6 research outputs found

    Aberrant overexpression of membrane-associated mucin contributes to tumor progression in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma cells.

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    Aberrant overexpression of membrane-associated mucin (MUC1) is implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer, particularly of adenocarcinomas. Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL), an aggressive neoplasm etiologically associated with human T-lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1), exhibits invasive tropism into various organs, resulting in disease progression and resistance to treatment. In the present study, we showed that MUC1 is overexpressed exclusively in cells of ATL among hematological malignancies. Furthermore, increased expression of MUC1 correlated with a poor prognosis, suggesting MUC1 to be a prognostic marker in ATL. Various functional analyses with knockdown experiments using a specific siRNA for MUC1 revealed that MUC1 is involved in cell growth, cell aggregation, and resistance to apoptosis. Although it has been shown that the anti-adhesive properties of MUC1 facilitate migration and metastasis of tumor cells, our findings indicated that MUC1 contributes to cell-cell adhesion. Mucins thus seem to play a role in the pathogenesis and/or progression of ATL

    Elevation of Serum KL-6 Glycoprotein or Surfactant Protein-D in Adult T-cell Leukemia with Distinct Pulmonary Complications

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    Patients with hematological malignancies frequently suffer from lung diseases as a complication. However, it is difficult to discriminate leukemic invasion into the lung from infectious pulmonary complications. The serum level of Krebs von den Lungen-6 (KL-6), which is a mucin-like glycoprotein, is increased in more than 70% of patients with interstitial pneumonia. Surfactant protein-D (SP-D) is produced mainly in the lung by alveolar type II and bronchiolar epithelial cells and is a useful serum marker for interstitial pneumonia. We therefore measured the levels of KL-6 and SP-D in sera from 128 patients (76 males and 52 females, mean age: 59 years) with hematological malignancies, including adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). Overall, the increase in KL-6 or SP-D, above each cut-off value (500 U/ml for KL-6 and 110 ng/ml for SP-D), was detected in 11 patients (8.6%) or 10 patients (7.8%), respectively. In contrast, among 67 ATL patients, 15 patients had high serum levels of KL-6 and/or SP-D; both were elevatedin 2 patients, only KL-6 was elevated in 6 patients and only SP-D was elevated in 7 patients. Thus, serum KL-6 and SP-D appear to be elevated in a mutually exclusive manner in ATL. Indeed, high serum levels of KL-6 were closely related to the stage of ATL, while the serum SP-D was elevated in ATL patients with pulmonary infection. In conclusion, the combined measurement of KL-6 and SP-D in ATL may become a useful means to discriminate leukemic pulmonary lesions from infectious pulmonary complications

    Capsule Endoscope Aspiration after Repeated Attempts for Ingesting a Patency Capsule

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    Capsule endoscope aspiration into the respiratory tract is a rare complication of capsule endoscopy. Despite the potential seriousness of this complication, no accepted methods exist to accurately predict and therefore prevent it. We describe the case of an 85-year-old male who presented for evaluation of iron deficiency anemia. He complained of dysphagia while ingesting a patency capsule, with several attempts over a period of 5 min before he was successful. Five days later, he underwent capsule endoscopy, where he experienced similar symptoms in swallowing the capsule. The rest of the examination proceeded uneventfully. On reviewing the captured images, the capsule endoscope was revealed to be aspirated, remaining in the respiratory tract for approximately 220 s before images of the esophagus and stomach appeared. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of a patient who experienced capsule endoscope aspiration after ingestion of a patency capsule. This case suggests that repeated attempts required for ingesting the patency capsule can predict capsule endoscope aspiration. We presume that paying sufficient attention to the symptoms of a patient who ingests a patency capsule could help us prevent serious complications such as aspiration of the capsule endoscope. In addition, this experience implies the potential risk for ingesting the patency capsule. We must be aware that the patency capsule could also be aspirated and there may be more unrecognized aspiration cases