2,297 research outputs found

    Unemployment Benefits Crowd Out Nascent Entrepreneurial Activity

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    Analyzing a cross-country panel of 16 OECD countries from 2002 to 2005, we find that higher unemployment benefits crowd out nascent entrepreneurial activity. Our results hold regardless of entrepreneurial motivation (necessity or opportunity) and entrepreneurial type (imitative or innovative).entrepreneurship;business startups;unemployment benefits

    New type II Cepheids from VVV data towards the Galactic center

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    The Galactic center (GC) is the densest region of the Milky Way. Variability surveys towards the GC potentially provide the largest number of variable stars per square degree within the Galaxy. However, high stellar density is also a drawback due to blending. Moreover, the GC is affected by extreme reddening, therefore near infrared observations are needed. We plan to detect new variable stars towards the GC, focusing on type II Cepheids (T2Cs) which have the advantage of being brighter than RR Lyrae stars. We perform parallel Lomb-Scargle and Generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis of the KsK_s-band time series of the VISTA variables in the Via Lactea survey, to detect periodicities. We employ statistical parameters to clean our sample. We take account of periods, light amplitudes, distances, and proper motions to provide a classification of the candidate variables. We detected 1,019 periodic variable stars, of which 164 are T2Cs, 210 are Miras and 3 are classical Cepheids. We also found the first anomalous Cepheid in this region. We compare their photometric properties with overlapping catalogs and discuss their properties on the color-magnitude and Bailey diagrams. We present the most extensive catalog of T2Cs in the GC region to date. Offsets in E(J−KsJ-K_s) and in the reddening law cause very large (∼\sim1-2 kpc) uncertainties on distances in this region. We provide a catalog which will be the starting point for future spectroscopic surveys in the innermost regions of the Galaxy.Comment: A&A, accepte

    On the formation of dwarf galaxies and stellar halos

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    Using analytic arguments and a suite of very high resolution (10^3 Msun per particle) cosmological hydro-dynamical simulations, we argue that high redshift, z ~ 10, M ~ 10^8 Msun halos, form the smallest `baryonic building block' (BBB) for galaxy formation. These halos are just massive enough to efficiently form stars through atomic line cooling and to hold onto their gas in the presence of supernovae winds and reionisation. These combined effects, in particular that of the supernovae feedback, create a sharp transition: over the mass range 3-10x10^7 Msun, the BBBs drop two orders ofmagnitude in stellar mass. Below ~2x10^7 Msun, galaxies will be dark with almost no stars and no gas. Above this scale is the smallest unit of galaxy formation: the BBB. A small fraction (~100) of these gas rich BBBs fall in to a galaxy the size of the Milky Way. Ten percent of these survive to become the observed LG dwarf galaxies at the present epoch. Those in-falling halos on benign orbits which keep them far away from the Milky Way or Andromeda manage to retain their gas and slowly form stars - these become the smallest dwarf irregular galax ies; those on more severe orbits lose their gas faster than they can form stars and become the dwarf spheroidals. The remaining 90% of the BBBs will be accreted. We show that this gives a metallicity and total stellar mass consistent with the Milky Way old stellar halo (abridged).Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, one figure added to match accepted version. Some typos fixed. MNRAS in pres

    The star cluster system of the 3 Gyr old merger remnant NGC 1316: Clues from optical and near-infrared photometry

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    The giant merger remnant galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A) is an ideal probe for studying the long-term effects of a past major merger on star cluster systems, given its spectroscopically derived merger age of ~3 Gyr which we reported in a recent paper. Here we present new ground-based, large-area optical and near-IR imaging of star clusters in NGC 1316, complemented with deep HST/WFPC2 imaging. We find that the optical-near-IR colours and luminosities of the brightest ~10 clusters in NGC 1316 are consistent with those of intermediate-age (2-3 Gyr) populations. Unlike `normal' giant ellipticals, the B-I colour distribution of clusters in NGC 1316 is not clearly bimodal. However, the luminosity functions (LFs) of the blue and red parts of the cluster colour distribution are different: The red cluster LF is well represented by a power law with index -1.2 +/- 0.3, extending to about 1.5 mag brighter (in B) than those of typical giant ellipticals. In contrast, the shape of the blue cluster LF is consistent with that of `normal' spiral and elliptical galaxies. We conclude that the star cluster system of NGC 1316 is a combination of a population of age ~3 Gyr having roughly solar metallicity and a population of old, metal-poor clusters which probably belonged to the pre-merger galaxies. After the 3 Gyr old, metal-rich clusters fade to an age of 10 Gyr, they will form a red `peak' in a bimodal cluster colour distribution. This `red peak' will have a colour consistent with that found in `normal, old' giant ellipticals of the same galaxy luminosity (taking age dimming into account). These features of the star cluster system of NGC 1316 are fully consistent with scenarios for forming `normal' giant elliptical galaxies through gas-rich mergers at look-back times \ga 10 Gyr.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX format, figures included using psfig.sty. Accepted by MNRAS. Abstract below is abridged (full abstract in paper). Used 8-bit mapping to limit size of figures (24-bit mapping in MNRAS paper

