69 research outputs found

    日本語学習者による格助詞の混同 : 存在場所の「に」と範囲限定の「で」

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    九州女子大学北九州市立大学日本語学習者は,存在場所を表す格助詞「に」を用いるべきところに誤って「で」を用いることがある(例:大学の中で友達がいます)。本研究では,存在場所を表す「に」の習得の様子を探るため,日本語学習者を対象とした穴埋めテスト形式の調査を行った。その結果,上の誤りは日本語レベルが「中級の下」の学習者に最も多く見られ,存在場所を表す「に」の習得は「U字型発達」を示していた。また,上の誤りは,存在場所を表す「に」と範囲限定を表す「で」との混同により生じていると考えられる。The Japanese langue learners use "de" by mistake instead of a case-marking particle of existence place "ni". This study investigates about acquisition of a case-marking particle of existence place "ni". The test was executed. As a result, it was clarified that Japanese language learners were confused with a case-marking particle of existence place "ni" and a case-marking particle of range and attributive use "de". The acquisition of the existence place "ni" showed the "U-shaped development"


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    大腸がん検診におけるスクリーニング検査としての大腸CT(CT colonography: CTC)検査の有用性を検討するために,当院における便潜血陽性者に対するCTCと大腸内視鏡検査の精度比較を行った.2009年7月から2014年1月までに川崎医科大学附属病院で施行されたCTC検査673件中,スクリーニング目的で行われた411件の中で便潜血陽性者に対して行われた183名を対象とした.全例CTC検査と同日に全大腸内視鏡検査も行った.対象とする病変は内視鏡観察あるいは病理組織学的に腺腫,がんと診断されたものとした.CTCの前処置は,経口腸管洗浄剤に水溶性造影剤による標識(タギング)を付けて行った.CT装置は16列Multi-slice CT(MSCT),腸管拡張は自動炭酸ガス注入器を使用した.CTC読影は,まず仮想内視鏡(3D)で行い,後に多断面再構成像(Multi-planar reconstruction: MPR 像(2D))を行う3D primary 法で行った.183名(男性98名,女性85名,年齢40~86歳,平均年齢62.1歳±0.8歳)のうち,病変を認めなかったのは87名(47.5%)であり,病変を認めたのは96名(53%)であった.総病変数は191個であり,うち6mm以上の病変は77個(40%)で,そのうち10mm以上のものは46個(24%)であった.大腸癌は25例(全病変中13%)で,うち腺腫内癌16例(全病変中8%)であった.側方発育型腫瘍は8例(4%)(大きさ平均17mm)であった.病変のうち,内視鏡的切除が行われたものは34病変であり,手術が行われたものは22病変であった.病変形態別による描出率は隆起型病変80%で,平坦型病変65%であった.病変サイズ別の精度は10mm以上の病変(n=46)で感度96%,陽性適中率98%であり,6mm以上の病変(n=77)で感度83%,陽性適中率79%であった.CTCは便潜血陽性者において良好な精度を示し,大腸がんスクリーニング法としての可能性がある.The purpose of this study was to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of CT colonography (CTC) for colorectal cancer screeing following positive fecal occult blood test (FOBT) in Japan. To compare detection rates of colorectal cancer and adenoma between CTC and optical total colonoscopy (TCS). This study included 183 patients with positive result of FOBT in Japanese colorectal cancer screening program. The patients had both CTC and TCS on the same day. 96 patients (53%) had colorectal lesions, on the other hand 87 patients had no lesions. The total number of lesions was 191, including 77 lesions 6 mm in maximum diameter and larger, including 46 lesions 10 mm and larger

    Capital gains tax and individual trading: The case of Japan

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    Japan implemented a capital gains tax reform and reduced its flat rate in 2003. This study attempts to explain how this has contributed to the recent surge of individual trading, using three different methods of analysis. First, we perform a time-series analysis with the aggregate, market-level data. Second, we use firm-level, by-stock data to conduct a similar time-series analysis, as well as a panel data analysis. Third, we examine the price-change sensitivity of winners' volume before and after the reform. The results clearly indicate that the tax cut has helped expand individual trading, as the average tax rate negatively correlates significantly with individual trading.Capital gains tax Japan Stock market Individual trading

    Turnover tax and trading volume: Panel analysis of stocks traded in the Japanese and US markets

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    Japan eliminated turnover tax on stock trading through the end of the 1990's to revitalize its ailing stock market by reducing the overall transaction cost for stock trading. This paper empirically examines the effect of this exogenous, institutional change in tax policy on stock trading volume in the Japanese market. To do so, we use panel data of stocks traded in both the Japanese and United States markets and compare changes in their trading volumes at the times of the tax changes. We use a well-established V-shape relationship between turnover and price change, with three different assumptions as regards how the price change relates to turnover across stocks and markets. Although a model allowing for both slope and intercept shifts does not offer any indications one way or the other, a more restricted model allowing only for an intercept shift clearly suggests a statistically significant increase in trading volume in the Japanese market but not in the United States markets for April 1999. However, such a result was not obtained for April 1996. These results indicate that the abolition of turnover tax in 1999, but not the rate reduction in 1996, contributed to the trading volume increase.Turnover tax Taxation on financial transactions Stock trading volume Japanese

    Establishing of a base to build "The Innovation Ecosystem"

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