55 research outputs found

    Relaxation time broadening on emission spectrum of a Zn-doped p-type GaAs injection laser

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科電子科学Spontaneous emission and lasing gain profiles of semiconductor injection lasers which have Zn-doped GaAs active regions were experimentally determined, and the tailing phenomenon into the band gap of these profiles was theoretically explained as a result of relaxation time broadening due to scattering of electrons and holes. Especially, the tail of the gain profile was found to show a concave shape, which was better explained by the relaxation time broadening model than by the band tail state model

    EGassembler: online bioinformatics service for large-scale processing, clustering and assembling ESTs and genomic DNA fragments

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    Expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing has proven to be an economically feasible alternative for gene discovery in species lacking a draft genome sequence. Ongoing large-scale EST sequencing projects feel the need for bioinformatics tools to facilitate uniform EST handling. This brings about a renewed importance for a universal tool for processing and functional annotation of large sets of ESTs. EGassembler () is a web server, which provides an automated as well as a user-customized analysis tool for cleaning, repeat masking, vector trimming, organelle masking, clustering and assembling of ESTs and genomic fragments. The web server is publicly available and provides the community a unique all-in-one online application web service for large-scale ESTs and genomic DNA clustering and assembling. Running on a Sun Fire 15K supercomputer, a significantly large volume of data can be processed in a short period of time. The results can be used to functionally annotate genes, to facilitate splice alignment analysis, to link the transcripts to genetic and physical maps, design microarray chips, to perform transcriptome analysis and to map to KEGG metabolic pathways. The service provides an excellent bioinformatics tool to research groups in wet-lab as well as an all-in-one-tool for sequence handling to bioinformatics researchers

    Impact of preoperative pathological confirmation on surgical and postoperative outcomes of lung resection for early stage lung cancer

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    Introduction: The frequency of detection of peripheral pulmonary lesion (PPL) in suspected early lung cancer has been increasing, and whether preoperative pathological diagnosis (PPD) for small PPLs should always be established before their surgical resection can become a worrisome problem for physicians. The aim of the study was to clarify the impact of obtaining PPD on surgical and postoperative outcomes of lung resection for early stage lung cancer.Material and methods: This was a retrospective review of cases that underwent surgical resection for known or suspected primary lung cancer presenting pathological stage 0 or I, enrolled from June 2006 to May 2016. The patients divided into two groups according to PPD group (n = 57) and non-PPD group (n = 157) were compared. The procedure, node dissection, operation time, amount of bleeding, postoperative complications, postoperative length of stay, and postoperative recurrences were analyzed.Results: Among the 214 patients, no significant differences in operation time (248.5 ± 88.6 versus 257.6 ± 89.0, min, mean ± SD, p = 0.328), amount of bleeding (195.3 ± 176.5 vs 188.1 ± 236.1, ml, p = 0.460), postoperative complication (5.2% vs 4.5%, p = 0.728), postoperative length of stay (10.6 ± 6.3 vs 10.4 ± 5.3, days, p = 0.827), or postoperative recurrences (21.0% vs 17.2%, p = 0.550) were seen between PPD and non-PPD groups.Conclusion: Therefore, PPD had less impact on surgical and postoperative outcomes of pathological stage 0 or I lung cancer; direct surgical resection without non-surgical biopsy would be acceptable with careful selection of cases

    Subjective Factors Affecting Urban Renewal in a Stagnant Satellite City

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    大阪市を母都市としてその周辺には,30に余る,いわゆる衛星都市群が蛸集する。これらの周辺諸都市は母都市との間において,機能的補完関係をもって分業的に並立するとともに,相互に激しい都市間競争に晒されている。本報告でとりあげる大阪府摂津市は淀川右岸の,いわゆる北摂7市の1つとして周囲に吹田,茨木,高槻など都市的水準において高位置を占める都市群に囲繞され,近年,これら諸都市との競合関係の中で,相対的な停滞性を次第に顕在化させてきた。行政,市民のいずれのレベルにおいても,一種の危機感が蔓延し,それへの対応を求める声が近時急速に盛り上がってきた。1987年,市長の諮問機関として「摂津市経済活性化懇談会」が設置されるにいたった。懇談会はその討議資料の作製を行政を介して,「関大都市問題研究会」に委託した。当研究会は1988年,1989年の両年にわたり,それぞれ性質を異にする2つの調査を実施した。本報告はこれらの調査結果を素材として当研究会が独自の問題意識と分析視角に基づき主題の追求を試みたものである。There are more than thirty satellite cities on the outskirts of Osaka. These cities are functionally in a supplemental relationship to the central city, Osaka. They also enegage in severe competition with one another. Settsu City, which we deal with in this paper, is one of the seven cities in north-Osaka. Settsu City is surrounded by cities which occupy a higher position on this urban level, and is gradually developing a relatively stagnant characteristics in the competitive relations to these cities. A sense of crisis has spread recently to the municipal authorities and to the inhabitants in Settsu as well. Public discussion, to consider how to cope with this situation, has risen remarkably. In 1987, the "Committee for Economic Activation in Settsu" was founded as a consultative organ of the mayor. The Committee entrusted to us, the "Group for the Study of Urban Problems in Kansai University", with various materials for discussion through the municipal administration. We carried out the qualitative research in 1988 and the quantitative research in 1989. This paper is a report on our inquiry into the subject. Our inquiry was based on our examination of the materials received and guided by our own concerns and our modes of analysis


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    この要旨は日本ゲノム微生物学会の年会で2012年3月12日に発表したものである(口頭発表O-37, ポスター発表2P-59