214 research outputs found

    Quality of life in patients with chronic arterial insufficiency of lower limbs

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    Quality of life is a broad term that refers to the degree of well-being and personal satisfaction felt by a person or group of people. The concept includes immeasurable in economic indicators dynamic variable and subjective assessment of personal well-being, formed in a wide variety of criteria of physical, mental and social well-being.Chronic arterial insufficiency of the lower limbs is a chronic progressive disease, worsening quality of life of patients suffering from it. Good medical practice requires adequate diagnosis, permanent monitoring, conservative drug and non-drug therapy and timely revascularization (surgical and/or endovascular) in order to prevent future complications. This study clearly shows that the surgical and/or endovascular revascularization in patients with peripheral vascular disease significantly improves the patient's health, by increasing the level of mobility and usual physical activity, and while reducing the degree of pain and discomfort, anxiety and depression, which results in an increase in quality of life. After the revascularization quality of life has improved significantly more in women than in men

    Evolution of shell structure in neutron-rich calcium isotopes

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    We employ interactions from chiral effective field theory and compute the binding energies and low-lying excitations of calcium isotopes with the coupled-cluster method. Effects of three-nucleon forces are included phenomenologically as in-medium two-nucleon interactions, and the coupling to the particle continuum is taken into account using a Berggren basis. The computed ground-state energies and the low-lying 2+ states for the isotopes 42,48,50,52Ca are in good agreement with data, and we predict the excitation energy of the first 2+ state in 54Ca at 1.9 MeV, displaying only a weak sub-shell closure. In the odd-mass nuclei 53,55,61Ca we find that the positive parity states deviate strongly from the naive shell model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; small correction of effective 3NF and slight change of the corresponding parameters; updated figures and tables; main results and conclusions unchange

    Co-existing structures in 105Ru

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    New positive-parity states, having a band-like structure, were observed in 105Ru. The nucleus was produced in induced fission reaction and the prompt gamma-rays, emitted from the fragments, were detected by the EUROBALL III multi-detector array. The partial scheme of excited 105Ru levels is analyzed within the Triaxial-Rotor-plus-Particle approach

    Compensation in Preclinical Huntington's Disease: Evidence From the Track-On HD Study

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    BACKGROUND: Cognitive and motor task performance in premanifest Huntington's disease (HD) gene-carriers is often within normal ranges prior to clinical diagnosis, despite loss of brain volume in regions involved in these tasks. This indicates ongoing compensation, with the brain maintaining function in the presence of neuronal loss. However, thus far, compensatory processes in HD have not been modeled explicitly. Using a new model, which incorporates individual variability related to structural change and behavior, we sought to identify functional correlates of compensation in premanifest-HD gene-carriers. METHODS: We investigated the modulatory effects of regional brain atrophy, indexed by structural measures of disease load, on the relationship between performance and brain activity (or connectivity) using task-based and resting-state functional MRI. FINDINGS: Consistent with compensation, as atrophy increased performance-related activity increased in the right parietal cortex during a working memory task. Similarly, increased functional coupling between the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and a left hemisphere network in the resting-state predicted better cognitive performance as atrophy increased. Such patterns were not detectable for the left hemisphere or for motor tasks. INTERPRETATION: Our findings provide evidence for active compensatory processes in premanifest-HD for cognitive demands and suggest a higher vulnerability of the left hemisphere to the effects of regional atrophy

    Observation of Positive-Parity Bands in 109^{109}Pd and 111^{111}Pd: Enhanced γ\gamma-Softness

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    The neutron-rich nuclei 109^{109}Pd and 111^{111}Pd were produced as fission fragments following the 30^{30}Si + 168^{168}Er reaction at 142 MeV. Using the identification based on the coincidences with the complementary fission fragments, the only positive-parity bands observed so far in 109^{109}Pd and 111^{111}Pd emerged from this work. A band, built on top of the 5/2+^+ ground state exhibiting ΔI\Delta I = 1 energy-level staggering, was observed in each of these nuclei. Both nuclei of interest, 109^{109}Pd and 111^{111}Pd, are suggested to lie in the transitional region of Pd isotopes of maximum γ\gamma-softness. The ground states of both nuclei are predicted by TRS calculations to be extremely γ\gamma-soft with shallow triaxial minima. The first crossing in the new bands is proposed to be due to an alignment of h11/22h^2_{11/2} neutrons


