1,637 research outputs found

    Retarded coordinates based at a world line, and the motion of a small black hole in an external universe

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    In the first part of this article I present a system of retarded coordinates based at an arbitrary world line of an arbitrary curved spacetime. The retarded-time coordinate labels forward light cones that are centered on the world line, the radial coordinate is an affine parameter on the null generators of these light cones, and the angular coordinates are constant on each of these generators. The spacetime metric in the retarded coordinates is displayed as an expansion in powers of the radial coordinate and expressed in terms of the world line's acceleration vector and the spacetime's Riemann tensor evaluated at the world line. The formalism is illustrated in two examples, the first involving a comoving world line of a spatially-flat cosmology, the other featuring an observer in circular motion in the Schwarzschild spacetime. The main application of the formalism is presented in the second part of the article, in which I consider the motion of a small black hole in an empty external universe. I use the retarded coordinates to construct the metric of the small black hole perturbed by the tidal field of the external universe, and the metric of the external universe perturbed by the presence of the black hole. Matching these metrics produces the MiSaTaQuWa equations of motion for the small black hole.Comment: 20 pages, revtex4, 2 figure

    Radiation reaction and the self-force for a point mass in general relativity

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    A point particle of mass m moving on a geodesic creates a perturbation h, of the spacetime metric g, that diverges at the particle. Simple expressions are given for the singular m/r part of h and its quadrupole distortion caused by the spacetime. Subtracting these from h leaves a remainder h^R that is C^1. The self-force on the particle from its own gravitational field corrects the worldline at O(m) to be a geodesic of g+h^R. For the case that the particle is a small non-rotating black hole, an approximate solution to the Einstein equations is given with error of O(m^2) as m approaches 0.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Rotating black hole orbit functionals in the frequency domain

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    In many astrophysical problems, it is important to understand the behavior of functions that come from rotating (Kerr) black hole orbits. It can be particularly useful to work with the frequency domain representation of those functions, in order to bring out their harmonic dependence upon the fundamental orbital frequencies of Kerr black holes. Although, as has recently been shown by W. Schmidt, such a frequency domain representation must exist, the coupled nature of a black hole orbit's rr and θ\theta motions makes it difficult to construct such a representation in practice. Combining Schmidt's description with a clever choice of timelike coordinate suggested by Y. Mino, we have developed a simple procedure that sidesteps this difficulty. One first Fourier expands all quantities using Mino's time coordinate λ\lambda. In particular, the observer's time tt is decomposed with λ\lambda. The frequency domain description is then built from the λ\lambda-Fourier expansion and the expansion of tt. We have found this procedure to be quite simple to implement, and to be applicable to a wide class of functionals. We test the procedure using a simple test function, and then apply it in a particularly interesting case, the Weyl curvature scalar ψ4\psi_4 used in black hole perturbation theory.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Phys Rev D. New version gives a vastly improved algorithm due to Drasco for computing the Fourier transforms. Drasco has been added as an author. Also fixed some references and exterminated a small herd of typos; final published versio

    The Transition from Inspiral to Plunge for a Compact Body in a Circular Equatorial Orbit Around a Massive, Spinning Black Hole

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    There are three regimes of gravitational-radiation-reaction-induced inspiral for a compact body with mass mu, in a circular, equatorial orbit around a Kerr black hole with mass M>>mu: (i) The "adiabatic inspiral regime", in which the body gradually descends through a sequence of circular, geodesic orbits. (ii) A "transition regime", near the innermost stable circular orbit (isco). (iii) The "plunge regime", in which the body travels on a geodesic from slightly below the isco into the hole's horizon. This paper gives an analytic treatment of the transition regime and shows that, with some luck, gravitational waves from the transition might be measurable by the space-based LISA mission.Comment: 8 Pages and 3 Figures; RevTeX; submitted to Physical Review

    Non-precessional spin-orbit effects on gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries to second post-Newtonian order

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    We derive all second post-Newtonian (2PN), non-precessional effects of spin- orbit coupling on the gravitational wave forms emitted by an inspiraling binary composed of spinning, compact bodies in a quasicircular orbit. Previous post- Newtonian calculations of spin-orbit effects (at 1.5PN order) relied on a fluid description of the spinning bodies. We simplify the calculations by introducing into post-Newtonian theory a delta-function description of the influence of the spins on the bodies' energy-momentum tensor. This description was recently used by Mino, Shibata, and Tanaka (MST) in Teukolsky-formalism analyses of particles orbiting massive black holes, and is based on prior work by Dixon. We compute the 2PN contributions to the wave forms by combining the MST energy-momentum tensor with the formalism of Blanchet, Damour, and Iyer for evaluating the binary's radiative multipoles, and with the well-known 1.5PN order equations of motion for the binary. Our results contribute at 2PN order only to the amplitudes of the wave forms. The secular evolution of the wave forms' phase, the quantity most accurately measurable by LIGO, is not affected by our results until 2.5PN order, at which point other spin-orbit effects also come into play. We plan to evaluate the entire 2.5PN spin-orbit contribution to the secular phase evolution in a future paper, using the techniques of this paper.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Black hole tidal problem in the Fermi normal coordinates

