4 research outputs found

    MOESM1 of Biomarkers allow detection of nutrient limitations and respective supplementation for elimination in Pichia pastoris fed-batch cultures

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Mean expression values (microarray data) of the carboxypeptidase B gene during the methanol and glucose fed-batch process. Table S2. Description of biological function of marker genes adapted from Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD). Table S3. qPCR primer sequences. Figure S4. Principal component analysis (variable factor map; F2 vs. F1) of the methanol fed-batch (1 h, 15 h, 27 h, 41 h, 53 h and 67 h after starting the methanol fed-batch) referred to the glycerol fed-batch (log2 fold change). Figure S5. Principal component analysis (variable factor map; F3 vs. F2) of the methanol fed-batch (1 h, 15 h, 27 h, 41 h, 53 h and 67 h after starting the methanol fed-batch) referred to the glycerol fed-batch (log2 fold change). Figure S6. Principal component analysis (variable factor map; F2 vs. F1) of the glucose fed-batch (1 h, 15 h, 27 h, 41 h, 53 h and 67 h after starting the glucose fed-batch) referred to the glycerol fed-batch (log2 fold change). Figure S7. Principal component analysis (variable factor map; F3 vs. F2) of the glucose fed-batch (1 h, 15 h, 27 h, 41 h, 53 h and 67 h after starting the glucose fed-batch) referred to the glycerol fed-batch (log2 fold change)

    Additional file 4: of Systems-level organization of yeast methylotrophic lifestyle

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    Proteomic identification and quantification of methanol metabolic enzymes and control proteins in peroxisomal fractions and homogenates of P. pastoris cells grown on methanol. Containing the following three sheets: Protein hits: contains all identified proteins that met the threshold in at least one sample, with their respective MASCOT scores, number of peptides, and percent sequence coverage. Peptide hits: list of all identified peptides, their MASCOT scores, mass and charge values, and intensities. Peptides used for quant + areas: lists all peptides of the proteins in Table 3 that were used for quantification, and their respective peak areas in the different samples. (XLSX 879 kb

    Additional file 1: of Systems-level organization of yeast methylotrophic lifestyle

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    Transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic regulation of P. pastoris during methylotrophic growth. Containing the following eight sheets: Summary Omics Data: number of significantly regulated genes, proteins or metabolites (e.g. “up” refers to up-regulation in methanol/glycerol compared to glucose). Transcriptomics and proteomics: Average fold changes and P values of transcriptomics and proteomics comparing P. pastoris cultivated with methanol/glycerol or glucose as carbon source in chemostat. Average values derive from three biological replicates per condition. Metabolomics: Average fold changes and P values of metabolomics measurements comparing P. pastoris cultivated with methanol/glycerol or glucose as carbon source in chemostat cultivations. Average values derive from three biological replicates per condition. Co-regulation (related to Fig. 1 in the text): Regulation of the 575 gene-protein pairs with transcriptomics and proteomics data available and assignment to regulatory groups. Central carbon metabolism (related to Fig. 4 in the text): Average fold changes and P values of transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics measurement depicted in Fig. 4. Amino acid metabolism (related to Fig. 6 in the text): Average fold changes and P values of transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics measurement depicted in Fig. 6. Vitamin biosynthesis (related to Fig. 7 in the text): Average fold changes and P values of transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics measurement depicted in Fig. 7. Peroxisomal gene regulation: Average fold changes and P values of transcriptomics and proteomics for all mentioned peroxisomal genes. Average values derive from three biological replicates per condition. (XLSX 2348 kb