51 research outputs found

    Bianca Bosker, Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China

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    At the initiative of its mayor in 2001, Shanghai municipality launched an urbanisation programme entitled “One City, Nine Towns.” The programme, integrated with an overall plan that included projects to develop some of Shanghai’s satellite towns, planned the creation of ten new cities with experimental thematic zones featuring mainly European architecture. The result was construction of an “English neighbourhood” at Songjiang, a “German neighbourhood” at Anting, a “Dutch” one at Gaoqiao, a “S..

    Harry den Hartog (ed), Shanghai New Towns: Searching for Community and Identity in a Sprawling Metropolis,

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    Shanghai New Towns, edited by the Dutch architect Harry den Hartog, is interesting on two counts. To begin with, the 2010 book is the first – apart from individual articles – in English (it is bilingual, with Chinese text) to analytically deal with the Western-imitating architecture proliferating on the Chinese mainland since the early 2000s. Second, the book brings together articles by academics and experts all drawn from the domain of architecture and town planning. However, the issue tackl..

    Hai Ren, The Middle Class in Neoliberal China: Governing Risk, Life-Building, and Themed Spaces,

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    The Chinese middle classes – and the question of their definition – are a recurring subject of research. In recent years, many sociologists and anthropologists from all over the world have tackled this thorny question. These include, among others, Jean-Louis Rocca, to whom we owe translations of work on the subject by well-known Chinese scholars such as Li Chunling and Zhou Xiaohong, as well as recent work by David Goodman. However, Professor Ren’s book, published in 2013, offers an analytic..

    Harry den Hartog (Ă©d.), Shanghai New Towns: Searching for Community and Identity in a Sprawling Metropolis,

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    Le livre Shanghai New Towns, dirigé par l’architecte hollandais Harry Den Hartog, présente un apport doublement intéressant. Premièrement, publié en 2010, il s’agit, à notre connaissance, du premier ouvrage – hors articles ponctuels – de langue anglaise (le livre est totalement bilingue anglais-chinois) à traiter analytiquement du sujet des quartiers d’imitation architecturale occidentale qui se répandent en Chine continentale depuis le début des années 2000. Deuxièmement, le livre réunit des..

    De l’usager consommateur à l’habitant réaménageur

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    Cette recherche entend interroger les pratiques d’appropriation de familles chinoises de logements de style étranger dans le quartier de Thames Town, en périphérie de Shanghai. S’agissant d’habitations identifiées comme des copies architecturales, les analyses produites sur ces espaces ont généralement mis l’accent sur la forme spatiale. Les résidences de Thames Town ont alors été considérées comme des pastiches inauthentiques, déniant toute compétence aux habitants à leur donner un sens propre. Notre analyse révèle au contraire l’implication des résidents à adapter l’espace à leurs pratiques domestiques. Loin d’être les consommateurs passifs d’une image illusoire de modes de vie étrangers, ils s’approprient l’espace. Les transformations effectuées montrent que l’habitation est une ressource et est un élément central de leur trajectoire sociale. À travers leurs appropriations et la construction d’un certain confort domestique, ils expriment une expérience de libération sociale.This research aims at questioning the practices of appropriation of foreign-style housing by Chinese families in the neighbourhood of Thames Town, on the outskirts of Shanghai. Being dwellings identified as architectural copies, the analyses produced on these places have generally focused on the spatial form. The residential buildings of Thames Town have then been considered as inauthentic pastiches, denying the inhabitants any competence in giving them their own meaning. Our analysis reveals on the contrary the involvement of the residents in adapting the space for their own domestic practices. Far from being passive consumers of an illusory image of foreign lifestyles, they appropriate the space. The transformations carried out show that the dwelling is a resource and is a central element of their social trajectory. Through their appropriations and the production of a distinct domestic comfort, they express an experience of social liberation

    Bianca Bosker, Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China

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    En 2001, la municipalité de Shanghai, à l’initiative du maire de l’époque, lançait un programme d’urbanisme connu sous le titre de « One City, Nine Towns ». Le programme, intégré au plan directeur qui planifiait entre autres projets le développement de certaines villes satellites de la municipalité, prévoyait notamment que dix villes nouvelles seraient dotées d’un quartier expérimental thématisé s’inspirant principalement de l’architecture des villes européennes. Ainsi furent construits un « ..

