31 research outputs found

    Implementation of the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm in DSO

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    Computation of the inner state parameters in DSO inversion requires solving a large normal matrix system. A combined conjugate gradient and Lanczos iterative technique can be used to both solve the system and approximate some of the spectrum of the normal operator. At each iteration of the conjugate gradient algorithm, a small tridiagonal matrix (of dimension equal to the number of iterations) is created which has extreme eigenvalues approximating those of the original matrix. A second matrix whose columns are the normalized residual vectors from the conjugate gradient algorithm allows the corresponding eigenvectors to be computed as well if desired. Implemented so that it can be applied to different DSO inversion problems, the conjugate gradient code provides the user with a tool to analyze the condition of the problem as well as the quality of the inversion results. Storage of the residual (Lanczos) vectors may be costly if large problems are being solved. Numerical experiments indic..

    A Computationally Feasible Approximate Resolution Matrix for Seismic Inverse Problems

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    this paper. However, he did not form the model resolution matrix from the resulting approximate eigen information. Nolet and Snieder (1990) gave a theoretical overview of applying Paige and Saunders' (1982) LSQR algorithm to the continuous inverse problem. They did not give any numerical examples. Berryman described both a Lanczos method (1994a) and an LSQR-based method (1994b) for computing resolution. The Lanczos technique is very similar to the method discussed in this paper. Although he gave a small (4 \Theta 4) seismic tomography example of LSQR, he did not give a numerical example of the Lanczos method. Zhang and McMechan (1995) apply LSQR to a larger set of synthetic tomography problems

    Viscoelastic Modeling and Inversion of a Marine Data Set

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    this paper. Ige

    Simultaneous Determination of the Source-Time Function and Reflectivity via Inversion

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    No attempt to uncover the desired mechanical properties of the earth will be successful in reflection seismology without an accurate estimate of the source term in the wave equation model. In this paper we argue for using inversion to solve the source calibration problem while at the same time discerning the earth parameters. We show both mathematically and through a numerical example how highly effective inversion can be in this determination when reproducible sources provide redundancy in the seismic data