4 research outputs found

    On thermal nucleation of quark matter in compact stars

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    The possibility of a hadron-quark phase transition in extreme astrophysical phenomena such as the collapse of a supernova is not discarded by the modern knowledge of the high-energy nuclear and quark-matter equations of state. Both the density and the temperature attainable in such extreme processes are possibly high enough to trigger a chiral phase transition. However, the time scales involved are an important issue. Even if the physical conditions for the phase transition are favorable (for a system in equilibrium), there may not be enough time for the dynamical process of phase conversion to be completed. We analyze the relevant time scales for the phase conversion via thermal nucleation of bubbles of quark matter and compare them to the typical astrophysical time scale, in order to verify the feasibility of the scenario of hadron-quark phase conversion during, for example, the core-collapse of a supernova.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, talk given at the International Conference SQM2009, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sep.27-Oct.2, 200

    Nucleation of quark matter in protoneutron star matter

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    The phase transition from hadronic to quark matter may take place already during the early post-bounce stage of core collapse supernovae when matter is still hot and lepton rich. If the phase transition is of first order and exhibits a barrier, the formation of the new phase occurs via the nucleation of droplets. We investigate the thermal nucleation of a quark phase in supernova matter and calculate its rate for a wide range of physical parameters. We show that the formation of the first droplet of a quark phase might be very fast and therefore the phase transition to quark matter could play an important role in the mechanism and dynamics of supernova explosions.Comment: v3: fits version published in Physical Review

    Strange quark matter in explosive astrophysical systems

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    Explosive astrophysical systems, such as supernovae or compact star binary mergers, provide conditions where strange quark matter can appear. The high degree of isospin asymmetry and temperatures of several MeV in such systems may cause a transition to the quark phase already around saturation density. Observable signals from the appearance of quark matter can be predicted and studied in astrophysical simulations. As input in such simulations, an equation of state with an integrated quark matter phase transition for a large temperature, density and proton fraction range is required. Additionally, restrictions from heavy ion data and pulsar observation must be considered. In this work we present such an approach. We implement a quark matter phase transition in a hadronic equation of state widely used for astrophysical simulations and discuss its compatibility with heavy ion collisions and pulsar data. Furthermore, we review the recently studied implications of the QCD phase transition during the early post-bounce evolution of core-collapse supernovae and introduce the effects from strong interactions to increase the maximum mass of hybrid stars. In the MIT bag model, together with the strange quark mass and the bag constant, the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s provides a parameter to set the beginning and extension of the quark phase and with this the mass and radius of hybrid stars.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, talk given at the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2009), Buzios, Brasil, September 28 - October 2, 2009, to be published in Journal Phys.

    Strangeness in Astrophysics and Cosmology

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    Some recent developments concerning the role of strange quark matter for astrophysical systems and the QCD phase transition in the early universe are addressed. Causality constraints of the soft nuclear equation of state as extracted from subthreshold kaon production in heavy-ion collisions are used to derive an upper mass limit for compact stars. The interplay between the viscosity of strange quark matter and the gravitational wave emission from rotation-powered pulsars are outlined. The flux of strange quark matter nuggets in cosmic rays is put in perspective with a detailed numerical investigation of the merger of two strange stars. Finally, we discuss a novel scenario for the QCD phase transition in the early universe, which allows for a small inflationary period due to a pronounced first order phase transition at large baryochemical potential.Comment: 8 pages, invited talk given at the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2009), Buzios, Brasil, September 28 - October 2, 200