26 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Psychological stress, adverse life events and breast cancer incidence: a cohort investigation in 106,000 women in the United Kingdom

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    Association of stress variables with breast cancer risk factors. Table S1. Association of frequency of experience of stress during the 5 years preceding entry to the study with breast cancer risk factors and other stress variables assessed at recruitment. Table S2. Association of experience of adverse life events during the 5 years preceding entry to the study with breast cancer risk factors and other stress variables assessed at recruitment. Table S3. Association of participant’s age at death of their mother with breast cancer risk factors and other stress variables assessed at recruitment. (DOC 104 kb

    Additional file 1: of Childhood body size and pubertal timing in relation to adult mammographic density phenotype

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    Supplementary tables. Table S1. Number of subjects included in analyses of categories of body size and pubertal factors. Table S2. Adjusted means of pubertal variables, anthropometric and mammographic density characteristics by weight compared with peers at age 11 years. Table S3. Adjusted means of pubertal variables, anthropometric and mammographic density characteristics by height compared with peers at age 11 years. Table S4. Correlations between pubertal factors and adult body mass index. Table S5. Difference in adult mammographic density parameters in relation to change in height compared with peers between ages 7 and 11 years. Table S6. Difference in adult mammographic density parameters across categories of age at reaching adult height. Table S7. Difference in adult mammographic density parameters across categories of time interval between menarche and regular cycles. Table S8. Difference in adult mammographic density parameters in relation to time interval between thelarche or menarche and age at reaching adult height. (PDF 417 kb