    Thames Town, un cliché à l’anglaise

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    Cet article contribue à dresser une grille de lecture sur la mondialisation des modèles urbains et de ses formes d’hybridation, en analysant la production urbaine et la construction sociale d’un quartier d’architecture occidentale en périphérie d’une métropole émergente chinoise, à travers le cas de « Thames Town » situé dans la ville nouvelle de Songjiang au sud-ouest de Shanghai. Dans un premier temps, cette contribution rend compte de la circulation de modèles et de pratiques d’urbanisme internationalisées, de l’apprentissage local de coalitions de croissance public-privé, soit de la mise en place de nouvelles configurations d’acteurs favorisant le « marketing urbain » tant à l’échelle de la municipalité de Shanghai, qu’à celle de l’arrondissement de Songjiang. Dans un second temps, cette création urbanistique aux formes architecturales empruntées interroge tant par sa morphologie que par sa réception/production sociale. Le « bourg sur la Tamise » présente un aménagement à l’anglaise soigné, qui cristallise les tensions rencontrées dans les périphéries urbaines chinoises : la communauté fermée, la mise en scène d’architectures occidentales, leur appropriation par les habitants, la valorisation identitaire qu’elles représentent, et au-delà le rapport à l’autre, et à soi par rapport à l’autre. Que les quartiers d’architecture occidentale nous apprennent-ils sur la manière de penser, de produire et de s’approprier la ville chinoise à Shanghai, métropole désireuse de véhiculer son propre modèle d’urbanité et de modernité chinoises

    Bianca Bosker, Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China

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    At the initiative of its mayor in 2001, Shanghai municipality launched an urbanisation programme entitled “One City, Nine Towns.” The programme, integrated with an overall plan that included projects to develop some of Shanghai’s satellite towns, planned the creation of ten new cities with experimental thematic zones featuring mainly European architecture. The result was construction of an “English neighbourhood” at Songjiang, a “German neighbourhood” at Anting, a “Dutch” one at Gaoqiao, a “S..

    Thames Town, an English Cliché

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    This article contributes to the development of a reading grid for the globalisation of urban models and their hybrid forms through an analysis of the urban production and social construction of a district in the suburbs of an emerging Chinese metropolis based on a case‑study of Thames Town, located in the new city of Songjiang, to the south-west of Shanghai. First, this contribution gives an account of the circulation of internationalised urban planning models and practices and the local development of public-private growth coalitions, that is to say, the establishment of new configurations of players promoting “urban marketing” both at the level of the Shanghai Municipality and that of the District of Songjiang. Secondly, this urban creation with its borrowed architectural forms raises questions with regard to both its morphology and its social reception/construction. The “Town on the Thames” presents a meticulous English-style layout that crystallises the tensions encountered in Chinese urban peripheries: gated communities, the staging of Western architectural styles and their appropriation by the inhabitants, the identity enhancement they represent, and over and above this, relationship of the self to others and of others to the self. What do these districts with their Western-style architecture teach us about the way Shanghai, a metropolis that wishes to transmit its own model of Chinese urban planning, thinks, produces, and appropriates the Chinese city

    A imputação do facto comparticipado nos crimes de responsabilidade penal política

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    A Lei n.º 34/87, de 16 de julho veio consagrar a criminalização da responsabilidade dos titulares de cargos políticos e de altos cargos públicos no exercício das suas funções. Ao restringir o círculo de potenciais autores através da exigência da qualidade específica da titularidade de cargo político ou de alto cargo público introduziu uma responsabilidade penal qualificada, cujo estudo é particularmente relevante no âmbito dogmático da comparticipação. Perpassando pela intersecção dos fundamentos da responsabilidade política e a responsabilidade penal, o foco desta dissertação é a determinação do facto criminoso nos crimes de responsabilidade e dos critérios de imputação desse facto numa situação de comparticipação atenta a classificação dos tipos de ilícito como crimes específicos e crimes de violação de dever. Admitindo a possibilidade de intervenção no acontecimento criminoso de agente não qualificado (extraneus), o artigo 28.º do Código Penal, ao permitir a comunicabilidade das circunstâncias fundamentadoras da ilicitude, afigura-se de particular relevância no sistema comparticipativo português.Law no. 34/87 of 16th July established the criminalization of political office holders and senior public officials responsibility in the performance of their duties. By restricting the circle of potential authors through the requirement of the specific quality of political office or high public office, a qualified criminal responsibility was introduced. Its study is particularly relevant in the dogmatic scope of participation in crime. Through the intersection of the grounds of political and criminal responsibility, this dissertation aims to determine the relevant criminal fact in «crimes of responsibility» and the participation criteria especially considering their classification as specific crimes and crimes of violation of duty. In this scenario, Penal Code Article 28 is of great relevance in the Portuguese participation system, given that it allows, although not automatically, the communicability of special circumstances that underline the unlawfulness to the unqualified agent intervening in the criminal event in participation with a political office holder or senior public official
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