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    We derive a tidal potential for a self-gravitating fluid star orbiting Kerr black hole along a timelike geodesic extending previous works by Fishbone and Marck. In this paper, the tidal potential is calculated up to the third and fourth-order terms in R/rR/r, where RR is the stellar radius and rr the orbital separation, in the Fermi-normal coordinate system following the framework developed by Manasse and Misner. The new formulation is applied for determining the tidal disruption limit (Roche limit) of corotating Newtonian stars in circular orbits moving on the equatorial plane of Kerr black holes. It is demonstrated that the third and fourth-order terms quantitatively play an important role in the Roche limit for close orbits with R/r \agt 0.1. It is also indicated that the Roche limit of neutron stars orbiting a stellar-mass black hole near the innermost stable circular orbit may depend sensitively on the equation of state of the neutron star.Comment: Correct typo

    Gravitational Waves from a Compact Star in a Circular, Inspiral Orbit, in the Equatorial Plane of a Massive, Spinning Black Hole, as Observed by LISA

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    Results are presented from high-precision computations of the orbital evolution and emitted gravitational waves for a stellar-mass object spiraling into a massive black hole in a slowly shrinking, circular, equatorial orbit. The focus of these computations is inspiral near the innermost stable circular orbit (isco)---more particularly, on orbits for which the angular velocity Omega is 0.03 < Omega/Omega_{isco} < 1. The computations are based on the Teukolsky-Sasaki-Nakamura formalism, and the results are tabulated in a set of functions that are of order unity and represent relativistic corrections to low-orbital-velocity formulas. These tables can form a foundation for future design studies for the LISA space-based gravitational-wave mission. A first survey of applications to LISA is presented: Signal to noise ratios S/N are computed and graphed as functions of the time-evolving gravitational-wave frequency for representative values of the hole's mass M and spin a and the inspiraling object's mass \mu, with the distance to Earth chosen to be r_o = 1 Gpc. These S/N's show a very strong dependence on the black-hole spin, as well as on M and \mu. A comparison with predicted event rates shows strong promise for detecting these waves, but not beyond about 1Gpc if the inspiraling object is a white dwarf or neutron star. This argues for a modest lowering of LISA's noise floor. A brief discussion is given of the prospects for extracting information from the observed wavesComment: Physical Review D, in press; 21 pages, 9 figures, 10 tables it is present in the RevTeX fil

    Innermost Stable Circular Orbit of a Spinning Particle in Kerr Spacetime

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    We study stability of a circular orbit of a spinning test particle in a Kerr spacetime. We find that some of the circular orbits become unstable in the direction perpendicular to the equatorial plane, although the orbits are still stable in the radial direction. Then for the large spin case ($S < \sim O(1)), the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) appears before the minimum of the effective potential in the equatorial plane disappears. This changes the radius of ISCO and then the frequency of the last circular orbit.Comment: 25 pages including 8 figure

    Mapping spacetimes with LISA: inspiral of a test-body in a `quasi-Kerr' field

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    The future LISA detector will constitute the prime instrument for high-precision gravitational wave observations.LISA is expected to provide information for the properties of spacetime in the vicinity of massive black holes which reside in galactic nuclei.Such black holes can capture stellar-mass compact objects, which afterwards slowly inspiral,radiating gravitational waves.The body's orbital motion and the associated waveform carry information about the spacetime metric of the massive black hole,and it is possible to extract this information and experimentally identify (or not!) a Kerr black hole.In this paper we lay the foundations for a practical `spacetime-mapping' framework. Our work is based on the assumption that the massive body is not necessarily a Kerr black hole, and that the vacuum exterior spacetime is stationary axisymmetric,described by a metric which deviates slightly from the Kerr metric. We first provide a simple recipe for building such a `quasi-Kerr' metric by adding to the Kerr metric the deviation in the value of the quadrupole moment. We then study geodesic motion in this metric,focusing on equatorial orbits. We proceed by computing `kludge' waveforms which we compare with their Kerr counterparts. We find that a modest deviation from the Kerr metric is sufficient for producing a significant mismatch between the waveforms, provided we fix the orbital parameters. This result suggests that an attempt to use Kerr waveform templates for studying EMRIs around a non-Kerr object might result in serious loss of signal-to-noise ratio and total number of detected events. The waveform comparisons also unveil a `confusion' problem, that is the possibility of matching a true non-Kerr waveform with a Kerr template of different orbital parameters.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Radiative multipole moments of integer-spin fields in curved spacetime

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    Radiative multipole moments of scalar, electromagnetic, and linearized gravitational fields in Schwarzschild spacetime are computed to third order in v in a weak-field, slow-motion approximation, where v is a characteristic velocity associated with the motion of the source. To zeroth order in v, a radiative moment of order l is given by the corresponding source moment differentiated l times with respect to retarded time. At second order in v, additional terms appear inside the spatial integrals. These are near-zone corrections which depend on the detailed behavior of the source. At third order in v, the correction terms occur outside the spatial integrals, so that they do not depend on the detailed behavior of the source. These are wave-propagation corrections which are heuristically understood as arising from the scattering of the radiation by the spacetime curvature surrounding the source. Our calculations show that the wave-propagation corrections take a universal form which is independent of multipole order and field type. We also show that in general relativity, temporal and spatial curvatures contribute equally to the wave-propagation corrections.Comment: 34 pages, ReVTe