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    Primal problem of vegetable growing is constant supply of the population with all types of vegetables, including green cultures. Green cultures are vegetables that have high nutritional value and precocity. However they often are infected by phytopathogenic microorganisms already at initial stages of ontogenesis at cultivation in closed soil conditions. It leads to emergence of disjointed shoots, deterioration of growth and development of plants and loss of quality. Now in the Republic of Belarus a number of biological substances on the basis of bacteria Bacillus was developed. They are used against diseases of plants of mushroom and bacterial etiology. However there is not information about influence of bacteria on quality of products of green cultures. The aim of the work was studying of influence of two strains of bacteria Bacillus that were introduced in peat substrate on efficiency and quality of lettuce. Two strains of bacteria Bacillus were used in the work. They were selected from the soil. The strains are Bacillus subtilis M9/6 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 23TM that have high antagonistic activity to a wide range of phytopathogens. Cultivation of plants carried out in containers of 250 ml under light installations with illuminating intensity 13-15 thousand luxury and lasting irradiating of 14 hours before technical ripeness of lettuce. It was established that the application of strain Bacillus subtilis M9/6 (in concentration 106 cells/ml, 10 ml/l of substrate) and the strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 23TM (5 ml/l of substrate) in substrate before sowing increased nutrition value of lettuce. Dry matter content, water-soluble carbohydrates (mono - and disaccharides) content and vitamin C content increased. The bacterial strain B. amyloliquefaciens 23TM also promoted accumulation of vitamin B2. The content of nitrates in lettuce leaves decreased on 50,3% and 39,1%, respectively. It was shown that the application of bacteria in substrate before sowing of crop has a greater influence on quality of lettuce, than watering of shoots.Основной задачей овощеводства является постоянное снабжение населения всеми видами овощей, в том числе зеленными культурами. Зеленные культуры относятся к листостебельным овощам, обладают высокой питательной ценностью и скороспелостью. Однако при выращивании в условиях защищенного грунта они часто поражаются фитопатогенными микроорганизмами уже на начальных этапах онтогенеза, что приводит к появлению недружных всходов, ухудшению роста и развития растений и потере товарного вида. В настоящее время в Республике Беларусь против болезней растений грибной и бактериальной этиологии разработан ряд биологических препаратов на основе бактерий рода Bacillus. Однако практически отсутствует информация о влиянии бактериальных препаратов на качество продукции зеленных культур. Целью работы являлось изучение влияния вносимых в торфяной субстрат двух штаммов бактерий рода Bacillus на продуктивность и качество продукции салата листового. В работе использовали выделенные из почвы штаммы спорообразующих бактерий Bacillus subtilis М9/6 и Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 23ТМ, проявляющие высокую антагонистическую активность к широкому спектру фитопатогенов. Выращивание растений проводили в контейнерах объемом 250 мл под световыми установками с освещенностью 13-15 тыс. люкс и продолжительностью освещения 14 часов до наступления технической спелости салата. Установлено, что внесение в субстрат при его подготовке к посеву бактериального штамма Bacillus subtilis М9/6 в концентрации 106 клеток/мл в объеме 10 мл/л субстрата, а также штамма Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 23ТМ в количестве 5 мл/л субстрата повышало пищевую ценность данной культуры: увеличивалось содержание сухого вещества, водорастворимых углеводов (моно- и дисахаридов), витамина С. Бактериальный штамм B. amyloliquefaciens 23ТМ в том числе способствовал накоплению листьями салата рутина. Наряду с этим содержание нитратов в готовой продукции снижалось на 50,3% и 39,1%, соответственно. Показано, что внесение бактерий изучаемых штаммов в субстрат перед посевом оказывает большее влияние на качество продукции, чем полив всходов

    Detection of motor changes in huntington's disease using dynamic causal modeling

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    Deficits in motor functioning are one of the hallmarks of Huntington's disease (HD), a genetically caused neurodegenerative disorder. We applied functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and dynamic causal modeling (DCM) to assess changes that occur with disease progression in the neural circuitry of key areas associated with executive and cognitive aspects of motor control. Seventy-seven healthy controls, 62 pre-symptomatic HD gene carriers (preHD), and 16 patients with manifest HD symptoms (earlyHD) performed a motor finger-tapping fMRI task with systematically varying speed and complexity. DCM was used to assess the causal interactions among seven pre-defined regions of interest, comprising primary motor cortex, supplementary motor area (SMA), dorsal premotor cortex, and superior parietal cortex. To capture heterogeneity among HD gene carriers, DCM parameters were entered into a hierarchical cluster analysis using Ward's method and squared Euclidian distance as a measure of similarity. After applying Bonferroni correction for the number of tests, DCM analysis revealed a group difference that was not present in the conventional fMRI analysis. We found an inhibitory effect of complexity on the connection from parietal to premotor areas in preHD, which became excitatory in earlyHD and correlated with putamen atrophy. While speed of finger movements did not modulate the connection from caudal to pre-SMA in controls and preHD, this connection became strongly negative in earlyHD. This second effect did not survive correction for multiple comparisons. Hierarchical clustering separated the gene mutation carriers into three clusters that also differed significantly between these two connections and thereby confirmed their relevance. DCM proved useful in identifying group differences that would have remained undetected by standard analyses and may aid in the investigation of between-subject heterogeneity

    Spectroscopy of low-spin states in 157Dy : Search for evidence of enhanced octupole correlations

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    CITATION: Majola, S. N. T., et al. 2019. Spectroscopy of low-spin states in 157Dy : Search for evidence of enhanced octupole correlations. Physical Review C, 100(6):034322, doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.100.034322.The original publication is available at https://journals.aps.org/prcLow-spin states of ¹⁵⁷Dy have been studied using the JUROGAM II array, following the ¹⁵⁵Gd (α, 2n) reaction at a beam energy of 25 MeV. The level scheme of ¹⁵⁷Dy has been expanded with four new bands. Rotational structures built on the [523]5/2⁻ and [402]3/2⁺ neutron orbitals constitute new additions to the level scheme as do many of the inter- and intraband transitions. This manuscript also reports the observation of cross I⁺ →(I–1) ⁻ and I⁻ →(I–1)⁺ E1 dipole transitions interlinking structures built on the [523]5/2⁻ (band 5) and [402]3/2⁺ (band 7) neutron orbitals. These interlacing band structures are interpreted as the bands of parity doublets with simplex quantum number s=–i related to possible octupole correlations.https://journals.aps.org/prc/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevC.100.034322Publisher's versio