oxo-biodegradable’ plastics and those containing ‘biotransformation’ additives. There is evidence that a new standard PAS 9017 : 2020 is relevant to predicting the timescale for abiotic degradation of PAC plastic in hot dry climates under ideal conditions (data reviewed for South of France and Florida). There are no reliable data to date to show that the PAS 9017 : 2020 predicts the timescale for abiotic degradation of PAC plastics in cool or wet climatic regions such as the UK or under less ideal conditions (soil burial, surface soiling etc.). Most PAC plastics studied in the literature showed biodegradability values in the range 5–60% and would not pass the criteria for biodegradability set in the new PAS 9017 : 2020. Possible formation of microplastics and cross-linking have been highlighted both by field studies and laboratory studies. Systematic eco-toxicity studies are needed to assess the possible effect of PAC additives and microplastics on the environment and biological organisms

    Automatic identification and classification of compostable and biodegradable plastics using hyperspectral imaging

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    In the UK waste management systems biodegradable and compostable packaging are not automatically detected and separated. As a result, their fate is generally landfill or incineration, neither of which is an environmentally good outcome. Thus, effective sorting technologies for compostable plastics are needed to help improve composting rates of these materials and reduce the contamination of recycling waste streams. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) was applied in this study to develop classification models for automatically identifying and classifying compostable plastics with the analysis focused on the spectral region 950–1,730 nm. The experimental design includes a hyperspectral imaging camera, allowing different chemometric techniques to be applied including principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) to develop a classification model for the compostable materials plastics. Materials used in this experimental analysis included compostable materials (sugarcane-derived and palm leaf derived), compostable plastics (PLA, PBAT) and conventional plastics (PP, PET, and LDPE). Our strategy was to develop a classification model to identify and categorize various fragments over the size range of 50 x 50 mm to 5 x 5 mm. Results indicated that both PCA and PLS-DA achieved classification scores of 100% when the size of material was larger than 10 mm x 10 mm. However, the misclassification rate increased to 20% for sugarcane-derived and 40% for palm leaf-based materials at sizes of 10 x 10 mm or below. In addition, for sizes of 5 x 5 mm, the misclassification rate for LDPE and PBAT increased to 20%, and for sugarcane and palm-leaf based materials to 60 and 80% respectively while the misclassification rate for PLA, PP, and PET was still 0%. The system is capable of accurately sorting compostable plastics (compostable spoons, forks, coffee lids) and differentiating them from identical looking conventional plastic items with high accuracy

    What Can The Matter Be?

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    'What can the matter be' is the title of an audio guide of selected works in the Tate Modern collection in which the matter of the artwork is forefronted and questioned. The designed tour is produced in MP3 format and selections are downloadable by the public from the Tate Modern website onto their private MP3 players prior to visiting the museum. The audio guide/tours were produced in partnership with the Education team at the Tate Modern

    Correlating Vibration Patterns to Perception of Tactile Information for Long-Term Prosthetic Limb Use and Continued Rehabilitation of Neuropathic Pain

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    Prosthetic limbs (and orthotic devices) have been used as a paradigm for the treatment and rehabilitation of neuropathic pain, such as phantom limb pain. Long-term adoption of the devices for the continued use in rehabilitation remains low in part due to reduced embodiment and the high cognitive load associated with controlling the device. Previous research has shown that incorporating sensory feedback in prostheses can provide proprioceptive information, increase control and manipulation of objects, and improve embodiment. However, feedback experienced by the user varies daily and requires constant parameter adjustments to maintain accurate and intuitive sensory perception, further preventing long term adoption. Work therefore needs to be explored that correlate feedback modalities to perception of tactile information, such as texture and pressure. The work presented in this paper begins to explore this by utilizing a deep-learning algorithm to classify the dissipation of vibration artefacts found in the EMG signals of able-bodied individuals to specific texture patterns. Four texture patterns were applied to 7 participants using two vibration motors and repeated 3 times. In post processing, a RNN network identified the artefact features along equidistantly spaced EMG electrodes and correctly classified unseen data from each participant

    Using hyperspectral imaging to identify and classify large microplastic contamination in industrial composting processes

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    Compostable plastics are used as alternatives to conventional (non-compostable) plastics due to their ability to decompose through industrial composting comingled with food waste. However conventional (non-compostable) plastics sometimes contaminate this industrial composting process resulting in the formation of microplastics in the end compost. Therefore, it is crucial to effectively identify the types of plastics entering industrial composters to improve composting rates and enhance compost quality. In this study, we applied Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) with various pre-processing techniques in the short-wave infrared (SWIR) region to develop an efficient model for identifying and classifying plastics and large microplastics during the industrial composting process. The materials used in the experimental analysis included compostable plastics such as PLA and PBAT, and conventional (non-compostable) plastics including PP, PET, and LDPE. Chemometric techniques, namely Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), was applied to develop a classification model. The Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) model effectively distinguished between virgin PP, PET, PBAT, PLA, and PHA plastics and soil-contaminated plastics measuring larger than 20 mm × 20 mm, achieving accuracy of 100%. Furthermore, it demonstrated a 90% accuracy rate in discriminating between pristine large microplastics and those contaminated with soil. When we tested our model on plastic samples during industrial composting we found that the accuracy of identification depended on parameters such as darkness, size, color, thickness and contamination level. Nevertheless, we achieved 85% for plastics and large microplastics detected within compost

    Analysis of Product Architectures of Pin Array Technologies for Tactile Displays

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    Refreshable tactile displays based on pin array technologies have a significant impact on the education of children with visual impairments, but they are prohibitively expensive. To better understand their design and the reason for the high cost, we created a database and analyzed the product architectures of 67 unique pin array technologies from literature and patents. We qualitatively coded their functional elements and analyzed the physical parts that execute the functions. Our findings highlight that pin array surfaces aim to achieve three key functions, i.e., raise and lower pins, lock pins, and create a large array. We also contribute a concise morphological chart that organises the various mechanisms for these three functions. Based on this, we discuss the reasons for the high cost and complexity of these surface haptic technologies and infer why larger displays and more affordable devices are not available. Our findings can be used to design new mechanisms for more affordable and scalable pin array display systems

    Digital Fabrication of Lower Limb Prosthetic Sockets

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    This innovation insight discusses current approaches to digital fabrication of lower limb prosthetics (LLP) sockets aimed at low resourced settings. Digital fabrication of LLPs sockets has been researched for a number of decades, yet these technologies are not widely adopted, and most of the activities within this domain reside in high-income settings. However, the majority of amputees are in LMICs where there is a severe lack of access to services. It is in LMICs then, that the advantages that digital technologies offer could be of particular benefit however little to no progress in digital workflow adoption has been made to date
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