    Preliminary Abundance Analysis of Galactic Bulge Main Sequence, Subgiant, and Giant Branch Stars Observed During Microlensing with Keck/HIRES

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    We present an abundance analysis of six main sequence turnoff, subgiant, and giant branch stars toward the Galactic bulge that were observed with Keck/HIRES during microlensing events. This is an early look at the first detailed chemical analysis of main sequence stars in the Galactic bulge. Lensing events allow the effective aperture of Keck to be increased beyond its current dimensions; although, some events still stretched its spectroscopic capabilities. Future large telescopes with high resolution and high throughput spectrometers will allow the study of abundances in distant stellar populations and in less evolved stars with greater ease.Comment: 8 pages including 2 figures. To appear in SPIE proceedings on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation. Uses spie.cl

    Variable stars in the VVV globular clusters

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    Indexación: Scopus.The VVV survey observed some of the most crowded and most obscured regions in the inner Milky Way during the last years. A significant sample of the less known globular clusters in our galaxy lie there. Combining the high-resolution, wide-field, near infrared capabilities of the survey camera, the use of 5 different filters, and multi-epoch observations, we are able to overcome many of the previous challenges that prevented a proper study of these objects. Particularly, the identification of the RR Lyrae stars in these globular clusters is proving to be a fundamental tool to establish accurately their distances and reddenings, and to infer information about the Oosterhoff dichotomy that Galactic globular clusters seem to follow. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017.https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/pdf/2017/21/epjconf_puls2017_01022.pd

    Reddening and metallicity maps of the Milky Way bulge from VVV and 2MASS III. The first global photometric metallicity map of the Galactic bulge

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    We investigate the large scale metallicity distribution in the Galactic bulge, using a large spatial coverage, in order to constrain the bulge formation scenario. We use the VISTA variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey data and 2MASS photometry, covering 320 sqdeg of the Galactic bulge, to derive photometric metallicities by interpolating of the (J-Ks)0 colors of individual Red Giant Branch stars based on a set of globular cluster ridge lines. We then use this information to construct the first global metallicity map of the bulge with a resolution of 30'x45'. The metallicity map of the bulge revealed a clear vertical metallicity gradient of ~0.04 dex/deg (~0.28 dex/kpc), with metal-rich stars ([Fe/H]~0) dominating the inner bulge in regions closer to the galactic plane (|b|<5). At larger scale heights, the mean metallicity of the bulge population becomes significantly more metal-poor. This fits in the scenario of a boxy-bulge originated from the vertical inestability of the Galactic bar, formed early via secular evolution of a two component stellar disk. Older, metal-poor stars dominate at higher scale heights due to the non-mixed orbits from the originally hotter thick disk stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Gauging the Helium Abundance of the Galactic Bulge RR Lyrae Stars

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    Indexación: Scopus.We report the first estimate of the He abundance of the population of RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic bulge. This is done by comparing the recent observational data with the latest models. We use the large samples of ab-type RR Lyrae stars found by OGLE IV in the inner bulge and by the VVV survey in the outer bulge. We present the result from the new models computed by Marconi et al., showing that the minimum period for fundamental RR Lyrae pulsators depends on the He content. By comparing these models with the observations in a period versus effective temperature plane, we find that the bulk of the bulge ab-type RR Lyrae are consistent with primordial He abundance Y = 0.245, ruling out a significant He-enriched population. This work demonstrates that the He content of the bulge RR Lyrae is different from that of the bulk of the bulge population as traced by the red clump giants that appear to be significantly more He-rich.http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/aaa8e3/met


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    Indexación: Web of ScienceGalactic nuclei, such as that of the Milky Way, are extreme regions with high stellar densities, and in most cases, the hosts of a supermassive black hole. One of the scenarios proposed for the formation of the Galactic nucleus is merging of primordial globular clusters. An implication of this model is that this region should host stars that are characteristically found in old Milky Way globular clusters. RR Lyrae stars are primary distance indicators, well known representatives of old and metal-poor stellar populations, and therefore are regularly found in globular clusters. Here we report the discovery of a dozen RR Lyrae type ab stars in the vicinity of the Galactic center, i.e., in the so-called nuclear stellar bulge of the Milky Way. This discovery provides the first direct observational evidence that the Galactic nuclear stellar bulge contains ancient stars (>10 Gyr old). Based on this we conclude that merging globular clusters likely contributed to the build-up of the high stellar density in the nuclear stellar bulge of the Milky Way.http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8205/830/1/L14/meta;jsessionid=2531FBFFF06C9ECBA4852FB9D1F89851.c1.iopscience.cld.iop.or
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